Halo 4 - Part 1


Just officially announced.

I thought the trailer was pretty cool.
One thing I would like them to change is the thruster pack. Either increase the range you can go to make it actually worthwhile, or don't make it go to 3rd person for that. Using it is often more harm than good since you barely cover any ground at all and moving to 3rd person takes control away from you, which usually results in death.

Most useless item ever.

Also human grenades still suck.
It's annoying because the Thruster pack COULD be awesome. It could be a much more manouverable and more balanced version of evade from Reach but it just needs a bit of refining. I'm sure 343 will adjust it in the first playlist update.

Also, I think the grenades are fine. You just have to be less haphazard with your throw. Now that there are grenade indicators, people will obviously be more attuned to avoiding them. But there's a perk to increase your grenade throw radius that is worth using if grenades are just your thing.
No, I mean they're not destructive enough.

Real hand grenades (at least the most common kind) could blow up a hunter.
Yes but this isn't real life. Nor is it even close
Just picked this up.

First, my mind was BLOWN by how good the CG was on the cutscenes. Especially the first one with Dr Halsey.

Also, I have read all the Halo novels and am SO happy that they are finally incorporating them into the story. My fav. part of the books was how in depth the described the vetting process for the Spartans.

IIRC the last book I read had Dr. Halsey and a squad of Spartans being transported into a Dyson Sphere. I'm thinking that it is the same location of Halo 4, or I'm hoping.
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Yes but this isn't real life. Nor is it even close

Are the human weapons not based on real life weapons?

If a shotgun in the game works the same way a shotgun works in real life, I expect to get a grenade with a decent yield.
Thundercrack85 said:
No, I mean they're not destructive enough.

Real hand grenades (at least the most common kind) could blow up a hunter.

You can't possibly quantify that with fictional aliens and supersoldiers who have been established to be much more hardy than usual.
Are the human weapons not based on real life weapons?

If a shotgun in the game works the same way a shotgun works in real life, I expect to get a grenade with a decent yield.

But the shotgun doesn't work like it would in real life. In the game its only effective at basically melee distance, in real life they're effective up to 50 yards
My only gripe with the nades were the sound effects. They were terrible, ecspecially considering how incredible everything else was. They didn't have enough "umph".

Just beat the game tho, super short but really powerful. If anyone ever wondered why Chief is such a popular character, I'd point them to this game. Steve Downes is iconic
The nades are incredibly weak in this game. Probably the weakest in all the Halos. It's my biggest gripe about the weapons.
I don't even know if I've thrown a grenade yet. I primarily use the plasma.
Beat the game, regular Halo length... But much more powerful than any Halo game I've ever played.
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Agreed on that. I've never felt this attached to the protagonist of a FPS.
Just beat it, now I'm sad :(

This game has more character development than all previous 3 combined. Was REALLY hoping [blackout]Chief and Cortana ended up together :([/blackout]
They did the main duo well. The supporting characters left a lot to be desired. What the hell was up with the Spartan IVs?

They didn't get to do almost anything.

I was hoping John would take his helmet off when [BLACKOUT]Cortana died[/BLACKOUT]. Oh well.

Thats why Im afraid of a movie, dont want them to cast a big name actor and have his helmet off most of the time. Just use Daniel Cudmore in the suit again and use Steve Downs for the voice.

I liked how they treated MC like an aging soldier considering that hes from the first generation of Spartans
How many big name actors have John's physique?

He would make a terrible film protagonist anyway. Having a silent (or mostly silent), protagonist works in a FPS, but in a two hour film?

If they ever do a Halo film, it will either star someone else, possibly a team of Spartans like what they had going on in Reach, or regular humans. Maybe have John show up as a supporting character, but he can't hold a movie. Assuming they want to make a good movie, that is.
A Halo movie has to star MC now.. More so since he's stood out in Halo 4 than any Halo games prior. Go into his back story...Give him a face if they have to. Gamers will get over "not being MC because they seen his face". Seriously, I always thought that was bogus.

I never once thought myself a game character. Even in the deepest RPG's... Maybe I choose thing along the lines of my morals but other than that...

It's not like his looks aren't explained...He has redish/blonde hair and light freckles... That ain't just anyone...he's the gaming worlds first Ginger hero.

I don't think Cortana stays dead...part of me see's her actually becoming human since she has "dna" in her code. She's more or less a clone.. just in AI form. I can either see her becoming human somehow and end up with her and John being super happy...or somehow becoming corrupt end and up being a villain.
They would never attempt a Halo movie without John as the main character. They could always have the first half be about the process the kidnapped children have to go through to become Spartans. Then the rest be with MC in full armor
A Halo movie has to star MC now.. More so since he's stood out in Halo 4 than any Halo games prior. Go into his back story...Give him a face if they have to. Gamers will get over "not being MC because they seen his face". Seriously, I always thought that was bogus.

I never once thought myself a game character. Even in the deepest RPG's... Maybe I choose thing along the lines of my morals but other than that...

It's not like his looks aren't explained...He has redish/blonde hair and light freckles... That ain't just anyone...he's the gaming worlds first Ginger hero.

I don't think Cortana stays dead...part of me see's her actually becoming human since she has "dna" in her code. She's more or less a clone.. just in AI form. I can either see her becoming human somehow and end up with her and John being super happy...or somehow becoming corrupt end and up being a villain.
In one of the books the explained that he is pale from being in the armor for so long.

[BLACKOUT]I was expecting Cortana to be turned human also. Since Didact(sp?) digitized people I thought the would work in a process to reverse it, and since Cortana is modeled after a human brain she could be turned also.[/BLACKOUT]
^^^I actually fully expect that to happen. Halo 4 seemed more like a "self contained" story than the first of a trilogy... But I suppose we'll see more of a story form for sequels later. I'd be a-ok with DLC that's MORE than just MP btw.
[BLACKOUT]I'm sure she'll be back in the sequel, so that could still happen.

In the games, the Master Chief has very little personality. Doesn't help that he wears a helmet, obscuring any facial expressions. Combined that makes for a terrible film protagonist.

It works fine in a FPS, because, you are him. But movies are third person, not first person.
Meh, show him with his helmet off from time to time then...

I seriously don't care...Chief has a face, it's the gamers that refuse to acknowledge that. Karl Urban did a fine job as Dread, I swear I saw more emotion from him than I ever did from Bale as Batman...

Seriously... If the movie is GOOD I don't think people will care if John spends half the movie or more behind a mask. It doesn't all have to be up to the actors facial expressions. If so... Then I have ZERO problem with John taking off his helmet. That, again, is a gamers thing..Heaven forbid we see the man the books describe in full detail.

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