Endgame Official Avengers: Endgame News & Speculation Thread!

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From Deadline
Holy heck. This thing is going to be a monster. I typically don't reserve tickets this far in advance because things always come up but I may have to eventually since if it's outselling The Force Awakens and how impossible it was at my normal theater to walk up on opening weekend to get tickets, EG may end up being similar.
it's a bit weird in terms of the 3 trailers - almost a little mini film for tony. the first trailer showed tony lost in space, in despair, with a will he or won't he get saved? then in this trailer, yup, he'll be saved and back with pepper. one mystery introduced and then resolved within the trailers itself.

Were you honestly expecting Tony to spend the whole movie floating around in space?

Besides, they already showed him back on Earth in the last trailer and nobody complained about that.
Seriously! The feeling in the air at the force awakens premiere was beyond electric with people cheering every 5 minutes, and Im predicting its gonna be the same with Endgame.
I truly hope that my theatre is not like that. I want to be immersed in the movie not have people cheering every second and being taken out of the movie. Plus i want to hear the movie (music, dialogue, quiet parts, etc.).

This is one of the things im super nervous about.
Got mine for 8:10am on the 28th (here in Long Beach). $7.50 plus the charge for booking it online = $9.20
I'm getting to the theater at least an hour early. With 20 minutes of previews followed by a 3 hour and 2 minute film, I have my external catheter ready with drainage to a leg bag with replacements if full. I don't want to miss a beat.
I truly hope that my theatre is not like that. I want to be immersed in the movie not have people cheering every second and being taken out of the movie. Plus i want to hear the movie (music, dialogue, quiet parts, etc.).

This is one of the things im super nervous about.
The only way that happens is if you don't go opening night. Because those crowds are usually the ones the most into it.
I truly hope that my theatre is not like that. I want to be immersed in the movie not have people cheering every second and being taken out of the movie. Plus i want to hear the movie (music, dialogue, quiet parts, etc.).

This is one of the things im super nervous about.

Agreed. There’s enthusiasm and then there’s obnoxious cheering just because a character shows up on screen. Luckily the Alamo crowd is pretty good about keeping it respectable.
The show I reserved for 6:00PM on Thursday has 5 seats available. The show for 6:40 is sold out.
Same. I'm probably going to have either not come in at work that day or leave early. That way I have time to watch Infinity War again as a refresher.
Y'all are scrooges :o

Part of the reason that first Avengers viewing was my favorite movie experience of all time was seeing the crowd light up as much as I did.

I get not wanting people to talk over the important parts, but in my experience true opening night fans know when to shut their gah damn mouths and when to get fired up.
I LOVE opening night crowds. They don't hinder the experience, they enhance it, imo. They actually care about what's happening on screen as much as I do, so they shut up when they're supposed to shut up and cheer when they're supposed to cheer. Now, opening WEEKEND crowds are a whole different breed, as those are also heavily-populated by those families who just wanted to get out of the house and don't care about the actual movie so much and bring their poorly-behaved kids along...yeah, hate those. Which is why I do the Thursday night shows as much as possible for any movie I care about.
^ Yeah there's a colossal difference between opening night fans and the opening weekend crowd.

Anyone who sat and fought with Fandango/AMC's website as long as I did to get those tickets for Thursday night has earned their stripes
I LOVE opening night crowds. They don't hinder the experience, they enhance it, imo. They actually care about what's happening on screen as much as I do, so they shut up when they're supposed to shut up and cheer when they're supposed to cheer. Now, opening WEEKEND crowds are a whole different breed, as those are also heavily-populated by those families who just wanted to get out of the house and don't care about the actual movie so much and bring their poorly-behaved kids along...yeah, hate those. Which is why I do the Thursday night shows as much as possible for any movie I care about.
I suggest we do brackets to see how many of us get theatres with kids who somehow manage to spill popcorn on every ****ing step.
I don't mind excitable crowds on the first watch as long as people aren't talking all the way through. It makes the second watch more interesting when you pick up the dialogue you may have missed. When I saw Avengers for the first time, everyone was laughing so hard at Hulk rag dolling Loki that I completely missed the fact that he said "puny god" after it.
I suggest we do brackets to see how many of us get theatres with kids who somehow manage to spill popcorn on every ****ing step.
Well, we usually have a crowd reports thread when these things come out. Could include a poll, lol.
You need to factor in a lot of time with this one. The trailers will probably be about 15-20 min alone, then the 3hrs and 2 minutes. So if I go at 1pm and stay for any possible end stingers I'm looking at getting up outta there at say.....4:30-4:4:45pm.
I don’t know. If this happened in my theater I’d be annoyed. I want to hear the movie, not people screaming. I don’t mind applause and an occasional “hell yeah!” but below reaction is obnoxious. Hearing the Avengers score over Thor’s arrival enhanced that scene and you totally miss it with all the hollering.

That **** actually happened when I saw it last year downtown Chicago lol.
I don’t know. If this happened in my theater I’d be annoyed. I want to hear the movie, not people screaming. I don’t mind applause and an occasional “hell yeah!” but below reaction is obnoxious. Hearing the Avengers score over Thor’s arrival enhanced that scene and you totally miss it with all the hollering.

See that clip is actually why I loved Infinity War as much as I did.

I think it's awesome to hear a ton of people geek out over stuff I freaked out over as a kid reading comics in a room by myself, but different strokes and all that.
is it even mathematically possible for this to make 300 million? lol

Is there another $50 million more worth from people not already on board? IW barely topped TFA opening. And you have to factor the runtime will limit the showtimes too. It still make a crap ton overall though.
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