Dead Rising 3


Daffy Duck Vs The Joker
Staff member
Dec 27, 2005
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I haven't played them for too long but never been overly interested in this series & also quite fatigued with zombie games in general. This title though looks a lot better to me although I've been told it is a departure from the usual style of the series which might not go down well with fans.
Yeah, the departure from the usual style is a bit of a turnoff. They really made it sound like the mission system isn't quite there. While annoying at times, the missions did give the game a sense urgency and kept you on track.
calling bull thats its a xboxone exclusive, both 2 and off the record were really popular of ps3. so pulling a move like this is really dicky by capcom

that and the great humor of the past 2 seems to be forgotten
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calling bull thats its a xboxone exclusive, both 2 and off the record were really popular of ps3. so pulling a move like this is really dicky by capcom

that and the great humor of the past 2 seems to be forgotten

It's not Capcom being a dick and just saying screw you PS4 owners. I'm sure Microsoft paid them a boatload of cash to get the exclusive rights. Sony did it for years with the PS1 and PS2. It's one of the big reasons they war the console wars those generations, paying to have games exclusive to their system.
It's not Capcom being a dick and just saying screw you PS4 owners. I'm sure Microsoft paid them a boatload of cash to get the exclusive rights. Sony did it for years with the PS1 and PS2. It's one of the big reasons they war the console wars those generations, paying to have games exclusive to their system.
Sony didnt have to pay for most of the exclusives it had. In many ways they lucked out bc the competition screwed themselves over. When the PS1 came out, changing to a CD format over cartridge was a game changer and you saw developers like Squaresoft (hey remember them!) go to the PS1 bc the format allowed them to do so much more than a cartridge, not to mention it was far less expensive to make. That was the beginning of Nintendo losing its 3rd party support and it never quite recovered. Sega had some very bad mismanaging when they released the Saturn. They barely lasted 2 years before they pulled out and went back to the drawing board with the Dreamcast but by then publishers lost faith in them and they doomed themselves. The PS2 was released with no real competition in sight. By the time MS came out with the Xbox, the PS2 already had such a large userbase that it made more sense to stick with it rather than waste resources porting over to the Xbox, which was new and unproven.

calling bull thats its a xboxone exclusive, both 2 and off the record were really popular of ps3. so pulling a move like this is really dicky by capcom

that and the great humor of the past 2 seems to be forgotten
I really hope the footage they showed was misleading bc if it becomes just another generic post apocalyptic zombie game than thats disappointing bc the humor and how ridiculously over the top it was, really gave it personality and made it stand out. It was just stupid fun but this game looks like it takes itself way too seriously.

As far as exclusives go, Im betting timed exclusivity; especially if the PS4 outsells the X1. I cant see Capcom ignoring that. If this is the route MS has gone, they really havent learned their lesson at all. Timed exclusivity is a waste of money especially if the game goes to the other console anyway. Sony's strategy last gen has been to not bother paying for that and instead using the money to pump into its own studios and building up its library of IPs and they are leaving this gen with quite a bit which will always remain exclusive to them. They looked at the longterm picture. MS? They want the shortterm benefits
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I agree - one of the major appeals of the first two games was the over the top humour which on the evidence of this demo seems to have taken a back seat.

The mission structure and save system of the first game was very divisive among gamers. I got used to it and it did lead me to do something I very rarely do - play a game through twice. There was enough incentive to do so with the multiple endings and extended gameplay sequence of the true ending.

The time limits were more forgiving with the second game but there were a lot of simultaneous missions and you could easily miss out on seeing large chunks of the game.

Sounds like you can still opt into the original save/time limit modes via harder difficulty settings.
Sony didnt have to pay for most of the exclusives it had. In many ways they lucked out bc the competition screwed themselves over. When the PS1 came out, changing to a CD format over cartridge was a game changer and you saw developers like Squaresoft (hey remember them!) go to the PS1 bc the format allowed them to do so much more than a cartridge, not to mention it was far less expensive to make. That was the beginning of Nintendo losing its 3rd party support and it never quite recovered. Sega had some very bad mismanaging when they released the Saturn. They barely lasted 2 years before they pulled out and went back to the drawing board with the Dreamcast but by then publishers lost faith in them and they doomed themselves. The PS2 was released with no real competition in sight. By the time MS came out with the Xbox, the PS2 already had such a large userbase that it made more sense to stick with it rather than waste resources porting over to the Xbox, which was new and unproven.

If Saturn released Mortal Kombat 3 and Doom things might have been very different for Sega. However, Sony bought the exclusive rights to those games, two of the most popular games at the time. Final Fantasy wasn't released until '97, two years into the life cycle when Sony had already defeated Sega and Nintendo.

PS2, maybe you've heard of a little title named GTA? Exclusive to Sony and a huge reason why they won last gen. Under the hood X-Box was better, but Sony had the heavy hitter games.
What you said doesn't really contradict what Havok was saying. In the case of MK3 and Doom, I don't think he was saying they never did timed exclusives, just not to the frequency that you originally implied. They still didn't pay for either FF or GTA, in the case of both they went to Sony without prompt due to business reasons.

Though, as far as it goes with FFVII, I don't think that's completely right. The PS1 had pulled ahead, but I don't think they were the clear cut winner by that point. I know the N64 did really well for awhile before it started to fall. Losing Squaresoft was a pretty big blow. I could very well be wrong, though, it's obviously been quite awhile.
If Saturn released Mortal Kombat 3 and Doom things might have been very different for Sega. However, Sony bought the exclusive rights to those games, two of the most popular games at the time. Final Fantasy wasn't released until '97, two years into the life cycle when Sony had already defeated Sega and Nintendo.

PS2, maybe you've heard of a little title named GTA? Exclusive to Sony and a huge reason why they won last gen. Under the hood X-Box was better, but Sony had the heavy hitter games.
FF VII came out in 1997, but obviously Squaresoft had already made the decision to go with the PS over N64 years prior. Development started in 1994 and its well documented that the reason Square decided to abandon Nintendo for Sony was bc of the CD format. That had nothing to with Sony paying them for exclusivity. The cartridge of the N64 simply didn't have the storage capacity needed to create the game. Kojima did the same when it came to MGS as did many other developers at the time.

Though, as far as it goes with FFVII, I don't think that's completely right. The PS1 had pulled ahead, but I don't think they were the clear cut winner by that point. I know the N64 did really well for awhile before it started to fall. Losing Squaresoft was a pretty big blow. I could very well be wrong, though, it's obviously been quite awhile.
you're right. In the 16-bit era, the SNES was the console of choice when it came to RPGs, and those were huge in Japan. That shifted to the PS in the 32-bit era. Extensive use of CG cut scenes, improvement in sound/music quality were among the advantages CD had over cartridges. They were also cheaper to produce and sell to the consumer and played a role in Sony's early success in the console scene
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Dead Rising 3 gets exclusive SmartGlass missions

"You're getting more out of the game" with mobile and tablet companion app, says Dead Rising 3 executive producer.

Xbox One open-world exclusive Dead Rising 3 will feature missions exclusive to players making use of Microsoft's mobile and tablet companion tool SmartGlass, Capcom has said.

In an interview with Siliconera, Capcom executive producer Josh Bridge sad that when playing the game, the SmartGlass app "actually skins your phone to be like the phone from the game's universe."

Bridge explained how the SmartGlass exclusive content would work in Dead Rising 3. Using an accompanying SmartGlass-compatible mobile or tablet, the player will "get calls from a character that are only on the SmartGlass device. So if you don't have SmartGlass, you won't get those calls from that guy. Which also means you won't get those missions."

Despite the exclusive missions, however, Bridge insists that players will get a complete story even if they choose not to use the SmartGlass functions. "His storyline is his own. And it interweaves with the main storyline. Without it, you're not losing out on what the story is. But you're getting more out of the game."

Dead Rising 3 was announced during Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference, where SmartGlass was also shown to call down an artillery strike on a clustered group of zombies. The game features a new city, Los Perdidos, alongside new protagonist Nick Ramos.

Microsoft's SmartGlass application can be installed on phones and tablets running iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows 8.


Are they ****ing serious?
Good ol Capcom getting better at making games for the fans as the years go by! They love MegaMan and staying to the roots of their series too! *sarcasm detected*

I still recall the days of when Capcom could do no wrong. When it required skill to play their games and not dumb them down for the casual crowd...Also, What Capcom did with RE4 gives me hope. If I recall, RE4 was ment to be exclusive on the GameCube, now you can play it on PS2/XBL and PSN....
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I still recall the days of when Capcom could do no wrong. When it required skill to play their games and not dumb them down for the casual crowd...Also, What Capcom did with RE4 gives me hope. If I recall, RE4 was ment to be exclusive on the GameCube, now you can play it on PS2/XBL and PSN....
As I mentioned in the gaming lounge and the RE thread the ones responsible for RE4's success was Platinum Games. since then Capcom has been at a lost with what to do with RE as a series til revelations on the hand held of Nintendo. In a way they have some one there that still remembers what was done when they had the help of platinum Games. but not enough to do it right. if they fallow the same idea for Revelations on the consoles and not just port it but have it all done for the consoles they may do ok for a bit.

As for the other franchises it seems it's like they just don't know what to do with them right now and that's why they are screwing up with them. it's cause they don't do, or do what ubisoft does and that 's for example
Ubisoft reads the internet, may bring The Division to PC | ...

2 days ago ... Ubisoft reads the internet, may bring The Division to PC Ubisoft continues its coy dance with PC gamers regarding The Division, a new action .

they don't look into or listen to what their fans want or try to ask around in a sneaky or clever way.

til they fiure that out don't expect much out of them same can be said now for Microsoft to a small degree and few others.
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They've already said a thousand times that the humor is definitely still there but it won't be as in your face like 2 was but more like 1 which was an exclusive that was a huge hit
Dead Rising 3 Brings Back Isabela Keyes From Dead Rising 1 And Chuck Greene. July 5, 2013 . 11:50am

Isabela has been trapped inside a lab for years and she is finally freed when a zombie outbreak spreads to Los Perdidos. Isabela escapes and is searching for a missing element to the cure, blood from patient zero.

Dead Rising 3 will tie up loose ends from the other two Dead Rising games, a source tells Siliconera. This is the same source that provided us with information to reveal details about Dead Rising 3 back in 2011, a year before Microsoft unveiled the game at E3.

Isabela Keyes a survivor from Dead Rising will return in Dead Rising 3. We briefly saw Isabela in Dead Rising 2: Case West where she has been working on a zombie cure inside Phenotrans. Isabela has been trapped inside a lab for years and she is finally freed when a zombie outbreak spreads to Los Perdidos. Isabela escapes and is searching for a missing element to the cure, blood from patient zero.

Chuck Greene from Dead Rising 2 will also make an appearance in Dead Rising 3. But, don’t expect the story to be about Chuck. Nick Ramos, a mechanic, is the main character. Diego is one of Nick’s close friends. The two characters grew up together and later Diego joined the army. However, Diego struggled during his service mainly due to something from Dead Rising 1…


Did Dead Rising even have a story really? I vaguely remember cutscenes, but nothing sticks with me past that. Never did play DR2, only did Case Zero.
"Frank West is awesome and kills zombies" is all the story I need.
Love the idea of getting calls and missions from characters on your real phone using smartglass. Cool way to not only integrate, but encourage a peripheral.
Did Dead Rising even have a story really? I vaguely remember cutscenes, but nothing sticks with me past that. Never did play DR2, only did Case Zero.

Yeah, it had a story, which was basically finding out what was behind the zombie outbreak and later finding ingredients for a cure, basically the trial run of Zombrex from Dead Rising 2. There was an entire cast of characters in it.

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