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Your girlfriend fantasizes about waking up next to the Wrestling Thread!

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WSX had that insane announcer who is now working backstage at the Performance Center.
Adam Cole vs Michael Elgin is set for the main event of Final Battle. No way Jay Briscoe isn't going to be added some how.
NJPW Power Struggle card announced.
1. Special Tag Match: Togi Makabe & Kota Ibushi vs. Prince Devitt & Bad Luck Fale
2. Special Tag Match: Yuji Nagata & Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka
3. Special Singles Match: Tomoaki Honma vs. Katsuyori Shibata
4. Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
5. IWGP Tag Team Title & NWA World Tag Team Title – 3WAY Irregular Rules Match: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. (c) vs. Rob Conway
& Jax Dane

6. NEVER Openweight Title (& IWGP Heavyweight Title shot): Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Masato Tanaka

7. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
8. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Karl Anderson

Looking forward to the main event and the I-C Title Match, but not really digging the undercard aside from Tanahashi/Ishii, Naito/Tanaka, and Shibata/Honma. Glad they're continuing to build to the eventual Kota Ibushi/Prince Devitt match.

Oh and :barf: at Rob Conway....
Holy crap, what a good RAW. Felt a bit underwhelmed with Hell In A Cell, but they've gotten me quite excited and intrigued.

Sandow's gone from an after-thought to looking pretty legit. Don't think he should've won, but the match did him a lot of good.

Langston/Usos vs. Shield was good stuff.

Bryan segment was gold.

Wyatts attacking Punk... YES PLEASE. Can't be anything but stoked about these guys mixing it up, oh man.

El Torito rules, and Los Matadores stuff continues to amuse me.

Kane taking off the mask is very intriguing.

Really not sure how Ryback's ever going to reach a level like he was at back in his "feed more me" days at this point. I'd be tempted to just take him off TV for a while and have him make a dominant return or something.

I'm cool with the Real Americans getting in the tag team title mix. Can't wait to see Cesaro getting in the mix with the matches that have been happening in that scene lately.

The celebration segment was good stuff. I'm a Big Show fan, the guy's incredibly over, and the crowd's loving what they're doing with him. It's solid stuff, and I'm happy with it.
Holy crap, what a good RAW. Felt a bit underwhelmed with Hell In A Cell, but they've gotten me quite excited and intrigued.

Sandow's gone from an after-thought to looking pretty legit. Don't think he should've won, but the match did him a lot of good.

Langston/Usos vs. Shield was good stuff.

Bryan segment was gold.

Wyatts attacking Punk... YES PLEASE. Can't be anything but stoked about these guys mixing it up, oh man.

El Torito rules, and Los Matadores stuff continues to amuse me.

Kane taking off the mask is very intriguing.

Really not sure how Ryback's ever going to reach a level like he was at back in his "feed more me" days at this point. I'd be tempted to just take him off TV for a while and have him make a dominant return or something.

I'm cool with the Real Americans getting in the tag team title mix. Can't wait to see Cesaro getting in the mix with the matches that have been happening in that scene lately.

The celebration segment was good stuff. I'm a Big Show fan, the guy's incredibly over, and the crowd's loving what they're doing with him. It's solid stuff, and I'm happy with it.

Obvious leeching off Bryan is obvious.
Hey NextNolan, what are your thoughts on Teddy Hart/Annis? You think he could have went far it he wouldnt have gotten himself fired from WWE developmental those two times?
Hey NextNolan, what are your thoughts on Teddy Hart/Annis? You think he could have went far it he wouldnt have gotten himself fired from WWE developmental those two times?

Teddy Hart had a lot of talent, but nothing that really screamed world champ IMO. He was just too much of an A-hole to really make it anywhere and burned lots of bridges in the process.
Teddy Hart had a lot of talent, but nothing that really screamed world champ IMO. He was just too much of an A-hole and burned lots of bridges in the process.

Now I'm not saying World champ but just enough to be involved in storylines as opposed to enhancement matches. With that said, Agreed he really screwed things up for himself with his attitude, especially with that no-selling by getting on top of the cage for that dangerous highspot that wasnt even planned. I still ROFL when I read CM Punk's lambasting of him on livejournal. My gosh was that funny.

Either way, it's really a shame that one of Bret Hart's nephews got himself blackballed from ROH, TNA, and WWE. NXT could have really made something out of him for a solid midcard position.
Now I'm not saying World champ but just enough to be involved in storylines as opposed to enhancement matches. With that said, Agreed he really screwed things up for himself with his attitude, especially with that no-selling by getting on top of the cage for that dangerous highspot that wasnt even planned. I still ROFL when I read CM Punk's lambasting of him on livejournal. My gosh was that funny.

Either way, it's really a shame that one of Bret Hart's nephews got himself blackballed from ROH, TNA, and WWE. NXT could have really made something out of him for a solid midcard position.

:lmao: I still remember that.
All HHH had to do was swallow his pride and pull a Vince (and get his ass handed to him by DB every week)

This has been a concern of mine all along. I think Trips plays the evil authority figure role extremely well. However, he's still too close to his days as a main event wrestler. He still sees himself as an @$$-kicker...as The Game...as the Cerebral Assassin. He's not willing to make himself look like an idiot like Vince was. Vince constantly had his @$$ handed to him by Austin, the Rock, etc. Trips isn't willing to do that, but that's what's necessary if you want to get an angle over. Fans need to see the hero get small victories here and there, and throughout this entire angle, Bryan only got one shot in on Trips, and was then superkicked by Shawn. The only other time Hunter was punked was by the Big Show. That's just not going to work. From a storytelling perspective, the entire program was a failure.
I think last night's segment with HBK showed potential for character growth for Bryan. Hopefully, he can go from "Underdog" to "Ass kicking submission machine who will kick every and anybody's ****ing head in". Or "The American Dragon" for short. :D
Anytime I want a good laugh I've reread that post Punk made. He pretty put the nail in his coffin and threw the corpse under the bridge lol.

If God wants him to make it in the WWE, then he will. He says there is a reason God lets him do 30 foot moonsaults.

There is no god, and the cage wasn't 30 feet.

:lmao: That one always gets me!
NJPW Power Struggle card announced.
1. Special Tag Match: Togi Makabe & Kota Ibushi vs. Prince Devitt & Bad Luck Fale
2. Special Tag Match: Yuji Nagata & Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka
3. Special Singles Match: Tomoaki Honma vs. Katsuyori Shibata
4. Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
5. IWGP Tag Team Title & NWA World Tag Team Title – 3WAY Irregular Rules Match: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. (c) vs. Rob Conway
& Jax Dane

6. NEVER Openweight Title (& IWGP Heavyweight Title shot): Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Masato Tanaka

7. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
8. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Karl Anderson

Looking forward to the main event and the I-C Title Match, but not really digging the undercard aside from Tanahashi/Ishii, Naito/Tanaka, and Shibata/Honma. Glad they're continuing to build to the eventual Kota Ibushi/Prince Devitt match.

Oh and :barf: at Rob Conway....

Masato Tanaka is still wrestling! It's a wonder he can still function after all those unprotected chair shots. Karl Anderson is kinda like watching a robot, they should give Shibby a shot at Okada.
:lmao: That one always gets me!

These cracked me up too:

Teddy sed to work at KFC and says that you can't tell your boss there you're only giving 50%. He says that if a fan spends $50 on a ticket to see Ted Hart they are going to get their money's worth. There is no option for him to only give 50%. He says if he was working under contract to Vince it would be different, but on the indy scene he can't understand holding back. He says that Rob Feinstein left the door open for him to do this as he told him that if the fans cheered his name then go with it. He believes a lot of the guys who were angry at him are just jealous and everyone knows his only plan is to go to WWE.

Teddy, I was there. The fans were not chanting "PLEASE CLIMB TO THE TOP OF THE CAGE AND DO THREE UNPLANNED SPOTS PUTTING EVERYBODY WHO HAS TO BREAK KAYFABE AND RUN TO CATCH YOU IN HARMS WAY". It's a catchy chant, but it didn't happen. Also, your plan...you ONLY plan is to go to the WWE, perhaps you forgot that you were already there. And you got fired. Idiot
Teddy is 23 years old and partially attributes people's jealousy to his age and that they don't have the same creativity and athleticism and feel challenged because they're not willing to follow the standards he sets. He says that we would still have communist countries if people weren't willing to take a chance. Sir A stops him as he states that the hosts don't read the newspapers and drink a lot. Teddy doesn't drink or smoke and compares himself to a preacher.

American Dragon is 22, and one humble motherf-cker for how good he is. Nobody is jealous of you, the standard you set is a creepy little no selling troll that wears sunglasses in doors, and changes outfits four times before a show, mainly due to your insecurity as a person. Oh...Teddy? We still do have communist countries, dunce. Oh, and I won't mention the fact that you were asking people where you could score some pot while you were at TNA because you don't smoke.

Teddy is the only one of the Harts who was never stretched by Stu.

...Which is readily recognized from your lack of discipline. Learn how to sell.

I still get a kick out of those. Man that was an early Punk pipebomb before he even used the phrase at Death Before Dishonor in 2005
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog at JRsBarBQ.com, with plenty of thoughts on this week's Monday Night Raw.

Damien Sandow:

Solid match featuring new, World's Champion John Cena versus MITB winner Damien Sandow who did a good job of being more aggressive and maximizing his minutes in a multiple segment bout that opened RAW. Nothing fancy about the match…nothing cute…nothing needed to be. For those that are still having issues with Sandow's 'casting' my only suggestion is to move on or simply get over it. Sandow's perception raised in my eyes via his performance. A string of those types of bouts will generally get a talent where he wants to be. Sandow needs to remain as aggressive as he possibly can on every outing.

John Cena's world title win:

Cena being World Champion adds much needed credibility and recognition to the World Title…whether fans like Cena or not. Announcers calling John 'Superman' does Cena no favors.

A possible Shield split:

Intriguing, subtle facial expressions during the Shield pre match promo initiated by Ambrose. If nothing else it gets folks talking and thinking. I think that the trio has more mileage as a unit. However, I'd be thinking of a WM30 plan involving them perhaps imploding.

Differences in CM Punk's booking vs. that of Daniel Bryan:

Punk got as big an ovation as any one on the show from where I was sitting. Funny how it works when a fan favorite does what he says he's doing to do and then mentions it.

No matter the era or genre, fans HAVE to have HOPE that their heroes can eventually get the job done . At some point of continued short comings and an overall lack of success, many fans move on and find another hero on which to hang their hat.


I pretty much agree with everything J.R. had to say here, and that last quote is exactly what I just said in my last post, and what I said after Hell In A Cell. The IWC will always support Bryan due to his talent and background, but "the WWE Universe" a.k.a. casual fans? If Bryan keeps losing the big ones, they're going to turn on him. Fans need that hope that J.R. was referencing. They need to believe that at some point, their hero is going to get the job done. If he doesn't, they won't continue to emotionally invest in him, and will no longer view him as a hero. To them, he'll be a choker...a loser...a failure. I'm really afraid that Bryan just got Booker T'd. I hope I'm wrong.
Last edited:
SmackDown! Spoilers 11/1/13

WWE SmackDown:
-The show opens with a John Cena recap video. Then Cena himself comes out live and cuts a promo. He does his “Want some? Come get some!” line, which brings out The Real Americans. Zeb Colter talks about Cena being a patriot and thanked him for beating Alberto Del Rio. Colter asked Cena to join The Real Americans. Cena declined and cut a comedy promo on the trio. This leads to Damien Sandow coming out and vowing to end the “Cena Era.” Cody Rhodes and Goldust come out to even the numbers game. Finally, Vickie Guerrero comes out and announces a six-man tag match with Cena, Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. Sandow and The Real Americans.
-The Usos def. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Roman Reigns was at ringside during the match. Big E. Langston interfered to even the numbers. They again planted some seeds to hint at the break up of The Shield.
-The Wyatt Family def. The Prime Time Players in tag-team action.
-The Miz hosted a MizTV segment. Randy Orton ended up coming out and RKO’ing The Miz.
-The Bella Twins & Natalya def. AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka & Alicia Fox in a six-Diva tag-team match. The finish came when AJ tapped out to Natalya’s Sharpshooter.
-John Cena, Goldust & Cody Rhodes def. Damien Sandow and The Real Americans in the main event of this week’s WWE SmackDown. That concluded the SmackDown television taping.
Post-Show Dark Match:
-Daniel Bryan def. Randy Orton via DQ. The Disqualification came when The Shield interfered on Orton’s behalf.

WWE Main Event Spoilers 10/30/13

-Ryback def. Kofi Kingston in the opening match of the taping.
-Santino Marella def. Heath Slater in what was mostly a comedy match.
-Fandango def. The Great Khali. Crowd was kind of flat for this one.
-Los Matadores def. Los Locales. The Los Matadores debuted new blue outfits in this match. Locales appeared to be Ricardo Rodriguez and Tyson Kidd under masks. Los Matadores won to close out the Main Event taping.
I pretty much agree with everything J.R. had to say here, and that last quote is exactly what I just said in my last post, and what I said after Hell In A Cell. The IWC will always support Bryan due to his talent and background, but "the WWE Universe" a.k.a. casual fans? If Bryan keeps losing the big ones, they're going to turn on him. Fans need that hope that J.R. was referencing. They need to believe that at some point, their hero is going to get the job done. If he doesn't, they won't continue to emotionally invest in him, and will no longer view him as a hero. To them, he'll be a choker...a loser...a failure. I'm really afraid that Bryan just got Booker T'd. I hope I'm wrong.

Hopefully this Wyatt feud is like what the Mick Foley program was for Edge after they took him out of the title picture the first time. Which would also depend on whether or not Vince does everything he can to be a counterproductive, egotistical, short sighted, irrational, fan hating, bodybuilder loving, self-serving as-hole and stomp a mudhole into the angle for the sake of it. If he doesnt then it could be a feud with show stealing promos, matches, and HUGE viewership gainers for Raw and Smackdown that would lead to Bryan reentering the title chase and winning that title with no Bullsh-t involved.
Pretty good Christopher Daniels interview:

TNA's recent struggles:

"We're definitely not going to be done by December, for goodness' sake. I think we're going through some growing pains. We're still trying to find our legs with being on the road. I don't think there is trouble in the sense of imminent doom."

Recent releases and his contract expiring next year:

"I'm sorry to see some of the people who have left in the past couple months leave, but hopefully contract negotiations mean they'll have a chance to come back. All I can really count on is me trying to stay relevant on the scene from now until my contract expires in the middle of next year, not that I'm counting the clock ticking. I'm just trying to stay entertaining on television for as long as I can."

Not getting over with Vince Russo:

"There was a time when he was pushing really hard for me to do something with Sting, and then somewhere along the way it fell apart and I never got a firm answer on why. In the past couple months, I guess in some interviews that [Russo] has done, he said that I cared more about wrestling good matches than having a character. I guess that was his reasoning for why I never got over in his eyes. I look at what I'm doing now and [Russo] isn't there, so you tell me, was he right or was I right?"

Read more at http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news...iels-talks-tna-struggles/#ZgAXG597GjeS3E3d.99

I'm glad Christopher Daniels finally adressed that BS criticism Russo has thrown his way about him not wanting to "be a character" which I really think in Russo's mind means Daniels didn't want to have matches centered around his overbooked nonsense. Then again, when has Vince Russo NOT been full of sh-t?
- Plans last week called for the CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman feud to continue until December of this year but plans changed over the weekend and they ended the feud at Hell In a Cell. Heyman was backstage at Monday's RAW but the impression was given that his alliance with Ryback is finished. We noted before that Ryback may be pulled from Heyman because of heat Ryback has from WWE officials. Heyman may not be back on WWE TV until Brock Lesnar returns.

- WWE did was is being described as a "reset" on the storylines with Monday's RAW. Vince McMahon was making changes and scripts were being re-written as late as 3-4pm on Monday afternoon. As noted, original plans had Vince McMahon returning to get involved with Big Show but as they were re-writing the scripts on Monday, Vince was written out.

- Word coming out of RAW is that Shawn Michaels is finished in the storylines until he's needed again. Daniel Bryan putting the Yes Lock on Shawn was Bryan getting revenge and ending the angle. There has been no talk at all about HBK coming out of retirement to wrestle another match.

Source: PWInsider Elite
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