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L O S T - The Role-Playing Game (OOC Thread)

Screen Name: NamesAreUseless

Character you would like to play: Boone Carlyle

Is this a pre-existing character or self-created?: Pre-existing Character

Brief history of the character up to the point of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815:

Age 6: Boone would constantly call his nanny, Theresa, up and down the stairs of his house. The nanny ended up breaking her neck one of these times.

Age 10: His mom Sabrina Carlyle married Adam Rutherford. Shannon Rutherford was now his step-sister.

Age >10:
- Boone moved from New York, NY to Malibu, CA, where he became a licensed lifeguard and later took a job at Carlyle Wedding Co. (his mother’s wedding planning business), becoming COO after his step-father’s death. Sabrina kept all of Adam’s money upon his death, Shannon receiving none of it. Boone gave Shannon a fair amount of the money for her to live on in New York.

- Boone would continue to give more cash to Shannon upon her request, usually money used to pay off many of her abusive boyfriends. The money would come directly back to Shannon.

- Boone discovered his step-sister’s actions when he confronted Bryan, Shannon’s current boyfriend at the time, after flying all the way down to Australia. He would pay off Bryan to end the relationship. That day Shannon, drunk, came to reveal her knowledge of Boone’s love for her, and the two had sex together.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. I've only seen up to the middle of Season 3 of the show. I don't think I'll need to see later episodes to learn more then I already know about this character.

2. He's the only one with enough balls to go hunting with Locke :o

3. Hot step-sibling on step-sibling action!

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG: There's a lot to Boone's past that the show never covered that I can bring to this RPG. Also I can bring a crazy love triangle between Boone, Shannon, and Sayid (maybe).

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At the very least, once a week.

Please provide a sample post in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least 1 line of dialogue):

The wood that Boone had been carrying scattered as he tripped over a rock along the beach. He sighed deeply as he proceeded to pick up each individual branch. His eyes brought his attention to Shannon, who was lying on a towel and getting a suntan. “Get up,” requested Boone as he walked past his step-sister.

“Why should I?” she asked.

Boone Carlyle stopped and turned his eyes towards her. “Listen, you aren’t going to do this all over again.”

“Do what?” demanded Shannon as she took off her sunglasses and faced her step-brother.

“Take up space, being worthless!” Boone started walking away.

“I am not worthless!”

“Prove it.”

“Fine, I will!” she said as she stormed off.

“Shannon wait!” he called out to her as he dropped his load. But she wouldn’t stop.

‘Not again,’ he though to himself. This wouldn’t be the first time this scenario has occurred. The late nights that he’d talk to her over the phone, telling Shannon to do something with her life. Then she’d go off to find some new boy and get herself in another abusive relationship.

All he could do before was support her with his money. But the island, the crash ... it all meant something. It meant a second chance, a chance to truly be there for her, a chance to be that one man in her life that he always wanted to be. The night they had together in that hotel room, perhaps that was just the start? Time would tell soon enough.

Please post a picture of your character for use on the roster:

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woah I completely forgot my opportunity to play a hot blonde in this RPG!

woah I completely forgot my opportunity to play a hot blonde in this RPG!

Go on then! Me, you, and Sentry will have a nice, hot threesome!

Ummmm ... ignore that last part :dry:
I can't believe I forgot about Shannon, I was so upset when they killed her off.
  • Roster added to front page.

IC Thread will be going up relatively soon.
Screen Name: Lunar_Wolf

Character you would like to play: Benjamin Linus

Is this a pre-existing character or self-created?: pre-created

Brief history of the character up to the point of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815: Benjamin Linus was born in Portland near a woodland area. His mother(Emily) died giving birth to him. Ben moves to the island with his father(Roger), who was offered a job there. Ben had a stressful child-hood living with this father, who verbally abused him. Even at a young age, Ben saw there was more to life than watching his father drink everyday and seeing him working a pointless job for the Dharma Initiative. One day young Ben ran away from home, he came across Richard Alpert who tells Ben he will help him. Years later, Ben along with the hostiles killed off everyone working for the Dharma Initiative on the island, including Roger. Ben would then became the leader of the hostiles as he gets his orders from Jacob. Years later, Ben discovers he has a tumour, but lucky for him, flight 815 just crashed on the island.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. Because he can imnipulate anyone.

2. Always has a plan.

3. You never know when he is lying

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG: I love acting, so it will be interesting to get into the mind of Ben. Also I never miss an episode, so if I don't bring anything, I'll be shocked.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As much as I can. I'm on the hype everyday.

Please provide a sample post in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least 1 line of dialogue):

Ben enters the kitchen area where he sees a generous breakfast layed out on the table. Pancakes, cereal, oj and bacon. Standing near the table is a ten year old Alex who is wearing an apron with a Dharma logo on it.

ALEX: Happy Birthday!

Ben stares through Alex, remembering the day he killed his own father. Ben begins to show a smile and then his smile grows bigger at the idea of someone loving him and celebrating his birthday. Before Ben can say anything, Richard Alpert enters the back door.

BEN: Hello, Richard.

ALEX(to Richard): It's my Daddy's birthday.

RICHARD(Smiling at Alex): It is?

BEN: "You do remember birthdays, don't you, Richard?

Richards looks at Ben and stops smiling.

RICHARD: I need to talk to you.

Ben looks at Alex and then walks towards the door.

BEN: I'll be back shortly.

Ben closes the door and Alex is left alone in the house, knowing he won't be back for the rest of the day.

Please post a picture of your character for use on the roster:
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Since this game is starting off in Season 1, I have a feeling that Benjamin won't be an allowable character Lunar_Wolf. Of course, I'm not a GM for this RPG, so the decision is up to them.
Since this game is starting off in Season 1, I have a feeling that Benjamin won't be an allowable character Lunar_Wolf. Of course, I'm not a GM for this RPG, so the decision is up to them.
I got a PM from Matt about it. I picked Hurley instead. Doing my write up asap tomorrow.
Will get a Charlie up when I get my internet back full time (currently using a college computer, not enough time to get an app up.) :(

Could I possibly throw a gentlemen's reserve on him?
Screen Name: Harley_x

Character you would like to play: Kate Austen

Is this a pre-existing character or self-created?: pre-existing

Brief history of the character up to the point of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815: Born and raised in Iowa, Kate is the daughter of diner worker Diane and Sam, a U.S. Army Ranger and Gulf War Veteran, who taught Kate to track deer in the wild during her childhood. At an early age she befriended Tom.

After months of travelling around the country under numerous aliases, license plates and hairstyles, Kate learned that Diane was dying of cancer, and decided to visit her. She reunited with her childhood friend Tom, who helped her dig up their time capsule, containing a variety of items, including his small toy airplane. Tom, now a doctor, arranged a meeting between Kate and Diane. As Kate tried to apologize to her, Diane started screaming for help, prompting Kate to flee the hospital with Tom. A policeman opened fire on their getaway car. When the car rammed into the car in front of it, it killed Tom and forced Kate to flee the scene of the accident, leaving behind Tom and his childhood toy.

She fled to Australia where, while sleeping in a barn, she was discovered by a farmer named Ray. Posing as a Canadian hiker, Kate worked on the farm for three months, saving her wages in a hole in the pantry. When Ray caught her attempting to sneak away, and offered her a ride into town the next morning. During the journey however, Kate discovered that the farmer had learned of her true identity and notified Edward Mars of her whereabouts, in exchange for the $23,000 reward. Kate grabbed the wheel and crashed the truck into a field but instead of running, she helped the unconscious Ray from his vehicle, giving Mars time to pursue and arrest her.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. She's a feisty female

2. She knows how to defend her self

3. I want to play a main character

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG: I can bring a bimbo and a brunette smart character which contrasts me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:
As many as needed.

Please provide a sample post in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least 1 line of dialogue):

Kate Austen stood on the sand, thinking of Edward Mars and what had happened on the plane. She stared into the open sky, castaways buzzing around her. Eventually a well built man ran up to Kate and grabbed her arm. He sighed, it looked like he had been running around.
[FONT=&quot][/FONT]"Hey, get off me" Kate pushed the man away. The man's eyes had swelled up, it looked like tears were about to break through.

"Have you seen my wife?" The man spat out, Kate shook her head and stepped back, she didn't want to be noticed by anyone.
"Go ask someone else, sorry" Kate muttered, she trailed off, looking at the worried people. One man stood out. He had a black suit on, he seemed to be dealing with a lot of hurt castaways. Kate's eyes fixed on him, he seemed brave enough to deal with hurt castaways.

Kate gasps as she witnesses someone getting sucked into the propeller of the wing of the airplane. Kate rushes over to the scene. In the corner of her eyes, she can see a woman screaming for help, drowning.
"SOMEONE HELP THAT WOMAN!" Kate shouts, she doesn't want to help the woman, it would draw attention to her. Kate panics, everyone is busy. It's time for her to step up.

Please post a picture of your character for use on the roster:


I was going to apply for Juliette, so if this survives another season I might apply for her.
Screen Name: NamesAreUseless

Character you would like to play: Boone Carlyle

Is this a pre-existing character or self-created?: Pre-existing Character

Brief history of the character up to the point of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815:

Age 6: Boone would constantly call his nanny, Theresa, up and down the stairs of his house. The nanny ended up breaking her neck one of these times.

Age 10: His mom Sabrina Carlyle married Adam Rutherford. Shannon Rutherford was now his step-sister.

Age >10:
- Boone moved from New York, NY to Malibu, CA, where he became a licensed lifeguard and later took a job at Carlyle Wedding Co. (his mother’s wedding planning business), becoming COO after his step-father’s death. Sabrina kept all of Adam’s money upon his death, Shannon receiving none of it. Boone gave Shannon a fair amount of the money for her to live on in New York.

- Boone would continue to give more cash to Shannon upon her request, usually money used to pay off many of her abusive boyfriends. The money would come directly back to Shannon.

- Boone discovered his step-sister’s actions when he confronted Bryan, Shannon’s current boyfriend at the time, after flying all the way down to Australia. He would pay off Bryan to end the relationship. That day Shannon, drunk, came to reveal her knowledge of Boone’s love for her, and the two had sex together.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. I've only seen up to the middle of Season 3 of the show. I don't think I'll need to see later episodes to learn more then I already know about this character.

2. He's the only one with enough balls to go hunting with Locke :o

3. Hot step-sibling on step-sibling action!

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG: There's a lot to Boone's past that the show never covered that I can bring to this RPG. Also I can bring a crazy love triangle between Boone, Shannon, and Sayid (maybe).

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At the very least, once a week.

Please provide a sample post in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least 1 line of dialogue):

The wood that Boone had been carrying scattered as he tripped over a rock along the beach. He sighed deeply as he proceeded to pick up each individual branch. His eyes brought his attention to Shannon, who was lying on a towel and getting a suntan. “Get up,” requested Boone as he walked past his step-sister.

“Why should I?” she asked.

Boone Carlyle stopped and turned his eyes towards her. “Listen, you aren’t going to do this all over again.”

“Do what?” demanded Shannon as she took off her sunglasses and faced her step-brother.

“Take up space, being worthless!” Boone started walking away.

“I am not worthless!”

“Prove it.”

“Fine, I will!” she said as she stormed off.

“Shannon wait!” he called out to her as he dropped his load. But she wouldn’t stop.

‘Not again,’ he though to himself. This wouldn’t be the first time this scenario has occurred. The late nights that he’d talk to her over the phone, telling Shannon to do something with her life. Then she’d go off to find some new boy and get herself in another abusive relationship.

All he could do before was support her with his money. But the island, the crash ... it all meant something. It meant a second chance, a chance to truly be there for her, a chance to be that one man in her life that he always wanted to be. The night they had together in that hotel room, perhaps that was just the start? Time would tell soon enough.

Please post a picture of your character for use on the roster:

Hell yeah.
Screen Name: Threshold

Character you would like to play: Richard Alpert

Is this a pre-existing character or self-created?: Pre-Existing

Brief history of the character up to the point of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815: A long-term member/leader of the others who is generally second to the all-powerful Jacob... until a young boy named Ben saw the ghost of his mother on the Island.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1. Who doesn't want to live forever?

2. Has probably the most information about the Island and what it can do than anyone else.

3. Not afraid to shoot a jerk in the back.

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you think you can bring to the RPG: I will bring great understanding of the LOST mythology and an even greater enthusiasm for it. I will also enjoy interacting with other fellow LOST enthusiasts on a regular basis.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Several times.

Please provide a sample post in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least 1 line of dialogue):

As the young boy followed Richard through the mysterious jungle, he could not help but notice that the boy was different than any other child he'd met before.

"Where were you born, Ben?" Asked Richard.

The boy didn't answer, he only continued walking behind his guide, each step showing him to be more and more confident that this new path ahead of him was the right one.

Richard sighed. He knew that this boy was going to be very important. He also knew, however, that whatever happens, it will be on his terms. Terms that Richard feared would be more alien to him than the boy himself.

Please post a picture of your character for use on the roster:


Harley, you're approved.

It looks like there's a lot of interest in this game, and that pleases me greatly. However, I'm worried that so many people are applying for Others. I havent seen much of them in the show, so I don't know the extent they have in the story (I can only assume it's quite a bit), but for the very start of the game (just to get things moving), we, the management of the game, are going to ask that just survivors of the midsection part of the plane are applied for. Certainly, after they're discovered, Others will be playable, but, just to get things moving and avoid confusion, we're going to ask that we avoid the Others for now.

Emphasis on "for now." :up::yay:

Harley, you're approved.

It looks like there's a lot of interest in this game, and that pleases me greatly. However, I'm worried that so many people are applying for Others. I havent seen much of them in the show, so I don't know the extent they have in the story (I can only assume it's quite a bit), but for the very start of the game (just to get things moving), we, the management of the game, are going to ask that just survivors of the midsection part of the plane are applied for. Certainly, after they're discovered, Others will be playable, but, just to get things moving and avoid confusion, we're going to ask that we avoid the Others for now.

Emphasis on "for now." :up::yay:
Well in the rules, it does say "You may choose any character from the world of L O S T, or create your own."

Really, the only real named, main survivors from Season 1 that haven't either been approved or reserved are Jin, Sun, Claire, Michael, Walt, and Shannon ...

It does mean the RPG is getting a lot of interest, which is good, but it also means more people will be choosing Others for characters.
Hey MM, just a query; basically, obviously right now we're limited to one player (good move btw), but is there ever going to be a time when we expand to two?

If so, and if this game gets that far, I'm totally applying for Daniel Faraday laters. I just wanted to put that out there. I'll kill anyone who takes it from me. with my teeth. My jagged, crooked teeth.

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