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BvS Batman v Superman - Reviews Thread [TAG SPOILERS] - Part 1

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I'm gonna have to have a couple of beers before writing a review. Probably more than a couple.
This movie was never going to outright fail because of the brand recognition alone. Yet if MOS was truly loved and well regarded as well as this film then this should have broken Avengers record if not came close to TFA. Batman and Superman in principle equal SW in terms of brand recognition. Yet the world we live in is different now.

Suicide Squad will do fine because of the Joker and it's different (strange attractor but we'll see how the quality of the film is), WW will do fine because there's finally a WW film. Even JL might do fine because it's finally JL. But once you get to Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman? They're gonna run into trouble.

This isn't the victory WB wanted, but it's enough where they can't call it a failure and use it to keep going. They'll get to their finish line, but they won't place in first and they'll be hurting some. WB tried to match the Avengers success. That's why any of these studios have made these decisions. But they're not gonna get it. It's a success, but a success that doesn't stand out from the pack.

Yeah. It's a bummer, because they're going to make enough money for these films to be deemed a success, yet I feel like if they actually had the right person guiding these films (i.e. NOT Zack Snyder) they could be making Star Wars money like you said and be universally beloved. Instead, they'll make money, and some fans will like them, but generally they'll be playing second fiddle to Marvel (or third if you consider how successful Fox's X-Men films have been), yet they probably won't shake things up and hire someone new to guide their properties because Snyder at least makes them money. It sucks.
Kevin Smith has reviewed the film properly:

As is usual with Smith, he pussyfoots around it. Seems like he liked it, but had a lot of problems. He seemed to be speaking more honestly about his feelings in Babble On. Maybe he's kicked into self preservation mode and remembered where some of his cash comes from.
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Just back from seeing the film. Not much point in me writing a lengthy review as everyone else has no doubt covered it a thousand times by now, but overall, I really enjoyed it. Had a few flaws, but I'd still give it a solid 8.5/10.
I'm gonna have to have a couple of beers before writing a review. Probably more than a couple.


I owe myself some of those.

Yeah. It's a bummer, because they're going to make enough money for these films to be deemed a success, yet I feel like if they actually had the right person guiding these films (i.e. NOT Zack Snyder) they could be making Star Wars money like you said and be universally beloved. Instead, they'll make money, and some fans will like them, but generally they'll be playing second fiddle to Marvel (or third if you consider how successful Fox's X-Men films have been), yet they probably won't shake things up and hire someone new to guide their properties because Snyder at least makes them money. It sucks.

They'll just be another studio vying for success but will never reach it. And I do think eventually they'll fade away. It's not DOA like GL, but soon its failures will become too undeniable. When CBM's don't become as popular anymore, WB will just quietly go away and Marvel will be the only one left unchanged.
My God. You know it's bad when even Kevin Smith is negative about a superhero movie. The guy's ****ing friend was in it and he even did the whole idiotic CW DCU special to help promote it.
That was the plan

Oh? Did someone say that in interviews? Because that would certainly make more sense than what actually happened. Was it some kind of leftover from before BvS gained the B?
My God. You know it's bad when even Kevin Smith is negative about a superhero movie. The guy's ****ing friend was in it and he even did the whole idiotic CW DCU special to help promote it.

It's bad, but he does retain credibility and certainly doesn't appear as someone that just gushes about something because his favorite characters are in it, or his friends.
Mjölnir;33313315 said:
It's bad, but he does retain credibility and certainly doesn't appear as someone that just gushes about something because his favorite characters are in it, or his friends.

I honestly don't remember the last time Smith was so negative like this besides talking about Bruce Willis.
As a Superman fan, I was quite disappointed that they made Superman a weakling during that fight with Batman.

I mean Superman should have won that fight against Batman.

And the only reason that I can think of why they choose to let Batman win is because of that whole plot device thing "Martha" and how it's the only way to move the story forward.

But it's really ridiculous how a demigod like Superman can't win a fight against a mortal Batman.

Urr... My friend who's a Batman fan was so disappointed by the fight because she thought it made Batman look weak. That he couldn't even scratch Superman without the use of Kryptonite.

It's so hard to please the fans.
The fight itself made me incredibly uncomfortable. I just couldn't fathom that the character I've loved for so long would be so brutal and malicious towards Superman. It just shook me, and not in a good way. I thought it'd be more competitive like In Dark Knight Returns.
You must not know a lot of 18 year olds

Eisenberg could play a highschooler on film, just like Garfield did. Jesse looks and sounds even more awkward and boyish.

Probably why he was first chosen to play Jimmy Olsen.
Mjölnir;33313315 said:
It's bad, but he does retain credibility and certainly doesn't appear as someone that just gushes about something because his favorite characters are in it, or his friends.

If anyone was more primed to love this film than Kevin Smith, I'd like to know who. His negativity and disappointment speaks wonders.
Just back from seeing the film. Not much point in me writing a lengthy review as everyone else has no doubt covered it a thousand times by now, but overall, I really enjoyed it. Had a few flaws, but I'd still give it a solid 8.5/10.
Nice. :up:
I'm gonna have to have a couple of beers before writing a review. Probably more than a couple.

I had to give it 24 hours before I wrote my review.

And even then I had this look on my face while writing it.

I'm very critical of movies, but I'm not sure I saw the same movie as the critics?
I gave it a 10/10. This is literally everything I've ever wanted to see in a comic book movie(keep in mind I am not a comic book fan by any stretch, but I do love comic book movies).

I thought it was beautiful acted and written. Unconventionally but masterfully(yes, you read that correct) edited. And hands down has some of the best action sequences Iv'e ever seen in a movie. Having said that, I could understand how the editing could be a turn off for a lot of people. To me, it almost played out like one extended 2.5 hour montage. It very delicately balanced the various subplots without ever losing sight of one another or the main conflict. But where some people criticize that, I thought it was a brilliant(and very different), as long as you are realizing that this is very much the second of three acts. Which I realize is something that shouldn't be expected of the GA, but for me worked wonderfully. I thought the "overly grim and dark" tone was perfect, that's how I prefer my movies. More excited than ever to see the Ultimate Cut.
The fight itself made me incredibly uncomfortable. I just couldn't fathom that the character I've loved for so long would be so brutal and malicious towards Superman. It just shook me, and not in a good way. I thought it'd be more competitive like In Dark Knight Returns.

That's because he isn't Batman, he is Bat-Trump as Kevin Smith put it.
I'm very critical of movies, but I'm not sure I saw the same movie as the critics?
I gave it a 10/10. This is literally everything I've ever wanted to see in a comic book movie(keep in mind I am not a comic book fan by any stretch, but I do love comic book movies).

I thought it was beautiful acted and written. Unconventionally but masterfully(yes, you read that correct) edited. And hands down has some of the best action sequences Iv'e ever seen in a movie. Having said that, I could understand how the editing could be a turn off for a lot of people. To me, it almost played out like one extended 2.5 hour montage. It very delicately balanced the various subplots without ever losing sight of one another or the main conflict. But where some people criticize that, I thought it was a brilliant(and very different), as long as you are realizing that this is very much the second of three acts. Which I realize is something that shouldn't be expected of the GA, but for me worked wonderfully. I thought the "overly grim and dark" tone was perfect, that's how I prefer my movies. More excited than ever to see the Ultimate Cut.

I agree. A lot of viewers felt it was too long (i.e. pacing), but I was glued and it didn't feel long and "boring" to me at all, in fact, the Main Event came a lot sooner than I anticipated, ha! I just think Snyder has a unique "style" of editing/pacing and storytelling. This was different than the shallow, cookie-cutter, formulaic, Shawarma Dance-Off that we have been spoon-fed for the past decade from that other company. And I'm glad Nolan "convinced" Snyder not to do an after-credit scene. That's so marvelously redundant and unoriginal. BvS was and is original. :)

Nolan's Memento had a unique editing "trick" that still blows my mind and I still think it's his best movie, ever! A lot of people just couldn't get into it though because it was "boring," "confusing," "jarring," or just "didn't make sense." Truly unconventional and original at the time and to this very day, IMO. A movie that you have to, without a doubt, watch on repeated viewings to catch the little details and pieces you missed the first time around. There's even a trick on the dvd where you can watch the movie "backwards" in proper linear time!

Watched BvS a second time and it does "gel" and get better. Did anyone notice the look/sneer on Diana's face when Lex was talking about Prometheus killing Zeus during his shin-dig? She gave him the dirty, "Son, you don't know jack about Zeus and Prometheus!" Ha! A nod to Wonder Woman's origin perhaps? My 2 cents.
Just saw it.

Not sure if I even want to bother expressing my thoughts.
I'm very critical of movies, but I'm not sure I saw the same movie as the critics?
I gave it a 10/10. This is literally everything I've ever wanted to see in a comic book movie(keep in mind I am not a comic book fan by any stretch, but I do love comic book movies).

I thought it was beautiful acted and written. Unconventionally but masterfully(yes, you read that correct) edited. And hands down has some of the best action sequences Iv'e ever seen in a movie. Having said that, I could understand how the editing could be a turn off for a lot of people. To me, it almost played out like one extended 2.5 hour montage. It very delicately balanced the various subplots without ever losing sight of one another or the main conflict. But where some people criticize that, I thought it was a brilliant(and very different), as long as you are realizing that this is very much the second of three acts. Which I realize is something that shouldn't be expected of the GA, but for me worked wonderfully. I thought the "overly grim and dark" tone was perfect, that's how I prefer my movies. More excited than ever to see the Ultimate Cut.

Damn. :up: Nice to see you liked it that much!
So... not sure if anyone had a similar experience, but upon my second viewing, I enjoyed the film a lot more! I think the reason for my initial disappointment is that it was not the movie I expected, the movie that I had built up in my mind for years. On top of that, I could not get the critics out of my head in my first viewing and that really took me out of it. I was analyzing instead of allowing myself to experience.

So, going into my second viewing, having gotten the initial disappointment out of the way, I was able to enjoy the film for what it is rather than what it isn't.

Ultimately, I would have preferred the movie with Superman as the protagonist and more focus on his ideological conflict with Batman, but I'm really happy with what we ended up with. The only thing that absolutely did not work for me was the implementation of the Knightmare sequence, which came from out of nowhere. Other than that, I've really warmed up to this movie. I even enjoyed the pace and editing (other than the aforementioned Knightmare scene).

All-in-all, for me this was a great start to the DCEU, though I hope they learn from the criticisms moving forward. My revised score: 8.5/10
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