It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's the Superman Costume Thread!

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the trunks were used because of the 1920's strongmen used to wear them, however a different shade of color is used to break up the enormous amount of blue in the mid-section. without a difference of color in the mid-section, you lose the peripheral view of the human body, and it becomes a blue blotch during action scenes

This again?

I'll quote one of my earlier posts:

I keep seeing people saying this, but I just don't get it. We're fine with other comic characters not having some colorful something at their mid-section, like Green Lantern John Stewart, Nightwing, Daredevil, Venom, Blue Beetle, even Superman himself from Batman Beyond. I can't imagine someone saying that of Darth Vader: "Yeah that's too much black. He needs red underwear or a red belt or something."

I don't think this "breaking up the blue" mentality has anything to do with 'needing' a color to break up a solid-color bodysuit. I think it has everything to do with "It's just not what I'm used to seeing on Superman."
there's a huge difference between Darth Vader and Superman... Darth Vader wears nothing but black. Darth Vader wears a neutral color.. and on that, lets look at the characters you have named off:

John Stewart as the Green lantern...
black (not the color of his skin, the main color of the suit) dominates his suit

black dominates his suit. He is also a night hero.

the color red is the most easiest on the eye, it is also the longest wavelength in the light-spectrum... the color red is most pleasing and easy to the eye because of its wavelength... and in this case, it represents the character of "devil" in his name... no need to break up the color. You also only see this character at night, so the suit itself is mostly in darkness, with red highlights of the muscles.

the majority of his suit was black! his mid-section is black.

blue beetle... depends on which one you're talking about
again, his mid-section is BLACK.
the first blue beetle DID break up the mid-section of his suit... it was a different shade of blue, a DARKER shade of blue.

Superman Beyond
mid-section is black.

black hides the contours of the body, and the body of the individual... blue does not.
you also have to take into account that the suit that Darth Vader wears is NOT a body suit, but mechanical cybernetics... and the fact that Darth Vader is an evil character...

the shade of blue does not hide the contours, the intricacies, nor the anatomy of the mid section of a human being... black does.

something that all of you fans of the MOS suit might not even realize, or maybe do not remember, is what happened with the Spider-Man suit from the Sam Raimi movies... The mid-section area on the Spider-Man suit was blue, however they had a problem with the mid-section area. because it was all blue, Spider-Man's package appeared on-screen to be too big. because of this, the CG developers had to digitally reduce Maguire's mid-section to look normal... why do you think that in the new Spider-Man movie, in the behind-the-scenes photos, the suit has a black blotch area where his junk is?... it's so that it does not become so apparent on-screen, and it does not enlarge itself

i guarantee that this movie will have the same problem... and that is one of the reasons as to why breaking up the blue in the mid-section is important in a single-colored body suit. it helps in making certain parts of the body less exaggerated, whether that be the crotch area or not.

so yes, it IS important to having a break-up in the mid-section of the bodysuit... it helps distinguish the upper body from the lower body in the subconscious mind, it helps distinguish the upper body from the lower body in our peripheral vision when the superhero is going at such a fast speed he appears as a blur, and it helps reduce the unwanted exaggeration of certain parts of the body.

a full blue bodysuit will not help in post-production. they will have the same problem Sam Raimi's CG team had.
This again?

I'll quote one of my earlier posts:

I keep seeing people saying this, but I just don't get it. We're fine with other comic characters not having some colorful something at their mid-section, like Green Lantern John Stewart, Nightwing, Daredevil, Venom, Blue Beetle, even Superman himself from Batman Beyond. I can't imagine someone saying that of Darth Vader: "Yeah that's too much black. He needs red underwear or a red belt or something."
Daredevil and Darth Vader are designs that are meant to be one color. When you have a one colored suit, you have to rely on the textures and patterns to break up the solidity. It works well for both those characters, especially for Vader, because DD looks like a red devil and Vader just looks badass in all black. Nightwing's colors look fine because the only blue is at the top of the his suit. Everything else is black. Blue Beetle has hints of blue scattered throughout his torso to compliment the blue on his legs. Superman's Batman Beyond suit is extremely elementary, I'm not even go any further than that.

What makes MOS's colors throw some people off is that there's a lot of red at the top of the suit, but then there's an ocean of blue before you see more red at the bottom of the suit. John Stewart's GL has the same problem. It's all about balancing the negative space. They tried to use the blue piping to break up the negative space around Superman's torso but it only works if you're near the suit. Once you see the suit from a far, the ocean of blue becomes more prominent.

I don't think this "breaking up the blue" mentality has anything to do with 'needing' a color to break up a solid-color bodysuit. I think it has everything to do with "It's just not what I'm used to seeing on Superman."
Nah...I've seen plenty of non-undies designs so I'm fairly used to seeing Superman in different types of suits. However, again, because he has red boots it makes his torso look more naked without any red to break up the mid-section than it would if there WERE red there. Even if the belt were thicker that would help as well. Regardless, there's no good reason they couldn't have just thrown some red in there to help transition from trunks to no trunks.
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This again?

I'll quote one of my earlier posts:

I keep seeing people saying this, but I just don't get it. We're fine with other comic characters not having some colorful something at their mid-section, like Green Lantern John Stewart, Nightwing, Daredevil, Venom, Blue Beetle, even Superman himself from Batman Beyond. I can't imagine someone saying that of Darth Vader: "Yeah that's too much black. He needs red underwear or a red belt or something."

I don't think this "breaking up the blue" mentality has anything to do with 'needing' a color to break up a solid-color bodysuit. I think it has everything to do with "It's just not what I'm used to seeing on Superman."

Too be fair, how many of these characters have been in live action films. Also can't remember too many fast action scenes with Darth Vader.

Daredevil and Darth Vader are designs that are meant to be one color. When you have a one colored suit, you have to rely on the textures and patterns to break up the solidity. It works well for both those characters, especially for Vader, because DD looks like a red devil and Vader just looks badass in all black. Nightwing's colors look fine because the only blue is at the top of the his suit. Everything else is black. Blue Beetle has hints of blue scattered throughout his torso to compliment the blue on his legs. Superman's Batman Beyond suit is extremely elementary, I'm not even go any further than that.

What makes MOS's colors throw some people off is that there's a lot of color at the top of the suit, but then there's an ocean of blue before you see more color at the bottom of the suit. John Stewart's GL has the same problem. It's all about BALANCE.

Nah...I've seen plenty of non-undies designs so I'm fairly used to seeing Superman in different types of suits. However, again, because he has red boots it makes his torso look more naked without any red to break up the mid-section than it would if there WERE red there. Even if the belt were thicker that would help as well. Regardless, there's no good reason they couldn't have just thrown some red in there to help transition from trunks to no trunks.

All good points. I think the need for something there is emphasised by the fact that they have attempted to integrate something there for this film and in the new 52. If it wasn't needed, why go through all the trouble to try and put something there?
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and again, i've said this before: there don't have to be trunks on Superman... it just needs to be something there to balance everything out, like DorkyFresh pointed out
I think the need for something there is emphasised by the fact that they have attempted to integrate something there for this film and in the new 52. If it wasn't needed, why go through all the trouble to try and put something there?

very good point. :up:

if we truly need absolutely nothing there, then leave it completely blank.
The first two guys who yelled out "it's a bird!" and "it's a plane!"...if they thought it was a bird or a plane why the hell did they get all excited?
lol, well the first one was a bird watcher :p

anyways, here's a template for your own design, based on an unused FlyBy concept (slightly modified by me, made the boots red)...
what can you dome up with if it can't be trunks?

I knew I shouldn't have come into this thread.

It's happening again. Trunks are removed one night. A scream. Two arguments.
People in this thread really need to relax. At least he's still wearing red, blue, and yellow.
so this, in your opinion, is a good adaptation of the superman suit?...
like you said, it's red, yellow, and blue...

but it's red, yellow, and blue... and apparently, that's all that's needed to make a good Superman suit...
this thread will be closed soon by guess what the genius who got the original closed and started a new one:whatever:
but it's red, yellow, and blue... and apparently, that's all that's needed to make a good Superman suit...

You're twisting things. You know damn good and well that WB would never put that in a movie. That's not intended for movie's a novelty. Is it an accurate representation of Superman? Yes. Is it movie worthy? Not by a effin long shot...but you know that and you're trying to push people. You knew what he meant when he said 'be glad it's red, yellow and blue' opposed to pink, purple and green. The suit in Man of Steel is fine. Don't like it I suggest you go work for WB and create a better suit that will please EVERYONE. You got half the people who want to see the trunks gone, half of them want them to stay and half of them could go either way. I could go either way. I like the trunks but with the serious tone the movie is taking they would look stupid. He has a Kryptonian design in their place if you wanna call it that. I see no need for red anywhere near the's unnecessary nitpicking
what i love about new suit is for the first time i look at supes i get feel of strength and power

everything from the colors,suit material,size of the s,henry's physique

give off the vibe of a powerful superman

never got that with reeve or routh
what i love about new suit is for the first time i look at supes i get feel of strength and power

everything from the colors,suit material,size of the s,henry's physique

give off the vibe of a powerful superman

never got that with reeve or routh

I'm only 30 and I remember watching The Adventures of Superman with George Reeves as reruns on TV Land and I remember watching Superman The Movie with Chris Reeve as a kid but honestly when I saw Henry Cavill in action as Superman it took my breath other Superman incarnation has done that.
You clearly haven't seen DCAU Superman kick the crap out of Darkseid. :D
It's happening again. Trunks are removed one night. A scream. Two arguments.
No one's really complaining about the trunks being gone. A few are us are just expressing that there needs to be more in the middle than just blue piping and a thin belt.

People in this thread really need to relax. At least he's still wearing red, blue, and yellow.
Well, everyone WAS relaxed until you told people to relax.

so this, in your opinion, is a good adaptation of the superman suit?...
like you said, it's red, yellow, and blue...
Chill out buddy...
the 1978 Superman: The Movie suit was a perfect adaptation of the comic book suit, except, in my personal opinion, it was too bright..
Reeves exact suit would look lame to todays audience.And that was my point.I have not seen a live action Superman that visually looks cool to todays audience.

the only thing SR proved trunks-wise is that when you design the trunks after lingerie, it becomes unfashionable, embarrassing, and undesirable. The trunks can be designed successfully when you put time and thought into it... and i completely disagree with you when you say Superman can't be visually bad-a** without trunks... Reeve did it just fine.
The Trunks in this

Were designed to look the same as this.

Its not Singers fault that in live action it looks as lingerie.It just does.which only stresses my piont
the trunks themselves does not make one childish/outdated/silly. the dialogue/story-line/character given to Superman determines whether the version of Superman is childish/outdated/silly. Jim Lee's interpretation of Superman in For Tomorrow is a fabulous example of how Superman can be bad-a** and still have a classic suit design. Gary Frank's interpretation of the suit is another example.
You are msising my entire point.I was strictly talking on the visual aspect of Superman-put quite simply does he look cool in the trunks in live action.The answer is no,he doesn’t and the trunks actually detract from his cool factor because they either look like lingerie or oversized grammy panties in live action.
one major point: Superman was not created to be a "bad-a**"
This is so very VERY wrong.The original Superman-Golden age Superman- was the definition of Badass.He fought for the oppressed and Justice even if it meant breaking the law,or killing.He was a Champion and he knew it and took pide in it.
You can read Morrisons Action comics as it it is pretty much a modernisation of the Golden age Superman.The boyscout crap started with comicbook censorship and American propaganda.

my wife never saw the promotional picture... and even if she did, she could not of made that distinction, because if you have seen the promo pic, you would know that the mid-section is hidden..
My bad.By promo pic I thought you were referring to set pics.
what she did see is the leaked photos of Superman on set during smallville, and the second leaked version of the SDCC footage, which does show a good visual of the entire suit, while Superman is walking down the aisle with the cops behind him... and since she IS the general public, doesn't really care about Superman, and STILL thinks it looks ridiculous and focuses on his crotch, i have to say a lot of others will think that as well.
So your wife did see set pics. .I can understand how those influenced your wives opinion of the suit-they are terrible.The set pics of Superman make him look lacking in the midsection and put focuses on his crotch like the trunks did.But then again the entire suit looks terrible in set pics not just the midsection.It is after all set pics they are gonna look bad.This is in stark contrast to the SDCC footage where the suit looks a lot more richer in color,regal and plain badass.We however did not see the midsection of Supermans suit in the SDCC footage becaue his handcuffed arms are blocking it.Chances are it will look a whole lot better in live action than in the set pics just like the rest of the suit did.
Super Kal, you need to to tone down your criticisms. You don't like the movie suit? Fine. The suit is not going to change it no matter how loud you scream. You're becoming really annoying and if this continues, this thread is going to get closed again.
Daredevil and Darth Vader are designs that are meant to be one color.

What makes MOS's colors throw some people off is that there's a lot of red at the top of the suit, but then there's an ocean of blue before you see more red at the bottom of the suit.

I don't really buy any of what Super Kal was saying, but this to me has some merit. But even still, it's a matter of taste, and not a matter of necessity. Some people around the interwebz are saying it like it's NECESSARY.

I mean, I love GL John Stewart's look. I love the balance of one color at the top and bottom and then another streamlined in the middle. Cool stuff to me.

I'm only 30 and I remember watching The Adventures of Superman with George Reeves as reruns on TV Land and I remember watching Superman The Movie with Chris Reeve as a kid but honestly when I saw Henry Cavill in action as Superman it took my breath other Superman incarnation has done that.


To me Superman embodies the ideal man, both inside and out.

Cavill's Superman looks powerful and muscular, which is something I don't think we've seen, except for I guess Dean Cain. But Dean Cain's Superman didn't really get the character right, and had lot's of other problems, like the silly writing of the show.

Chris Reeve I think was the opposite. He got the perfect ideal Superman character down, but I really never thought he got the physical look quite right. Part of that was due to the suit though. The fabric hid his muscles, the shorts were cut like a bikini bottom, and the cape wasn't long and regal.

And I hated his Clark Kent. But I think I'm in the minority there and that's off topic.

I think MOS has an actor that looks the part physically, has a suit that shows the physique right, and has a cape that looks epic. If MOS gets the character right then this will be some good stuff to see indeed.
I think MOS has an actor that looks the part physically, has a suit that shows the physique right, and has a cape that looks epic. If MOS gets the character right then this will be some good stuff to see indeed.

This multiplied by a googolplex
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