All Things Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 61

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They didn't even bother finishing the quote with a period and clothing parenthesis.

The **** is this ****?

That's REALLY bad on Wal-Mart's part. False promises..guess they really just wanted those RTs for their promotion. -____-
@ geetard since you can't quote the previous thread:

Correction, it was a Top 7, which now I remember finding odd.

I also thought I had only said Birthright, but apparently I "rounded out" his top 10 for him with Birthright, Secret Identity, and Peace on Earth.

At any rate, found it:

FINALLY saw Trailer #3 on the big screen with Star Trek this evening. It was even better than I'd imagined. :D
WTF? Seriously Walmart?


Honestly that crap makes the movie look cheap...
I wish I had the Zod "I will find him!!" Gif on my phone because the guy who decided to release that and call it new...I WILL FIND HIM!!!! And when I's bad news bears for that guy...
Well, it IS Walmart and they ARE cheap....:o
I must be totally missing something here. I'm at work and can't see images. So what was released and what was the quote?
So I saw Star Trek Into Darkness tonight(incredible film) and trailer #3 played on the big screen. :D

And I see the Wal-Mart finally posted that "new" exclusive pic and quote.....:dry: To quote Michael Shannon: "Punch yourself in the face....right now so I don't have to find you and do it myself".
^ It was just Jor El holding baby Kal. And Crowe saying that Superman's about mankind's potential for good. Nothing special.
......thats the exclusive photo......a screenshot from the trailer.....that everyone and there grandmothers have probably made on their own.....good job TOOLMART
Well, after this little stunt, I believe I'll try to stay away from here until the release (again). We'll see how it goes, but I've been spending a little too much time here, which takes time away from my family and God. So you guys enjoy the next couple of weeks, and I'll be joining y'all in the theater on the 13th! ;)
Well, after this little stunt, I believe I'll try to stay away from here until the release (again). We'll see how it goes, but I've been spending a little too much time here, which takes time away from my family and God. So you guys enjoy the next couple of weeks, and I'll be joining y'all in the theater on the 13th! ;)
Oh whatever. You'll be back......they ALWAYS come back sooner rather than later. :yay:
Just got back from watching Star Trek, got both the National Guard commercial as well as Trailer#3. It was awesome, people started applauding when the trailer started itself and there was hooting and applause once the trailer was done.
How was Trek?
Loved it. I had lowered my expectations considerably after hearing certain spoilers that bugged me, but I was very pleasantly surprised because I found it all to be really well done. Chris Pine was the most surprising aspect for me. I mean, I liked him before, but he was really wonderful in this one. As of right now, I prefer STID over the first one, but I want to see how it holds up on repeat viewings to be sure. It definitely had more heart, imo.
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