Hype News Investigation


2 E's are better than 1
Dec 31, 2005
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Mee here, BRUTAL and I have taken a break from bashing each other in the election to bring you Hype News in yet another new format. We're now going to have seperate threads (like this) for each story. Should make your getting the news a bit easier. So here we go...​


For as long as there have been celebrities, there have been people who worship them. Some of those people post here at the Hype. Let's get inside their heads shall we?

1. What makes your special lady, (Alba, Biel, Pana-whatever, etc etc) more specialer than all the others?

Might as well start off with the most famous of celebrity lovers, JAL:

I don't know she just seems like the girl next door who's sweet enough to hang out with you and just talk to you.


Katharine McPhee. 'Nuff said

Eddie Brock Jr: Well, she hasn't been corrupted completely by Hollywood yet. She at least APPEARS to be a young starlet with morals and without eating disorders, drinking problems, etc...

Plus it doesn't hurt that she's part of a hit TV phenomenon.

Not to mention the fact that she's in my age bracket, so I have more of a chance with her than, say, Alba or Biel.

kakarot069: in my eyes, she's special to me because she was willing to admit that she has a problem, and she devoted a part of her life to become a better person. She may have failed a couple times, but life is never easy, and sometimes it takes more than once to get better.

ANTHONYNASTI: She's gorgeous and on a great tv show.

Darthphere: Natalie Portman is smart, elegant, funny, classy and most importantly, not a ****acious ****e like lets say....Jessica Alba. She has herpes.

Oh snap!

2. Have you ever met your special lady, if so what was it like?

JAL: No i have not. I went to autograph signing but didn't getto meet her.

Kritish: Never met her.

Eddie: I did meet her, actually. It was a nervous experience because the people working the event warned us that not everyone was guaranteed to meet her. My friend, Syn (Mercenary), and I were at the back of the line, and we thought there was no hope.

Naturally, once we realized that we were going to make it, we were ecstatic.

Something like this?

kakarot: no

Anthony: I'm meeting her next month.

Tell her Mee says hi!

Darth: No. And she was never my neighbor.

3. If not, what do you plan to say to her when/if you do meet her?

JAL:I don't know i'm still thinking of it.

Kritish: *chloroform*

Eddie: If I ever meet her again in a smaller setting, I'll compliment her on her ability to stay so real in Hollywood.

kakarot: Despite what people say in the world, there are people out there that do truly care about you, and all I wish is that you live a happy and healthy life free from addiction.

Anthony: I'd ask her to sign my Heroes dvd and possibly pose for a quick photo.

Darth: I probably wouldn't say anything because I would die in her glorious light.


4.Would you rather pay a million dollars for a date with your lady, or just go the cheap route and kidnap her?

JAL: I would do neither. I'd think i could do it myself.

Kritish: How about I kidnap her so I can take her on a million dollar date?

I'm sure she'd be flattered.

Eddie: If I had a million dollars, buying a date with Hayden would definitely be on the To-Do List.

However, I prefer to be a hopeless romantic and believe that I could win her over with personality so that I wouldn't have to shovel out so much cash.

kakarot: I'd rather pay a million dollars to take her out on a date

Do you think she'd feel like a hooker?

Anthony: A million dollars.


Darth: Can I kidnap her and then ask for a million dollars?

Only if you believe in yourself!

Well that's it for now. Stay tuned for more of their answers, and we'll even get some perspective from female celebrity lovers. This has been Mee, for Hype News.


*refer to page 4, for Part II
You start of a new format with this story?:huh:
Let the record show that in question 4, Mee's third bolded response was originally "Diddo," not "Ditto." Let the record also show that I, farmerfran, spotted this error.
Let the record show that in question 4, Mee's third bolded response was originally "Diddo," not "Ditto." Let the record also show that I, farmerfran, spotted this error.
I kinda thought BRUTAL would catch me if I ever messed up. But I guess he's too consumed with the (awesome) graphics. :csad:
Does this mean JAL has dropped the delusion that he grew up next door to Alba and was her first unofficial boyfriend or whatever? :confused:

...cause that was good for laughs. :up:
Let's do an interview with the NFL regulars.

-Mister J
-Memphis Silm
-Ben Urich
I kinda thought BRUTAL would catch me if I ever messed up. But I guess he's too consumed with the (awesome) graphics. :csad:
I did but the spelling error adds charm.
Next story I think I'll jazz up the banner, something... animated.
Part II should be ready tomorrow.

1. What makes your special lady, (Alba, Biel, Pana-whatever, etc etc) more specialer than all the others?

Might as well start off with the most famous of celebrity lovers, JAL:

I don't know she just seems like the girl next door who's sweet enough to hang out with you and just talk to you.

LMAO so sad.:woot:
I like how kakarot answers my picture question. Though I don't like his answer. :down:up:
2. Have you ever met your special lady, if so what was it like?

JAL: No i have not. I went to autograph signing but didn't getto meet her.

That's not what JAL claims.
Well it's what he told me.
I thought JAL lived next door to Alba and spied on her while she changed and shared a moment on the grass with her before she moved to like Nigeria or something?

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