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The Justice League Skepticism thread

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3 DC properties and they have progressively gotten worse on critics favourite site. Good luck with the 4th.

Don't care about 300 as the comic book itself is based on actual history.
3 DC properties and they have progressively gotten worse on critics favourite site. Good luck with the 4th.

Don't care about 300 as the comic book itself is based on actual history.

300 is a famous comicbook written by Frank Milller.Just because you dont care about it,doesnt mean it doesnt count.

300 and Watchmen are liked(many consider Watchmen director's cut a masterpiece),MOS was divisive with many loving it and many hating it,and we know what happened with BvS.

Justice League is the biggest movie he is making so far,and this is make or break for him in a way.He has done all the setup so far for JL,so he has no excuses now,he should really deliver it all for this movie.Lets hope he can for the sake of fans like us.I would consider it a win if he gets a fresh verdict on RT and the audience/fans likes it.
I think Snyder is done after JL anyway, but if the movie gets torn to shreds by critics once again and has a poor box office performance, then his days of making blockbuster films are over.

I've enjoyed MOS, BvS UE, and I will probably enjoy JL, but his divisive choices is not something anyone wants to see anymore.
Yeah its very rare for a director to do 4 major blockbusters back to back.
I want Snyder to do that Revolutionary War movie he wants to do before taking a break and getting hands on with another DCEU movie. He'd be perfect for a solo Deathstroke movie.
Yeah its very rare for a director to do 4 major blockbusters back to back.
Since WB decided to keep JL as one film instead of Parts 1 and 2, I'm assuming Snyder was done regardless. Who evens knows if JL 2 will even happen at this point. For the sake of these characters, I really hope it does continue.
I want Snyder to do a Mortal Kombat movie instead of more DCEU.
Snyder needs to head a DBZ movie. He'd be perfect. I'll miss him if he does walk - I loved BvS and am hopeful that JL will be as good as BvS - but in the end, money talks.
I want Snyder to do a Mortal Kombat movie instead of more DCEU.

That's genuinely a good shout. The source material would suit his style of film making. In fact, there are probably quite a few video games that Snyder would do a good job converting to film.
I want Snyder to do Kingdom Come someday.

But Ive heard he is going to do some adaption of Ayn Rand's work after Justice League.
Visually Snyder would be great for DBZ, but the guy seems so out there in terms of adapting anything remotly happy that I wouldnt want him.

Mortal Kombat is a really good look for him or Gears of War or God of War
Lawd ... what have you done? I want a movie adaption for God of War directed by Snyder so bad now.

With Momoa or the Rock as Kratos (preferably Momoa as he has that barbaric cruel and angry face that Kratos would need as compared to the rock's relatively kind looking face). That would be pure heaven. :hmr:
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I'd say if he really wants to get back in people's good graces he should do a 300 sequel or Dawn of the Dead sequel (if he gets James Gunn back). His two best movies IMO

I also heard he's trying to get Watchmen on HBO, even if I'd rather something else from DC get more priority.
I mean they tried a 300 sequel and it didn't make nearly as much money as the first and it cost more to make.

It was so stupid they waited like 7 years to make a sequel
I can't remember which site I read this on, but during the JL set visit I could have sworn Snyder said that he was returning for JL2 as far as he knew.

Granted, another response similar to BvS and that's likely to change.
Also WB was in a predicament where JL was going to start production like 2-3 weeks after BVS opened. Director swap wouldn't have been possible unless WB committed to delaying JL. Not sure when JL 2 starts production, but it might be wise to let the results of JL 1 sink in before doing a JL 2 with Snyder.
I'd rather not reside predominantly in this thread, but I feel it's where I belong.

I have very little excitement for this project, but wish I did. DC is my home team...

Anyways, I'm expecting the portrayal of superman to be a disaster in the movie, just as it was in BvS. I reckon we'll get some good batman scenes and some fun action for Flash/Aquaman, but that's all the positive I expect.
It’s funny, even while JL looks to answer to one of BvS’s biggest criticism, the tone and lack of levity, I doubt that will be enough to make the film pleasing to everyone. I mean, there are already disagreements as to what faults Snyder and co made with BvS that should be fixed to make this one a hit. I foresee another panned film with JL to be honest. Despite it looking to have a much lighter and ‘fun’ tone, with an elementary plot that should resonate with and please everyday moviegoers. The Snyder effect I suppose.
It’s funny, even while JL looks to answer to one of BvS’s biggest criticism, the tone and lack of levity, I doubt that will be enough to make the film pleasing to everyone. I mean, there are already disagreements as to what faults Snyder and co made with BvS that should be fixed to make this one a hit. I foresee another panned film with JL to be honest. Despite it looking to have a much lighter and ‘fun’ tone, with an elementary plot that should resonate with and please everyday moviegoers. The Snyder effect I suppose.

To hell with tone and levity, I want a film with a tight script, believable character motivations, respect to the source material, good editing, and a clear and concise story.

That's what will make JL a good movie. Tone, levity, style, look - all these things are MEANINGLESS.

The reason why so many of us are sceptical about Snyder is that he is awful at the important things in a movie - as proved by BvS.
To hell with tone and levity, I want a film with a tight script, believable character motivations, respect to the source material, good editing, and a clear and concise story.

That's what will make JL a good movie. Tone, levity, style, look - all these things are MEANINGLESS.

The reason why so many of us are sceptical about Snyder is that he is awful at the important things in a movie - as proved by BvS.

Agree totally. The Bourne movies (well the first three, especially the third) are serious as hell, with no levity but are intense viewing experiences - like riding a roller coaster. They're great movies because they have all the things you describe.

In B v S when the smackdown starts, we don't really give a **** (about either of the participants).

Still, Snyder did get a bunch of the things you mentioned right in Man of Steel and he was faithful to the source material in Watchmen.

I'm feeling hopeful, moving up from cautiously optimistic.

I think the key dynamic that will carry JL is the Bruce /Diana relationship. Now GG is looking good in the WW trailer (and not just her appearance but she really has the moves, the look and the mannerisms that we associate with WW) and we know Affleck is a good Batman ( so long as the director stops having him attempt to murder people - yes, when you plan to kill someone, even with a kryptonite spear, that's attempted murder ).

Other than that Ezra Miller's Flash looks like a scene stealer - not sure what to make of Cyborg, and Jason Momoa is pretty much the same character in everything, big angry thug who needs a haircut and a shave.

Can Snyder learn from his mistakes (in B v S) ? Let's hope so.
Believe me, I'm trying. :csad:

It appears you're the only one.

Do we? The DOJ board handled separate positive, negative, and neutral threads reasonably fine. There were a few upstarts, but generally, everyone stayed in their own corner.

I think we may have different definitions of "reasonably fine" - but you may be right. Suffice it to say that after BvS though people have departed from "reasonably fine" IMO. We're in full on "Snyder/WB are ruining my life mode", there are a number of particularly vocal posters that seem to have reverted to their angsty teen phases over DoJ.

I haven't had an issue with you in the past, but lately, you've been taking a lot of shots at other posters, and a lot of it has been - in my opinion - unwarranted. To be totally honest, it's taken me a bit by surprise, because I remember you being pretty reasonable and easy to speak to before the DC boards went to ****. But I understand being frustrated, especially if you liked MOS/DOJ and are excited for JL.

Fair enough, but I'm not taking shots at individual posters, I'm busy pointing out how bad the general discourse is on the DC forums. I'm easy to speak to all the time - when the person I'm speaking to isn't running around a circular room trying to find the corner. I could probably discuss any opinion or observation with you and a handful of other posters and I'll be perfectly polite and most likely agree with a lot of criticisms of any number of things of the DCEU, but the "end-is-nigh" crowd have completely taken over the majority of the DC boards.

I compartmentalize things well, I enjoyed MoS/DoJ even though they're a far cry from what I would've wanted, ideally, and they have significant issues in many departments. Tonally I appreciate something more serious, but the serious tone could've been kept while eliminating the somber atmosphere in both movies. My view is, I'm glad to be able to see these characters in live action and done with a certain amount of passion for the source material, and I can separate that from the fact that I don't exactly like the decisions they've made all the time. Lots of posters on here though, for them anything not matching their magical idea of the perfect DCEU is apocryphal.

The problem is people aren't really willing to say "Wow, DoJ really missed the mark for me, and I'm disappointed in the direction the DCEU has taken so far. Hopefully we get an improvement with JL, and at least we've got cool solo movies to look forward to!" - no, that's not what happens. All the positives get eradicated so that people can, pedantically and repeatedly, drag everything DCEU over the coals on about a daily basis in multiple threads. People on here are going to spend a year projecting and forecasting absolute failure and then wonder why they walk out of their JL show only having noticed the flaws that they spent a year telling everyone they were going to be explicitly looking for.

I mean Suicide Squad looks to be relatively decent and despite facts pointing to the contrary the overall atmosphere on that board is also descending into fits of barely contained panic :huh:

Maybe. Maybe not. I personally think cooler heads will prevail. But (and I mean this in the nicest way possible)...no one's forcing you to be here.

Perhaps, hopefully you're right, don't worry I'm not going to be around here much longer.
Agree totally. The Bourne movies (well the first three, especially the third) are serious as hell, with no levity but are intense viewing experiences - like riding a roller coaster. They're great movies because they have all the things you describe.

In B v S when the smackdown starts, we don't really give a **** (about either of the participants).

Still, Snyder did get a bunch of the things you mentioned right in Man of Steel and he was faithful to the source material in Watchmen.

I'm feeling hopeful, moving up from cautiously optimistic.

I think the key dynamic that will carry JL is the Bruce /Diana relationship. Now GG is looking good in the WW trailer (and not just her appearance but she really has the moves, the look and the mannerisms that we associate with WW) and we know Affleck is a good Batman ( so long as the director stops having him attempt to murder people - yes, when you plan to kill someone, even with a kryptonite spear, that's attempted murder ).

Other than that Ezra Miller's Flash looks like a scene stealer - not sure what to make of Cyborg, and Jason Momoa is pretty much the same character in everything, big angry thug who needs a haircut and a shave.

Can Snyder learn from his mistakes (in B v S) ? Let's hope so.


See, this is an example of a reasonable, balanced post.
I'm cautiously optimistic while remaining skeptical that Snyder will get this one right.

If it were, say, a Miller or Cuaron directing it, I would now be guessing how much over a billion it will go instead of worrying if it will even be good or not.

The CC footage looked great, but to be fair, so did the BvS footage way back when.

I hate feeling this way, but i'm not gonna be fooled this time. we shall see.
Im on the skeptic side.

I havent enjoyed a Snyder film since 300 which obviously meant I didn't like MoS or BvS. Although BvS did make me appreciate MoS more.

The CC trailer was fine...I just wasn't impressed by anything in it. Nothing made me go "woah this looks cool" it does look better than BvS.
Im also not sold on Gadot as Wonder Woman. I still don't get what people were fawning over in BvS when she barely did anything other than fight. Miller as Flash looks fine, Cyborg ok I guess (I still don't get why DC keeps pushing him because even if they want diversity they could just make J'ohn Jonzz's human form black or include more of Jon Stewart) and then Momoa looks like he's doing what he does in everything, the tough barbarian.

I think that JL will be better than BvS because I think 1) it'll be more coherent 2) I think theyre doing away with the grim tone (notice I said grim, not dark. There's a difference), but I'm still not sold yet that I'll really enjoy it
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