Arrow Arrow General Discussion Thread

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Okay, someone on the SHH main page made the comment awhile ago that they wished Ollie was more blonde, and I responded that he is blonde just not bleach more of a dirty and that the pics make his hair look darker. I now take that back. I think he is more of a brown or wheat with some blonde in his hair when the light shines on it right.

The reason I bring this is up is to pose a question. Do you think heroes are taken more seriously, seem tougher, more rugged and overall more "manly" with darker hair, especially black?

The reason I ask is because most of the mainstream well-known superheroes have dark hair and Ollie could have very easily had lighter hair, but the creators obviously wanted it darker. So why is that you think?
Oh man....Deathstroke looks so badass, but I wonder why he's on that island? And I wonder if Ollie ended up killing him within those five years on the island?
I think it goes back to the idea that blond is associated either with Barbie and cheerleaders or with the California dumb blond stereotype. Either way, it's despicable.

I thought it was more dirty blond at first, too...then again, five years of almost constant sun on an island probably would lighten if not bleach it.
Oh man....Deathstroke looks so badass, but I wonder why he's on that island? And I wonder if Ollie ended up killing him within those five years on the island?

I think Deathstroke kills Asian Arrow (sorry I forgot his name and am too lazy to go back to the other thread lol)...anyway Asian Arrow tries to rescue Ollie gets killed and Ollie thinks he kills Deathstroke. However, Deathstroke comes back to Star City at the end of this season or next as a partner to China White or something.

You can't just kill a villain like Deathstroke in flashbacks:doh:
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I'd bet Deathstroke is after Yao Fei. Fryers is showing Oliver a picture of a Chinese man in a military uniform. They probably capture Oliver, torture him, Yao Fei rescues Oliver, shooting one of Deathstroke's eyes out in the process, and teaches Oliver how to survive by his own.
I think it goes back to the idea that blond is associated either with Barbie and cheerleaders or with the California dumb blond stereotype. Either way, it's despicable.

I thought it was more dirty blond at first, too...then again, five years of almost constant sun on an island probably would lighten if not bleach it.

I agree. 5 years on an island should have lighten his hair up a lot, especially if already light/fair. Either way I agree with your assessment.
I have to say that Thea looks far more attractive than Laurel Lance.

And those pics of Deathstroke look pretty cool. Someone should repost them in this thread though.
I'd bet Deathstroke is after Yao Fei. Fryers is showing Oliver a picture of a Chinese man in a military uniform. They probably capture Oliver, torture him, Yao Fei rescues Oliver, shooting one of Deathstroke's eyes out in the process, and teaches Oliver how to survive by his own.

Shoots one of his eyes out? So Deathstroke becomes Deadshot lol, no sir lol.
Deadshot has two eyes. The "monocle" is to help him aim.


Deathstroke, on the other hand, only has one eye.

Well that's just dumb lol. Just kidding. Thanks for sharing.
Samuel L Jackson could've played Deathstroke. Not only does he have the eyepatch already, but in silhouette, his bald head would be about the right shape for Deathstroke's mask.
wtf new topic? yall posting too much, 2 posts per day in this topic!!!!
Is Edward Fryers supposed to be their version of Eddie Fyers from the GL/GA comics or just some other character I'm not aware of? Forgive my possible ignorance on the matter.
I think Deathstroke kills Asian Arrow (sorry I forgot his name and am too lazy to go back to the other thread lol)...anyway Asian Arrow tries to rescue Ollie gets killed and Ollie thinks he kills Deathstroke. However, Deathstroke comes back to Star City at the end of this season or next as a partner to China White or something.

You can't just kill a villain like Deathstroke in flashbacks:doh:

Ollie had to think he killed Deathstroke for his mask being set up the way it is before he's rescued. Perhaps Deathstroke does indeed show up in Starling City, but I think Ollie will at least think he's killed Deathstroke.
Not crazy. The fight choreography in this series is better than the last two Batman films.

Like the show. It's what I'd want from a DAREDEVIL tv show. Except unlike Batman and Arrow we could see how a hero who isn't rich deals with things.

Good start. I'm in for the duration.
The only worthwhile Batman film, when it comes to the choreography, was the last one, lol.
I can't help but feel with this show though that it's typical WB where they just keep remaking the same things they've already done before instead of doing something new. We've already had one version of Green Arrow on Smallville where he was covered fairly extensively, and now we're just getting a new iteration. It's like these mutlple Superman series (or films) and these multiple Batman films.

I just would like to see a different DC hero for once who hasn't been done before.
I could have sworn they had a Deadman show in development.
I could have sworn they had a Deadman show in development.

They did, and The Spectre and Blue Beetle. But nothing's come of them yet. A Booster Gold one, if it gets picked up, will premiere on SyFy next season.
They did, and The Spectre and Blue Beetle. But nothing's come of them yet. A Booster Gold one, if it gets picked up, will premiere on SyFy next season.

Thanks.Man I hope the WW series comes to pass.Arrow and Amazon on the same night could be awesome.
Are they making a new Wonder Woman series? Wasn't one canceled not so long ago?
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