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The "Ultimate Marvel" RPG

Hyper Venom said:
Electro cackled madly...until the large wooden door hit him in the abdomen and sent him across the hall.

Electro lie panting on the floor. If he didn't get up quickly, Karate Kid or whoever he was would capitalize. While trying to catch his breath, Electro dug his hand into the carpet. Taking advantage of the static electricity, he sent a wave of electricity toward his opponent. When it finally reached him, it shocked him. Electro slowly increased the voltage of the shock for a few seconds before it propelled his opponent into the air.

Rising slowly, Electro looked down and saw a huge bruise on his chest. It was becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. He had to put an end to this.

"Can't believe I'm doin' this...close your eyes, Karate Kid..."

With that, Electro stripped off his containment suit. He now stood wearing only his underwear. He turned to a nearby window and stared across the street. There was a bright neon sign outside of an adult bookstore. He turned back to his opponent.

"Catch me if ya can, kid."

Electro leapt out of the window and absorbed the energy from the sign. In a matter of seconds, he was bright blue and made of electricity.

"Try and kung fu me now, kid!"
This... this is insane. Iron Fist lay with stomach to the ground, his body slightly quivering from the shock of Electro's attack. Danny Rand started to pick himself up and looked out the window, now seeing the glowing form of Electro. With this, he focused his chi energies. His fist began to glow, his body recovered slightly from the electric shocks. He still has some form beneath all that electricity, I've only got one shot at this. With new strength, Iron Fist leapt from the window, fist aimed for Electro's torso.
We sat on the corner of a building overlooking the warehouse, Cletus hasen't said anything sense we left Gina's body on the roof. After we see the paramedics put her body in the ambulance he finally spoke.

'You probably know already what I bought with the money I borrowed from the Crime Master?"

<No I'v figured out how to block out your memories and I'v decided not to read your mind without your permission.>

"Oh well heres what I used the money for."

He pulls out a small square box out of his poket.

"I was going to propose to her when I got home today but then I found the note and all this crap happened. But Im not going to let this happen to anyone again!"

Right after he says that the suit goes back on him.

"Hey how did you know I want the suit on me?"

<I didn't you did it yourself.>

"Well than sense I have the power im going to start taking out the scum of this city and heaven help any would be hero who try and stop me!"

He lifts our right claw and it slowly starts to melt and form into a giant ax. He lifts our left claw and the fingers lengthen and become razor sharp.

"Alright lets try that tenticle swinging again."

He turns and runs toward the edge of the building and jumps off, he shots off a tenticle and starts to swing.

"Crap crap wall!"

I take control and shot off another tenticle from my other hand and narrowly avoided the building.

<You know what dude this is going to be a beutiful friendship.>

<Yah yah.>
SilverCenturion said:
This... this is insane. Iron Fist lay with stomach to the ground, his body slightly quivering from the shock of Electro's attack. Danny Rand started to pick himself up and looked out the window, now seeing the glowing form of Electro. With this, he focused his chi energies. His fist began to glow, his body recovered slightly from the electric shocks. He still has some form beneath all that electricity, I've only got one shot at this. With new strength, Iron Fist leapt from the window, fist aimed for Electro's torso.

"Awww, ain't that cute? The little kid's fist glows..."

Electro drained the energy from every electric object in a twenty foot radius.

"I glow too..."

Electro didn't move. The kid's punch connected, but it didn't have the desired effect. The kid was instantly zapped with high voltage electricity. Electro flew higher into the air, carrying the kid with him. And then, he turned down the juice. With no electrical field holding him up, the kid fell from several dozen feet in the air and crashed into the ground. Electro could almost hear bones breaking upon impact. He grinned and stared down at his opponent.

"Not a bad warm-up. But I'm gonna have to find myself a new place to hide."

Electro lowered to the ground and powered down. Luckily it was late at night, so nobody would see him standing aroud completely naked. He knelt down and searched through the kid's costume. There, he found his wallet.

"What kinda idiot superhero carries his wallet around?"

Electro found a couple hundred dollars in cash, and a couple of credit cards. It only took a moment for him to electronically scan the cards and find the PIN number. He smiled and walked away.

"Beautiful. Just gotta pack my stuff and I'm back on the road. See ya 'round, kid."
Hyper Venom said:
"Awww, ain't that cute? The little kid's fist glows..."

Electro drained the energy from every electric object in a twenty foot radius.

"I glow too..."

Electro didn't move. The kid's punch connected, but it didn't have the desired effect. The kid was instantly zapped with high voltage electricity. Electro flew higher into the air, carrying the kid with him. And then, he turned down the juice. With no electrical field holding him up, the kid fell from several dozen feet in the air and crashed into the ground. Electro could almost hear bones breaking upon impact. He grinned and stared down at his opponent.

"Not a bad warm-up. But I'm gonna have to find myself a new place to hide."

Electro lowered to the ground and powered down. Luckily it was late at night, so nobody would see him standing aroud completely naked. He knelt down and searched through the kid's costume. There, he found his wallet.

"What kinda idiot superhero carries his wallet around?"

Electro found a couple hundred dollars in cash, and a couple of credit cards. It only took a moment for him to electronically scan the cards and find the PIN number. He smiled and walked away.

"Beautiful. Just gotta pack my stuff and I'm back on the road. See ya 'round, kid."
THUD. Iron Fist hit the ground, hard. He was still concious, but temporarily paralyzed out of the shock and repeated electrocutings. He lay and watched as Electro robbed him of his cash and removed his credit cards, only to place them all back in the wallet.
Heh, got you now... ow... I'd be dead now if I wasn't powered up when I fell. This is going to take days of nothing but meditation to recover from.
Danny lay there for the next half hour or so, until he eventually crawled into the alley next to the apartment building, pulling his civilian clothes on he limped away.
Just glad I got out of here before the cops arrived. Damn Electro... eh, I've felt worse.
The limo weaved its way through Manhattan, over the bridge into the heart of New York City. The skyscrapers either side of the streets formed vast metallic caverns, weathered by time but still a testament to the vision of architects long since passed.

We passed the Baxter Building. I couldn't help but remember the part of my childhood I'd spent there, and wondered what it might've been like if I'd attended at the same time as Reed Richards and his three little friends. Quite an adventure it would have been... Especially with that charming Storm girl...

As we approached Stark Tower, I recalled my father's more artsy construction on the river back in the 70's. All angles and glass, it was built as a symbol of his wealth, his achievement. I'd only ever seen pictures, as the building was torn down when I was in my teens and I'd spent most of my childhood in hiding or in the Baxter Building. It might've been more flashy than practical, but it was quite a sight.

We entered the building and took the elevator ride to my penthouse floor. One minute and thirty-eight seconds, just as always. I exited as the doors 'pinged' open, Jarvis following not far behind. Striding stright through the apartment/office, I walked to a door with its own keypad and retinal scanner. Keying in the correct code, and peering into the little blue blinking light, The door clicked for a second then gradually opened to reveal the Launchpad.

Six stories tall, with its own Iris built into the roof, it was quite an impressive area of the building. But even more impressive... The suits adorning the walls of the room. The two dozen previous incarnations of the Iron Man suit that had gone before this current model, and a couple of prototypes that were having the finishing touches made.

"Well, Sir", began Jarvis, "Which will it be today? The tried and tested model or one of the new ones?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"Decisions, decisions..."
Spider-Man9X17 said:
"I really don't think I like Nick Fury," Spider-Man said to himself, racing toward the Triskelion. "I mean, I don't hate the guy. He has done some good for me, and he's saved the world a few times. But still, I get a funny vibe from him. Then again, who am I to talk. I dress up in red and blue tights, and swing around the city."

Smoke rose from the military structure in the distance. Spider-Man had only been to the Triskelion once before, but the visit was awe-inspiring. Of course, he was kidnapped from the structure by Norman Osborn and four other goofballs he had helped put away.

"For a bunch of overpaid spies and superheroes, these guys sure do suck at keeping people locked up."

Spider-Man landed on the spire of the Triskelion and scuttled inside. Fury sat at a conference table with some other guy Spidey didn't recoginize.

"You know, Fury, if the Bugle job doesn't work out, I could always start charging you. I could make enough to retire my first week."

"Craig, this is Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man," said Fury, "And if you want some pocket money, talk to your aunt, not me."

Zoken said:
Craig introduced himself to the young superhero. "Craig Hollis, Mr. Immortal." he offered his hand to the young man. he knew by the voice the kid had to be under twenty five.

he turned back to Fury. "Excuse me sir, no disrespect, and maybe this is just media hype... but didn't Pym put his wife into the hospital a couple months back? Why is he back on the team?"

Nick Fury sighed. He knew putting Pym back on the team would ruffle some feathers.

"Look, Craig, I know what I'm doing," he said, "As it turns out, Pym is linked to a situation which, if it develops, could mean major trouble for us all. So, I'd rather have him on my side for if or when that happens. Plus, Pym spent quite a lot of time with Osborn and Octavius when they were previously incarcerated. He should know a lot about what makes them tick. Further down the line, when everything's resolved, maybe I'll reevaluate his position on the team. But for now, he stays."

Fury then turned his attention to Spider-Man.

"Parker, we were just in the middle of debriefing. Would you care to add any comments on Osborn and Octavius, based on your own personal experience? The more we know about what we're dealing with, the better."
Keyser Soze said:
"Parker, we were just in the middle of debriefing. Would you care to add any comments on Osborn and Octavius, based on your own personal experience? The more we know about what we're dealing with, the better."

"My comment? They're both big fat jerks who have nothing better to do than kill people and ruin my life. Oh, and their breathe stinks and the have bad haircuts. These are not the kind of people you just lock up, even if you do throw away the key."
Fury leaned back in his chair. He was expecting Parker to attack him for just locking them up.

"Look, kid, I can understand your anger," he explained, "Once again, these monsters have escaped our custody. But I assure you that your loved ones are already under protection."

Spider-Man said nothing. So Fury continued.

"Look, I can appreciate that you're pissed off about the decisions I've made. From your perspective, they're better off dead. But when you're in my position, you have to try and think of the greater good. And you may not, think it, but keeping metahumans like Osborn and Octavius alive, under captivity, is for the greater good. Do you not think that I want them dead for killing so many of my agents? But I have to accept my responsibility, and that involves not killing them unless there is no other choice."
"Well, General, you have your responsibility and I have mine."

With that, Spider-Man leapt back out the window, snagging a by-passing chopper with a webline and riding it to shore. Letting go of that line, he fired another, re-entering the city.

"These two clowns can't be that hard to find. Chances are, they're looking for me. So why don't I give them an easy target."

Spider-Man fired out a webline from each hand, using his momentum to zip to the top of the Chrysler Building.

The Goblin put the phone down and placed the vial on the desk. "I've been working on it for months Otto. I've finally figured it out. If my calculations are correct, and they are, all we need to do is add a few chemicals to the OZ forumla, and we can control those who are injected with it."

He took out some blueprints from a cabinet and layed them on the desk, showing Otto his designs. "Think of it. We can inject this forumla into any who we please and they will become a mindless follower of our orders. Never questioning, never refusing."

He patted Otto on the back. "Come we have work to do, formula's to develop... and a certain bug to inject it in, who's going to kill Nick Fury so that we can come out of hiding."


"Damn where is he?" Wade said leaping from one building to another. He gazed out into the city. "How hard can it be to find a guy in red and blue soandex, swinning round the city?"

Flipping down onto a lower building. He heard a "Thwip!" "Looks like my luck's just changed." Wade said seeing Spider-man swing above his head. He lept into the air and swung out, hitting Spider-man in the back. "Yo web boy! Been looking all over for ya! I got nothing personal with you. But it seems my employer has."

He landed on the ground, pulling a knfie and pistol, aiming into the air and firing at Spider-man.
Electro UK said:
"Damn where is he?" Wade said leaping from one building to another. He gazed out into the city. "How hard can it be to find a guy in red and blue spandex, swinning round the city?"

Flipping down onto a lower building. He heard a "Thwip!" "Looks like my luck's just changed." Wade said seeing Spider-man swing above his head. He lept into the air and swung out, hitting Spider-man in the back. "Yo web boy! Been looking all over for ya! I got nothing personal with you. But it seems my employer has."

He landed on the ground, pulling a knfie and pistol, aiming into the air and firing at Spider-man.

"Wow. Ok, ummmmm, I don't know who you are, or why you've been rooting around in my closet, but I don't have time for any wannabe groupies right now. I have two serious deranged and extremely ugly sociopaths to catch right now. So if you'll excuse me..."

Spider-Man flipped over the newcomer, webbing his hands up as he let himself freefall down the side of the skyscraper before firing a webline and coming to another rest on a rooftop water tower across the street.

"Wierdo," Spider-Man muttered just as his spider-sense went off. He leapt out of the way just as a bullet plowed into the tower. He turned to see the groupie land on the rooftop right below him.

"Jeez, if you want my autograph that much, give me a second to find a pen."
Spider-Man9X17 said:
"Wow. Ok, ummmmm, I don't know who you are, or why you've been rooting around in my closet, but I don't have time for any wannabe groupies right now. I have two serious deranged and extremely ugly sociopaths to catch right now. So if you'll excuse me..."

Spider-Man flipped over the newcomer, webbing his hands up as he let himself freefall down the side of the skyscraper before firing a webline and coming to another rest on a rooftop water tower across the street.

"Wierdo," Spider-Man muttered just as his spider-sense went off. He leapt out of the way just as a bullet plowed into the tower. He turned to see the groupie land on the rooftop right below him.

"Jeez, if you want my autograph that much, give me a second to find a pen."

"Oh we've got a funny one have we?" Wade said leaping over Peter and kicking him in the back. "No one out funnies me! No one!" he roared as he threw a knife at Spider-man, leaping onto a building the other side of the street and pulling out his two swords.

"I'll have you know I'm the funniest guy around! I won the 'Guy who will probably turn out to be a deranged Supder-villain, but still be incredibly funny award'."
Spider-Man couldn't dodge the knife. It put a decent sized slice into his arm.

"And why not?" he wondered as he grabbed his arm in agony. "I've been shot, beaten, kicked, electrocuted, thrown off a few buildings, and nearly eaten by a kid I use to play frisbee with. Why not stabbed?"

"Wow, seriously. I mean, I know my jokes are bad, but at least they have a punchline. You,....you just,.....wow." Spider-Man wrapped a piece of his costume around the wound, and then leapt for his assailant.

"OK, not the smartest idea," he said, noticing the swords after he was airborne.
Electro UK said:
The Goblin put the phone down and placed the vial on the desk. "I've been working on it for months Otto. I've finally figured it out. If my calculations are correct, and they are, all we need to do is add a few chemicals to the OZ forumla, and we can control those who are injected with it."

He took out some blueprints from a cabinet and layed them on the desk, showing Otto his designs. "Think of it. We can inject this forumla into any who we please and they will become a mindless follower of our orders. Never questioning, never refusing."

He patted Otto on the back. "Come we have work to do, formula's to develop... and a certain bug to inject it in, who's going to kill Nick Fury so that we can come out of hiding."


Octavius made a snort of derision.

"I'd like to review those calculations before I start working on anything Norman.My scientific genius is not something you can rent by the hour.I want to review your proposal and make sure this will actually work".

Ock smirked at Norman."After all your little plan of attack on the White House wasn't a roaring success was it??".

"However using Spider-Man to destroy Nick Fury is truly inspired.Two birds with one stone".

Ock flexed out a tentacle and took the blueprints from Norman's hand.

"Oh and one other thing Norman.Make sure you don't use your powers.Remember Fury can track you if you alter your genetic state.That's something else we might want to consider fixing.Altering your genetic state so your transformation fluctuations cannot be tracked.Leave that one to me" Ock said as he seated himself at a table and began reviewing the calculations.
Doc Ock said:
Ock smirked at Norman."After all your little plan of attack on the White House wasn't a roaring success was it??".

Norman snarled at Ock at that comment. "At least I wasn't the one taken out by the Wasp Otto." he laughed before continuing. "Yes, a splendid idea. Fury mustn't find this place. I'll hold off on using my powers until we can treat this problem."
Spider-Man9X17 said:
"I really don't think I like Nick Fury," Spider-Man said to himself, racing toward the Triskelion. "I mean, I don't hate the guy. He has done some good for me, and he's saved the world a few times. But still, I get a funny vibe from him. Then again, who am I to talk. I dress up in red and blue tights, and swing around the city."

Smoke rose from the military structure in the distance. Spider-Man had only been to the Triskelion once before, but the visit was awe-inspiring. Of course, he was kidnapped from the structure by Norman Osborn and four other goofballs he had helped put away.

"For a bunch of overpaid spies and superheroes, these guys sure do suck at keeping people locked up."

Spider-Man landed on the spire of the Triskelion and scuttled inside. Fury sat at a conference table with some other guy Spidey didn't recoginize.

"You know, Fury, if the Bugle job doesn't work out, I could always start charging you. I could make enough to retire my first week."


"My first night back, and I have to team up with Captain America," Ant Man groaned, swarming his ants around the red, white, and blue hero. Reverting to normal size, he walked up behind Cap. Supressing a hiccup, he addressed the Ultimates' field commander.

"Looks like I'm your back-up, soldierboy. What's the plan."

Cap cringed at the site of the wife beater whilst looking at the clock it was 10 Minutes exact and this was the only “Ultimate” he had

“Well I’ve waited long enough for someone and if you’re the best I got so be it.” Cap said picking up his shield and striating his mask

“Let’s go and take down these nut jobs!”

“I am sorry Matt,” Elektra said, pulling the crimson warrior close. Placing one hand on his head, and the other secretly on her sai, she rubbed her lips against his.

“Elektra..no,” Matt stammered.

“No, I really am sorry,” she whispered, pounding the dull edge of her knife across his face. With out even watching her lover, she leaped off the building.

OOC: Sorry this took so long, no internet connection yesterday. Also, sorry for the small bunny Question, if you want, I will edit.

I fall to the ground, dazed. By the time my head clears, I've lost her. And she seems to have stop wearing perfume, so following her scent is out of the question.


You're a real hero, Matt. A regular Superman.
woman - "No! Please don't hurt me!"

thug - "Aww baby don't be like that my friend and I just want to have a little fun."

The punk looks around for his buddy, finally he looks up to see him stuck to the wall and wrapped in some red goo. He starts to back out of the ally until he bumps into some one, he turns around to see me standing there. The punk screams and tries to run away, I shoot out a tenticle and snag him by the neck and brings him to me. I reach out my claw and grabs his neck and holds him off the ground.

"You sick freak! You and your scumbag friend was going to rape this woman were you! Well im going to make it that you won't hurt another woman or anybody again!"

I raise my other claw and form into an ax and raise it back to send his head rolling across the floor when I notice my arm won't move.

<Thats it im not going to let you do this, you said nothing about killing anybody!>

<He deseverse it!.>

<I know he does but im not going to let you kill him!>

I take control and stick the guy to the wall next to his buddy and than retacts the suit from Cletus's body and give him back control.

I walk up to the girl and reach out my hand to her, naturally shes afraid of me.

"Its ok im not going to hurt you."

She takes my hand while mumbling her thank yous.

"Go call the cops these guys arn't goin anywhere."

She runs out of the allyway, I call the suit back onto me and dig my claws into the wall and climb up to the rooftop. I run to the other end of the roof and jump off shooting a tenticle and swing away.

As we're swinging I think to myself I have to start getting stronger, I was lucky this time I caught him off guard. If Cletus gets out of control im probably going to have to take control by force.
Elektra entered a rather large building. Glimmering with picture windows and metal panes, you could hardly call the Fisk Building dull. Stuffing her hands in her blood red trench coat, she stepped into an elevator. What Matt had told her earlier had hurt her more then she let on. The Kingpin, her handler, took part in the very accident that created Daredevil. Plunging her sai into the control panel, the elevator came to a stop. With her free hand, she pulled the security camera off the wall. She sank. She couldn’t handle this. She had to find the truth.

After about 30 minutes, she pulled open the mechanical door.

“Do you have an appointment with Mr. Fisk?” said the secretary. Holding up a carefully selected finger, Elektra barged into the Kingpin’s office.

“Kingpin! We need to talk! NOW!”

“Yes my dear?”

“What was your hand in the Jack Murdock case?”

“That is classified,”

“If you want the media to know about your ordeals, then yeah, it is, and don’t try and threaten me with little threats. You know I could, and would take you down,”

“Yes, yes, you would, but don’t flatter yourself,” growled the Kingpin, hardly showing any emotion.

“The Murdock case was..hardly important. Jack Murdock didn’t throw a fight and..well..let’s say I really wasn’t interested in the details..


The Fixer walked into Fisk's office. Fisk is seated at his desk, reading a newspaper.

"Hey, boss, I've got a problem. One of my boxers, that Murdock guy, didn't throw the fight. I was thinking..."

Fisk, not even looking up, speaks.

"Kill him. Take Slade."


“That is how it happened. Now Elektra, how is that Pym job going,”

“I am on it,” said the Greek, reaching into her pocket and throwing seven throwing stars in Wilson Fisk’s direction, each one barley missing his head.

Elektra silently walked out of the forbidding building.

i'm Spider-Man said:
The limo weaved its way through Manhattan, over the bridge into the heart of New York City. The skyscrapers either side of the streets formed vast metallic caverns, weathered by time but still a testament to the vision of architects long since passed.

We passed the Baxter Building. I couldn't help but remember the part of my childhood I'd spent there, and wondered what it might've been like if I'd attended at the same time as Reed Richards and his three little friends. Quite an adventure it would have been... Especially with that charming Storm girl...

As we approached Stark Tower, I recalled my father's more artsy construction on the river back in the 70's. All angles and glass, it was built as a symbol of his wealth, his achievement. I'd only ever seen pictures, as the building was torn down when I was in my teens and I'd spent most of my childhood in hiding or in the Baxter Building. It might've been more flashy than practical, but it was quite a sight.

We entered the building and took the elevator ride to my penthouse floor. One minute and thirty-eight seconds, just as always. I exited as the doors 'pinged' open, Jarvis following not far behind. Striding stright through the apartment/office, I walked to a door with its own keypad and retinal scanner. Keying in the correct code, and peering into the little blue blinking light, The door clicked for a second then gradually opened to reveal the Launchpad.

Six stories tall, with its own Iris built into the roof, it was quite an impressive area of the building. But even more impressive... The suits adorning the walls of the room. The two dozen previous incarnations of the Iron Man suit that had gone before this current model, and a couple of prototypes that were having the finishing touches made.

"Well, Sir", began Jarvis, "Which will it be today? The tried and tested model or one of the new ones?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"Decisions, decisions..."

I looked around me at the suits, some still gleaming, but a few dulled by the weathering effects of time.

"I think, Jarvis", I announced after some deliberation, "that today seems as good a day as any to take one of the newer models for a test drive."

Very good, Master Tony. Which of the protoypes would you prefer, the IMA023.1, or the IMA023.2?"

"Remind me Jarvis, which one comes with the optional extras?"


"You know, those few odds and ends we threw in just for the thrill of it - MP3 audio feed, extra comfort zones, prototype Ion Cannons?"

"Oh. those extras. That would be the .2, Sir."

"Very well, the .2 it is then! Along with the customary pre-launch drink, If you wouldn't mind."

I was very aware that my alcohol consumption at this point in the morning was... somewhat elevated. However, one of the many things I'd learnt so far in my relatively short life is that I, unlike many people, do not seem to feel the effects of alcohol until the twelfth or thirteenth double vodka. Anything up to that point is nothing but social drinking or a quick belly warmer.

Watching the crew of dedicated Iron Man technicians scuttling around the launchpad, I had another of those moments that made me realise exactly how successful I'd become - My own tower, my own entourage, my own Butler; My own personally-designed high-tech suit of advanced personal armour - just what every billionaire playboy these days needed.
Beetle was sitting on a rooftop, in Chinatown, stalking his newest job. The man, a petty thief that went by the name of Jack Lee, was not of importance but what he was holding was something most valuable to his employer. Lee reached his destination, Mr. Wong Chinese Eatery, The Beetle checked a panel on his wristed and smiled underneath his helmet.
"Good, bombs in place" he said to himself "Let the fun begin"

Upon entering Jack was greeted by a tall asian man in a suit. "Your late" he said. Jack looked down at his watch 12:05 late by 5 minutes. "Mr. Wong does not like tardiness but I do not want for him to keep waiting he is in the dinning hall".

Jack entered the dinning hall and saw in the corner a table surrounded by heavily armed men and one very large asian man. Jack headed toward the table very slowly and scared out of his mind said, "I have it where's my money". A briefcase fliped opened and was filled with money. "Excellent" and Jack started to quickly walked toward the table. Suddenly an explosion ripped through the restaurant and the place went up in flames. The guards took up arms when a grenade flew right in front of them and a blue screen went up in front of them.

"Mr. Lee" said a voice from above "you have something of my employer he needs it back". Jack took out a handgun and and fired at the Beetle. "Useless" exclaimed the Beetle in cold voice. The Beetle grab Jack and flew with him through the roof. The guards fired at the blue screen but it had no effect.

The Beetle and Jack were in the sky over New York and looked at him with his large red eyes. "Give it to me" whispered the Beetle. Jack felt his neck being crushed and quickly handed over the item. "Now the mission was to retrieve this you on the other hand...."
"You can't!" Jack barely yelled out.
"Goodbye Mr. Lee" and the Beetle dropped Jack. The Bettle waited for the sound of a car alarm and flew off. After dropping the item off and recieved his payment he flew back to his Manhattan appartment. Sneaking in through a window he placed his armor away and decided to get some sleep. He wondered what his next job would be and relished the thought of what damgage he would bring. Assination, kidnapping, and thievery he could do it all he was the best of the best. He looked at his phone and wondered what next and smiled.
Sparta* said:
"Brotherhood!" Magneto shouted at the group of mutants gathered before him "The time has come" he said hovering above an enormous pile of rubble and metal that used to be his fortress in the Savageland.

"We must reconstruct my fortress to its original glory...we must regain what was taken from us by the human lovers" he hovered over towards the mutants and landed infront of them. He began pacing up and down passing them all.

"With the recent defection of my weak ignorant children Pietro and Wanda, and the failure of Wolverine in finishing the task I assigned to him, I find our numbers very...lacking. They, like every other human lover, mutant or not, will suffer the same fate once our full power is gathered" He said eyeing them all

"Blob, Toad, Mastermind, Forge, Harddrive and Multiple Man, we must be vigilant in our efforts. Once my fortress is reconstructed I have very important missions for you all. If we are to rule over the humans like the dogs they are we need to recruit more mutants to our cause. I have come upon some information about certain Weapon X members that I very much desire to aid me in my quest. When we have re-established the fortress I will give you further instructions" Magneto said stopping infront of them.

"Forge, you will design me a machine I can use to track the location of any mutant I desire...with your infinite technological aptitude, i'm sure this will be a feasible task" Magneto said

"Yes, lord Magneto, it will be done" Forge replied

"Excellent...with that I will track down the most powerful mutants to add to my brotherhood...all humanity will bow down before me! and I inturn will smote them down. I have seen firsthand the atrocities these homosapiens are capable off comitting...my family, my life, destroyed before my very eyes. They will pay, oh yes, they will all pay very dearly for their lack of vision. Soon, with my full strength consolidated, humanity will beg me for mercy" He said hovering above the ground once more.

"You promised us we would rule over the earth already, and look at your fortress...or what remains of it now" Harddrive said, regretting it immediatley.

"YOU INGRATE" Magneto shouted absolutley infuriated as his eyes turned white and his hands crackled with raw power.


He pulled up some barb wire from the pile of rubble and wrapped it around Harddrives body. He lifted himself high into the air, and levitated Harddrive before him. "I offered you the chance to rule over the humans like Gods! I gave you the honor of being in my brotherhood...to be a ruler when I dominate all life on this wretched planet, and you jest? You naive fool!" Magneto said as he slowly made the barb wire rotate around Harddrives body...digging into his flesh.

"I'm sorry lord Magneto, I was wrong to doubt you" Harddrive pleaded. Magneto moved the barb wire faster as blood began to stream down Harddrives body. Harddrive howled in pain.

"It is the last mistake you'll ever make..." Magneto said pulling the barb wire from around harddrives body quickly and sending his cut up body spinning 100 feet to the ground. His lifeless corpse landed before the remaining brotherhood members.

"I will not tolerate insubordination" Magneto shouted from above them "It would do you all well to realize it now, before you suffer the same fate as your misguided friend. Toad, dispose of him, the rest of you get to work on rebuilding my fortress...it has been to long since the world has tasted my wraith" With that Magneto levitated away and left them to their work.

Multiple man split into his maximum amount of duplicates and began to sort through the rubble with Blob. Forge designed the plans for the mutant tracking device, and Mastermind went in search of materials. Toad picked up Harddrives mangled corpse and tossed him in a nearby river.

"Excellent work my brotherhood" Magneto said levitating in the air infront of the giant citadel that was recently constructed for him by his brotherhood. It was better then the previous fortress in almost every way. Especially the chamber that Magneto had ordered Forge to build for him deep in the centre of the fortress. The machine Magneto would use to search the world for powerful mutants worthy to be in his brotherhood...worthy to rule under him when the world was his...worthy to help him destory mankind!

Magneto turned and hovered above the brotherhood "You have all done well, now go and rest, When I have finished locating the mutants I desire to add to my brotherhood I will inform you all of your next missions. Now be gone!" Magneto said lowering himself to the ground and walking into the citadel. The citadel itself was an amazing structure considering the people who built it.

The black metal tower rose high, towering above everything else in the Savageland. Its peak erupting from the dense clouds that blanketed the Savageland. From Magneto's thrown room he could look out and see everything that was happening in his land. He walked to the heart of the fortress...the place where he commanded Forge to construct his mutant tracking device. He changed the dials on the machine, commanding it to only show him the some of the most powerful mutants.

He levitated his helmet off and laid it on the computer console. Then he placed the the metal harness around his head. Many mutants passed through his mind.......quite a few caught his attention as possible candidates...and others were shown that would not be of much help to his cause like Xavier, but then he saw one that stuck out very noticeably. A man by the name of Cable...Magneto could feel this man was powerful, and misguided, and knew he would make an important addition to the brotherhood.

"Multiple Man and Mastermind, meet me in my throne room at once, I have discovered the location of our target..." Magneto said into the communicator in the wall. He flew over to his grand throne room and sat upon his silver throne. Mastermind and Multipleman entered through the two large doors all the way on the other side of the room. They took a while to reach him but they finally did

"What must we do lord Magneto?" Mastermind said

"You two are to locate a mutant named Cable, also known as Nathan Summers...he is extremly powerful and dangerous. Tell him that the master of magnetism, and soon to be ruler of mankind seeks and audience with him...an offer no one would fear to refuse. Here are his co-ordinates...now be gone and make haste for I desire to put my plans into motion..." Magneto said as his eyes glowed white

"Yes lord Magneto" Multiple man said as he and Mastermind left the throne room to accomplish their task.
"Cancel all my meetings for today Colleen. And all of my credit cards as well, er all of them but my personal Mastercard."
"Yes sir Mr. Rand. Why all but one?"
"Only one that they didn't get of course..."
"Ya know Danny, if you just stopped hanging out in rough neighbourhoods we wouldn't have to do this every other week."
"Thanks for your concern Ms. Wing, but I can handle my personal life myself."
Someday we'll have you figured out Danny Rand. Then I can drop this act and get back to some real work
"Randcorp, Colleen Wing speaking. How may I direct your call?"
"This is Byrne, are we on a secure line?"
"Room is secure, switching phone line to private now, Agent Byrne."
"Agent 374, your update on the Rand situation is late. Why haven't you contacted central in over a week now?"
"There's been nothing to report. Until today that is."
"Today, agent?"
"Target phoned in 'sick' from home line. Also, he was mugged... again."
"We expect a full report by tomorrow at the latest. We're getting very close to being able to move in on the target."

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