Guardians of the Galaxy What you didn't like about Guardians of the Galaxy - Flaws/Critiques

What's the deal with the infinity gems? From the color of this one I assumed it was the space gem, but it didn't seem to have a defined power - it was just a generic object of power. The gems in the other movies haven't really seemed defined either.

Are they going to detail and differentiate the gems in the MCU at some point...? And why was it going to destroy Xandar if it merely touched the surface?
As someone who's read the Nova comics and know a bit about the backstory. I think it's better served to say that their was disappointment that the Corps members with the Nova Force wasn't shown but not all the Corps members have the Nova force. On the Home planet their were the corps members like the ones that were in the film with no Nova power. The ones with the Nova force patrol the galxy or universe. Maybe we'll see the corps more flushed out. I think it was probably cost effectivness not to add Superpowered corps members.

Sure. But how likely is it that the Nova Corps home planet wouldn't have a single powered member roaming around? Especially when they were under attack and could have used them.
What I wondered was, if it's so easy for a huge enemy battleship to enter Xandar's (was that the name?) orbit and atmosphere undetected... why doesn't Ronan just nuke it from orbit?

Not dramatic enough?
I'll first state that I'm an unabashed MCU fanboy but honestly I couldn't find one single thing I disliked about this film and I have seen it twice this weekend. Truly one of the best CBM's of all time IMO
My biggest complaint (even though I hate complaining about anything because the movie was so awesome) was that Drax seemed to be very, VERY underpowered compared to his comic book version.
My biggest complaint (even though I hate complaining about anything because the movie was so awesome) was that Drax seemed to be very, VERY underpowered compared to his comic book version.

Just take it as Drax being consumed by his rage, he will be a more Riddick like clever guy now that he's soothed.
What's the deal with the infinity gems? From the color of this one I assumed it was the space gem, but it didn't seem to have a defined power - it was just a generic object of power. The gems in the other movies haven't really seemed defined either.

Are they going to detail and differentiate the gems in the MCU at some point...? And why was it going to destroy Xandar if it merely touched the surface?

It was the power gem. It had unlimited power so anything it was aimed at, it would destroy. Whether that is a single person or an entire planet. It was explained in the Collector scene.

The Tesseract is the space gem. The Aether though is really vague. Can't quite pin point what it is.
Ah, that makes sense.

Couldl the aether be the reality gem? The way it was opening portals to other dimensions and doing generally wonky stuff around the user I can't see it being any of the remaining ones (mind, soul, time).
Yea i think the Aether was pretty vague in how it worked. But then thinking about it more, turning light into dark is basically like turning matter into anti-matter. So yea it's safe to say it's the reality Gem.

Like the comics though, i don't think we'll see the full potential of the Gems until Thanos gets his mitts on them.
I've got no substantial complaints. I think the Nova Corps were shows as simple space cops in order to make Centurions look even more amazing later, like some of you suggested. However, I will say that the Dark Aster has to be the least aerodynamic spaceship of all time. It was like a Jenga block flying through the sky haha.
In an ideal world I would have preferred it to be about 20 minutes longer with the extra minutes mostly being about Ronan in order to understand why he is doing what he is doing more than just 'Kree radical that believes in the old Kree ways' and perhaps a scene with just Nebula and Thanos.
I've got no substantial complaints. I think the Nova Corps were shows as simple space cops in order to make Centurions look even more amazing later, like some of you suggested. However, I will say that the Dark Aster has to be the least aerodynamic spaceship of all time. It was like a Jenga block flying through the sky haha.
It did change shape during flight though only to turn back to that "jenga" looking craft at full stop but yes it wasn't sleak.
What I wondered was, if it's so easy for a huge enemy battleship to enter Xandar's (was that the name?) orbit and atmosphere undetected... why doesn't Ronan just nuke it from orbit?

Not dramatic enough?

Ronan seemed extremely pissed off when he channeled the Orb's power.

I'm guessing that made him want to touch down on Xander and wipe everyone out by himself, then blow it up when he left!
I think the problem with the Howard the Duck cameo is it didn't give Marvel moviegoers their usual teaser. It was more of a joke like at the end of Avengers. The difference being that when you watch The Avengers for the first time, you have come to expect a tie in to the plot of The Avengers at the end of the movies. After the big event it was pretty open for what the creator could do with that post-credits scene. With GoG, people expect to be led on to the next big event just like they were for Cap 2. While it is entirely possible that is exactly what we did get, most moviegoers didn't leave with the feeling they did get that, if that makes any sense. There should have been clear suspense built for the next big event in Marvel movies.

I personally loved the way they did it, but I understand the above. I think it could have had something... just <something> to have you saying "OH$#%@ INFINITY SOMETHINGORANOTHER!" or "OH@#$@# AGE OF ULTRON TIE IN!" Just something to make people feel excitement for the next movie, or even make it so we are interested in what happens to Howard next. Granted, the character development in the movie was a weak point so for all I know that could have been exactly what they were going for with Howard and no one could have possibly noticed.
In an ideal world I would have preferred it to be about 20 minutes longer with the extra minutes mostly being about Ronan in order to understand why he is doing what he is doing more than just 'Kree radical that believes in the old Kree ways' and perhaps a scene with just Nebula and Thanos.

I'd love the extra 20 to go to Gamora and Nebula. I think Gamora needed the most fleshing out of the Guardians. Her reason for betraying Thanos after years of doing his dirty work was a tad weak.
One other thing I found slightly confusing.

Were Ronan's men following Quill? Why else were they there just as he found the orb?
I didn't understand why Ronan was so mad. Yes, he's a zealot. That doesn't explain why his background was like flavor text on a trading card. "I must destroy Xandar!" Why? 'Cause of some long-standing conflict between the two peoples? We never get context on why they were beefing, so when he huffs and puffs, how's he supposed to sustain our interest over two hours? He doesn't even get any good lines, either; his best is "What are you doing?" And then he dies. What a waste.
I didn't understand why Ronan was so mad. Yes, he's a zealot. That doesn't explain why his background was like flavor text on a trading card. "I must destroy Xandar!" Why? 'Cause of some long-standing conflict between the two peoples? We never get context on why they were beefing, so when he huffs and puffs, how's he supposed to sustain our interest over two hours? He doesn't even get any good lines, either; his best is "What are you doing?" And then he dies. What a waste.


Wholeheartedly agree. The performance was solid, but the writing was piss-poor.
I am absolutely astonished how critics are rating this higher than TWS and DoFP. I'll probably be a heretic with my opinion, but this was seriously disappointing on so many levels. Actually kind of depressing even, haha. Depressing if it is regarded as some sort of high water mark for modern blockbusters.

The movie got off on the wrong foot with the rather cynical-feeling opening tearjerker. Cynical because we don't know who the hell these characters are yet we are supposed to be emotionally invested right off the bat. It felt completely unearned and dishonest compared to, say, TWS's Steve-Peggy scene. Also, its later usage at the end didn't make much sense to me in context, so the movie basically used up valuable time to manipulate us to feel sympathetic towards a character we know is going to be a hero anyway. This to me is poor screenwriting, simple as.

But even worse was/is the inexplicable Quill dance sequence on the Indiana Jones planet with the awful CGI creatures. Why the hell do we need this scene for anything? We couldn't just roll the credits in the already questionable opening scene?

After that it's pretty much exposition dump after exposition dump. Now, TWS and DoFP also have an exposition dump at the beginning but they manage to take it under control relatively quickly and spread the rest of it more evenly throughout. For whatever reason, GotG just decides "what the hell; more is more" and piles on the expo without any mercy or moderation. The unmoderated expo is made bad especially by the fact that the world-building in this movie is severely lacking.

Yes, we get several exotic-looking places, but we barely scratch the surface of these places. They feel more like placeholders for plot points rather than genuinely real worlds. We barely have time to 'breathe in' what makes these places 'them' in particular. That needn't be the case, though. We could have cut all of the above-mentioned crap and a few needless gags here and there. Hell, there could have been less slow-motion to increase the time allotted to world-building.

Knowhere is a good example of the inelegance of the world-building and storytelling in this movie. When we arrive there, the characters' reactions confirm to us this is a big deal. An emotionally logical follow-up sequence for the audience would be to explore the place patiently in depth (even though it might look like a relatively uninspired mashup of Blade Runner and Nar Shaddaa), but again, the movie just decides to rush up to the next plot points, even though on a meta level absolutely everyone in the audience knows we are dealing with yet another boilerplate MCU magical MacGuffin plot. Bewildering stuff (and no, not in a good way).

It is made even more infuriating in Knowhere's case by the lazy and nonsensical plot points:

1) A contrived in-team bickering moment that comes completely out of nowhere (no pun intended, haha). It is apparently justified due to drunkenness, but that in itself makes very little sense for a group of characters in possession of an extremely valuable artifact in a possibly hostile and unpredictable place (said by themselves, no less!).

2) Coincidentally ironic or not, but the fact that possibly the most interesting combo of visuals and expo - The Collector showing and explaining the all-powerful MacGuffin(s) - ends prematurely in an inexplicable plot point and results in yet another explosion is pretty emblematic of the whole movie's problems.

3) Drax just decides to call Ronan, because... why the hell not. And of course he is contrite afterwards; he just got affected by the Idiot Ball, one of the laziest forms of screenwriting.

Yondu and his gang also felt not only boring but pretty superfluous to the overall story. They only show up when it is plot-convenient for them to show up (in another bout of coincidental/meta-irony, the script has Quill freaking call them to show up!). Not only that, but after Yondu is forced to crash-land on Xandar and informs he will rendez-vous with Quill - thus bound to happen anyway - we still get a scene with Yondu and his magic-whistle-arrow thingy which, while cool in itself, has absolutely no bearing on the plot whatsoever. And the final, inexplicable shot of Yondu - all grinning with his faux-artifact - apparently means none of this was that big of a deal for him in the end? Eh? So what the hell was his and his gang's point in this movie beyond a convenient plot carrier?

All in all this movie felt like some sort of reverse Occam's Razor, wherein you get lots of unnecessary crap that not only bugs the living fudge out of you but also prevents far more important aspects of the story from coming up. We could have dislodged all of the opening garbage (even Morag altogether, because it's just perfunctory stuff for Quill to get his MacGuffin which we knew he would get anyway), dislodged Yondu and his boring gang, and get a more relaxed pace of expo, better world-building, and actually something substantial from not only Ronan but also from the criminally underexplored relationship trifecta of Gamora, Nebula, and Thanos. There probably was at least some endgame dialogue between Nebula and Gamora on the Kree warship, but it seems it was cut, resulting in the awkward editing where Gamora arrives to Nebula's location seemingly out of nowhere and they proceed immediately to have that lackluster fight.

I've heard of the main notion of 'fun' for this movie. I hope it doesn't become some sort of ubiquitous excuse for major issues with script, pacing, editing, world-building, etc. There is a good film in here somewhere, but there are so many inexplicable decisions that render the overall taste foul for me.

Also, as an addendum, what's up with some movies now thinking light-hearted irreverence means sociopathy *cough*cough*TASM 1&2*cough*cough*? Rocket enjoying another guy's pain or almost psychosexually enjoying receiving a big gun by which to kill people felt more disturbing than fun. Rocket wanting a poor man's prosthetic leg or another poor guy's eye for no reason at all didn't feel funny in the least. It felt nasty and vile, and not relatable at all.

Rocket shooting holes into beer barrels to facilitate a creative escape from a bar (happened in a comic) is relatable and fun. We needed more that kind of fun.
Well written stuff.

Everything you said was well thought out. All I can say was that the movie was fun, I enjoyed laughing, seeing the pretty set pieces, and watching the team interact. Even if the movie didn't do so well with the critics I'd have still thought it was one of marvels best because my experience watching the movie makes me smile even now. That doesn't happen with TWS or DOFP, which I thought were great movies. That being said I like Michael Bay movies... so my opinion is actually shunned on these forums.

Still, after reading what you wrote I feel my second experience might not be as good because you did point out some obvious flaws. Which makes me a little sad. Mayhap I need to bypass these threads from now on.
I didn't love Thanos' voice, but I loved the way he was used.
I seriously can't believe people are criticizing the scene with Peter and his mother. I had to hold back tears, IMO that was the most emotional parent death scene in ANY superhero movie.
1. Star-Lord not having his Element Gun.

2. Drax being an alien instead of a human whose spirit was placed in a brand new artificial body and not being very powerful.

3. The Nova Corps not having super powes and basically being an outer space cosmic version of SHIELD (complete with their own Coulson type character).

4. The profanity.

5. Yondu not having his red fin mo hawk and basically being Merle from THE WALKING DEAD in blue paint.
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Sure. But how likely is it that the Nova Corps home planet wouldn't have a single powered member roaming around? Especially when they were under attack and could have used them.

Yeah that's true. The only thing I can say is maybe this is a point in the Nova Corps before they begun empowering some of the members. I don't know.
My biggest complaint (even though I hate complaining about anything because the movie was so awesome) was that Drax seemed to be very, VERY underpowered compared to his comic book version.

Well Drax isn't hulk level powerful without the power gem. In the film he's closer to the newest incarnation of GOTG with Rocket and Groot.

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