"The Multiversers: Hypertime" Signup/OOC Thread


May 16, 2003
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The Multiversers

GAMEMASTER- batnkevlar


After the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, there existed only one Universe, consisting of the well-known DC Earth. The Multiverse ceased to exist, and instead the Last Universe ran on the power of Hypertime. But as time went on, tangent Universes began to pop up, leaving behind the power of Hypertime to Universe Prime (the once Last Universe), and creating the Multiverse yet again. This time, though, Cronus, a near omnipotent being on par with the Quintessence, was left in charge of keeping track of the finite Universes and make sure they are left stable. Unstability would mean that the given Universe would be forced to be wiped from all planes of existence. Cronus, though however powerful, was not allowed to interfere- only to calculate and record data.

Cronus kept track of the Time that built up each given Universe and pinpointed stages in those Universes' development in which the events of Time would build up to unstability, called Collapse Points. In order to prevent these Universal implosions, Cronus called on beings from different Universes. These beings' respective Universes had no Collapse Points, thus were in no need to be interfered in. Only beings from stable Universes could travel through the Multiverse. They are called the Chosen. Unstable beings traveling through the Multiverse could possibly mean the end of the WHOLE Multiverse.

Thus, in order to prevent the Universal implosions, the Chosen would be sent to stop certain events from happening, in a reality different than their own, and in one beyond their comprehension. Any failure in the mission would result in the Universe being wiped out, and any success would result in the given Universe being stable for all Eternity. However good or bad, each Universe must be fought for with great passion and fervor, and each mission is hoped to be completed.


*All characters to be played are custom characters, created by the user with regards to the character application they need fill out.

*Constant attention will be payed to the filled-out application, in regards to power levels and original intent. The given character must not be a god, deity, or being such as SHAZAM the Wizard.

*Think of the characters as Elseworlds characters. Normal continuity characters will not be allowed, but characters such as Terry McGuiness, Green Lantern Kal-El and other previously thought up DC Elseworlds characters are allowed. You do not need to take those characters point for point, but rather come up with an interesting back story, such as Terry McGuiness, raised by an ailing Slade Wilson aka Deatshtroke.

*Mission ideas are gladly appreciated, in order to keep up a productive work environment.

*There are two types of characters in this game: The Chosen (starting as the Chosen Five) and Mission-related characters (MRC's). Both require applications to play as, but each have different duties and rules. You can play as a Chosen until you die, retire, or mods say otherwise; but as an MRC, your lifespan as that given character is only as long as the mission.

*Once the given mission is over, MRC players can fill out a new application, in accordance to the mission info. Misison info and MRC info must be related.


*This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such...

*Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off character's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off an NPC's [Non-Player character (inanimate victims)] heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM...

*Don't be killing people without reason. You know your character's weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Black Canary will lose against Superman one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away...

*If you want to take part in this, just list your name and character here, fill out your application, and I'll put your name and character info on the first post here. First come, first serve...

*You can form friendships and alliances within your own team, along with grudges. To start out, the team number shall be FIVE (5)...

*Each mission will start with Cronus and his misison delegation...

*If you get killed, you are done with that character, unless otherwise noted by mods or deputies. You then pick up as a mission-related character. One must stay in line to become a Chosen, but while you wait participate in being an MRC..

*There can be ONE story going on at once, but there can also be other side pieces such as villain agendas and such...

*Act like your characters, ASSUME their traits and personalities...

*There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative...

*People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED a la DEW K. MOSI. As she said about the first thread...
Dew k. Mosi said:
The game is closed. It will start again and the first person to screw it up will be booted.

*No obscene topics!

Application for The Chosen/Mission Related Characters
(* means questions only applicable to the Chosen)


Real name:

Human name (if applicable):







Marital Status:

Known Relatives:

Group Affiliation (history of group needed):

Universe/Timeline history*:



Powers (comparative to main DC Universe characters):

Hero, anti-hero, villain?:
The application has now been added... keep in mind, this like Elseworlds... similar to Marvel's eXiles...
It's deleted, b*tch... now EDIT your post...haha...
Can we use established caracters? From Hypertimelines, of course. Like, for example, Iris West, Kid Flash from Kingdom Come?
Yes, you can use established characters for themost part, but don't make them exact. For example, as I said before, Terry McGuiness trained by Deathstroke? What about a Green Lantern Kal-El vs. Yellow Ringed Hal?
I'll do one just for a sample..and then you can tell me if I did it right.

Application for The Chosen/Mission Related Characters
(* means questions only applicable to the Chosen)

Codename: Black Canary III

Real name: Mia Dearden-Queen

Human name (if applicable): Gonna have to explain that one BnK

Age: 25

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 125

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Occupation: None, other than Crime fighter. However she has a degree in Criminology

Marital Status: Single, however lines are often drawn between her and Connor Hawke.

Known Relatives: Adopted father, Oliver Queen; Adopted mother, Dinah Queen; Adopted brother(s), Roy and Connor; Adopted sister, Diana.

Group Affiliation (history of group needed): Teen Titans, JSA, JLA *Briefly*

Universe/Timeline history*: ..? Oliver Queen adopted Roy, and the Longbow incident never happened, never sacrificing himself over Metropolis he married Dinah Laurel Lance, causing her to quite crime fighting. Having never 'died' it was Dinah, not Ollie, who found Mia before her contraction of HIV and the two adopted her, both of them training her in the various skill's they both knew.
A few year's later Dinah and Ollie had 'Diana' named after Dinah's mother.
Roy quite his persona of 'Speedy', letting the mantel pass to Connor, while Mia took over the mantel of 'Arrowette' after the death of her friend, the previous, Arrowette's *Cissie's* during a mission.
Her tenure with the Teen Titan's lasted until titan's tower was demolished by a villian, and the teen titan's disbanded. The many member's joining either the JSA, Outsider's, JLA or working solo.

In this timeline the JLA is a loose bound group, having fallen apart on numerous ocassions, the JSA is the main powerhouse for Super-Heroes.

History: Like..Personel History? Didn't I just do that? :confused:
Mia never contracted HIV. Upon her 19th Birthday she took on the mantel of The Black Canary, with Dinah's blessing and Ollie's reluctant support.

Skills: Sharp shooting, practiaclly all form's of Martial Art's.

Powers (comparative to main DC Universe characters): Her skill's are on par with the MDCU Green Arrow, and Connor Hawke, as well as her Martial Art's skills on par with MDCU Black Canary II's.
Hero, anti-hero, villain?:Hero

Okay, so tell me..did I fill it out right? Is that different enough?
Yeah, you filled it out right... the whole human name is like Martian Manhunter's real name is J'onn J'onzz but his human name is John Jones, or Kal-El to Clark Kent...
Oh, and the universe history is what sets your universe apart from the normal DCU continuity...

Codename: Batman

Real name: Terrence McGuiness

Human name (if applicable): Terrence Thomas Wayne (by birth)

Age: 20

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 180

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Occupation: High School Student

Marital Status: Not married

Known Relatives: Unknown mother (unknown status), Bruce Wayne (biological father), Warren McGuiness (adopted father), Mary McGuiness (adopted mother), Matt McGuiness (brother (adopted/biological (?)))
Group Affiliation (history of group needed): Justice League

Universe/Timeline history*: This is 25 years removed from the current DC timeline. Bruce Wayne and unknown female have given birth to a young baby boy, who they name Terrence Thomas Wayne. But as the unknown mother's home gets attacked by villains unknown, Bruce Wayne leaves with the baby to take him into safety. Mother's whereabouts unknown, deceased (?). Using otherworldly power, memories of Bruce Wayne's wedding and baby are wiped from everyone who knows, except from the ex-member's of the Bat-Family, the mother if alive, and Clark Kent. Terrence goes into hiding, becoming the adopted son of Warren and Mary McGuiness.

History: Terry McGuiness has always grown up knowing he was different. His fast reflexes and peak human ability has allowed him to conquer any sport. Desperate for adventure, Terry resorted to the proverbial "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor", along with the guidance of his dojo master, Cassandra Cain. Along the way, he is picked up as an apprentice of Slade Wilson. Whether Wilson knew about Terry's past is not known, but he found out soon enough as he pitted father against son. Terry was forced to fight an older Bruce Wayne, who was fighting in a mechanized suit. Bruce lost, and after that Terry left Slade for a normal life. Then Bruce showed up. He began to train Terry as a new successor to the mantle, where, years later, he found out he was Bruce's son.

Skills: Extremely adept martial artist, trained by Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne, and Slade Wilson, reflexes make him almost superhuman

Powers (comparative to main DC Universe characters): Superstrength (comparative to Aquaman because augmented by the suit), Flight (augmented by suit), inhuman reflexes (like Deathstroke)

Hero, anti-hero, villain: hero
Codename: The Jester

Real name: Jack Napier. Or Joe Kurr. I dunno. I forget.*

Human name (if applicable):

Age: I lost count*

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 120lbs

Eyes: green

Hair: green

Occupation: Vigilante. I used to be a scientist. Or a security gaurd. Or a comedian. Or a cop. I'll have to check on that.*

Marital Status: Widower. I think.*

Known Relatives: I think I had a wife and a Kid. Or mabey an abusive mother and step dad. I dunno.*

Group Affiliation (history of group needed): The Arkhamites. A group of mentally disturbed vigilantes who got together after a break out of Arkham Asylum. I also got a little gang. We hang out around the old carnival. And I got me a girl. Harly. She's so sweet.

Universe/Timeline history: Good is evil. Light is dark. Democrat is Republuican. Swiss is Goudah. Your bad guys are our good guys.

History: I was one of the few clean cops in Gotham. I tried to stop the serial killer and mob boss The Owlman from sabatogeing Axes chemical plant. He beat the **** outta me and droped me into the chemicals. Or I was a failed comedian who became a security gaurd at Axes chemical plant after his wife died. One night The Owlman broke in. I tried to fight him, but he droped by into the chemicals. Or mabey... Aw, WHO CARES?!?! Am am who I am! All I know for sure is that Owlman droped me into some chemicals. It stung like a *****. I was unconsious for a day and blind for three. When I fully recovered, I found that my skin had turned white and my hair had turned green. I had turned into my favorite thing in the world. A CLOWN!!!! I decided that I should take up the responsibility of bringing laughter and sunshine into people's lives. But that big meany Olwman was ruining everyone's lives. SO I decided to stop him and anybody else that took the fun outta liveing!!!

Skills: I'm really strong and really fast, and I don't really notice pain. The doctors say it's cause my adrenalin levels are so high due to my psychosis. BUT WHAT DO DOCTORS KNOW?!?!? I'm really good at building stuff and useing chemicals. I'm quite the Mr. Scince!!!

Powers (comparative to main DC Universe characters): None. But I'm damn funny.

Hero, anti-hero, villain?: None. I'm a preformer!!!! But hey, if you gotta go labelin me, everybody does call me a menace. But my gang loves me. I'll say..........hero!

*: I don't really remember that much from before I became who I am today. But hey, if I'm gonna question my past, I prefer the answers to be multiple choice!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh I slay me.

Kinda creepy the way you filled it out in a first person perspective..*shudders*
Wow, cool idea... I take it you're an Earth2 good guy then?
Well, it might be the whiskey in me, but...why the hell not. I've been wanting to play as Savy anyway...

Codename: Savitar
Real name: Savitar
Human name (if applicable): Unknown

Age: Uh…32 sounds good
Height: 6’1
Weight: 215 Lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Occupation: Self-styled god of speed; currently a superhero
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None known
Group Affiliation (history of group needed): Formerly High Priest of the Cult of Speed; member of the JLE
Universe/Timeline history*: A Cold War pilot for a third-world nation, the man who would become known as Savitar was to test a supersonic fighter plane. As he reached top speed, his plane was struck by what appeared to be lightning, and he went down in hostile territory. Discovering he could defeat the enemy by moving at super-speed, he became obsessed with speed, naming himself after the Hindu god of motion and dedicating his life to unlocking its secrets. As he studied, he learned new powers that no other known speedster has mastered. He can protect himself in a null-inertia force field, give speed to other objects or people—even from rest—and heal injuries almost instantly.
Savitar’s obsession gained followers, and he became the leader of a cult. In search of more knowledge, he sought out the only super-speed hero operating at the time: Johnny Quick. This encounter became a battle, the tide of which was turned with the arrival of Max Mercury, who led Savitar toward the Speed Field, but caused him to bounce off.
Reappearing years later, Savitar found his former cult had disbanded. He did not waste time trying to reform the Church of Speed, rather he reignited his fight against the speedsters, Max Mercury and Johnny Quick, who were still alive at the time. In a duel that stretched the breadth of the entire world, Savitar killed Johnny Quick and Max Mercury, stealing their speed into his own being. Committing this act brought him into conflict with Wally West, who was the speedster hero known as the Flash. The pair fought for many years, and, in a final fight in the country of Japan, Savitar finally killed Wally.
With no other speedsters left on the planet save him, Savitar slowly began to unravel the mysteries of the Speed Force. And, on a cloudy night in 1985, he disappeared into the Speed Force in an attempt to commune with his “god”. Ten years later, he reemerged a changed man, the spirits of all the speedsters who came before him having molded his heart and soul for a force for good. Upon reappearing, Savitar became a hero, and was known as the Fastest Man Alive by all.
After years of being a solo hero, Savitar eventually joined the greatest defenders of righteousness on the planet, the Justice Legion of Earth. Along side Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Savitar has fought many battles and has proven himself to be one of the greatest champions for justice the world has ever known.

History: See above.
Skills: Military training; JLE training; expert in all things speed; expert pilot
Powers (comparative to main DC Universe characters): Savitar is a master of the Speed Force, having studied it for many decades, perfecting his abilities. He is more proficient in the ways of speed than Wally West, Zoom, and any other speedster.
Hero, anti-hero, villain?: Former villain turned hero
Codename: Tornado Kid
Real Name: Don West

Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 156
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red

Occupation: Vengence Seeker (former)
Marital Status: Single
Known relatives: Wallace West (father, deceased) Linda Park( Mother, deceased) Iris, Barry Allen (adoptive parents, Barry is deceased)
Group affiliation: none
Universe/Hypertimelne history: The Old West. Once upon that time, several heroes banded together to form the Justice Riders, including Katar Johnson, inventor Beetle, Sheriff Diana Prince, and Kid Flash (fastest gun in the West). They rode together only once, to battle Max Lord's robot army, though since then another group took the name Justice Riders, the only known member being Kid Kon-El.

History: Wallace West had children, and a wife. But never all at once, as Linda died during the birthing process. Wracked with grief, he gave the kids to his aunt Iris, because God knows he couldn't take care of them. Fast forward three years, and Wally West kills Marshal Barry Allen, running out of town before ever quite finding out who he was. Dawn and Don Allen learn well of this Kid Flash over the course lives, swearing vengence on him. When Don left home to track down Wally, Don outdrew him, and shot him near dead. Now, some time after Barry's death, Wally understood what he had done. And now, as he lay dying, he relays the story to Don, telling him that he just killed his own father. Don didn't speak or move from that spot for a few days. When he came to his senses, he left to do good by the world, without saying goodbye to his family.

Skills: An expert marksman, Don allso bears the distinction of being the Fastest Gun in the World. He's like Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles.

Powers: Peak Human reflexes and speed

is that sufficient?
Yeah, he was originally from back in the 50's or 60's, was sent forward through time by Max, reappeared and fought the Flash, and was merged with the Speed Force by Wally West.
rigel7soldiers said:
Codename: Tornado Kid
Real Name: Don West

Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 156
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red

Occupation: Vengence Seeker (former)
Marital Status: Single
Known relatives: Wallace West (father, deceased) Linda Park( Mother, deceased) Iris, Barry Allen (adoptive parents, Barry is deceased)
Group affiliation: none
Universe/Hypertimelne history: The Old West. Once upon that time, several heroes banded together to form the Justice Riders, including Katar Johnson, inventor Beetle, Sheriff Diana Prince, and Kid Flash (fastest gun in the West). They rode together only once, to battle Max Lord's robot army, though since then another group took the name Justice Riders, the only known member being Kid Kon-El.

History: Wallace West had children, and a wife. But never all at once, as Linda died during the birthing process. Wracked with grief, he gave the kids to his aunt Iris, because God knows he couldn't take care of them. Fast forward three years, and Wally West kills Marshal Barry Allen, running out of town before ever quite finding out who he was. Dawn and Don Allen learn well of this Kid Flash over the course lives, swearing vengence on him. When Don left home to track down Wally, Don outdrew him, and shot him near dead. Now, some time after Barry's death, Wally understood what he had done. And now, as he lay dying, he relays the story to Don, telling him that he just killed his own father. Don didn't speak or move from that spot for a few days. When he came to his senses, he left to do good by the world, without saying goodbye to his family.

Skills: An expert marksman, Don allso bears the distinction of being the Fastest Gun in the World. He's like Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles.

Powers: Peak Human reflexes and speed

is that sufficient?

I like it. My character and yours will get along fine.
Yeah, rigel, that's cool... the question is, will this be the Chosen Five? Btw, Chosen one's can die... I want a wilcard on the team. If Chosen's die, another takes their place. MRC's are done with after every mission, unless they become a Chosen. So, not all of you are Chosen, but can be or maybe we'd go to your universe to set it right... so keep sending in your applications and we'll figure it all out. Get more people to join!
Hmm... well hasn't everyone been putting the Hypertimelin history?
well yeah, if anything, if the charcater's an NPC, the timeline will be used as a mission... so afr though, the first five are the Chosen, to start out... I'm just gonna wait for some more applications... or for people interested...
I don't know if I want mine to be a Chosen one..and I have a question..

Where are they? Do they have like an inter-dimensional HQ where they now live..or are they periodically drawn from their dimension/timestream and brought into different missions? The Chosen and the MRC's..and can the MRC's be reused for different missions?

Also..I've already been commented on my affinity toward's the Black Canary.
You just can't stop being a Canary, can you?;)

Is it a disease? :( Is it really all that bad? :(

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