Where's Thor's hammer?
I'm pretty sure he won't surprise us.maybe, just maybe loeb might surprise us with this one. this volume of ultimates is his creation...so, we'll see.
Originally posted by Mogwai
you'd think the man would read all these terrible reviews he's getting and do something about it. might be too late for ultimatum but he could def get his act together for this. i'm going to remain optimistic.
I never get the Jeff Loeb hate on the ultimates we all know if they just swapped the name Jeff Loeb with Mark Millar for the author of the Ultimates 3 you'd all love it.
you'd think the man would read all these terrible reviews he's getting and do something about it. might be too late for ultimatum but he could def get his act together for this. i'm going to remain optimistic.
You go with that line of thinking and see how that works out. It's a terrible story period. There are just so many things wrong with itI never get the Jeff Loeb hate on the ultimates we all know if they just swapped the name Jeff Loeb with Mark Millar for the author of the Ultimates 3 you'd all love it.
That's either a bad joke or you don't have a high enough IQ to reach two digits.
That's like saying we wouldn't know the difference between someone giving us chocolates or someone hitting us with a baseball bat as long as they were both called gifts.