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Justice League What if Justice League bombs?

True, but Cap benefitted that Harry Potter was very front loaded, it did have a 60% drop in week 2 against Cowboys and Aliens, but recovered nicely and had a great run in August. I don't think MoS can afford the same luxury, if it has a 60% ween 2 drop then the film won't recover it's budget.

I think it's important to point out that Batman Begins was one of the best film of the summer of 2005, but it labored to 200M. Now it only had a 150M budget so that helped.

We will see what happens, but I've seen this with too many films. Like I said other than sequels or animated films, June openings don't do very well.

Jurassic Park and Batman '89 had June openings and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I understand where you are coming from, June has been a dead month for way too long but I think that has more to do with the movies that have been released in the last 15 years in June than an actual problem with the month itself. Granted, Batman Begins didn't do amazing despite being one of the best movies of that year but I think that had way more to do with the movie that preceded it than when it was released. And as for Superman Returns and Green Lantern I would say the quality of those films had more to do with the amount of money it made. I'm sure I'm drawing a blank but can anyone really point out an excellent movie that was well received and was actually expected to do well in the last 10 years that was released in June and did fair to poor business excluding Batman Begins?
Hope better ideas prevail at wb...I want a JL film but id rather wait a while and let it be done right..give us a wf, flash, and maybe a teamup film with ww and mm or gl first. Then give us JL.
Is it me or a lot of people assuming that making a better team-up movie than the Avengers isn't possible?

I think that it certainly is. Imagine if we had something as good as the Dark Knight with an equally great Superman story implemented. This would set the bar in my book.

Its certainly possible to imagine that. However, it stretches the imagination to imagine WB actually successfully making such.

Especially since its much easier to imagine WB making a Superman and a JLA that is as *dark* as Dark Knight, and thus misses the point.
Is it me or a lot of people assuming that making a better team-up movie than the Avengers isn't possible?

I think that it certainly is. Imagine if we had something as good as the Dark Knight with an equally great Superman story implemented. This would set the bar in my book.

Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely though that the company who hasn't delivered a great Nolan free Superhero movie in 20 years can pull it off though?

I have my doubts...
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Better, is always subjective. Is Justice league going to matchup with Avengers 2 if released in 2015 box office wise? No. Will it come close to matching Avengers 1.5 billion WW? No.

Does that mean it can't be good? Of course not. Expectations have to be set and a movie has to be delivered with a sound budget and realistic expectations. That doesn't mean by doing that it can't have a great cast and a great script.

Best thing to do now is have Legendary get rights from WB to independently produce a script, now that the Beall script is done with. Leave the corporate big wigs out of the production process. WB should only be involved with distribution.
Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely though that the company who hasn't delivered a great Nolan free Superhero movie in 20 years can pull it off though?

I have my doubts...

I'd say this sums up my feelings pretty well.

With titles like Catwoman, Superman Returns, Jonah Hex and Green Lantern, you'd be crazy not to be a little worried, if you're a DC fan.

All eyes are on Man of Steel now.
That's just it. We all know that the concept of Justice League is a great one. But WB's track record is just so terrible, that you can't help but be nervous. It is like having a baseball team full of all-stars and then hiring Bobby Valentine as manager. As a fan you'd be on pins and needles the whole time.
That's just it. We all know that the concept of Justice League is a great one. But WB's track record is just so terrible, that you can't help but be nervous. It is like having a baseball team full of all-stars and then hiring Bobby Valentine as manager. As a fan you'd be on pins and needles the whole time.

I see it more like hiring a bunch of football all-stars, and telling them to play a baseball game, managed by... well, Bobby Valentine.

Football being comics, and baseball being live-action film. Most of these characters have never been adapted to the big screen (or at least not successfully, in Green Lantern's case).
I'd say this sums up my feelings pretty well.

With titles like Catwoman, Superman Returns, Jonah Hex and Green Lantern, you'd be crazy not to be a little worried, if you're a DC fan.

All eyes are on Man of Steel now.

WB has earned every bit of criticism I've launched at them. It takes a visionary like Richard Donner or Christopher Nolan for them to make a good Comic Book Movie. Otherwise we get: Superman III, Supergirl, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Steel, Cat Woman, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern.

There are that many Marvel adaptations that are that bad, but never all from the same studio. WB truly has the record for striking out in the genre.
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It's hard to imagine a scenario where this movie won't be somewhat of a failure. I hate to make such a statement before we have any news whatsoever, but how do you expect to pull off a giant team up movie with only one solo film beforehand? Now as I've said before, I'm pretty sure Man of Steel is going to be a great film all around and be a success both critically and financially. It looks to be one of the biggest movies of 2013. But even if that movie is perfect in every way, you still have to introduce 3 or 4 other huge characters into a JL movie and then get on to the bigger conflict they have to face together.
I just don't think it's possible. Also when taking WB's track record into consideration, there's almost nothing to have faith in.
It's hard to imagine a scenario where this movie won't be somewhat of a failure. I hate to make such a statement before we have any news whatsoever, but how do you expect to pull off a giant team up movie with only one solo film beforehand? Now as I've said before, I'm pretty sure Man of Steel is going to be a great film all around and be a success both critically and financially. It looks to be one of the biggest movies of 2013. But even if that movie is perfect in every way, you still have to introduce 3 or 4 other huge characters into a JL movie and then get on to the bigger conflict they have to face together.
I just don't think it's possible. Also when taking WB's track record into consideration, there's almost nothing to have faith in.

I find it hard to imagine how you could think that way. Superman and Batman would get top billing and be huge draws the fans of the other characters would be interested as well. You feature Batman and Superman as main characters in the film and match it up with a good story and there should be no reason why it wouldn't gross more than any of Nolan's Batman films.
I find it hard to imagine how you could think that way. Superman and Batman would get top billing and be huge draws the fans of the other characters would be interested as well. You feature Batman and Superman as main characters in the film and match it up with a good story and there should be no reason why it wouldn't gross more than any of Nolan's Batman films.

I'm not saying that wouldn't put meat in the seats. I am saying that most likely won't produce a quality movie. Cramming multiple origin stories of multiple different characters as well as a main central complex is a daunting, near-impossible task. Explain to me how that isn't a huge concern.
I'm not saying that wouldn't put meat in the seats. I am saying that most likely won't produce a quality movie. Cramming multiple origin stories of multiple different characters as well as a main central complex is a daunting, near-impossible task. Explain to me how that isn't a huge concern.

If they put meat in the seats and the movie makes a lot of money, no one will be criticizing the quality. They will look like fools if they did.
If they put meat in the seats and the movie makes a lot of money, no one will be criticizing the quality. They will look like fools if they did.
That is not true at all.
The transformers movies have raked in billions of dollars and are seen by millions upon millions world wide, yet no one criticizing the content of the movie looks 'foolish'. Pretty much all three have been trash, and it's more than fair to say that.
So if you're shooting for a Transformers-level of success with JL, then congratulations, you're probably going to get it. As a DC fan I'd think you would hope for more, but apparently not.
Question of my topic should go from "What if JL bombs?" to "Will JL ever be made?"
That is not true at all.
The transformers movies have raked in billions of dollars and are seen by millions upon millions world wide, yet no one criticizing the content of the movie looks 'foolish'. Pretty much all three have been trash, and it's more than fair to say that.
So if you're shooting for a Transformers-level of success with JL, then congratulations, you're probably going to get it. As a DC fan I'd think you would hope for more, but apparently not.

What are you talking about? They were all considered rotten by critics, but yet they are still making films in that franchise. I wonder why?
What are you talking about? They were all considered rotten by critics, but yet they are still making films in that franchise. I wonder why?

Because they make money. Is that your point?
That's all those films are, a giant money maker. It's a sound and light show meant to sell cars and toys. But as movies, they are utter crap.
Do you really want that out of your Justice League movie?
That's my point that you're continually missing.
I'm not denying that people would turn out in droves to see a JL film, I'm just saying that as a movie, given the approach WB has been talking about, it's very possible that it will end up being a failure as a compelling, quality movie.
If I had to choose between my favorite character's films being a huge worldwide box office success but an utter dud as a movie, OR a quality, well made film that hardly anyone saw, then I'd choose the latter ten out of ten times.
One of the big problems is that WB wants to rush JL. They have no long-term plans. They just want to "improvise" and cash in on Avengers success. If they had an actual plan, like Marvel masterfully did, a JL movie could work. It's pretty evident the people at Marvel Studios had a long-term plan and developed it in the best way possible by being very meticulous in each major character's story, development and detail. If WB would focus on that, they would be successful, but since they are interested in the quick buck, a mediocre effort will provide a mediocre result.
One of the big problems is that WB wants to rush JL. They have no long-term plans. They just want to "improvise" and cash in on Avengers success. If they had an actual plan, like Marvel masterfully did, a JL movie could work. It's pretty evident the people at Marvel Studios had a long-term plan and developed it in the best way possible by being very meticulous in each major character's story, development and detail. If WB would focus on that, they would be successful, but since they are interested in the quick buck, a mediocre effort will provide a mediocre result.
My thoughts exactly.
WB/DC, if anything, has an advantage over Marvel in that the JL's individual characters are more well known by audiences as a whole (at least before the Avengers movie, but you get my point). Superman and Batman alone are two of the biggest superheroes in the world. And everyone at least knows about the Flash and Wonder Woman. So right there you have four huge names that will put meat in the seats.
But as you said, they need structure. They need a plan. Releasing a movie in 2015 is just them trying to cash in on Avengers money, plain and simple.
Them waiting a few years and building a cinematic universe slowly through multiple movies is the best way to go. Given how well-known their characters are, it's a guaranteed success if they take their time and do it right.
My thoughts exactly.
WB/DC, if anything, has an advantage over Marvel in that the JL's individual characters are more well known by audiences as a whole (at least before the Avengers movie, but you get my point). Superman and Batman alone are two of the biggest superheroes in the world. And everyone at least knows about the Flash and Wonder Woman. So right there you have four huge names that will put meat in the seats.
But as you said, they need structure. They need a plan. Releasing a movie in 2015 is just them trying to cash in on Avengers money, plain and simple.
Them waiting a few years and building a cinematic universe slowly through multiple movies is the best way to go. Given how well-known their characters are, it's a guaranteed success if they take their time and do it right.

Totally agree with you and I forgot to add a strong casting.
One of the big problems is that WB wants to rush JL. They have no long-term plans. They just want to "improvise" and cash in on Avengers success. If they had an actual plan, like Marvel masterfully did, a JL movie could work. It's pretty evident the people at Marvel Studios had a long-term plan and developed it in the best way possible by being very meticulous in each major character's story, development and detail. If WB would focus on that, they would be successful, but since they are interested in the quick buck, a mediocre effort will provide a mediocre result.

But Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and IM2 were all "mediocre"

How did the 'plan' help those movies?
But Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and IM2 were all "mediocre"

How did the 'plan' help those movies?

Because those movies paved the way for an 'Avengers' movie that pretty much knocked it out of the park.
Also, calling them 'mediocre' is simply your opinion. They were all financial and critical successes that have warranted sequels (except for the Hulk), so let's not act like the plan hurt those films. As I've said before I'm not going to sit here and say they are all perfect movies, but I greatly enjoyed them. If WB can do with their stable of characters what Marvel has done with theirs (and for the record, I think they can) I'd say most DC fans would be more than satisfied.
Because those movies paved the way for an 'Avengers' movie that pretty much knocked it out of the park.
Also, calling them 'mediocre' is simply your opinion. They were all financial and critical successes that have warranted sequels (except for the Hulk), so let's not act like the plan hurt those films. As I've said before I'm not going to sit here and say they are all perfect movies, but I greatly enjoyed them. If WB can do with their stable of characters what Marvel has done with theirs (and for the record, I think they can) I'd say most DC fans would be more than satisfied.

But do you the Avengers was great because of those prequel films, or because Whedon simply has great taste and made an awesome movie?

How does the existence of The Incredible Hulk make The Avengers a better movie?
But do you the Avengers was great because of those prequel films, or because Whedon simply has great taste and made an awesome movie?
Both. Both are necessary to make something as extraordinary as the Avengers to come together. You can't have one without the other and expect to make 1.5 billion dollars with near universal critical acclaim.
As awesome as Whedon is, I don't think it's possible for him or for anyone else to make a stand-alone Avengers film that would succeed. It's just to much to fit into one movie.
How does the existence of The Incredible Hulk make The Avengers a better movie?
Because that character's inclusion in the movie didn't feel out of left field. They established him in the same world as Stark and the rest, and got his origin out of the way in his own film. They established his role, his motives, and how that character works in his movie and could get on to the meat of the story in the Avengers.

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