The Dark Knight Rossi


Jul 2, 2007
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If the mods feel this thread is irrelevant or anything feel free to lock it, but who is he?



Is he actually Maroni? Or is Rossi just a code name used in the sides for someone else, maybe a cop like Stephens or Berg? Someone reported that in a scene near the end of the movie, Two Face kills a cop, but he also kills Maroni. So is Rossi a code name for Maroni or a crooked cop, or is he a different character all together?

No Rossi is NOT Maroni.

He works for him.

In the film Maroni is on trial instead of Falcone, since he would probably plead the fifth in a case like this - it makes no realistic sense unless the public REALLY like Maroni for him to take the stand - since he is NOT convincted in the film - it is also clear someone else throws the acid. Rossi is that guy.

It's not a code name, it at least was a character when shooting began to solve an obvious logic problem.

In scenes 304,305 and 306 Two Face does shot Maroni's driver but Maroni is NOT killed, the coin spares him, Maroni escapes, and Two Face blows up his car.

As far as the cop is concerned - it may or may not be true.
So Rossi is definitely his name in the movie? I ask this because in the sides some of the characters are refered to by other names. I was thinking maybe its actually Gambol or Reese or one of the other as of yet unnamed mob bosses in the movie.
idk if the guy's name is Rossi in the movie, but it's def. not maroni.

Simply put, by throwing acid in Dent's face himself he's asking "Oh, please send me away for life."

That's un-realistic which we all know Nolan wouldn't do.

- Jow
Yeah. I didnt think that it was Maroni.
Im torn after opening that script, a part of me is at peace knowing it isnt a certain someone, but a part of me is angry at myself for reading it. In any case, thanks for that info, i cant wait to see it with my eyes!
Rossi is definitely a sleeze ball. That's for sure.

Isn't the Batman universe the most interseting universe in the history of comics. You have mob bosses, freaks, and an even bigger freak in the Batman, all going at it. Awesome! Is it July, yet?!
I'm still wondering exactly what Rossi's role is going to be in the film..i mean i know he works for Maroni but thats kinda vague..
I'm still wondering exactly what Rossi's role is going to be in the film..i mean i know he works for Maroni but thats kinda vague..

Yeah. I'm also curious as to who plays him. A long time ago [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Vincenzo Nicoli was cast as an unnamed mob boss, and I don't think a name has been confirmed for his character, maybe its him? He obviously won't have a huge role but he will have to have some character development before the courtroom scene.[/FONT]
Rossi is probably definitely his name in the movie. Remember if you call the Gotham Cabs phone number and put in Breitup's badge #6773(?), one of the messages mentioned having a job to do for Rossi...
Rossi is his name in the movie, virals like Joker Wild has already pointed out have confirmed this. He works directly for Maroni, and the phone message that people recieved explains a little more.

Go to the viral marketing section to see, but Rossi is his name and he is still the one that scars Dent.
no.. the leaked script is NOT real at all.

We knew when the Two Face transformation occurs, how it occurs, etc. We also know Maroni doesn't die.. there are WAY too many things that are wrong with it.

If you want to know the truth about the film ask me, Turtle, Jow, Solidus... and well there are other posters that I've forgotten too, but this thing is BEYOND fake.

Good threads you should check out is the first post on SPOILERS AND SPECULATION.

If you don't have the cast call sheets, or the audition sides, PM me and I'll get them to you - same goes for anyone else - that will help you out with what we know so far.
no.. the leaked script is NOT real at all.

We knew when the Two Face transformation occurs, how it occurs, etc. We also know Maroni doesn't die.. there are WAY too many things that are wrong with it.

If you want to know the truth about the film ask me, Turtle, Jow, Solidus... and well there are other posters that I've forgotten too, but this thing is BEYOND fake.

Good threads you should check out is the first post on SPOILERS AND SPECULATION.

If you don't have the cast call sheets, or the audition sides, PM me and I'll get them to you - same goes for anyone else - that will help you out with what we know so far.

Foul temptress!!

Rossi is....

Anthony Michale Hall just like Fintcher. A solid actor with a bit roll. AMH's roll is rossi, thats why he says that his character is a major plot device...
no.. the leaked script is NOT real at all.

We knew when the Two Face transformation occurs, how it occurs, etc. We also know Maroni doesn't die.. there are WAY too many things that are wrong with it.


Rossi is....

Anthony Michale Hall just like Fintcher. A solid actor with a bit roll. AMH's roll is rossi, thats why he says that his character is a major plot device...

AMH is Mike Engel. Sorry.
no.. the leaked script is NOT real at all.

We knew when the Two Face transformation occurs, how it occurs, etc. We also know Maroni doesn't die.. there are WAY too many things that are wrong with it.

If you want to know the truth about the film ask me, Turtle, Jow, Solidus... and well there are other posters that I've forgotten too, but this thing is BEYOND fake.

Good threads you should check out is the first post on SPOILERS AND SPECULATION.

If you don't have the cast call sheets, or the audition sides, PM me and I'll get them to you - same goes for anyone else - that will help you out with what we know so far.
we do?


and im asking...:brucebat:
we do?


and im asking...:brucebat:

Its during the court scene involving Dent, Maroni, and Rossi. Eric Roberts has said it does deviate some from the comics. Everything about Two Face's scarring is still speculation at this point. He does appear as Two Face in the script about 3/4 through the movie in a few scenes that we know of so far: the scene in the bar, the Maroni/driver scene, another scene with Maroni, and killing a cop.
Its during the court scene involving Dent, Maroni, and Rossi. Eric Roberts has said it does deviate some from the comics. Everything about Two Face's scarring is still speculation at this point. He does appear as Two Face in the script about 3/4 through the movie in a few scenes that we know of so far: the scene in the bar, the Maroni/driver scene, another scene with Maroni, and killing a cop.
LOL damnit i knew that...

i thought like we knew lines and strick detail.

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