Oh believe me I know Raimi is not 100% faithful to the comics.Far from it.Most of his changes I do not approve of at all.
But my point is his changes were not from Ultimate.So when Raimi does change something he seems to change in a way he sees it.His own vision.
Agreed on both accounts. the changes have been pretty freaking stupid haven't they?
But that's just it.There is ZERO confirmation that Topher Grace is Venom thank god.Not to mention the fact he looks nothing like Eddie Brock.
Look at the previous villains.Would you say Molina and Dafoe look alot alike the villains they played??? I sure would.Especially Molina.
And now look at Church.Like Molina he is practically identical to his villainous comic counterpart.
Not zero confirmation. It simply was not official confirmation. It WAS however, confirmation from a source who has spilled the beans before (The liz error was not an error. Liz was taken out AFTER she spilled it. She confirmed Ock, and Sandman thus far. Not 100 percent, but good.).
However, you make a good point! so far, the actors have looked like who they are supposed to play. This brings up a statement of yours that supports Ultimate Venom (If indeed the reports of him being in the movie, are true)
So why people think Raimi would choose an actor so dramatically different from Venom to play Venom really is beyond me.
We have unofficial reports from a reliable source Topher is Venom. Topher does not look like 616 Brock. HOWEVER, he looks very much like Ultimate Brock. So far every character has looked like their comic counterpart. Thus if he continues this kind of casting, this appears to be evidence (Not conclusive of course, but evidence) that he will be using Ultimate Brock.
You state most of the actors look like their character. If Topher is Venom (which we have from a source who so far has only been wrong on villians when they took one out after her confrimation) he LOOKS like Ultimate Venom. That would conform to Raimi's previous casting.
I never said it was fact.I said I was confident he wouldn't.After one movie I wouldn't be as confident.But after two movies,plus reading and seeing several interviews with Raimi,I am positive he is 100% 616 fan.
Like I said I'm basing my opinion on what we know.Raimi seems to be a creature of habit with his movies.He sticks to a certain type of formula.
during the first movie ultimate was barely in existence, so of course he didn't use any. The Second movie does not conform in any way to the 616 Doc Ock, nothing at all except that an accident made him have the tentacles, and even then they made him evil in a different way entirely.
He is a creature of habit, but so far 616 is not his habit. BUT, his habit IS to hire actors that resemble the parts they're playing, which COULD lead us to believe he may use an Ultimate (or semi-ultimate) Brock.
I'm not trying to convince you he WILL. I'm trying to get you to understand that it's not totally implausible. There IS an argument for it that is reasonable. Doesn't mean he will, but arguing the point isn't merely wishful thinking.