The Official Metal Gear Thread - Part 3

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The thing that really got my attention was how drastically the music changed when we first see Big Boss, I went from :D to :awesome:

Oh yeah, that was awesome too - the way it just changed since the badass revealed himself :awesome:
I get what Kojima was trying to do with the game and yes, the gameplay was excellent. But I still didn't like that I basically went through a checklist of key moments from MGS, with a character that is the opposite of Solid Snake in almost every way. Although now I give him props for not giving us a run of the mill rough, dark haired and scruffy character, that we've seen in countless games since then.

And then there's Rose again. This is basically how I felt.
Considering how messed up the Burned man is and how badly he's been hurting members of MSF, I really want to see Big Boss beat this guy down.
I don't know why...I can ghost through a lot of MGS4, but for some reason those first few areas in the middle east give me a lot of trouble.
Considering how messed up the Burned man is and how badly he's been hurting members of MSF, I really want to see Big Boss beat this guy down.

Oh yeah, and I hope there's a one-on-one boss fight for that and then a part where you finish him off for good.
In PW, I love it when BB asks someone something and they give the information, but then they try to provide him with extra information that BB doesn't seem to care about (like information overload) and BB tries to politely brush them off - I always thought that was a neat and humorous touch.
"You want to hear ze Qetzel Snake?"
"ummm maybe some other time."

"You want to hear ze Qetzel Snake?"
"ummm maybe some other time."


Exactly :funny:

Cecile first gives what Snake wants, which is hints for the guard with the ID card, then says something like "I can tell you more about the other birds in Costa Rica." And Snake is like ".... Yeah, Cecile. Thanks."

Even whenever Miller tells Snake something they should do regarding MSF, and Snake is like "Grrrrr... what is it this time?"

Love Big Boss :funny:
Oh I get that Angola thing now. It was in that secret phone call between Kaz and you-know-who. I misunderstood and though that it was another conversation that needs to be unlocked that would be between Kaz and BB.
Going back to MGS2...

Again, my problem with the game wasn't the "bait and switch". My problem wasn't Raiden, my problem wasn't "observing" how bad ass Snake was through the eyes of a rookie...

My problem is Kojima wanted to find a way to get girls to play his games. He asked them what character design they liked... Of course the vast majority of females in Japan chose what we got.

I'll never forget my first major roll eyes moment in MGS2..."Snake" gets a new code name and unmasks once he's onboard the tanker. We go to slow motion as we see his silver hair float in the wind.

I really liked the game over all... Raiden as a whole just felt "forced" to me. He didn't have to be a carbin copy of Snake... But he didn't have to be extremely feminine either... Hell, look at Dante. Dude's got white (well.. Had white) hair and was still fairly awesome...

I'm past that... I'm over all ok with how it went down now. But I can still site them as my original issues with the character.
Eh, I don't think they should have gone so drastic with him to get fans to like him.. Surely he could have been left human and just made a bit more badass, right?

I mean cut his hair a little shorter... give him a scar or two... allow him to just act a bit more mature... Why did Kojima have to go so extreme? I get it.. I do, Raiden being transformed was supposed to make us feel bad... However, I didn't feel bad at all really.

I liked at the end of 4 he wasn't (or at least appeared) to no longer BE a cyborg. Not sure if I ever read into that... Was that "human" form another cyborg body or something?
Yeah it was another synthetic body that just looked more human.

In terms of him being a ninja I felt that was a natural progression from the ending of MGS2.
Well I just took pretty much the whole day off to complete the Big Boss Emblem on MGS4 for the second time (for the trophies).

It took about 14 hours. My eyes... they bleed.
**** the motorcycle segment on Extreme.

Controllers were shattered against the wall during that part :o.

Okay. That's old Big Boss on the right, and young Solid Snake in the middle. I'm assuming that's young Big Boss on the left?
I thought it was Liquid but yeah, Naked Snake is the better guess.
I'm pretty sure it's Liquid. There's no bandanna, after all.
I'm pretty sure it's Liquid. There's no bandanna, after all.
I see one. I think those are the tails blowing to his left, and look at the hairline.

Plus, it looks to me like he has a beard.
some anime strike that well actually manga artist is doing impressions due to his excitement of the upcoming Metal Gear games.

Fairy Tail Artist Is Excited By Metal Gear Solid News, Draws Raiden

September 4, 2012 . 11:46pm Hiro Mashima, the manga artist behind Fairy Tail and Rave Master, is pumped up after hearing all of the Metal Gear Solid news from last week’s event.


if it's not your style art wise it's cool just thought I'd put it up. sine it looks like he'll doin more and it's Metal Gear themed.
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I don't know why...I can ghost through a lot of MGS4, but for some reason those first few areas in the middle east give me a lot of trouble.

I always have the most trouble with Shadow Moses. I really hate Dwarf Gekko.
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