All Things Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 49

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I want it to BEGIN on Krypton. I think it would be less emotional if we just "bumped" into Jor-El in the middle of the movie. After Kent gets found, it should flash forward to school or something like that. While some people just want to get straight to the action, I want to see Superman grow up. We barely saw that in S:TM. I'd rather wait about an hour to see him earn his wings, than see a rushed transformation with little pay-off. I want the GA to really care about Clark and get concerned when he's in danger. And I want the final fight to make audiences happy when he takes Zod and co. down.
I am a few years older than Henry and still have a full head of hair! ;-)
My maternal grandfather had a glorious mane till the day he passed away at 67. I hope I go the same way, but odds are slight because my paternal lineage is and was seriously follically challenged.
My maternal grandfather had a glorious mane till the day he passed away at 67. I hope I go the same way, but odds are slight because my paternal lineage is and was seriously follically challenged.

well then that sucks....good luck on the hair
I am a few years older than Henry and still have a full head of hair! ;-)

I am so god-damn young on here. Sometimes i forget some of you guys are like 15 years older than me :oldrazz:
But i don't think Henry is receding. It's just the way they gelled and slicked his hair. It makes his widow's peak more prominent.
Boy it sure looks good on the tube. :woot:

70 inches of 1080p glory.....I swear, once this Blu Ray comes out, I probably won't be seen until Christmas. Speculating it comes out in November, that is.

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I say that the cleft chin helps with aerodynamics and maneuverability...

I use special shampoo as well

I wouldn't know if I did or not. I just use what my Wife buys for me hahaha
My maternal grandfather had a glorious mane till the day he passed away at 67. I hope I go the same way, but odds are slight because my paternal lineage is and was seriously follically challenged.

Actually I'm pretty sure the whole baldness thing is more closely associated with the X chromosome, which you received from your mother.
Anyone else think that Lois' lines in the movie "... For some he was a guardian angel, for others a ghost that never fit in..." ends with something cheesy like "...but to everyone, he was a Man of Steel"? It's basically her reading the words to the article she wrote about him.
Anyone else think that Lois' lines in the movie "... For some he was a guardian angel, for others a ghost that never fit in..." ends with something cheesy like "...but to everyone, he was a Man of Steel"? It's basically her reading the words to the article she wrote about him.

Yeah, but we won't care because it will be awesome in the moment. Just like at the end of The Dark Knight. :woot:
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