Dream Team League (Discussion)

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Johnny Blaze

Feb 25, 2003
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All right. I figured I'd start a new topic for this than do this in the DTT: Championship thread. I figure this way it will get more traffic.
Anyway, instead of just another tournament down the road, I want to propose a Dream Team League, complete with divisions, a draft, trades, playoffs, and the like.
First on the agenda is a fantasy draft to start off the League...

There'd probably (hopefully) be at least 16-20 teams if it actually happened and getting all of the team's "owners" together at a certain time would be extremely difficult; especially when they are spread out in different time zones throughout the world.
I have been toying with the idea of having each "owner" give an auto pick list similar to Fantasy Football. For those of you who aren't familiar with an APL, each person would submit a list of as many characters as they wish. When the day of the draft comes, and they are unable to make it, the highest character listed in their APL would get selected when their turn comes around.
In example, if I am picking second overall and my top two characters on my APL are:
2)King Thor
If Thanos is picked #1 overall, then since he's next in line, King Thor would be my choice. And it goes on like that until all teams are assembled.
And if I did do a draft, the set up would still be the same (1 uber-Marvel, 1 uber-DC, 1 regular Marvel, 1 regular DC, 1 regular Marvel or DC, and at least 1 has to be female).
Separate lists for each category (i.e. Marvel Uber & DC Uber) would be cool, but I'd still need one big list. That way, if a bunch of the uber characters are already gone, and the person picking 16th would rather have a regular character, like Batman for instance, he/she could take Batman instead and get one of the left over ubers the following round(s).
As for the picking order, I'd do it the same way I pick the matchups for each round. I'd print out the team names, put them into my Indiana Jones hat, and draw them randomly until there's none left to draw.

Edit: Here is a link to the new Update thread for all to see: DTL Update.
This sounds like a great idea. I don't really understand how these fantasy league things work but I'll play if it's set up.

I would make the suggestion of limiting characters. For example, you could have only one Thor and one Hulk in the entire process. No War Hulk and Savage Hulk and Guilt Hulk. And no King Thor and regular Thor.

In fact, personally, I'd like to see King Thor left out altogether and just use regular Thor. But that's jus my opinion.
I was thinking that myself, but then there'd have to be some judgement calls on some characters, like Maestro for instance. He may be an incarnation of the Hulk, but he is a unique character in his own right.
Before I'd do something like that, I'd have to take a vote from the "owners" before the draft.
Originally posted by Johnny Blaze
I was thinking that myself, but then there'd have to be some judgement calls on some characters, like Maestro for instance. He may be an incarnation of the Hulk, but he is a unique character in his own right.
Before I'd do something like that, I'd have to take a vote from the "owners" before the draft.

Maybe you could limit it to "current" characters. No future/alternate reality versions.
Or maybe put a limit on the number of manifestations allowed of each character to only two or something like that.
yeah, this is great. I always thought a draft would be the best way to do something like this. Good job. I'm in.
I think assuming the characters' most recognizable forms would be best. For Thor it'd be regular Thor, not King Thor. For Hulk it'd be the savage green Hulk. For Juggernaut it's the normal Jugs and not the godlike 8th Day Jugs or the weak-ass Austen Jugs. Just because everyone's most familiar with the normal versions and it'd cut down on a lot of BS about "why wasn't I allowed to pick this form but that guy was allowed to pick another form," etc.
very true, and I think some people should be ruled out as "too uber," but that's not up to me. We need to decide first who is not available to be picked. For example, GALACTUS.
Johnny's already got that pretty well worked out. Galactus is a cosmic entity and thus not eligible. Same for Death, Chaos, and all the other abstracts and dudes like the Living Tribunal, the Spectre, etc.
What will we do about Superhero identities that have had more then one person filling them, as opposed to Superheroes that have had multiple identities? Like Green Lantern, would we allow different people to have Hal, John and Kyle? I for one think we should allow it.
I say as long as it's a different person it's a different character. God knows Guy as GL is very, very different from Hal as GL.
I agree. Assuming we are limiting people to the best known form of the person would Guy be considered as Warrior or GL?
I have absolutely no idea. I'm not that familiar with either of them because I wasn't reading DC when he was GL and I thought he looked like a giant dork as Warrior.
This sounds great. Count me in.

As for different identities, I agree as long as they are different people, like the multiple GL's.
What about Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics)? He did like reset reality or whatever. Is he too uber? I think, for the most part, it should be limited to earth-based heroes. I don't say "heroes from Earth" because that would exclude Superman, Thor, and some others.
Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
I have absolutely no idea. I'm not that familiar with either of them because I wasn't reading DC when he was GL and I thought he looked like a giant dork as Warrior.

I’m not exactly sure there is a right answer, I mean for some characters it’s obvious Peter Parker is Spider-Man and not Prodigy, Hornet or whatever else. But I think valid arguments could be made for Guy being Green Lantern or Warrior.
Captain Marvel's not as powerful as people make him out to be. He's roughly around Silver Surfer or King Thor level. He's got energy manipulation powers, super strength, super speed, and flight. He never would've gotten close to restarting the universe if not for the help of Epiphany and Entropy. In fact, the whole plan was Entropy's in the first place, he just pointed Marv in the right direction.
Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
I think assuming the characters' most recognizable forms would be best. For Thor it'd be regular Thor, not King Thor. For Hulk it'd be the savage green Hulk. For Juggernaut it's the normal Jugs and not the godlike 8th Day Jugs or the weak-ass Austen Jugs. Just because everyone's most familiar with the normal versions and it'd cut down on a lot of BS about "why wasn't I allowed to pick this form but that guy was allowed to pick another form," etc.
After thinking about, I agree with you and DBM. For the DTL, only the most recognizable manifestations will be permited, unless it's an Ultimate version or something. With it that way, it would call for people to use more strategy in their draft day preperations. Different identities of the same hero, as long as it's a different person filling the shoes, will be allowed; i.e. Barry, Jay, and Wally for the Flash.

Ok, let's tally it up...there's--
the defenders
Donnie Darko
And Thanos will more than likely be in as well.

There needs to be at least 16 teams total for this to work. Also, I'll need everyone's team name, but there's no rush.

As for the draft, I am going to do it via an Auto Pick List, so every team owner needs to make a list of characters and PM it to me whenever your done. Again, there's no rush, so take your time and get your draft list the way you want it.
Oh yeah, is it limited to just heroes or are villains selectable as well?
Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
Oh yeah, is it limited to just heroes or are villains selectable as well?

I say we leave it open for this first league. Maybe future incarnations could put limits on it.

I like the most recognizable rule.

And how long a list of characters do we need to PM to you Lacto?
Originally posted by DBM
And how long a list of characters do we need to PM to you Lacto?

Well Johnny's running this thing, but if you want to PM me your picks so I can steal them all, then make the list as long as you'd like. ;)
Originally posted by Lactophiliac
Well Johnny's running this thing, but if you want to PM me your picks so I can steal them all, then make the list as long as you'd like. ;)

Oops, got my tournaments confused.

Try this again, JOHNNY, how many characters do we need to list to send you.
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