I get that they are recycling work done on that show for Avengers. But the whole thing with the solo Hulk series is still no more now and I think it's plain to see that Incredible Hulk wasn't a huge enough hit to warrant his own show, and it makes more sense to bolster and prop up a new Avengers cartoon a lot more in conjunction with the Avengers movie.
It wasn't spoken to me, but, yeah, I agree this was the right move. There is more interest in Avengers right now than Hulk solo. Besides, Hulk at least can show up in Avengers as a character casual viewers already recognize.
Dread, I think you know that I am just as much of a Colossus fan as you are and I would want to see a lot more Colossus in this series. To answer your question, I don't know. I think only Greg Johnson, Craig Kyle, Steve Gordon, and Chris Yost could answer it better. My hope is that there might be a plan in re-introducing Colossus.
All I know is Greg Johnson was interviewed by the hosts of the Beyond Evolution website at Toonzone.net and claimed he would have liked to focus a little more on the character, but needed another season. Considering that, one could almost be surprised he was so quick to ditch the metal man given another 26 episodes and an X-Men show with less demands for "teenage stuff" as Evolution had from Kid's WB.
My other idea is that Colossus is a bit of a Deus Ex Machina. Forge fulfills a certain role in that he's the tech and inventor of the team. Iceman's a popular character that's been in the movies, and he's also a younger, male character. Beast sort of seems to serve a role of being a strong man and power house for the team that I think Colossus would normally fill.
In a way that may be true. But Beast isn't nearly as strong. At most in most shows, he breaks a sweat trying to lift a small car. Colossus can chuck tanks like nothing.
You reap what you sow. Iceman hadn't been terribly popular for years, and then when the movies decided to introduce mass audiences to him, he started to make a resurgence. Gambit and Jubilee were incredibly new characters when the X-MEN cartoon debuted in 1992-1993, and that helped launch Gambit to A-List status during the 90's.
But, as I have said, in a sad way is isn't surprising that he got punted for another X-Men cartoon. It is par for the course.
Dread, remember when JLU started? Remember how Flash just suddenly disappeared for the show and didn't do a darn thing for like a whole entire season. When he was around he was just in the background and didn't ever speak up. Then suddenly they brought Flash back and made him an important fixture of the show again and he even talked about how he wasn't getting attention anymore despite being a member of the original seven.
So that's why I'm hoping at some point Colossus will be brought back into the fold and get the attention he deserves. And sometimes you have to be patient. A second season of 26 episodes is now in production. That means we could finally see more Colossus in season 2.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. It is POSSIBLE that outcome could be done with Colossus. But I don't see it as terribly likely without some more proof that is a direction we are going. Flash at least had being "the comic relief" going for him, which made having him go against type when it really counted effective. Again, writers struggle with Colossus because they see him as a stock, "nice guy". But there are ways to play with that. Plus, it would be nice one of these days to have Colossus say more than 4 lines to Kitty on screen somewhere.
Patience is a virtue that is exploited by those without nerve. Sometimes you have to get off your duff and DO IT.
I misled myself from the promotional designs, and that was my mistake.
Yes, it was.
It is interesting that Colossus is on promotional material yet not in much of the show. It reminds me, and you'll hate the example, of Captain America being included in the intro, commercials, and promotional artwork for AVENGERS: UNITED THEY STAND in 1999 despite only appearing in a single episode. Why is Colossus in the promo material? Easy; he has a distinct design and a lot of people know who he is. Now, why can't they translate that into actually writing him in the show, considering the talent involved, is mind-boggling.