Venom Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Well, that was a fun movie. Very much enjoyed myself. While 10-15 minutes more of Carnage would have been appreciated, I am still fine with the length of the movie. Hardy and Harrelson must be sick of scenary, with how much they chewed it. Very entertaining movie.

As for the end scene, not overly thrilled with it. King in Black just wrapped up, so some of the concepts in that scene just exhausts me
To be honest, they could just give Venom white logo as Knull symbol if the problem was that they couldn't use the classic spider logo.

I think if Cates' run had started a year earlier they could've done that. The whole Knull thing started as the first film was already in post production. At this stage, with Spider-Man right around the corner, introducing the dragon insignia probably will just confuse audiences or fans not familiar with Knull. So might as well wait for Spidey to get the iconic Spider logo.
VeNom L3T Th3rE bE CarNAagE iS BaD!!!

I am damn curious at what changes they made to the translations in order to get this movie approved for China.
Does it have an official release date set for China? Or is that TBD?
Just got home from seeing this and it was so dumb I actually liked it. My main complaint was the editing was so fast in a-lot of scenes and rushing to get through stuff that alot of the time I didnt get a chance enjoy certain scenes
Just got home from seeing this and it was so dumb I actually liked it. My main complaint was the editing was so fast in a-lot of scenes and rushing to get through stuff that alot of the time I didnt get a chance enjoy certain scenes

My thoughts exactly :up: I loved it, but pretty much wanted more, of everything lol

(although I think I just read a Serkis interview where he said they were pretty limited with their shooting window, due to a Tom injury or Tom's schedule or something. So they knew, (and it was necessary), that it was always gonna be a shorter movie, so they leaned into making something super lean, and just kinda non-stop beginning to end. Which makes sense to me if that was the case. I guess it was either make something short, sweet, and entertaining, and try to do more than you could and potentially end up with an unworkable mass of content and story. Unfortunate, ha, but I'll definitely take what we got if that was a real constraint for them :up: )
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If Tom Holland is in the next one, I hope Feige has complete creative control. Everything about both Venom movies so far is it’s all so predictable. The storyline doesn’t really have anything compelling or interesting angle besides Venom fights another symbiote.
My thoughts exactly :up: I loved it, but pretty much wanted more, of everything lol

(although I think I just read a Serkis interview where he said they were pretty limited with their shooting window, due to a Tom injury or Tom's schedule or something. So they knew, (and it was necessary), that it was always gonna be a shorter movie, so they leaned into making something super lean, and just kinda non-stop beginning to end. Which makes sense to me if that was the case. I guess it was either make something short, sweet, and entertaining, and try to do more than you could and potentially end up with an unworkable mass of content and story. Unfortunate, ha, but I'll definitely take what we got if that was a real constraint for them :up: )

Ya know now that you tell me this about Hardy I can definitely see that this had an impact on the movie. The break neck speed was off the charts for a superhero movie. I also felt like Woody was miscast as carnage at times. I wanted someone more younger and able to pull of crazy a tad more.
Caleb Landry Jones would've been PERFECT as carnage.
The more I think about it, the more I think that the mid-credits scene for Venom 2 may be my favourite of all the post- or -mids seen since the launch of the MCU. Sam Jackson's reveal in Avengers was awesome as well, and I was was thrilled to see Thanos in the Avengers post-scene, but this one actually got an audible reaction from me in theatre.
Have to say guys, the Monday and Tuesday gross doesn't bode well for legs, and I'm talking irrespective of the competition ahead, which was always going to cut into legs.

Monday: Not a big deal, but bigger openers usually have some spillover on their first Monday, which is why I was expecting about a 63-65% drop (Joker dropped 60% on first Monday) rather than the normal 70+%. Again, maybe not a big deal, just means no spillover.

Tuesday: Very surprising. A jump of only 9%!! In pandemic times Tuesdays have deflated compared to previous times; okay so maybe a 25-30% bump instead of 40%+. But nope, 9%. That's ugly.

Obviously on the whole it's been a huge success but I do wonder if it was bound to be extremely front loaded even if there wasn't much competition this month. Weirdly enough, though, the actual weekend didn't play out like that. Saturday and Sunday holds from Friday were strong! I guess I'm just sort of perplexed at how the first two weekdays have played out. Saturday and Sunday indicated strong word of mouth and strong first-weekday numbers before Bond hits but that hasn't been the case at all.

Now if Wednesday is almost flat then that cancels out the weak Tuesday and we can chalk it up to very unusual box office behaviour. I don't think that'll be the case though. If we see a normal Wednesday and Thursday drop then we're looking at a 2nd weekend drop of almost 70%! Let's see....
Yeah it's hard to tell what the legs will be like for this, but it tied Shang-Chi to $100M (without S-C's Labor Day weekend / Monday), and it beat the first Venom (6 days) to $100M

So either way, I think Sony's pretty happy. I don't imagine Sony (or any other Studios) really expect any movie to have incredible legs just quite yet. The BO is definitely on the rebound, but I think the most the majority of studios are expecting/hoping for is a great OW opening weekend. Which this def had. It'll be really interesting imo to see how ALL these big, upcoming movies do (Bond, Halloween, Dune), OW-wise and legs-wise. I'm hoping they all crush it, and all of them make good money
Holy **** ! I just sat down to rewatch Venom, first time I saw it I wasn't really paying attention, but man this film is great and ****ING HILARIOUS ! Is it meant to be a horror-comedy ? If so, then it's brilliant, not sophisticated but still really funny - if not, then it's the most unintentionally funny thing I've ever seen.

Anyway, I'm now totally psyched for LTBC, for 2 reasons

1) When I was an extra on the Hobbit, Andy Serkis was the director ( it was the 2nd unit) and he was such a nice guy - I really hope his film succeeds.

2) Tom Hardy is hilarious ! I can't believe how good he is at comedy. If they keep the same tone for the sequel, then it will be great reprieve from the awful crap that Marvel has been putting out.

While LTBC may only be tied with Shang Chi, well Sony can still laugh because it cost only half as much as Shang Chi or Black Widow - so it's far more likely to recover it's budget and actually make some money.
I just saw the movie with a buddy. I do wish Carnage talked morr and had some morbid humor. Carnage as a character is VERY one note and definitely one that you can only do once really. So I wish they did more with him. For example, the scene in the cathedral, the seats were empty. If they had been full of corpses that would have been much better for me.

Also, for some reason I was able to tell Shriek was Shriek before we got her name despite the actress. The sonic powers could have been enough, but my mind went straight to DC with Black Canary and Silver Banshee…then in the scene after she was shot I saw her eye and the scar and was able to call her by name immediately… she’s white in comics. However I mean LITERALLY white, so I can’t tell if she’s supposed to be Caucasian (we all just default to it). Anyone want to help me on that or is she like Blink?

Also, when it comes to the after credits scene… it seems Sony is showing their hand. (If only they could get animation rights back)

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