Captain America


Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I haven't read the comics, but know the character and that there are two possible routes of going with the film.

1. World War II- Captain America takes on Hitler and the rest of the f.cking nazis


2. Modern Day- Captain America adopts to modern society and has to stop a new threat from rising and taking control

Which version would you like to see?
Cap adjusting to modern times/problems with plenty of flashbacks to WWII
sun_down said:
Cap adjusting to modern times/problems with plenty of flashbacks to WWII

Avi Arad said that thats whats going to happen :up:
This isn't really even an issue anymore since they've already said its going to be a man out of his time, fish out of water type flick.
i think the first one should take place during WWII; establish the origin of Cap and his archnemesis the Red Skull. and he could be unfrozen in the present for the sequel. he'd be found by SHIELD, be shown around the present by SHIELD agent Sam Wilson (actor Derek Luke), and be just getting situated when Hydra frees the Skull from his government cell (more like a pit and he's down there because he's just too hard to kill). Hydra and Baron Strucker (actor Mitch Pileggi) want the Red Skull to be their figurehead; since he unknowingly inspired the organization much like Cap inspired the creation of SHIELD. oh and Strucker's flackies would be Viper (actress Milla Jovovich), Dr Arnim Zola (actor Udo Kier), and a Hydra strong man/Red Skull-fanboy who is later named Crossbones (actor Andrew Bryniarski).
Muze said:
i think the first one should take place during WWII; establish the origin of Cap and his archnemesis the Red Skull. and he could be unfrozen in the present for the sequel. he'd be found by SHIELD, be shown around the present by SHIELD agent Sam Wilson (actor Derek Luke), and be just getting situated when Hydra frees the Skull from his government cell (more like a pit and he's down there because he's just too hard to kill). Hydra and Baron Strucker (actor Mitch Pileggi) want the Red Skull to be their figurehead; since he unknowingly inspired the organization much like Cap inspired the creation of SHIELD. oh and Strucker's flackies would be Viper (actress Milla Jovovich), Dr Arnim Zola (actor Udo Kier), and a Hydra strong man/Red Skull-fanboy who is later named Crossbones (actor Andrew Bryniarski).
Baron Strucker and the Red Skull hate each other seeing as the Red Skull helped the baron get out of germany and then he screwed him over and the Red Skull has more of a history with AIM.
We've already had a couple Captain America movies and they were both in modern times. And they both sucked. Not that the former directly lead to the latter. Far from it, but Caps origin is too involved and important to be relegated to a flashback or mention. It requires a complete movie to be fleshed out and accepted.

There really only needs to be one Captain America movie. I think it has a greater probablity for greatness if they don't look at it from a potential franchise point of view and want the thing to standalone. They could continue the characters story by having him be the lead in an AVENGERS movie in the modern day.

The beginning arc should be about Captain America's origin in the past. And then the rest of the movie should be the man out of time deal. Definitely, S.H.I.E.L.D. should be a major part of his origin and resurrection.

Mathew McConaughey should star and Steven Spielberg should direct.
Lazarus440 said:
Baron Strucker and the Red Skull hate each other seeing as the Red Skull helped the baron get out of germany and then he screwed him over and the Red Skull has more of a history with AIM.

AIM isn't as colorful as Hydra. and the average movie-goer doesn't know Baron Strucker from Colonel Sanders.
I think a combination of both ideas. The first fifteen minutes should be about his origin and ww2. After that he should struggle to adapt to modern times while facing an old threat of the Red Skull.
since the 90's movie and the two tv movies basically take place in the modern day maybe showing HOW he became"the living legend of world war II"is a good idea
Muze said:
AIM isn't as colorful as Hydra. and the average movie-goer doesn't know Baron Strucker from Colonel Sanders.
if they don't know then why the need to change?
It looks like we'll get a bit of both. It'll surely start off as a WWII flick possibly showing Cap's last battle in that ERA before becoming Frozen or sent through some time portal. Whatever. Maybe it'll be like Time After Time but with Cap. I'd go for that. I surely dont' want a pure WWII flick. I don't think it would work.
i think the movie could be done in the same what the batman Begins was done, only more on the WWII stuff. but cap is know more for the man out of time stuff more then anything.

oh and to the people saying that the movie should be all in WWII because the last two movies were in the presents and they sucked and thats why the movie needs to be in the war. i say you're wrong, the last two movie sucked not because of the seting of the movie but because of the people makeing the movies. look at batman the last two movies before BB sucked and BB rocked and it had everything to do with the people makeing the movie.
Lazarus440 said:
if they don't know then why the need to change?

because i like Strucker and Hydra.
The first beginning of the film should have Cap in WWII, then frozen, and wake up in the modern world with plenty of flashbacks. Which is probably what they are going to do:D
I think it should be a two-parter. One movie for WWII and one movie for modern day. I did choose WWII in this poll, though...but now that I think about it, if there has to only be one movie than they should incorporate both elements in. Steve coping w/ modern living is a major theme of the comics so it should be in the movie as well.
First one should be Cap's origin, show him an' Bucky fightin' Nazis then one final battle with th' Red Skull that leads to him bein' frozen, which's where part 2 should pick up.

It'd make th' fish outta water thing more impactful.
It seem that I have to agree with KingofDreams and Wolverine25th very well....

I like KingofDreams idea that Captain America movie should have two-parter since it's pretty much long story about Captain America origin before fighting the Germans (I could say 1944 style).

I don't know about Bucky origin, but I like Bucky in The Ultimate Comics where he is infantyman for US Army 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagle."

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