I think everyone that is cast for a part in Batman should always be supported in what theyre doing.
While I may be new to the Batman lore and such, Ive always enjoyed different portrayals, I do have a bias for the more faithful ones, but Im always open to new versions of a character. One of the reasons I liked The Shining is because it deviated from the book.
Im still kind of new to comics in general and Im starting from the Golden Age comics then moving to the Silver Age. Ive watched a lot of the movies including this one along with The Dark Knight trilogy and Batman Returns. Ive watched the Animated Series and Im going to start watching the Adam West Batman here soon.
So far, Ive loved all the portrayals from Conroy to Bale, from Hamill to Ledger, and theyve all pleased me. I dont understand why people would bash other portrayals when Batman has such a long history, hes changed so much from what Ive seen.