The Dark Knight In Heath We Trust: A Ledgerbration: The TDK Joker Appreciation Thread

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is awesome
May 19, 2007
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This is a thread to discuss and praise Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight. Compare him to past incarnations and just generally praise how he has revolutionized the role for the next generation of fanboys. :hoboj:

Update 1/22/08: This is also a celebration of the life of this promising young actor. A young man who was taken from this earth far too soon.
Well, he's good in the trailer, but that's about it so far. I ain't counting my chickesn till they hatch in July.
Such a pleasure to post in this thread. I can't believe how lucky we all are. Heath has created a monster. I love the voice, the mannerisms, everything!

I didn't think any lines came across as cheesey. When he says 'like me', it reminds me of BTAS for some reason. I'm so pumped now.

Christmas came early :up: Thank you Heath Ledger. :hoboj:
yeah. but some people wanna. and plus, once we start seein TV spots and the final trailer, we will have a place to worship the glory that is Heath Ledger's Joker.
Such a pleasure to post in this thread. I can't believe how lucky we all are. Heath has created a monster. I love the voice, the mannerisms, everything!

I didn't think any lines came across as cheesey. When he says 'like me', it reminds me of BTAS for some reason. I'm so pumped now.

Christmas came early :up: Thank you Heath Ledger. :hoboj:
:hoboj: that's what i like to hear ^^
To them your just a freak......LIKE ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant ****ing wait!
Ah, the sweet taste of vindication... I remember when I put my "I Believe in Heath Ledger" avvy when so many were still b***ing endlessly about him, and all the s*** I had to hear about the "gay emo Joker"... Who has the last laugh now? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I don't what you think about it maybe I'm a little to excited but I have the feeling that Heath Ledger's portray of the Joker is gonna GROUND BREAKING!
This thread....."is all part of the plannnnnnn"
Heath has created the Joker to be someone who could actually be real. Truly psychotic and mad. "Finally the flesh reflects the madness within"

His body language, speech, everything is frightening about this monster Heath and Nolan have created.

Safe to say, Heath has carved a smile into my face.

To everyone who doesnt like it.

wonder if kevhulk is about, he's sure find something negative about this :p
After watching the bootleg trailer over and over and over again, i definitely have to post here. Ive been in full support of heath the entire trip and im more than happy with the outcome. He IS the joker. no doubt. I have to go watch it again now.
Amazing so far... Just everything works...

Whats everyones favourite Joker bit from the trailer?

I think mine has to be the slow clapping
hmm. that's a tough one doom. i love when he looks up when we first see him. and he smacks his lips and slowly blinks as if to say "you done?"

but every time i hear him say "like me" i giggle like a girl ^^
Amazing so far... Just everything works...

Whats everyones favourite Joker bit from the trailer?

I think mine has to be the slow clapping

"LIKE ME!!!!":hoboj:

Plus hearing him laugh, a couple times!!!
Count me in.....Ledger's gonna own this movie :hoboj:
I like it when hes talking to rachel. He licks his lips as he walks towards her menacingly with his kniife. "I like that"
He said he`d see us in december...who knew when we first heard that message itd be more way than one
Amazing so far... Just everything works...

Whats everyones favourite Joker bit from the trailer?

I think mine has to be the slow clapping

That's a really hard question to answer. I love how he seems to be ripping the p;ss outta Bats: 'You're a freak -- like me.'

All of it. Everything. Every damn thing he says is so amazing. I can't pick.
my favorite part is the beginning where he says like me and the part when he says evening commissioner so creepy...the whole trailer pwns. i love the fact that the joker doesnt really look like heath at all he looks too good...
Amazing so far... Just everything works...

Whats everyones favourite Joker bit from the trailer?

I think mine has to be the slow clapping

Fave part?
So many to choose from!
1. Joker firing the machine gun
2. Joker with that lizardish look where he slowly closes and opens his eyes
4. His little talk with Rachel
5. How he sits so peacefully whilst everyone is looking at him
He is spectacular. You know, I was so expecting Nolan to cast Johnny Depp in the role and when Ledger was announced I was somewhat shocked. But soon I realised the genius of the move. It came from NOWHERE and he's just been vindicated. So, for those of us who said "give him a chance" and "don't judge him yet" in the face of unfair criticism...well, let's give ourselves a great big pat on the back. God only knows what I went through on IMDB, trying to stop all the "LEdger iste h Gay" nonsense. But now we've been proven right. I am hoping this movie is a critical success. I want this role to live on for years and years and years. I want the camp version of the character discredited for good. This is The Joker of Arkham Asylum and The Dark Knight Returns. This is The Joker as he appears in the best stories. This is The Joker we always wanted to see. And I couldn't be happier! :cwink:
was heath in the trailer? musta missed him. the JOKER however, was astounding
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