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Days of Future Past Girl gone ROGUE Thread (ANNA PAQUIN's BACK..FALSE ALARM SHE'S BEEN CUT) - Part 3

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The rumoured plot points may be true, bc the Colossus vs Sentinel excerpt that was leaked says the Sentinel changes into steel like Colossus, just like Rogue absorbing him in X3. I can't post the excerpt but it's still floating out there. Would Rogue's role be too spoilery? What do the people who have read the script think?
The rumoured plot points may be true, bc the Colossus vs Sentinel excerpt that was leaked says the Sentinel changes into steel like Colossus, just like Rogue absorbing him in X3. I can't post the excerpt but it's still floating out there. Would Rogue's role be too spoilery? What do the people who have read the script think?

If it wasn't for the fact that imformation about colossus and the sentinel was released ages ago by the guy on twitter so someone could just take that and do their own thing with it
Exactly. What is it with people and their "opinions".

Rogue's status in the film is not up to opinions. It's a matter of fact. The fact being, Bryan Singer--the director of the film, gave an exclusive statement to Entertainment Weekly, one of the (if not the) most prolific entertainment magazines out there that he had cut Rogue's scene in the editing process.

Conspiracy theories abound though, that demand validation.

It's not a fact until we see it with our own eyes in theatres come May 23. Afterall it's a fact that the X2 production released an image of Jean Grey at the White House. It's a fact that Chris Claremont only blinded Jean Grey in the novelization. It's a fact that Famke said she wasn't in The Wolverine. It's a fact that Marion Cottilard said she's not Miranda Tate. Yet the eventual films showed otherwise.

Anna Paquin more than likely is cut from DOFP as per Bryan's interview. However there's still a sliver of hope that her scenes have been saved.
It's not a fact until we see it with our own eyes in theatres come May 23. Afterall it's a fact that the X2 production released an image of Jean Grey at the White House. It's a fact that Chris Claremont only blinded Jean Grey in the novelization. It's a fact that Famke said she wasn't in The Wolverine. It's a fact that Marion Cottilard said she's not Miranda Tate. Yet the eventual films showed otherwise.

Anna Paquin more than likely is cut from DOFP as per Bryan's interview. However there's still a sliver of hope that she is.

Agreed.It's more likely she Is cut but this Is bryan singer who mislead people
with X2.

People swore up and down that naome Harris' character wasn't miss moneypenny In Skyfall.J.J. Abrams lied through his teeth about Khan In Star Trek Into darkness even having his actors lie.One went as far as to say the villain was Gary Mitchell.

If SInger Is lying It could be because he decered to have rogue's appearance
be a total surprise.And if her role Is total spoiler and helps set up Apocalypse.
The rumoured plot points may be true, bc the Colossus vs Sentinel excerpt that was leaked says the Sentinel changes into steel like Colossus, just like Rogue absorbing him in X3. I can't post the excerpt but it's still floating out there. Would Rogue's role be too spoilery? What do the people who have read the script think?

I don't think it's believable, but who knows. Parts could be true and parts could be fake. There are some things that make no sense. Unfortunately the part about Rogue raises some major red flags as fake, but it could be that the person who wrote that just wrote really fast or casual and didn't really "connect the dots" type of thing. Who knows.
It's not a fact until we see it with our own eyes in theatres come May 23. Afterall it's a fact that the X2 production released an image of Jean Grey at the White House. It's a fact that Chris Claremont only blinded Jean Grey in the novelization. It's a fact that Famke said she wasn't in The Wolverine. It's a fact that Marion Cottilard said she's not Miranda Tate. Yet the eventual films showed otherwise.

Anna Paquin more than likely is cut from DOFP as per Bryan's interview. However there's still a sliver of hope that her scenes have been saved.


I've also pretty much conceded that her part has been cut.

But that "it's a fact" argument does not hold up. Basically you're telling people they should believe everything they're told. (When in fact, a lot of what they're told turns out to be false, i.e. all the points Endzone wrote above.)

She may be cut, but it's not reason to just believe everything you're told.
If Singer was going to lie about it, he never would have put up promotional pics/scenes.
Also, when he said he cut Paquin, he did it unprompted. Denials from other actors about characters were done because they were prompted.
It just doesn't make sense. If he wanted to surprise people, we wouldn't know or see anything about her. Plus a surprise role by her wouldn't be that... surprising. So why keep it wrapped up to begin with?
She's out of it. Is it a fact? No. But if you are holding out hope that she'll be there based on the "facts" that we have, prepare to be disappointed.
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If Singer was going to lie about it, he never would have put up promotional pics/scenes.
Also, when he said he cut Paquin, he did it unprompted. Denials from other actors about characters were done because they were prompted.
She's out of it.

If Singer was going to lie about it, he never would have put up promotional pics/scenes.
Also, when he said he cut Paquin, he did it unprompted. Denials from other actors about characters were done because they were prompted.
It just doesn't make sense. If he wanted to surprise people, we wouldn't know or see anything about her. Plus a surprise role by her wouldn't be that... surprising. So why keep it wrapped up to begin with?
She's out of it. Is it a fact? No. But if you are holding out hope that she'll be there based on the "facts" that we have, prepare to be disappointed.

Why do you think that he is limited to following some sort of rules when it comes to deceptive marketing? If anything, I would think he wouldn't want to follow some sort of predictable, cookie-cutter mold for how people involved in movies(especially past X-men movies) have kept things covered up/under wraps by means of deception or flat out lies.
Why do you think that he is limited to following some sort of rules when it comes to deceptive marketing? If anything, I would think he wouldn't want to follow some sort of predictable, cookie-cutter mold for how people involved in movies(especially past X-men movies) have kept things covered up/under wraps by means of deception or flat out lies.

Its not about following rules, its about being completely illogical.

No facts, just a logical conjecture using the evidence at hand. The chances she's in this film are exceedingly low. If you want to hold out hope, I suggest you don't hold your breath.
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No facts, just a logical conjecture using the facts at hand. The chances she's in this film are exceedingly low. If you want to hold out hope, I suggest you don't hold your breath.
So your tell me there's a chance? :awesome:
Its not about following rules, its about being completely illogical.

I'm still not sure I would agree my train of thought was completely illogical prior to the magazine covers being released, but now more than ever, how can you deny that logic has already been thrown out the window? What sense does it make to release such a tantalizing cover featuring Rogue in a previously-unseen outfit/costume if she's guaranteed to be cut completely from the movie?
But the question is, if her role was a secret why reveal her outfit and describe the scene ?
But the question is, if her role was a secret why reveal her outfit and describe the scene ?

Well to be fair, on the more likely chance that she really is cut, then it wouldn't matter really, and if anything, I guess, from the magazine's point of view at least, they would be giving tribute to Anna Paquin and her rescue scene. I can't recall exactly when the rumors started, but it's long been floating around the idea that Rogue would have been one of the captured/imprisoned ones, and when the first trailer hit, that was more or less strongly hinted at, if not comfirmed, by the quick glimpse we saw of Iceman and Magneto helping her along that corridor.

That being said, with that much already having been hinted at in the trailer, if she is somehow still in the movie, then it's also not unreasonable to conclude that there may still be more to her part than we know(and at this point there are even new rumors spreading about that). If that's the case, then the cover would hypothetically only being confirming what was already glimpsed at in the trainer, and it wouldn't actually be revealing a bigger surprise regarding her role
(and Apocalypse tie-in, or an action scene where she gets to borrow a kick-ass power, two name a couple of options)
in the movie.
Somebody TELL ME PLEASE what is happening? I have read the spoilers. Or they are out of date or Singer is lying us? I'm gonna die in uncertainty
No facts, just a logical conjecture using the evidence at hand. The chances she's in this film are exceedingly low. If you want to hold out hope, I suggest you don't hold your breath.

I would love to see her there, but it does seem like she was cut. At least she will be on the blu ray.

If she was cut because her scene would cost too much for effects, that would be sad.(I'm imagining a fanboy moment of watching a powered-up, flying Rogue fight a Sentinel)
Somebody TELL ME PLEASE what is happening? I have read the spoilers. Or they are out of date or Singer is lying us? I'm gonna die in uncertainty

After a lot of research, discussion, and reasoning, we have FINALLY figured out that there are 2 possibilities:

1. Rogue is in the movie
2. Rogue is not in the movie

It took a lot of work though.
After a lot of research, discussion, and reasoning, we have FINALLY figured out that there are 2 possibilities:

1. Rogue is in the movie
2. Rogue is not in the movie

It took a lot of work though.

All the spoilers are probably fake so I will continue to suffer :woot:
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