The Multiversers
After the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, there existed only one Universe, consisting of the well-known DC Earth. The Multiverse ceased to exist, and instead the Last Universe ran on the power of Hypertime. But as time went on, tangent Universes began to pop up, leaving behind the power of Hypertime to Universe Prime (the once Last Universe), and creating the Multiverse yet again.
This time, though, Cronus, a near omnipotent being on par with the Quintessence, was left in charge of keeping track of the finite Universes and make sure they are left stable. Instability within the Universes would mean that the given Universe would be forced to be wiped from all planes of existence. Cronus, though however powerful, was not allowed to interfere- only to calculate and record data.
Cronus kept track of the Time that built up each given Universe and pinpointed stages in those Universes' development in which the events of Time would build up to unstability, called Collapse Points. In order to prevent these Universal implosions, Cronus called on Super Heroes from different Universes. These Super Heroes' respective Universes had no Collapse Points, thus were in no need to be interfered in. Unstable beings traveling through the Multiverse could possibly mean the end of the WHOLE Multiverse. Only beings from stable Universes can travel through the Multiverse.
Thus, in order to prevent the Universal implosions, the Superheroes would be sent to stop certain events from happening, in a reality different than their own, and in one beyond their comprehension.
Any failure in the mission would result in the Universe being wiped out, and any success would result in the given Universe being stable for all Eternity.
However good or bad, each Universe must be fought for with great passion and fervor, and each mission is hoped to be completed by the heroes.
These Superheroes are called….
Kara Zor-El Allen
Designation: Universe-3004
The Last Daughter of Krypton.
Extremely powerful and skilled in her birth abilities. She fosters a mystery of her own past and a secret of her future from her teammates.
She could lead this team to victory. Or to death.
Played by twylight
Tornado Kid
Don Allen
Desigantion: Universe-1067
Expert marksman. In many universes, he is linked with the Speed Force. We shall have to see what becomes of it.
Played by the Gamemaster
Designation: Universe-0463
Ex-villain of his homeworld now hero. A pillar of the Speed Force, he is one to be reckoned with.
Played by Johnny Blaze
The Jester
Jack Napier/Joe Kurr/inapplicable/unknown
Designation: Universe- 0002
A supposed villain from Earth-2. A sort of wild card to the team, it will be hard for anyone to trust him. They will have to learn.
Played by The Question
The Batman
Terrence Thomas Wayne/ Terrence McGuiness
Designation: Universe 5617
Played by Batnkevlar
Silver Scarab
Hector Hall
Designation: Universe 5617
Played by Harlekin
Kara Zor-El Allen
Designation: Universe-3004
The Last Daughter of Krypton.
Extremely powerful and skilled in her birth abilities. She fosters a mystery of her own past and a secret of her future from her teammates.
She could lead this team to victory. Or to death.
Played by twylight
Tornado Kid
Don Allen
Desigantion: Universe-1067
Expert marksman. In many universes, he is linked with the Speed Force. We shall have to see what becomes of it.
Played by the Gamemaster
Designation: Universe-0463
Ex-villain of his homeworld now hero. A pillar of the Speed Force, he is one to be reckoned with.
Played by Johnny Blaze
The Jester
Jack Napier/Joe Kurr/inapplicable/unknown
Designation: Universe- 0002
A supposed villain from Earth-2. A sort of wild card to the team, it will be hard for anyone to trust him. They will have to learn.
Played by The Question
The Batman
Terrence Thomas Wayne/ Terrence McGuiness
Designation: Universe 5617
Played by Batnkevlar
Silver Scarab
Hector Hall
Designation: Universe 5617
Played by Harlekin
First Mission Brief
In Universe 5617, before the coming of the being Kal-El, Mars Martians invaded and conquered Earth.
The Martians used their mind-control to rule over entire cities. Allowing the human inhabitants only their natural survival needs to survive; food, water, sleep, mating. They abolished all of human culture.
But, there is resistance.
After his parents were killed by Martian Enforcers, Bruce Wayne vowed to repel the aliens from the planet, even if he had to kill every one of them himself. He gathered many others who shared his anti-Martian outlook around him and started a rebellion, protecting their minds with special anti-telepathic equipment. Thus, the Martian Imperial Command started the Human-Hunter program.
The Martians took their best soldiers and trained them specifically to hunt and eradicate the human rebels. The best of these, and their leader, is J'onn J'onnz. He has come into contact with Wayne on many occasions. The latest encounter resulting in the loss of J'onn's right eye. And J'onnz has vowed revenge.
The Chosen are sent a few days before the arrival of Kal-El to ensure that the Kryptonian child falls into the right hands.
Timeline of the Martian Invasion:
1941: The Justice Society is founded
1950: Birth of Hector Hall
1968: Birth of Bruce Wayne
1970: The invasion of Earth
1971: The Justice Society is officially disbanded
1976: Bruce's parents are killed
1981: Hawkman goes M.I.A.
1988: The Wayne Resistance forms, lead by Bruce Wayne. Hector Hall joins
2005: Arrival of the 'Multiversers' and coming of Kal-El.
- The Question -GAMEMASTER
- This is a Gamemaster lead story The Gamemaster will start the missions and the character play until the mission is completed. The Mission can be short or long.
- All characters to be played are custom characters, created by the user with regards to the character application they need fill out.
- Normal continuity characters will not be allowed.
Think of the characters as Elseworlds characters. Characters such as Terry McGuiness, Green Lantern Kal-El and other previously thought up DC Elseworlds characters are allowed.
You do not need to take those characters point for point, but rather come up with an interesting back story, such as Terry McGuiness, raised by an ailing Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke.
- Constant attention will be paid to the filled-out application, in regards to power levels and original intent.
- The given character must not be a god, deity, or being such as SHAZAM the Wizard.
- Mission ideas are gladly appreciated, in order to keep up a productive work environment.
- There are two types of characters in this game:
The Chosen (starting as the Chosen Five) and Mission-related characters (MRC's).
Both require applications to play as, but each have different duties and rules. You can play as a Chosen until you die, retire, or mods say otherwise; but as an MRC, your lifespan as that given character is only as long as the mission.
- Once the given mission is over, MRC players can fill out a new application, in accordance to the mission info. Mission info and MRC info must be related.
- You can form friendships and alliances within your own team, along with grudges. To start out, the team number shall be FIVE (5)...
If you want to take part in this, just list your name and character here, fill out your application, and I'll put your name and character info on the first post here. First come, first serve...
- Each mission will start with Cronus and his mission delegation…
- This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter...
- Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off character's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off an NPC's [Non-Player character (inanimate victims)] heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM...
- Don't be killing people without reason. You know your character's weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Black Canary will lose against Superman one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away...
- If you get killed, you are done with that character, unless otherwise noted by mods or deputies. You then pick up as a mission-related character. One must stay in line to become a Chosen, but while you wait participate in being an MRC..
- There can be ONE story going on at once, but there can also be other side pieces such as villain agendas and such...
- There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.
There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
- No obscene topics!
- Act like your characters, ASSUME their traits and personalities...
*There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative...
- People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED a la DEW K. MOSI. As she said about the first thread...
Dew k. Mosi said:The game is closed. It will start again and the first person to screw it up will be booted.