The Avengers The Official 'Hulk in Avengers' thread. - Part 8

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Off topic but.Do you know when Ed Norton punches Brad Pitt in the ear
was actually real.Apparently the director pulled Noron to the side and asked him to hit Pitt for real to get a real response.
That's why you hear Pitt say...
"Ow you hit me in my ear!!!!"
Yeah, I remember that. It was pretty hilarious. But, it's Fincher and Pitt working together so I can see Fincher doing that. But, Norton's hesitance is what made it even more funny.

Back on Topic: I'm excited that about all this enthusiasm coming from Ruffalo. Just hearing "the conversations started" is enough for me at the moment. Then again, I'm sure I'll still be trying to reassemble my mind after May 4th and I'll be distracted with that.
Back on Topic: I'm excited that about all this enthusiasm coming from Ruffalo. Just hearing "the conversations started" is enough for me at the moment. Then again, I'm sure I'll still be trying to reassemble my mind after May 4th and I'll be distracted with that.

Just thought to post what was said at the Apple store interview. Cautiously optimistic about it:

On the proposed Hulk standalone movie

“In between all the red carpets, Me and Mark have been talking about just what is a standalone Hulk movie going to be, and how we take all goodwill and this forward momentum from the avengers into a Hulk movie. When that’ll be, who knows, but the conversations have definitely started.”

Ruffalo added “’I’m gonna try and get Joss Whedon in a room and work out what could be a Hulk movie, with Kevin’s blessing of course”

There's a video of the Q&A session with Feige and Ruffalo here. They also played an extended version of the Hulk-Black Widow scene that was released last week during the session.
Just thought to post what was said at the Apple store interview. Cautiously optimistic about it:

There's a video of the Q&A session with Feige and Ruffalo here. They also played an extended version of the Hulk-Black Widow scene that was released last week during the session.

Sorry, but the link isn't working.
All I have to say is that the Loki/ Hulk scene was my personal favorite of the movie, Hulk was a badass :awesome:
I personally just dont see a modern Hulk TV series as viable, they would not have the resources to do the character or any villains justice, so why bother? Just make another movie and it sounds like they are getting started on that so I cant wait to hear more.
My favourite Hulk moment was undoubtedly when
Hulk stands before Loki, Loki says how he's a God and all that jazz, it doesn't deter Hulk, who just grips him up and absolutely thrashes his body repeatedly left and right on the ground HARD. Loki is left stunned and pretty much unable to move.
It got a good laugh from the audience.
Hulk screaming out loud, waking up Tony at the end got a laugh as well.
Also interesting to that it appeared to be
Mark's voice as Hulk.
The Hulk was great fun, and honestly left me wanting more from him. Not just the action, but he had an endearing quality about him, especially in the last act.
It's simplistic to say, but this characterisation of Hulk is how it should've been done from the start.
I personally just dont see a modern Hulk TV series as viable, they would not have the resources to do the character or any villains justice, so why bother? Just make another movie and it sounds like they are getting started on that so I cant wait to hear more.

Agreed on all counts :up:
Sorry, but the link isn't working.

Ah sorry I keep forgetting that there's a policy that we can't link to the CBM website here? (Sorry I am new and I tried checking out the faq but couldn't find what's the rule on this.)
To those who have watched the movie, how many times did Hulk actually speak? I wasnt in a theatre where people were cheering and going nuts every two secs so I could always hear what was been said on screen. I could only count
one time
when he actually spoke which was after
Loki's smackdown
. If there were other occassions I must have mistaken them for grunts, just how it's easy to miss the "leave me alone" line for TIH.
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I too remember Hulk
speaking only once (puny god).
I honestly dont remember any other instances. Definitely wasnt as many as 4-6 times though.
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So still the strong silent type, but with more personality.
I guess Whedon did what he could regarding it, because some probably still feel it would look too weird having him just carrying on conversations for some reason in live action.
If Hulk only speaks once then which does he say? "Hulk is Strongest there is" or "Hulk Smash"....
Yep only line. Hulk was the best thing in the movie, even though Iron Man, Thor, Cap, etc, Hawkeye, were all great, the scene with Loki was hysterical, but also!
when out of nowhere he punches Thor :D

What's incredibly impressive too is how powerful he is, they definitely made him stronger than in the two Hulk movies, unstoppable! Incredibly pumped for a new Hulk movie with Ruffalo, just fantastic.
I don't know what to feel any more. I know the movie will most likly be awesome but........... :csad::dry::meanie:
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