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The Justice League Skepticism thread

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My main concern would have to be that Snyder n co may not have realized what the true problem with BvS was. It wasn't the tone, for me anyway, it was the plot. Just don't make JL so convoluted with multiple sub plots and you'll be right.

I'm in the same boat but WB and co pointed the finger at the tone probably. While it was already known that JL would be lighter than BvS, I believe after BvS, they decided to make it a lot more light than they were intending. This is an interesting quote from Snyder from the JL set visit reports, that I'm surprised hasn't been discussed a lot:

It did catch me off guard,” he said of the response to BvS. “I have had to, in my mind, make an adjustment. I do think that the tone of Justice League has changed because of what the fans have said.”

Source: http://www.vulture.com/2016/06/zack-snyder-set-justice-league.html
After the recent trailer I thought most of it was good until i saw Snyder direction for Aquaman as he sounded like a big tough guy which is not like hot Aquaman is portrayed in the comics. Therefore my skepticism for this film still exists.

I know this is the skepticism thread but Aquaman is definitely potrayed as a badass in the comics.Granted I have not read many aquaman comics but I re-read Throne of Atlantis recently and it had Aquaman as a major bad-ass meaningi it was a huge part of his personality.


Aquaman is definetly a big tough guy in the comics,obviously he is much more than that though.From what I heard,even the people thinking Aquaman is a joke now think aquaman is a major badass after seeing the jl trailer so obviously it worked.Anyways sorry for derailing,I know this is a skepticism thread.:p
I appreciate this thread's existence, if only because it means that both sides will be less inclined to whine at each other like children.

As you noted, we already got DeadPresident taking unnecessary jabs, so sadly, I think this thread will only be more inclination.
It's a shame that we have to have separate Optimism and Skepticism threads because people are incapable of having civil conversations, but it is what it is.

Anyway, I'm skeptical. The group photo was rad as hell, but the trailer didn't light my fire.
It's a shame that we have to have separate Optimism and Skepticism threads because people are incapable of having civil conversations, but it is what it is.

Anyway, I'm skeptical. The group photo was rad as hell, but the trailer didn't light my fire.

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I know this is the skepticism thread but Aquaman is definitely potrayed as a badass in the comics.Granted I have not read many aquaman comics but I re-read Throne of Atlantis recently and it had Aquaman as a major bad-ass meaningi it was a huge part of his personality.


Aquaman is definetly a big tough guy in the comics,obviously he is much more than that though.From what I heard,even the people thinking Aquaman is a joke now think aquaman is a major badass after seeing the jl trailer so obviously it worked.Anyways sorry for derailing,I know this is a skepticism thread.:p
I think you misread What I said I never said he wasn't a bad*** but he just seemed like to me he was just acting like he was a caveman at least in the trailer.
It's a shame that we have to have separate Optimism and Skepticism threads because people are incapable of having civil conversations, but it is what it is.

This is a relatively new trend for Hype, isn't it? I believe the first time I saw this sort of division was in the FFINO boards, and then the BvS boards.
I think you misread What I said I never said he wasn't a bad*** but he just seemed like to me he was just acting like he was a caveman at least in the trailer.

Aquaman sounded like a big tough guy which is not like how Aquaman is portrayed in the comics.

Maybe you meant something else...

But in the trailer we saw Aquaman is a badass with a compassionate side.In the comics Aquaman is a badass with a compassionate side.From the limited stuff we know,I cant really complain.
:hehe: It'll probably be like that as the thread grows but at the moment it's interesting to read some of the constructive criticisms. At least there's less of the "Sack Snyder" stuff going on.

It'll come, as soon as more detail and footage that people can construe as negative comes out.

Posts like these were inflammatory, unnecessary, and ride on the DOJ board, and they are here too. Please don't come in here just to start ****. It happens enough in the General Discussion thread.

Don't be so dramatic. We both know how this thread is going to end, I don't have an issue with you since you formulate your posts in a coherent and reasonable manner - but you know you're just one of a handful of rational users and the majority of this thread will eventually be loudly hijacked by simpletons. I'm not making aspersions on how this thread has panned out so far, the tinfoils haven't descended upon it yet, but it's asinine to believe the mature discourse will last. It'll devolve into low-key *****ing about Zack Snyder not magically turning into a completely different director and how WB/DC are ruining the DCEU.

Eventually the only place where people won't be jumping at their own shadows is the "excitement" thread and even there it won't last.
This is a relatively new trend for Hype, isn't it? I believe the first time I saw this sort of division was in the FFINO boards, and then the BvS boards.

People don't really get reasoned discourse here for whatever reason, and they've been primed by MoS/BvS to respond to JL in whatever way they've adopted depending on whether they hated it or not.
My sig says everything about my thoughts on what JL will be like. I'm not,predicting disaster, but it sure as **** isn't going to be a classic either.
My sig says everything about my thoughts on what JL will be like. I'm not,predicting disaster, but it sure as **** isn't going to be a classic either.

Snyders average RT score in all 7 of his movies is around 50%. So you are saying he will perform 7% above his average. That may happen but I am not sure about that. Although involvement of Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns makes it more likely to happen than not.
This is a relatively new trend for Hype, isn't it? I believe the first time I saw this sort of division was in the FFINO boards, and then the BvS boards.

Sony, Fox, WB just can't crank out the BoxOffice/critical hits marvel studios does. People doubted Ant man, and it succeeded, people doubted Guardians and it succeeded. I've heard click bait sites call various new marvel movies "Marvel's potential first flop" a lot. but time and time again Marvel just keeps making there movies succeed. At this point it everyone always assumes the best from a Marvel Studios movie.

Sony had mixed Spider-Man movies after Spider-Man 2 before the Marvel deal
Fox has its highs and Lows with XMen and FF
WB has had polarizing/divisive movies after TDKT
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good to marvel arrived at a level that any crap she does will be well received by the critics and public , just be marvel studios , they have great movies like TWS , GOG , Avengers , Iron Man , but has great **** as the two films thor , iron man 2 , yet are acclaimed films , BVS is far superior to film these 3 last , and sincerely criticize the story , editing, tone, but honestly you think thor 1 and 2 and iron man 2 has better stories , better motivated , better certainly not editing , there were films with worse edition bvs won by oscar , so yes there is a huge bias with DC and do not doubt anything that suicide squad even if it is a great film not come in the level of good criticism of marvel
good to marvel arrived at a level that any crap she does will be well received by the critics and public , just be marvel studios , they have great movies like TWS , GOG , Avengers , Iron Man , but has great **** as the two films thor , iron man 2 , yet are acclaimed films , BVS is far superior to film these 3 last , and sincerely criticize the story , editing, tone, but honestly you think thor 1 and 2 and iron man 2 has better stories , better motivated , better certainly not editing , there were films with worse edition bvs won by oscar , so yes there is a huge bias with DC and do not doubt anything that suicide squad even if it is a great film not come in the level of good criticism of marvel
Uhh, what did I just read?:huh:
It'll come, as soon as more detail and footage that people can construe as negative comes out.

The sack Snyder stuff? Lol, I mean, there would be no point to cry that with this movie at this point. There's zero chance he'll be off this but this is the hype.
The sack Snyder stuff? Lol, I mean, there would be no point to cry that with this movie at this point. There's zero chance he'll be off this but this is the hype.

They'll be calling for him to removed from the DCEU permanently. IMO the damage was done with BvS's problematic execution as well as an inability to appeal to a wide enough audience. Even if JL is a passable 7/10 movie they'll never forget, the career whiners will never let it go.
This is a relatively new trend for Hype, isn't it? I believe the first time I saw this sort of division was in the FFINO boards, and then the BvS boards.
It's a new trend
First time I saw it was the FFINO boards too.

I think the whole trend is stupid and people should just be mature enough to ignore people who's opinions they dont agree with or at least have a discussion.
But the thing is there is so much of positive people coming to the skepticism thread or skeptics coming to the positive thread that there really isn't a point for either
That Nerdwriter video is fine... to an extent. But I think he forgets to address that humor, improv, and the nature of how the dialogue is constructed can allow for the film to breathe and feel real. Yes "moments" and too many of them affected BvS, but levity allows playfulness and immersion. The back and forth instead of lecturing one another and glimpse-ing one another looking serious is a good start away from what made BvS unsuccessful.

So yeah. I usually don't like Nerdwriter and that is why. He is pretentious (although he can get stuff right) but doesn't think through his main point.

Big example: The Avengers. The whole movie were moments as well. But we were in on the joke/immersion because of the levity and how these people interact with one another. Plus that novelty of having the heroes come together. That film was shot like a comic book. Almost every moment were self-indulgent. Low angle shot, a long-take action sequence (parallel Knightmare sequence). But it works.

Yeah. F*** nerdwriter, POS. And this is coming from a guy who dislikes Snyder a lot.
Don't be so dramatic.

Believe me, I'm trying. :csad:

We both know how this thread is going to end...
Do we? The DOJ board handled separate positive, negative, and neutral threads reasonably fine. There were a few upstarts, but generally, everyone stayed in their own corner.

I don't have an issue with you since you formulate your posts in a coherent and reasonable manner - but you know you're just one of a handful of rational users and the majority of this thread will eventually be loudly hijacked by simpletons.
I haven't had an issue with you in the past, but lately, you've been taking a lot of shots at other posters, and a lot of it has been - in my opinion - unwarranted. To be totally honest, it's taken me a bit by surprise, because I remember you being pretty reasonable and easy to speak to before the DC boards went to ****. But I understand being frustrated, especially if you liked MOS/DOJ and are excited for JL.

I'm not making aspersions on how this thread has panned out so far, the tinfoils haven't descended upon it yet, but it's asinine to believe the mature discourse will last. It'll devolve into low-key *****ing about Zack Snyder not magically turning into a completely different director and how WB/DC are ruining the DCEU.

Maybe. Maybe not. I personally think cooler heads will prevail. But (and I mean this in the nicest way possible)...no one's forcing you to be here.
good to marvel arrived at a level that any crap she does will be well received by the critics and public , just be marvel studios , they have great movies like TWS , GOG , Avengers , Iron Man , but has great **** as the two films thor , iron man 2 , yet are acclaimed films , BVS is far superior to film these 3 last , and sincerely criticize the story , editing, tone, but honestly you think thor 1 and 2 and iron man 2 has better stories , better motivated , better certainly not editing , there were films with worse edition bvs won by oscar , so yes there is a huge bias with DC and do not doubt anything that suicide squad even if it is a great film not come in the level of good criticism of marvel

What did I just read :huh:?
Only hope for this movie is Affleck taking control. Synder has made 3 CBMs and we all know how they were received. I don't think number 4 will be any different. Good luck to WB for sticking with him but I don't expect anything above 50% RT if Synder is in charge.
Snyder made 4 CBMs. Two well-received, one mixed and one trashed into oblivion.
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