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Supergirl Season 5, Episode 9: "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 1" (MAJOR SPOILERS)


I liked when they were fighting in the warehouse just needlessly flipping around rubble. :hehe:
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I'm starting to believe the Oliver turning into The Spectre fan theory now. He will become someone else... something else...with another green hood.
Flash and Supergirl were not the only ones dead in the Crisis. Green Arrow, Earth-2 Robin, Earth-2 Huntress, and Earth-1 Wonder Woman were also dead as well.

Don't forget that Superman is worried for both Lois and Jon and it's weighed on his mind than anything else.
Why have they made Superman so weak just to make supergirl shine? I’m sorry but both comic book Kal-El and even the Dc animated counterpart isn’t this pathetic.

Are you talking about physically? Well, a theory that I've seen being passed around is that since Superman was on Argo (aka Red Sun) for a year, he probably wouldn't have been at full strength upon returning to Earth.
Why have they made Superman so weak just to make supergirl shine? I’m sorry but both comic book Kal-El and even the Dc animated counterpart isn’t this pathetic.

I've come to accept that by now on CW. More to the point, though, I'm just not sure the actor has the presence of a Superman. Curious to see how he looks contrasted to Welling and Routh. But a number of what should be important moments where the actor is just staring, imo. Watching his baby shipped off to space... just staring. Seeing Lois and gang come back with the baby, just staring and then nonchalantly walking over. Finding out that half the people on his Earth died, the planet he has spent years defending, just staring and apparently more interesting in knowing what Pariah is a pariah of.

Not sure if it's the actor or the direction, but he really feels more like he's just there. Hope that changes when he gets his own show. He is Superman, after all.
Are you talking about physically? Well, a theory that I've seen being passed around is that since Superman was on Argo (aka Red Sun) for a year, he probably wouldn't have been at full strength upon returning to Earth.

That's what I was thinking, but since this isn't the first instance... But whatever, I expect it now.
That's what I was thinking, but since this isn't the first instance... But whatever, I expect it now.

Well, others have pointed that Supergirl being stronger than Superman is actually a canon thing in the comics. However, Superman is the one that's supposed to have the most experience.

i am curious to see on how Tyler's Superman is going to react when he meets both his SV and KC doppelgangers.
I know they won't since they've never done it for any of the other crossovers as far as I know, but they need to package all of the episodes as a separate release.

I thought I heard they did that with Elseworlds?

Oh, did they? If so, great and hope they do that for Crisis as well.

Scratch that, looks like they only did so for international releases, not in the US.
Yes, here in the UK Invasion!, Crisis on Earth-X, and Elseworlds have all had separate DVD releases containing just the crossover episodes.
Loved seeing them all together especially Superman and Supergirl teaming up again. The throwback in the beginning of Clark and Lois sending baby Jonathan, in particular, was awesome.

I definitely did not see Oliver dying this early on. I stopped watching Arrow seasons ago when they made it the Felicity and Friends show but his death still made me teary eyed.
Well, others have pointed that Supergirl being stronger than Superman is actually a canon thing in the comics. However, Superman is the one that's supposed to have the most experience.

She may have been stronger pre-crisis, not sure. But when she was brought back in the Superman/Batman story, it was first stated she was stronger, but by the end of the story, it's explained that she only appears to be stronger/faster, etc because she goes from 0-100 instantly where Clark spent years adapting to his powers, so he's learned how to use them in moderation.

But it's not even just strength-- that scene with the heatvision at the Monitor tower then falling, that's also about will power, it's just, in each of the things that makes Superman who he is: powers, will, hope, never giving up, leadership, presence, etc, she seems to outshine him. It would be like Batman showing up in a Nightwing show and Dick is able to physically best him, is more resilient, is a better detective, etc. I wouldn't like that either, as much as I like Nightwing. Batman is still Batman. Just find a way to make both look good.

It doesn't help that I don't think Hoechlin has found his voice yet, so to speak, as Superman. It seems like he is still stuck on trying to portray a more Christopher Reeve's, gee, golly, swell, Superman rather than making the character his own. When he has had moments where it's just him and another character, he is fine, but with him and multiple characters in the show, Superman is just sort of there in the background. And Superman should never feel like he's just in the background.

i am curious to see on how Tyler's Superman is going to react when he meets both his SV and KC doppelgangers.

I hope there's a comment about SV Lois looking like Alura.
If they write KC Superman well in the new few pats, they shouldn't have a problem writing Earth-38 Superman. I want to see how well the writers of Batwoman, Flash, Arrow, and Legends handle Superman compared to the Supergirl writers.
Loved seeing them all together especially Superman and Supergirl teaming up again. The throwback in the beginning of Clark and Lois sending baby Jonathan, in particular, was awesome.

I definitely did not see Oliver dying this early on. I stopped watching Arrow seasons ago when they made it the Felicity and Friends show but his death still made me teary eyed.

Ha ha, so true.

Something else I noticed. I didn't care for Mia in the flashbacks last year, and for much of this year. She was too, "grrr, I'm angry and angsty, and I'm gonna let everyone know I'm angry; you better watch out, my anger cuts a wide swath, I'm gonna make sure you know I'm angry and a loner and I'm always justified..." I typically don't like characters like that, and it's really hard to pull off unless you are a really good actor who can still show subtleties of other character traits. But watching her evolve next to Ollie, getting to see her soften up a bit more and show more dimensions, I found myself rooting for her the last couple episodes of Arrow and on tonight's episode. Hopefully that continues.
Are you talking about physically? Well, a theory that I've seen being passed around is that since Superman was on Argo (aka Red Sun) for a year, he probably wouldn't have been at full strength upon returning to Earth.

I'm talking about character of will and inspirational strength. Superman has always been the symbol of optimism in the face of overwhelming odds. In the comics, animated series, animated films and even in freaking Smallville. Yet for some gosh darn reason the cw has made him a joke and put all of his most notable atrabuite to Supergirl.
Guys, notice that when Lois, Brainiac 5, and Sara left Earth-16 that it wasn't eradicated by the antimatter wave. There's a chance that the Smallville Earth could be spared similarly, unless Lex Luthor does something sinister like killing Supermen across the Multiverse.
I thought the first part was awesome. It was nice to see Alexander knox again after 30 years. It also fun to see what Burt Ward's " Robin 50 years after the last episode of Batman 66.
Guys, notice that when Lois, Brainiac 5, and Sara left Earth-16 that it wasn't eradicated by the antimatter wave. There's a chance that the Smallville Earth could be spared similarly, unless Lex Luthor does something sinister like killing Supermen across the Multiverse.

If Burt Ward can bite the dust, nobody is too good.
I feel like they could have done a better job with how they had coordinated the last major fight sequence between the heroes and the shadow demons.

If you watched carefully, Barry wasn't really using his superspeed when fighting with the group on the rooftop. Heroes like Superman and Supergirl shouldn't have been just standing around and shooting lasers at them as though they were carbon copies of cyclops either.

And it may have made more sense to use Lyla to show up in the end and get stunned by Oliver's arrow than the freaking monitor.

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