SuperFerret said:
"Blue, please put the sword away."
I pull my head back to it's usual place on my shoulders. This version of Bruce is much more... grating than he usually is, and I lost my temper, which even I will admit is out of character.
"The universe that needs saving would at first seem to be a better world than the one that our friend Batman hails from, most notably because of the fact that his parents were NOT murdered in front of his eight-year old eyes in this world. No, the Thomas and Martha Wayne of this world were only wounded by the attempted mugging that usually fateful night, and that is where the problem begins."
I clear my throat, and continue.
"In most worlds where Bruce Wayne, the man we see before us, the one calling himself Batman, exists, his parents were murdered, an event that set him on the path to becoming the Batman, defender of Gotham City. In this world, there will be no Batman, and Gotham will be overrun by psychotics that the Batman would have otherwise neutralized. This poses a major problem, since this universe was intended to have a Batman, and a ripple in the fabric of this particular reality, which I have dubbed a 'Doom Horizon' has begun to affect this existence negatively. If you do not find a way to ensure that the Batman will protect the streets of Gotham City in the future, this reality will tear itself apart in one years time."
How in the hell do these people know all of this? It's like a damn autobiography. Like my life is nothing but a sick
display for these bastards. These nutjobs have the audacity to call
me crazy...
My world. My world is a display for them. Like it doesn't even
matter. But now, I have to recreate myself. Make a new me to save another Gotham.
Fine by me.
Damn fine.
Green Lantern said:
This is messed up... but if it needs to be done...
"Now, not that I'm all for murdering two upstanding citizens, but its the only way to save the whole damned universe. Seems its a sacrifice we can make. My only question, do we have to do it in front of the boy? Or can I just lob their heads off peacefully when they're in bed?"
The others here are going to have my balls in a sack for that, but its what needs to be done... Especially that freak with the ears...
That SON OF A-
I leap forward and grab him by his cloak, pulling him to me. He best be scared of me. He better see me in his
nightmares. Because this little punk's just unleashed a fury he could barely even contemplate in that little thousand year old skull of his.
Screw his damn reality. He's just made an enemy with that kind of talk. An enemy of
"If you ever... EVER suggest something as HORRIBLE or ASSININE as that, BOY... So help me god... It's gonna take more than a goddamned sword to stop me from tearing you LIMB from LIMB!", I yell at the top of my lungs.
They're talking about my parents. My
parents. Like they're some kinda inanimate objects that they can twist and turn to their own sick
I don't give a damn if they're from alternate demensions. They got NO RIGHT to talk about the only two people I've ever given a damn about in my life like that. No damned respect. None. What kind of sick bastards are these people?!
I calmly let go of the brat. He looks at me with one hell of a fury, but to me, it isn't worth a damn consideration. I've said my peace. He wants to kill me, he can. At the cost of an entire goddamned
universe. But it'll prove my point. The point that these people don't know what the hell they're doing.
I turn to the bookworm.
"An alternative. There's got to be an alternative. Some other way. Some other way to make a Batman.", I say.
This is gonna get rough. There's gonna be hell to pay for what I just did.
But goddamn. These are my
parents. They got