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8.14 - Requiem - Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I don't understand how anybody could have been pleased with this horrible "ending" for Clark and Lana, aside from the outstanding performances by the cast. How was it an ending? If the viewer didn't already know this was Kreuk's last episode, the expectation would be for Clark to save Lana in the next episode - like he always does. Because Superman never gives up, but I guess SV's Clark does.

So while viewers patiently await the formal announcement of a 9th season and pray for yet another retcon, SV canon will leave us with a world where martyr Lana Lang has super powers, Martian Manhunter does not, our future Superman gives up on saving the love of his life, attempts murder because of it, and eventually falls in love with another woman since his first love is physically toxic to him.

This story was dumb beyond belief. The only thing that can save it now is a Clark shower scene, ala Bobby Ewing. :dry:

That's exactly what I was saying. Just 2 weeks earlier he presses on to save Chloe but for some reason he risks Lana's life and future. It would be different if they didn't show the last scene in Clark's Loft. Theoretically the Lana absorbed the same Kryptonite that was up on the roof so If he was able to go over to Lana hug and kiss her then he would have survived difusing the bomb. So now were left w/ a situation which was all for nothing. Had Clark acted like a real hero or even a man he'd still have Lana in his life.

Really lame.
I don't understand how anybody could have been pleased with this horrible "ending" for Clark and Lana, aside from the outstanding performances by the cast. How was it an ending? If the viewer didn't already know this was Kreuk's last episode, the expectation would be for Clark to save Lana in the next episode - like he always does. Because Superman never gives up, but I guess SV's Clark does.

So while viewers patiently await the formal announcement of a 9th season and pray for yet another retcon, SV canon will leave us with a world where martyr Lana Lang has super powers, Martian Manhunter does not, our future Superman gives up on saving the love of his life, attempts murder because of it, and eventually falls in love with another woman since his first love is physically toxic to him.

This story was dumb beyond belief.

I agree whole heartedly with all of these points. I've been loving smallville this season, but they approached the ending of the Lana storyline terribly. They had such a perfect opportunity to settle things but screwed it up.

Oh well. Hopefully the series gets back on track with the next episode.
I agree whole heartedly with all of these points. I've been loving smallville this season, but they approached the ending of the Lana storyline terribly. They had such a perfect opportunity to settle things but screwed it up.

Oh well. Hopefully the series gets back on track with the next episode.

My guess is they know Clana fans buy DVDs so they tried to write and ending that would satisfy them as much as possible in hope they buy those DVDs to finish off there collection.

In up coming episodes they most likely ignore anything that happened the past couple episodes or give it a ambigious 1 line recification
Yea there is so many other options when you look at it logically on how clark and lana could have stoped the kryptonite bomb.
My guess is they know Clana fans buy DVDs so they tried to write and ending that would satisfy them as much as possible in hope they buy those DVDs to finish off there collection.

In up coming episodes they most likely ignore anything that happened the past couple episodes or give it a ambigious 1 line recification

You're kidding, right? There's no way a relationship fanbase specifically would even make a dent in DVD sales. I highly doubt the show runners would do anything to specifically please any specific sect of fans.

If they were doing this to please anyone, it would be Gough and Millar, who the new producers obviously have a hard on for.
You're kidding, right? There's no way a relationship fanbase specifically would even make a dent in DVD sales. I highly doubt the show runners would do anything to specifically please any specific sect of fans.

DVD sales of this show is a huge money maker for the WB. The Clana fanbase is fairly large(just look at itunes sales, both Power and Requiem are the 2 largest sellers all season), I could definantly see that sort of logic being used to how should they write off Lana in terms of generating revenue.
I don't understand how anybody could have been pleased with this horrible "ending" for Clark and Lana, aside from the outstanding performances by the cast.

Everybody has different tastes and expectations on what they want to see.

How was it an ending? If the viewer didn't already know this was Kreuk's last episode, the expectation would be for Clark to save Lana in the next episode - like he always does. Because Superman never gives up, but I guess SV's Clark does.

Clark said in this very episode that he would find a way to help her get rid of the kryptonite and he wanted her to stay around where she could still be a part of his life. So the way it was left with Clark was that he would try and save her. Lana's probably thinking, on Dr. Grohl's advice, that there is no way and it ends here.

SV canon will leave us with a world where martyr Lana Lang has super powers,

The show's not over yet. Just because Kristin isn't appearing any more, it doesnt mean that Lana's name wont be brought up.

Martian Manhunter does not,

His part isnt over yet either.

our future Superman gives up on saving the love of his life,

As I said above, he already said he would try and find a way.

attempts murder because of it,

I never saw him attempt murder? He's been enraged many times to the point of wanting to kill, but has always held back from it because of his morals. Just because Lana was there this time to remind him of what he already knows doesnt mean that he would have gone through with murder.

This story was dumb beyond belief.

Matter of opinion.

The only thing that can save it now is a Clark shower scene, ala Bobby Ewing. :dry:

In no Universe would that be satisfatory. :whatever:
Everybody has different tastes and expectations on what they want to see.
Right. Doesn't change my being baffled by those other expectations, however. Tell me, you were pleased with the idea of a Kryptonite-infused Lana Lang being the reason why Clark and Lana are not a couple in the future? You think there wasn't a better way to end the relationship for fans?

Clark said in this very episode that he would find a way to help her get rid of the kryptonite and he wanted her to stay around where she could still be a part of his life. So the way it was left with Clark was that he would try and save her. Lana's probably thinking, on Dr. Grohl's advice, that there is no way and it ends here.
According to the producers and Kreuk, this was how they wrapped up Clark and Lana. This is their effective ending. But it's not an ending, because if Clark does what you suggest, the angst will drag out in her absence. If he doesn't do it, then he's giving up on her. Either way, it's not an ending.

The show's not over yet.
Thank goodness! I'm looking forward to putting this 8th season detour behind us.

Just because Kristin isn't appearing any more, it doesnt mean that Lana's name wont be brought up.
Never said that it wouldn't. In fact, I'm sure her name will be brought up in numerous episodes all the way up to the finale. Clark will be all broken up about it and probably blame himself, instead of being content in the realization that both he and Lana made a mature decision to end their relationship and just be friends. More drama the other way I guess.

His part isnt over yet either.
Again, I didn't say it was. I said "while viewers patiently await, yada, yada." In other words, "in the meantime." Because that's what it is: a non-ending that will always be hanging out there, unresolved. Unless everybody is okay with Lana having super powers and being infected with Kryptonite for the rest of her life while Clark falls in love with Lois? No matter how this turkey is sliced, somebody comes out looking bad!

As I said above, he already said he would try and find a way.
That's what he said in Requiem, but it doesn't appear to be something he's going to act upon. AFAIK, there are no spoilers for upcoming episodes that indicate he does anything of the sort. (Hope that non-spoiler isn't a spoiler?) And besides, Kreuk is done with the show - at least for this year. Do you expect the producers to bring her back next season (if there is a next season) so they can resolve Lana's story - again? I don't. My quip about fans patiently awaiting another retcon was total sarcasm.

I never saw him attempt murder?
Call it what you will. Clark was on his way to doing just that, until Kryptonite got in his way.

That whole scene was an abomination. We just spent the last few episodes with Clark preaching to everybody that killing is wrong and that there's always another solution to a problem. He supposedly learned from Jonathan WAY back in the first season about never losing control (Rogue.) He was reminded about that in Vengeance, and there have been at least a half dozen other episodes since then where Clark talks about not killing to other characters. So after preaching to everybody, he snaps anyway. Why? Because Lana decided she wanted to be super-powered so she and Clark could be equals? No. Because he agreed to let Lana be his sidekick? No. Because Lex Luthor planted a bomb that would kill millions (billions?) of people? NO! He snapped because Lex took his GF away - again - and this time it looks permanent. Clark was on his way to murder until Lana stopped him with Kryptonite.

He's been enraged many times to the point of wanting to kill, but has always held back from it because of his morals.
Yup. It would have been nice to actually SEE that, however. We're eight seasons into a show that was originally planned to END at five. Wouldn't it have demonstrated better character growth for Clark to have stopped himself instead of superhero Lana? Why did Clark need another character - aye-freakin'-gain - to stop him on his way to murder? Whether you believe he would have gone through with it or not is not the point.

Just because Lana was there this time to remind him of what he already knows doesnt mean that he would have gone through with murder.
And there was nothing in this situation that gave the viewer any indication he wouldn't have gone through with it - no hesitation at all - until Lana stepped in. In fact, he mumbled something to the effect of, "after this time, I'll never do it again." (Paraphrasing.) Horrible, HORRIBLE.

Matter of opinion.
You don't have to agree with it; I wasn't trying to convince anybody. It's a message board. Posting opinions is what we do.

In no Universe would that be satisfatory. :whatever:
Don't take it personally. I thought the way the writers chose to end the "Clana" was dumb. That's my opinion. YMMV.
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on a really small note, I wish that when she absorbed the k-nite the necklace would have glowed green again. It would have been a nice touch.
I understand your points and I absolutely agree with you, Pat. I can't believe what they writers and producers did in Requiem (and in Power). I can't understand why they made those horrible choices.

Maybe the casual viewer won't mind, I don't know, but it seems that for most of the long-term fans of the show this whole arc, and particularly its ending, has been a dreadful mistake, going by the reactions and opinions I'm reading everywhere. I guess some people may be pleased with those choices and I respect that, but, no matter how hard I try, I can't see anything positive about the road that was taken (I wish I did!). What good did it bring to the show or to the characters, other than a well played angsty scene? Did they sacrifice everything else just for that? It seems too high a price to pay.
What good did it bring to the show or to the characters, other than a well played angsty scene? Did they sacrifice everything else just for that? It seems too high a price to pay.

That's always been the biggest peeve of mine on this show, to much unneeded drama(usually revolving around Lana). All that ending did was gives Clana fans some closure turning Smallville and Clark's life into some form of tragedy, all while ruining the continuity of the current plots on the show.
MJZ I love you for this post. You've said everything that I thought about Clana, but just didnt have the effort to write here, because I knew very few would see it the way I did. :applaud

I just thought that ending was beautifully tragic and I applaud them for giving us a meaningful ending rather than Clark thinking that Lana wasn't good enough or right for him or he couldnt be Superman with her right next to her. :yay:

And I love what Melly has also said, that Lois wont be second best to Lana because Lois wont feel like she has to put on a suit to be Clark's equal. :applaud After all Lois is Lois and Clark will move on to Lois with a far better understanding on how to be in a relationship and that is going to be one of the foundations of making their relationship so right.

I love what Clark said in this episode, that he's always dreamed of having someone he loves working right beside him. That will come true with Lois.

And now onto what I didnt like about this episode and I do have the effort to write about. With all the accolades that Chloe/Allison fans bestow upon her, you would think that after eight years on this show, she could give us a better display of acting skills when it comes to fainting. She is the worst fainter I have ever seen on TV. (It cant be that hard) The actress playing the nurse did a job 100 times better than what she did. :whatever:

This episode for me, is going to go down as one of my favourites.

There's also some interesting subtleties pertaining to both Lana and Lois in the show, in terms of how they write them and how the actors portray them. Clark's relationship with Lana still came across to me as very adolescent, even though they both matured greatly. They still looked at each other all wide-eyed just as they did when they were high school freshmen.

With Lois it comes across much more adult, Clark (Tom) takes on that Reeve-esque type persona much more in her presence. I don't know if that makes any sense, that's the best I can explain it.

But that's as it should be. Lana represents young Clark Kent's first love, Lois will come to be the love of his adult life. What makes it all fuddled up though is that Lois has been a major character in Clark's life for 4 years now. That is one of the problems of bringing in a character who technically the audience never should have "known" since she historically doesn't come into play till he dons the suit and moves to Metropolis.

But the lines have been blurred so greatly. There was a quote from John Schneider awhile back where he said the show is no longer Smallville, no longer the picket fence, now it's all JLA, super-villains, and Metropolis. They are really creating a new continuity here.

Lastly, as a character they never really knew what to do with Lana. She was always searching for her place in the world, and had always been a victim. Only after she saw Lex's true colors and learned Clark's secret did she start standing up for herself, and if anything I think Clark inspired her to take the path of the hero and help others, just as he had done for so many years unbeknownst to her. "Superhero Lana" can be a bit much for some, but I think it's an interesting new take, and fits SV's continuity.
Right. Doesn't change my being baffled by those other expectations, however. Tell me, you were pleased with the idea of a Kryptonite-infused Lana Lang being the reason why Clark and Lana are not a couple in the future? You think there wasn't a better way to end the relationship for fans?

According to the producers and Kreuk, this was how they wrapped up Clark and Lana. This is their effective ending. But it's not an ending, because if Clark does what you suggest, the angst will drag out in her absence. If he doesn't do it, then he's giving up on her. Either way, it's not an ending.

Thank goodness! I'm looking forward to putting this 8th season detour behind us.

Never said that it wouldn't. In fact, I'm sure her name will be brought up in numerous episodes all the way up to the finale. Clark will be all broken up about it and probably blame himself, instead of being content in the realization that both he and Lana made a mature decision to end their relationship and just be friends. More drama the other way I guess.

Again, I didn't say it was. I said "while viewers patiently await, yada, yada." In other words, "in the meantime." Because that's what it is: a non-ending that will always be hanging out there, unresolved. Unless everybody is okay with Lana having super powers and being infected with Kryptonite for the rest of her life while Clark falls in love with Lois? No matter how this turkey is sliced, somebody comes out looking bad!

That's what he said in Requiem, but it doesn't appear to be something he's going to act upon. AFAIK, there are no spoilers for upcoming episodes that indicate he does anything of the sort. (Hope that non-spoiler isn't a spoiler?) And besides, Kreuk is done with the show - at least for this year. Do you expect the producers to bring her back next season (if there is a next season) so they can resolve Lana's story - again? I don't. My quip about fans patiently awaiting another retcon was total sarcasm.

Call it what you will. Clark was on his way to doing just that, until Kryptonite got in his way.

That whole scene was an abomination. We just spent the last few episodes with Clark preaching to everybody that killing is wrong and that there's always another solution to a problem. He supposedly learned from Jonathan WAY back in the first season about never losing control (Rogue.) He was reminded about that in Vengeance, and there have been at least a half dozen other episodes since then where Clark talks about not killing to other characters. So after preaching to everybody, he snaps anyway. Why? Because Lana decided she wanted to be super-powered so she and Clark could be equals? No. Because he agreed to let Lana be his sidekick? No. Because Lex Luthor planted a bomb that would kill millions (billions?) of people? NO! He snapped because Lex took his GF away - again - and this time it looks permanent. Clark was on his way to murder until Lana stopped him with Kryptonite.

Yup. It would have been nice to actually SEE that, however. We're eight seasons into a show that was originally planned to END at five. Wouldn't it have demonstrated better character growth for Clark to have stopped himself instead of superhero Lana? Why did Clark need another character - aye-freakin'-gain - to stop him on his way to murder? Whether you believe he would have gone through with it or not is not the point.

And there was nothing in this situation that gave the viewer any indication he wouldn't have gone through with it - no hesitation at all - until Lana stepped in. In fact, he mumbled something to the effect of, "after this time, I'll never do it again." (Paraphrasing.) Horrible, HORRIBLE.

You don't have to agree with it; I wasn't trying to convince anybody. It's a message board. Posting opinions is what we do.

Don't take it personally. I thought the way the writers chose to end the "Clana" was dumb. That's my opinion. YMMV.

Ha well this show has proven that Clark goes a bit crazy when it comes to his women. He nearly choked Alicia's invisi-bro to death after he killed her, until Lois intervened. A super-powered Lana would've meant Clark could have his cake and eat it too (keep it clean folks!), then that gets taken away by Lex of all people.

What does everyone else think Clark was gonna do super-speeding towards Lex's van?

"Lex, you and me are ****ing done professionally man..."

This episode wasn't that bad. Kreuk isn't a great actress, but she did well, Welling as usual was passable. I never understood the interest in their characters or pairing, but some do/did.

The ethics of the show are interesting, as pretty much every character has wanted to kill other characters on the show, even Clark wanted to kill Lex.

Green Arrow being dark could be interesting, and it was cool that Mack and Hartley have great chemistry, considering the chemistry lessness of so many others on this show, Durance/Welling being the worse case. Hartley is the second best actor left of this show, and he and Mack did well, added som eintrigue into the story.

The episode, the season, and the show has really shown us that Lana is the love of Clark's life, and Lois really is just sloppy seconds. I don't think that fits in with the comics, but oh well. Clark pretty much dropped Lois like a dirty hanky as soon as Lana showed up. Considering how little respect this Clark has for this Lois, and how he doesn't ever want to work with her at the DP, settling for her is their sad outcome. Lois will always have to worry that Lana may be cured, and she becomes yesterday's
(s)kanky once again. Well she can always drink her sorrows away, she likes to do that.

So the unethical, story stealing, to much to drink is what Clark has to settle for, didn't al/miles say this story was a tragedy, seems it truly is.

Interesting take on the story.
This episode wasn't that bad. Kreuk isn't a great actress, but she did well, Welling as usual was passable. I never understood the interest in their characters or pairing, but some do/did.

The ethics of the show are interesting, as pretty much every character has wanted to kill other characters on the show, even Clark wanted to kill Lex.

Green Arrow being dark could be interesting, and it was cool that Mack and Hartley have great chemistry, considering the chemistry lessness of so many others on this show, Durance/Welling being the worse case. Hartley is the second best actor left of this show, and he and Mack did well, added som eintrigue into the story.

The episode, the season, and the show has really shown us that Lana is the love of Clark's life, and Lois really is just sloppy seconds. I don't think that fits in with the comics, but oh well. Clark pretty much dropped Lois like a dirty hanky as soon as Lana showed up. Considering how little respect this Clark has for this Lois, and how he doesn't ever want to work with her at the DP, settling for her is their sad outcome. Lois will always have to worry that Lana may be cured, and she becomes yesterday's
(s)kanky once again. Well she can always drink her sorrows away, she likes to do that.

So the unethical, story stealing, to much to drink is what Clark has to settle for, didn't al/miles say this story was a tragedy, seems it truly is.

Interesting take on the story.

Are your from TWOP by any chance? If not, you'd really like it there....
I find it funny how so many people are saying that Lois is second string to Lana. Many here should be able to know that sometimes people (in real life) break up due to circumstance and not always by mutual consent. Also, does anyone ever truly *get over* their first love.

Just because it was circumstance that forced them apart, it doesn't mean that a relationship that Clark builds with Lois later in life is in any way shortchanged. I mean look at what they built up to now, he and Lois had an actual attraction to each other before Lana showed up.

Now Clark did drop all of that when Lana returned, but you have to look at a few things. First Lois and him are not an official couple, but their working on it. Second, she was not in the picture at the time. Three, like I said, Clark is not fully over his first love. Four, he was slightly influenced by the fact that they could be together without the constant worry of something happening to her. Ther were actual mitigating factors there.

Ultimately circustance happened and they can't be together, but what has been built up to now between he and Lois, and what will build in the future isn't ruined because he still loves his ex. Heck, I still love my first romance, and I probably always will. That does not lessen in anyway the love that I have for my wife. I could never see me being with anyone else but her, despite anything else in my past.

Also, Clark won't give up on finding a way to help Lana, even if they don't directly show it. Clark and Lana made a decision that saved people.

Last, why is everyone assuming he was going to kill Lex. He said he had to be stopped, but that doesn't mean he would kill him. Clark has come close, but always stopped himself, why would this be any different? Just because Lana assumed he would go that far, and obviously many watching did too, it doesn't mean he would. And they don't need to show him stopping himself, for we have the previous characterization to prove that.

/rant off.
how it should have ended-


Personally I rather they use the Seinfeld method of breaking up ala George Costanza

Clark: So, I am have to going to break up with you

they didn't have to say it....keep that mess over at TWOP

Until the poster starts saying that Chlois is the only way to redeem the series and finds some wierd link from Requiem to prove that Chloe is really Lois, I will give them the benfit of the doubt.
I think we all can agree that the whole SuperLana/Lana kryptonite infection plot was an awful way to end Clana after all those years of melodrama and angst. The only good that came out of it was that last scene, mostly because of Tom and Kristin's performances. But I really don't see that ending as showing that Lana will always be Clark's soulmate and Lois will just be his second choice! Lana, whether you like it or not, has been a huge part of Clark's journey on Smallville while Lois is will always a huge part of his future as Superman, that's the difference. All the Clois we've been exposed to this season has been nothing but sexual tension. Lois obviously has feelings for Clark while Clark is only attracted to Lois, that's what's only been established between the 2 characters so far. They don't love each other yet and they probably will never end up together on this series because this is about Clark's pre-Superman life. Clark will fall in love with Lois and Lois will in love with Clark, we just won't know how they actually end up together. Clark will move on and realize that what happened between him and Lana was meant to be and that he would rather be with Lois. Just cause things ended tragically for Clark and Lana doesn't mean they're meant to be together. It just means Clark has strong feelings for Lana because he was her first love and as horrible as the last 7 years of their relationship has been, it's essential to the choices he makes in his love life in the future for the better, as he will try not to make the same mistakes when he finally gets with Lois someday.
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Yea there is so many other options when you look at it logically on how clark and lana could have stoped the kryptonite bomb.

Did you ever think that Lex had the trigger to the bomb, and the only way he wouldnt set it off was if they did what he said?
I thought this episode was decent but I HATED the ending!

We see Clark on the floor in agony when there's a small piece of kryptonite even if something is going to kill him or someone he loves. Yet in this episode we have Lana who absorbed a great deal of Kryptonite, suddenly Clark is able to suck it up and have a very LONG Kiss with her. Terrible writing I'm sorry this does not add up!!!

I'm glad their storyline is finally over but I agree with some others that it could've been done better, personally I wasnt too impressed with the whole super couple thing they did.

Hopefully we can get back to episodes of Clark building himself up to becoming Superman again!
yea to bad they didnt come up with something more normal to end their relationship. Hopefully they can write a better story to have clark move on from his feelings for lana and have a better relationship with lois some day in the future.
I wish I could say I am surprised there is actually people defending this episode.

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