

You jack wagon!
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
The pilot has just come on, and the pre-opening credits scene was pretty good. It left a good impression. I think the show might have a future. One red flag popped up in the credits.


Otherwise, the show seems alright so far
I think it's pretty good so far.
Good enough for me to tune in next week.
seems ok, have to watch a few more to get the feel of the whole thing
the ending was a surprised, pity I liked that girl
definately awesome show.
And that Jensen guy is cool

Dark Angel, Smallville.
It was actually pretty good. I'll watch it again, sure.:up:
loved it!! i thought the special effects was top notch for a tv show. Jared Padlecki's girlfriend looked liked Adrianne Palicki from Smallville. She has that mole/wart or watever somewhere near her eyebrows.
Morg said:
the ending was a surprised, pity I liked that girl
I liked it too,It was a great way to get Sam back in the family biz.Oh and cashmere it was her.
the ending was waaay too rushed

other than that, I'm actually watching a show on the WB now
This show had a Hardy Boys type feel to it,cool show.
loved it!! i thought the special effects was top notch for a tv show. Jared Padlecki's girlfriend looked liked Adrianne Palicki from Smallville. She has that mole/wart or watever somewhere near her eyebrows.

That was her.
Great show I will be watching it. Tuesday's used to be my favorite night during the Buffy/Angel block. I got this show now at 9 and Boston Legal at 10pm (Denny Craine!). Now all I need is something from 8 to 9. And I don't think Bones will be it.
Next week we brave the mighty Windigo of the haunted woods. Remember all "urban legends" of the week are google worthy.
was it just me, or did that house look like the Firefly house? (from The Devil's Rejects)
So are you a believer or are you a sketpic?

I'm a believer. I have been planning my own Supernatural road trip for this summer, sr. to fr. year of college. Starting from NY going to MA, going down to WV to PA then back to NY. I've been reading lots of ghost reports, most of which usually have the same story. Such as teachers that go all "The shining" on their students. And when I was reading all this over and telling another believer about my beliefs about my house I felt a hand grabbing me by my back. Ever since then I've known that ghosts are definitely out there, and are unfortunately in my bed room and the basement (where everyone is afraid to be alone in for too long for unexplainable reasons).

So, just wondering if you guys have any of your own supernatural experiences? And do you think others, like myself, will plan their own road trip into the realm of the supernatural after watching this show?
I caught the show; it was okay, I'll probably follow it for a while. Too bad that they went with Jensen Ackles in one of the leading roles. That guy reminds me so much of Ben Stiller's character from Zoolander. :o
mongo44 said:
Great show I will be watching it. Tuesday's used to be my favorite night during the Buffy/Angel block. I got this show now at 9 and Boston Legal at 10pm (Denny Craine!). Now all I need is something from 8 to 9. And I don't think Bones will be it.

Ugh Bones was lame. I checked it out since nothing was on, on Tuesdays except Sex & the City, so I decided to check it out the first 10 minutes was ok but the whole show sucked. The lead chick is so what's the word abrasive, and that whole hologram thing eh it totally takes you out of the show.
Just to alert you guys I am working on a fanfiction for Supernatural. It is rather a prolouge than a show that takes place next. I've posted a preview scene, "when I told told dad I was afraid of the thing in my closet he gave me a 45... I was nine years old!"
I think I made two good choices for new shows (this and Reunion) althogh after hearing so many good things about Prison Break, I might tune into that. But I thought this show was awesome, better than most horror movies these days. It seems to have the same kinds of scares as the episode of Angel called Hellbound, for those of you who watch Angel. The only problem i have with this is it will probably mostly be standalone episodes, but I may start to warm up to that.

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