Action-Adventure Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

If they have a new protagonist why does that person have to be related to Indiana Jones?
It makes more sense if you're going to do an Indiana Jones movie to at least have the protagonist named after the original character. It would allow them to keep the title and theme mostly intact but also allow it to adapt to whoever the new "Indiana" is.

Jaws was already played by a different fake rubber shark from film to film so it isn't the same thing as recasting Indy.
Weren't there like 3 Jaws sequels that weren't directed by Spielberg? His connection to that series pretty much ended after the first film while he's been involved in every Indian Jones film.
Do we even really want a fifth movie after the fourth one?
I think I like the concept of Indiana Jones more than Harrison Ford. Yes, he defined the role but so did Connery for Bond.

When I think of IJ I think of;
The Hat
The Bullwhip
The beaten up leather jacket
An iconic artefact to chase
Practicle effects
Terrifying final scene

All of that can be done without Ford and the older Ford gets the further from the 40's and Nazis the movie gets and the more morally ambiguous (boring) the villains get. Recast him or put the franchise out to pasture.
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What about Spielberg? His heart did not seem to be in the last film at all.
Spielberg can still direct very well, and I felt like his work on the last film was quite good.
So according to an interview posted on the main guy from Disney said that there was indeed more Indiana Jones coming and they felt there were many more adventures to be had . Now I'm all kinds of excited about this . Indiana Jones is beyond my favorite character . However as great as it was to see Harrison back as Han in the new Star Wars movie I just don't think he has another full fledge Indy movie in him . Han while just as iconic was never as action oriented as Indy . I would say find someone who can play a younger Indy and have the movie bookended with Harrison . Have him on a dig or teaching and then remembering something from his past adventures with the rest about that adventure with a younger actor that way Harrison still remains a major part of the story and film .
Spielberg can still direct very well, and I felt like his work on the last film was quite good.

He said it was for the fans, I think less so for himself, but that doesn't mean he would try any less. The directing was fine, it was the script that dictated the directing that would be the culprit. Not perfect and about on the same level of TOD in places, I watch the fourth after the others and see no difference, it's like they made it three years after the third.
aww hells no
everybody gives ToD s**t, but that movie is still wayyyyy better than KotCS
If they go back to more practical effects, avoid aliens, and kill off Shia Lebouf, then I'm on board... I'd say they should go with another christian religious artifact, as that's clearly their strong suit
Disney can afford Kasdan. Bring him back.

He did a great job on "The Force Awakens" and hasn't written an Indy movie since "Raiders", which is still the best film in the series. The movie needs one sole writer who's capable, instead of four or five who've recycled each other's drafts like Crystal Skull.
You can keep Ford, while having the main narrative center around a younger Indiana Jones in flashbacks. Make old Indy pretty much be retired and close to the one we saw in the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles show, maybe even end the film with him wearing an eye-patch. Anyway, Lucasfilm will probably start production on this only after Episode IX, or near it's release.
I could accept a young Indy better than a young Han Solo

but since they're forcing a young Han on us, they should let Ford still be the star in IJ
I like the idea of Harrison Ford's Henry Jones Jr. training a young protege to take over the "Indiana Jones" name. They appeared to be heading in that direction in the last one, but LeBouf was always a bad choice even pre-meltdown. Skip that generation and have Henry Jones Jr. going on Cold War era adventures with Henry Jones III - the next Indy.
Well since The Force Awakens story is too similar to A New Hope, I assume Indy 5's story will be similar to Raiders. :p
I actualy liked Shia LaBeauf, he might have always been a bit annoying, but his character did feel real, he was clearly a different person than Indy, while still having traces from his father. His first interaction with Indy on that coffee shop was very well handled and showed their conflicting personalities well. Someone like Chris Prat would have been too "on-the-nose", he would have felt too much like a clone of his father. Considering LaBeauf meltdown, i would rather not see Indy's son return, they could just use his daughter instead (the one mentioned on the Young Indiana Jones show).

Considering Indiana Jones V possibly being close to Raiders of the Lost ark the same way Force awakens was similar to a new hope, i would have to say that Abrams would be a fitting Director to relaunch that franchise too. I would say that his dynamic style would work even better with Indiana Jones, that scene inside the Millenium Falcon where a gang suddenly appears and we're introduced to a quick sub-plot to get the action going is the type of thing that wouldn't be as out of place in the Indy films. Though i would prefer if Spielberg decided to give a final and more fitting film to conclude Harrison Ford's era as Indiana Jones before Disney went the full James Bond route.
I don't get some of the hate Shia gets either. Granted, the story sucked and they really shouldn't have done that monkey swing sequence but apart from that, he wasn't bad.

Especially now that he seems to have turned a corner and is doing movies like Fury, would people be more open to him or is Crystal Skull too much baggage?
From what I hear of his attitude on Fury he might be acting better but off screen he's still seen as "Shia LaDouche."
I don't get some of the hate Shia gets either. Granted, the story sucked and they really shouldn't have done that monkey swing sequence but apart from that, he wasn't bad.

Especially now that he seems to have turned a corner and is doing movies like Fury, would people be more open to him or is Crystal Skull too much baggage?

I just don't see Shia as a good candidate to fill Ford's shoes. Of course that guy (or gal) may not exist. I would consider piggy backing on the Star Wars spinoffs and hiring the young Han Solo actor to portray Henry Jones III.
I just don't see Shia as a good candidate to fill Ford's shoes. Of course that guy (or gal) may not exist. I would consider piggy backing on the Star Wars spinoffs and hiring the young Han Solo actor to portray Henry Jones III.

In other words, you want Indiana Jones's son to be an exact copy of him...because as we know, Henry Jones Sr. would have worked better if he had been more adventurer like his son...
You can keep Ford, while having the main narrative center around a younger Indiana Jones in flashbacks. Make old Indy pretty much be retired and close to the one we saw in the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles show, maybe even end the film with him wearing an eye-patch. Anyway, Lucasfilm will probably start production on this only after Episode IX, or near it's release.

I'm good with the concept of old/young Indy in the films, in flashbacks or whatever they want to do. I think Harrison Ford deserves a better film than KOTCS to send him out of the franchise.

But they need to recast Indy here and hopefully find an actor that has the same charm and charisma as Harrison.

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