Official The Ultimates Thread

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Nov 24, 2003
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I realized that no one else had made a poll for this, so PLEASE do not merge this with the other Ultimates traitor thread. Just vote, and say why. I voted for Cap.
Ultimates 2 issue 8 is the BIG REVEAL, so we only have one or two more weeks before we find out! :)
Dammit! I just saw that issue 8 is only coming out September 21st. :(
I still want to think that Fury somehow wants out of this machine that he's helped create... So I voted other.

On the other hand, I don't want to believe that Fury killed Hawkeye and his family, but you never know.
I say Hank Pym.

I say he's gone crazy due to all the trauma in recent times, (beating the cr*p out of Janet, Janet leaving him, shacking up with Captain America (the man who beat the cr*p out of Hank even though he was 49.99 feet tall at the time), getting thrown off the team, being rejected totally by Nick Fury... little things like that).

He's developed split personalities and is deluding himself that he can pull of a Captain America impression using the costume he got to please that h0t piece of @$$ Valkyrie!
i'm Spider-Man said:
I say Hank Pym.

I say he's gone crazy due to all the trauma in recent times, (beating the cr*p out of Janet, Janet leaving him, shacking up with Captain America (the man who beat the cr*p out of Hank even though he was 59.99 feet tall at the time), getting thrown off the team, being rejected totally by Nick Fury... little things like that).

He's developed split personalities and is deluding himself that he can pull of a Captain America impression using the costume he got to please that h0t piece of @$$ Valkyrie!

If that's the case, then do you think Loki knows he's made a deal with a Tyler Durden wannabe?
Probably. You know, I like the Hank Pym idea. Makes sense to me.
The Question said:
Probably. You know, I like the Hank Pym idea. Makes sense to me.

I've just thought of something. What if Hank Pym ISN'T insane, but rather Loki has been manipulating reality to make him believe that someone else is the traitor, so that Hank joins this non-existent traitor and turns himself into the REAL traitor instead? When Hank was talking to the traitor in his apartment, he wouldn't have been talking to a real person or to a figment of his imagination, but rather to some illusion that Loki created.
I think Loki has said that he has nothing to do with the real traitor. Okay yeah, he's the god of trickery, but I don't see why Miller would specifically have him brag about it and then not have it happen.

I say it's Cap. Bizarre as it may sound to a lot of you, he's really the most logical choice. Who here hasn't whined or complained about the fact that Ultimate Cap is just a yesman soldier arsemonkey who does whatever his commanding officers tell him to do? That's not the way that Captain America is supposed to be. Well, what if he's really not that way?
Ok i voted other and for the record im gonna list a few of the people not mentioned: Wonder Man, the Vision, Quicksilver, Wanda, Hulk(it got him outta jail...i know very long shot leave me alone its late), Betty Ross, and Bucky
iamcevrus2 said:
Ok i voted other and for the record im gonna list a few of the people not mentioned: Wonder Man, the Vision, Quicksilver, Wanda, Hulk(it got him outta jail...i know very long shot leave me alone its late), Betty Ross, and Bucky

Wonder Man isn't even in the comic. And Vision is being rebuilt by Hank Pym.

I still think, even though obviously Millar says that no one has gotten it right, that if Loki is twisting reality. Then it is Cap, because he's turning America against itself. Who better than Captain America to go after his own countrymen? So Cap, due to a twist in reality, has gone rogue.

I mean, Fury really has gone too far with sending the Ultimates into foreign soil. the Twisted Cap is here to step in when things get out of line.

Though killing Hawkeye and his family seem a little too twisted.
whatever happened to the rumour that the traitor was Captain Britain? if Millar says that it hasn't been guessed yet; Captain America is out of the running.
it was gwen stacy

and you frigin know it
But we've guessed everybody, and how can someone not have said who the traitor was.

Do you think Millar maybe meant that no one has guessed why the traitor is doing what he/she is doing?

And Captain Britain has such a small smalle role in the series that I highly doubt it would be him. He came in after the Hulk trial, so he's out.

While Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would make perfect traitors, it just would seem mundane because you'd be expecting it.

I guess we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see.
Its so nice to see everbody saying that hawkeye is dead. All we see is a gun being fired, we dont even know if it's the traitor's gun or if the gun is pointed at hawkeye
I think it's common sense that Hawkeye is dead. Look at the panel. Hawkeye has been shot multiple times, he's holding onto his dead son, and the traitor is cocking his gun at him. Everyone else in the room is dead. Then bullets start to fly. It's totally logical.

Seriously, the only way Hawkeye wouldn't be dead is if Quicksilver ran in at very last second and carried him out.
Or somebody walked up behing the traitor, remember wanda forgetting her purse? We dont know who's gun it is being fired, if you read marvel you cant assume anything (Sins Past, Bucky, 616 hawkeye)
Well, I'm going to assume it was all literal and that the gun is the traitors.

Besides, if someone shoots and/or kills the traitor in that panel then there won't be much for the rest of the series.
Yeah, and we must remember that even though "the big reveal" is in issue 8, issue 8 is still just the 2nd part of a SIX-PART storyline, ending with issue 12, the last issue of Volume 2, the last issue of the Ultimates that Millar and Hitch are doing.
wait a second! what if the traitor is loki. ok he's not on the team, but they introduced him to everyone as the man who designed the technology thor was using. and even though loki denied responsibility for leaking the information about banner, he is the god of mischeif.
Sentry2005 said:
wait a second! what if the traitor is loki. ok he's not on the team, but they introduced him to everyone as the man who designed the technology thor was using. and even though loki denied responsibility for leaking the information about banner, he is the god of mischeif.

A) He's not a member of the Ultimates, and B) I don't think he would go around shooting people in the head while wearing little black leather gloves. :rolleyes:
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