All Things Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - Part 20

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Less than 30 mins for...something?

Yay new part! How convenient! If the trailer hits I predict 2 hours or less until part 21. :hehe:

We got a a new thread to go with our new...... something.

Would everyone be happy if we got the comic con trailer in HD as part if this? I mean if we're getting the trailer on Friday anyway and they didn't want to give s that yet would you be happy? I think I would, what do you think? :cwink:
Would everyone be happy if we got the comic con trailer in HD as part if this? I mean if we're getting the trailer on Friday anyway and they didn't want to give s that yet would you be happy? I think I would, what do you think? :cwink:

Are we really waiting for the trailer to drop? Is there any truth to this notion?
Would everyone be happy if we got the comic con trailer in HD as part if this? I mean if we're getting the trailer on Friday anyway and they didn't want to give s that yet would you be happy? I think I would, what do you think? :cwink:

I would be content.

That trailer is epic.

Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't want something brand new.
Time is flying man... I'm anxious... I hope this to be a big thing... Not a photo of Martha Kent making clark's lunch
If it isn't the trailer, I would be fine with some sort of hologram message sent out by Jor-El.
Would everyone be happy if we got the comic con trailer in HD as part if this? I mean if we're getting the trailer on Friday anyway and they didn't want to give s that yet would you be happy? I think I would, what do you think? :cwink:

It would be really cool man, but let's be realistic, WB won't release 2 different trailers to the public at the same week, they are keeping this so secretly
Are we really waiting for the trailer to drop? Is there any truth to this notion?

Well, it was reported by a site that it would hit today, though that went largely unnoticed.

Also, the trailer hits theaters in many places today and worldwide later in the week.

Also, the viral itself for this was rather complex IMO, so it seems like its leading to something significant.

It would very shocking if it wasn't the trailer.
Would everyone be happy if we got the comic con trailer in HD as part if this? I mean if we're getting the trailer on Friday anyway and they didn't want to give s that yet would you be happy? I think I would, what do you think? :cwink:

well i wouldnt be angry but happy...i don`t know either^^ but the trailer is great and people watching it for the first time gonna say " damn thats awesome"... but for "us" some new scenes would be great. Some fighting , Krypton more of superman flying. Zod and Faora.
Well I for one along with the rest of you sure hope its the trailer.
I'm at Best Buy and the manager is a Superman fan. He's gonna put it up on every TV in the store

Oh yeahhhhhh. I'm not leaving. :cool:
Would everyone be happy if we got the comic con trailer in HD as part if this? I mean if we're getting the trailer on Friday anyway and they didn't want to give s that yet would you be happy? I think I would, what do you think? :cwink:

I'd be fine with that.
Hey, Kane. If this is the trailer, dibs on the best Zod avatar.
When has WB or any other studio released their ComiCon trailers? If that has ever happened it's rare. Come on people, use some common sense. It's not going to be the CC footage.
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