The Official Bane Costume Thread - Part 4

yes, it's an interesting take on the design. how did you find that? magic?
i would eventually like to get photos of everyones masks so we can see the various paint jobs on jbrown masks, modifications to GCFX masks, the homemade ones, etc. could be a pretty neat gallery and would be interesting to see everyone's interpretations. same goes for the whole costume, too. i know a few of us are making our vests, etc... mine is going to be quite a departure but you'll all understand why once it is done... having the ability to do side-by-side comparisons would be great though.

even the assorted color schemes would be neat to see. i'm eating my own words about the blue, since i am sort of doing something along those lines, but i have to admit that i like the green masks, and the black ones a lot.

everyone has done such awesome stuff on here and i think it would be so cool to make a photobucket album or something to put it all in one spot so we don't have to go back through 200+ pages of posts.
I agree this is one hellva epic thread so much detication it's incredible if it wasn't for this thread I probably would have a either A: crappy bane costume or B: a really crappy bane costume or C: I wouldn't be bane at all:shock

And for any who are interested here is a picture of the M43 combat boots I haven't seen anyone post an in person picture of them yet so I figured I'd share


I'm going to get different laces and darken them up a lot and wear the hell out of them till they're juuuust right well that is when I get to right size these are the ones that I have to send back
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this thread has been great motivation. i have to admit that right now i want to work on my mask more to show you guys my progress than to get the mask done, haha.
such positive feedback, it's great. also the reference photos.. using you guys as a sounding board... and helping others...i think it's awesome that i can help a few people get components for their costume that might otherwise have been not quite as good. (not trying to toot my own horn)
i'm also glad that i can share my knowledge of leather, i teach this stuff every day but working in a store there are certain guidelines i have to follow... here i can tell people all the tricks i have discovered in the years i have been leathercrafting.
it is both very cool and also kind of a shame that we're all so spread out. so far i've only seen one other person mention going to NYCC and i have to admit i am going to be a little bummed out when all the banes i see there are just random dudes with horrible rubies masks and iparty vests instead of the first class costumers that we've got here (and second class, let's be honest. half of my costume is a disgrace!)
Boys would be possible avisare jbrown that has the mailbox full and it is not possible to send messages?
in case anyone needs a batman mask to carry around... walmart has these child-size masks that work .. it's just the front with an elastic strap. around $3.33... so cheap and not too bad looking. they can be cut using a dremel or an x-acto knife.
i'm gonna carry mine around on a skull i think...
like so.
Mysterynigma, love the pic (from part 3). I am going for a similar Bane look, aka plane Bane (long sleeve black Tshirt, pants, boots, mask) + banepants coat. That is unless I find a more authentic vest. I might wait until after Halloween to try to find one.
Finished up the ole paint scheme a little while ago tell me what ya'll think I ended up with a run of the mill bluish color but I like the way it turned out :woot:






Also the silver brushed areas aren't slip ups lol Tried doing a weathered metallic look and went a little too over board with it buuut oh well
That looks pretty damn good Banewagon
Thanks man that actually feels really good coming from an expert such as yourself :)

I like to pretend I am a expert. I really like the weathering don't change it, it looks perfect. I had to paint my damn JBrown mask like 4 times to get it correct when I had mine
lol well you're definitely the guy with the most detailed costume on here so far so I think you qualify haha and I'm just glad I don't have to do it 4 times aye It wasn't too bad and I only spent like 3 and a half hours painting but I sure as hell woulldn't want to do it again at least not for a while haha
lol well you're definitely the guy with the most detailed costume on here so far so I think you qualify haha and I'm just glad I don't have to do it 4 times aye It wasn't too bad and I only spent like 3 and a half hours painting but I sure as hell woulldn't want to do it again at least not for a while haha

Yeah I kept finding images with a better color to it, Plus mixing Acrylic is no fun for your airbrush.
Yeah I kept finding images with a better color to it, Plus mixing Acrylic is no fun for your airbrush.

Yeah I can imagine I just stuck with a good ol' paintbrush it actually looks really smooth which I was worried about looking all brush strokey but came out pretty well and since it's really hard to tell what color is best since it looks different in every scene and totally different from the actual mask color I just stuck with the basic dark bluish grey and made it a little darker than I probably should have but oh well lol
Oh my gosh, Banewagon! you're making me so excited for my JBrown mask to get here! But my Bane glove came today that I ordered from Thomas at TNXB and it's pretty awesome, though I need to wear it out quite a bit since the leather is still really stiff.
Haha thanks buddy yes I'm so so soo happy with the Jbrown mask you'll love it as well hopefully the painting was actually much easier than I had expected and I just used the acrylics from Walmart and a couple cheap paint brushes good luck and make sure to post pictures after you paint it up man!
Yeah, I can't wait to purchase mine, either. That looks kick-tit.
Finished up the ole paint scheme a little while ago tell me what ya'll think I ended up with a run of the mill bluish color but I like the way it turned out :woot:


That looks really good, man. I'm also getting a mask from Jon, so I'm really looking forward to getting a look like this. If you don't mind me asking, what paint color did you use?

Oh my gosh, Banewagon! you're making me so excited for my JBrown mask to get here! But my Bane glove came today that I ordered from Thomas at TNXB and it's pretty awesome, though I need to wear it out quite a bit since the leather is still really stiff.

This is exactly my situation as well. lol. I also got my bracer from Thomas this morning. Looks great. I agree on the wearing it out, that thing is seriously stiff. It's a little smaller than I had hoped toward the back side as it goes up my forearm, so I'm gonna have to wear a sleeve or something to prevent chafing as I move. lol.
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got a head cast made. turned out pretty decent especially since I was walking my wife through the process lol. Drew a bit on it, fiddling around until I can pick up some clay and actually start. Sorry the pic's huge, I couldn't figure out how to resize it.

I used a mixture of a brand of acrylics called apple barrel from Walmart, the colors are admiral blue, pavement grey(it's a dark grey), pewter grey(light grey), little touch of English ivy green and black for the majority of the mask and metallic sterling silver for the tubes and the back parts I just dry brushed it on with very little paint on the brush to get the weathered look and antique copper for the connector pieces and last champagne metallic for the weather look on the mask and obviously I sprayed the the whole mask before hand with a flat matte primer spray paint since there isn't a primer for rubber or anything that I could find I just used the krylon primer.

Hope that helps some lol
I used a mixture of a brand of acrylics called apple barrel from Walmart, the colors are admiral blue, pavement grey(it's a dark grey), pewter grey(light grey), little touch of English ivy green and black for the majority of the mask and metallic sterling silver for the tubes and the back parts I just dry brushed it on with very little paint on the brush to get the weathered look and antique copper for the connector pieces and last champagne metallic for the weather look on the mask and obviously I sprayed the the whole mask before hand with a flat matte primer spray paint since there isn't a primer for rubber or anything that I could find I just used the krylon primer.

Hope that helps some lol

A lot more than some. lol. Thank you, Sir! :woot:

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