oh oh...I can take a good 15 minutes with this post!
*Dad...words can't express my unconditional love
*Kane and Finger for creating the only thing I could hold onto and really love when I was younger.
*Nolan and Goyer for resurrecting something which many thought couldn't be helped.
*Bale for his hardwork and overall respect for the character he's agreed to portray. And thanks for being so damn hot along with being a great actor.
*Keaton...you'll always be my first Batman
*Robert (Boba), Conner, Morgan, Luke and Klarissa. I finally have people who count on me and don't point out my flaws. All I see from you are smiles and curiousity; I love being an aunt!
*Harry Potter (but really JKR) for making me look stupid amongst a crowd of 11 year olds while I receit every magicians spell in the book
*George ****ing Lucas...blah blah you're greedy blah blah. But you still created the best Villain turned hero ever...along with Sir Kenobi
*Walgreens...first job ever and I LOVED IT..COZ GRRLS ROX
*Hot Topic....poser store or not...I'm your humble customer and employee
*Mr. Gebhardt, the psych/history teacher I'd run to when my nuns wouldn't answer my questions or called me an annoyance. You've always been open minded towards me, my theories and my opinions and I appreciate you taking the time to teach someone who wasn't even your student.
*Mrs. Dimare, english kicked ass, thanks.
I'm not afraid to write anymore!
*Mr. Fries...College doesn't suck anymore
*Chris (cconn) and Mikey (zer00) for making my first experience at SHH comfy and rather erotic
*My aunt Salma...as a proud agnostic, I wish I was as strong of a Muslim as you are. Thanks for welcoming me into your life with open arms, teaching me to dance, applying mehndi and making me cook the best food on this earth
*Tim Burton...dude...omfg we're like Gothic!
*Hanz Zimmer and John Williams...your music is beautiful
*Greece, Italy and the UK...my roots and I'm so proud
*Bret Easton Ellis...christ, American Psycho is ****ed up, son.
*Rickman, Irons, Oldman...the British are lovely people
*Grandpa Anthony...racism and sexism hasn't stopped me from admiring your wacked out conspiracy stories and love for your family.
*Yvonne Mojica for creating the Bathroom Girls...good comics
*Naoko Takeuchi for creating Sailor Moon...omfg, girl we gotta hang out or something.
*BFF's: Denielle, Jeremy, Garet, Peter, Veruca and Charlie
*Jared/Chris/snugglemuffin/futurehusband/fatherofmyunbornchildren/comicbookclerk ...I feel dizzy and happy when I'm near you and I'm starting to appreciate it
oh yeah, my brothers
Without your peer pressuring, harassment, punches, rough housing and lack of confidence in me, I'm happy to say I own you all.