Jared Leto IS The Joker - - - - - - - - Part 17

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Good point Greens. They went through the effort of making him perma white and it's mostly wasted because the color grade made him look either yellow or slightly under the weather. His skin was never striking in its whiteness.
Never liked Jack Nicholson performance as the Joker, I didn't like the way he was written. He is so overrated to me in this role, he is so over the top and not in a fun way like Hamill.
He had the best lines.

"Never rub another man's rhubarb"

Most quotable bat villain along with Bane (Hardy) and Mister Freeze.
He had the best lines.

"Never rub another man's rhubarb"

Most quotable bat villain along with Bane (Hardy) and Mister Freeze.

I don't remember any of his lines except the one about dancing in the pale moonlight. I hated how they gave him an origin and tied into Batman's. It's the worst Joker in live action to me. Leto is below Caesar Romero and Health Ledger, it would of helped greatly if Leto was in a better movie because SS is awful.
The iteration had many problems, but Joker desperately needed the wilkinson treatment, no major DC characters should go without it

Honestly, as much as I appreciate Ayer as a director, Snyder and his team would have been better for this movie. He would have at least given us better character designs and action scenes.
Leto's look worked in some places, like the helicopter scene. In the scenes where his mouth is closed he looks like himself because there is nothing external that gives him the Joker grin. He just looks like a pale Leto with lipstick on.

Jack had prosthetics on his nose, chin and cheeks. He also naturally had those Joker eyebrows.
Heath's make-up had a lot of texture to it. The lines in his face were emphasized, the chelsea grin prosthetics distorted his face a bit. Beyond that, his facial expressions do a lot of the work. There are some behind the scenes pictures where his face "rests" because they're applying make-up and whatnot. In the movie, his face is NEVER neutral. He's always doing something with it.

There was definitely some thought put into Leto's make-up. They had to get the shading right, in some lights the dark circles around the eyes make him look tired and weary. Sadly, the way the movie was shot and colored afterwards, his pale skin looks almost yellow in a lot of his scenes.

More prosthetics would help Leto, especially if it's something to the extent of Jack or Heath where he can perfectly work it to fit his iteration of the character.

Regarding the scene, I think the scenes you're referring to where it looks yellow are when they went with the more albino-esque coloring. Which I don't understand...Joker always works best with chalk white skin, which they seemed to notice as filming went on & then when they did the reshoots.
He had the best lines.

"Never rub another man's rhubarb"

Most quotable bat villain along with Bane (Hardy) and Mister Freeze.

As much Jack's Joker & quoting him, I've always felt that Ledger's Joker was more quotable & had better, more memorable lines.

And the best thing with Ledger is that his most quoted lines were improvised. Even some of his best moments...like when the explosions malfunction and Heath turns to tanker with the detonator & then the rest of the explosions go off. You'd never know that wasn't planned if they didn't tell you. Dude was a genius.
As much Jack's Joker & quoting him, I've always felt that Ledger's Joker was more quotable & had better, more memorable lines.

And the best thing with Ledger is that his most quoted lines were improvised. Even some of his best moments...like when the explosions malfunction and Heath turns to tanker with the detonator & then the rest of the explosions go off. You'd never know that wasn't planned if they didn't tell you. Dude was a genius.

I think a lot of people are able to quote Jack's Joker because they grew up with his version of the character. I know I did and I know every single line he uttered in that movie.

By the way, those delayed explosions were planned.
I don't find Ledger to be all that quotable. I blame the script.

Thankfully Nolan made up for it with Bane. A quote machine.
I think a lot of people are able to quote Jack's Joker because they grew up with his version of the character. I know I did and I know every single line he uttered in that movie.

By the way, those delayed explosions were planned.

I grew up on Jack's Joker too. I remember from about age 4 to around 10 or so every weekend I was watching it with my folks. For me and my pops, every time was like watching it for the first time. Always gonna cherish those memories.

And really? You really do learn something new every day. A lot of fact sites and what not I visited claimed it was improvised. Lying bastards. haha

I don't find Ledger to be all that quotable. I blame the script.

Thankfully Nolan made up for it with Bane. A quote machine.

To each their own, I find Ledger to have the more quotable and memorable dialogue. Then again, overall I find TDK's script to be far superior to TDKR. Though, I do agree Hardy's Bane is an absolute badass that was portrayed just as competently as Ledger's Joker. More than made up for the torture we endured with B&R.
Ledger's Joker is one of the most quotable villains ever. Nearly everything he said was memorable. And for the right reasons, too. Sometimes a villain can be quotable for all the wrong reasons because their lines are so horrendously funny. Like the Schumacher villains.

The iteration had many problems, but Joker desperately needed the wilkinson treatment, no major DC characters should go without it

What's the Wilkinson treatment?
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Yep. For instance, every one of Ledger's "wanna know how I got these scars" stories is pure gold. Every single one. There's really no piece of dialogue Ledger delivered that wasn't memorable. That's what I love about the performance: there are so many nuances, even in the various things he says to further his chaotic agenda.
Ledgers Joker was absolutely quotable. One of his lines is something I live by;

"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
I don't find Ledger to be all that quotable. I blame the script.

Thankfully Nolan made up for it with Bane. A quote machine.
Quotes I use from Heath's Joker (from memory so might be a little off):

"Why so serious?"

"Want to know how I got these scars?"

"You remind me of my father. I hated my father."

"Let's not blow things out of proportion."

"A little fight in ya, I like that."

"Everything burns."

"We're going to have tryouts."

"You just couldn't let me go."

"How about a magic trick?"

"It's, it's gone."

"The good cop, bad cop routine?"

"You want to know which of them were cowards?"

"I just want my phone call."

"There's a Batman."

"Hit me."

"Excuse me, I want to drive."


"And you are beautiful."

"I'm just ahead of the curve."

"Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent."

There are more, but I couldn't do them from pure memory, and usually just say bits of them. Like the joke about hitting victims in the head making them fuzzy and thus unable to feel the next blow. Because of that scene, I say fuzzy in a weird way now. :funny:
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Ledger's Joker is one of the most quotable villains ever. Nearly everything he said was memorable. And for the right reasons, too. Sometimes a villain can be quotable for all the wrong reasons because their lines are so horrendously funny. Like the Schumacher villains.

What's the Wilkinson treatment?

I meant in terms of wardrobe. Joker's suits would've been awesome.
Ledgers Joker was absolutely quotable. One of his lines is something I live by;

"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
I would've liked to hear the original line:

"Like my mother always used to tell me; if you're good at something, never do it for free"

Such a small addition, but darkly twisted and gave insight into his past.

Quotes I use from Heath's Joker (from memory so might be a little off):

"Why so serious?"

"Want to know how I got these scars?"

"You remind me of my father. I hated my father."

"Let's not blow things out of proportion."

"A little fight in ya, I like that."

"Everything burns."

"We're going to have tryouts."

"You just couldn't let me go."

"How about a magic trick?"

"It's, it's gone."

"The good cop, bad cop routine?"

"You want to know which of them were cowards?"

"I just want my phone call."

"There's a Batman."

"Hit me."

"Excuse me, I want to drive."


"And you are beautiful."

"I'm just ahead of the curve."

"Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent."

There are more, but I couldn't do them from pure memory, and usually just say bits of them. Like the joke about hitting victims in the head making them fuzzy and thus unable to feel the next blow. Because of that scene, I say fuzzy in a weird way now. :funny:
A lot of it has to do with Ledger's unique delivery, rather than the words themselves.

I've always said the direction and performance steered the character more than the script did. If I would've read this dialog prior to any trailer or watching the film, I honestly would have been very worried about the direction they were taking Joker.
Ledgers Joker was absolutely quotable. One of his lines is something I live by;

"If you're good at something, never do it for free."

That's one of the things I loved about his dialogue. Apart from it being so Jokerish a lot of it made sense. Like that line there about never doing things you're good at for free. Or when he makes the point that soldiers can be blown up and everyone stays calm, but threaten a public official and people panic.

I meant in terms of wardrobe. Joker's suits would've been awesome.

Ah right. Well yeah Letoker's wardrobe like everything else with the character needs a complete overhaul.
Quotes I use from Heath's Joker (from memory so might be a little off):

"Why so serious?"

"Want to know how I got these scars?"

"You remind me of my father. I hated my father."

"Let's not blow things out of proportion."

"A little fight in ya, I like that."

"Everything burns."

"We're going to have tryouts."

"You just couldn't let me go."

"How about a magic trick?"

"It's, it's gone."

"The good cop, bad cop routine?"

"You want to know which of them were cowards?"

"I just want my phone call."

"There's a Batman."

"Hit me."

"Excuse me, I want to drive."


"And you are beautiful."

"I'm just ahead of the curve."

"Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent."

There are more, but I couldn't do them from pure memory, and usually just say bits of them. Like the joke about hitting victims in the head making them fuzzy and thus unable to feel the next blow. Because of that scene, I say fuzzy in a weird way now. :funny:

Agreed. I love Ledger Joker dialogue. So memorable. I think he most quotable villain of comic book films. Ian McKellan Magneto second most quotable. Though he have more movies to talk in lol but still great dialogue from him.

This sounds like an oxymoron, but Nicholson and Ledger brought a certain charisma to the over-the-top nature of their performances. Even when they were being goofy, they commanded attention.

Leto's performance was kind of built around this over-the-top, "Look at me!" shtick, but with zero charisma behind it. He was basically that attention ****e at a party who thinks he's funny, but is anything but. It's just awkward and weird for everyone around him.

I remember pretty much every single line from Heath's Joker by heart at this point. Then again, I've also kinda been impersonating him for years.
Jack's Joker electrocuting the mob boss to death with his hand buzzer... then holding a full conversation with the charred remains is THE greatest live action Joker moment for me.

It balanced humour and horror perfectly. Elfman's subtle cues added to the creepiness.

After that I'd say Ledger's upside down speech at the end of TDK was PERFECT.
Jack's Joker electrocuting the mob boss to death with his hand buzzer... then holding a full conversation with the charred remains is THE greatest live action Joker moment for me.

It balanced humour and horror perfectly. Elfman's subtle cues added to the creepiness.

After that I'd say Ledger's upside down speech at the end of TDK was PERFECT.

Because it accurately describes the relationship between Bats & Joker without sounding clunky, lame, etc. Plus, I've always thought the laugh Ledger gave as Bale walks off was the best in the movie. Sends chills down my spine every time I hear it.
Yep, that was my favorite laugh as well. What a way to make an exit out of a movie.
Indeed. For obvious reasons, I almost cried in the theater after that scene...on both viewings.
Fo obvious reasons, I couldn't wait for your permission.

Rest asshuud, your feelz... Are... Safe.

Fo obvious reasons, I couldn't wait for your permission.

Rest asshuud, your feelz... Are... Safe.


:funny: After the awful news that just broke, that was a well needed laugh administered. Thank you, sir.
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