Rebels Star Wars: Rebels - Part 1

I like how it's come down to debating the in-universe legitimacy of a "reformed" Galactic Empire and the longstanding Old Republic :D .

My only thought of Thrawn playing this long game of "I'm going to outlive Emperor Palpatine and reform the Empire so it's just" or some such business...yeah not really into it.
Season 4 will basically be a single story arc.

Season 4 is unlike any other we've ever done in that, at a certain point, a couple of episodes in, it's more one continuous story arc all the way to the end than it's ever been, in anything we've done - even Clone Wars - where each story really fits together.

Yes they're unique and independent, but it almost feels like day-to-day. Things start to move fast and get really exciting and interesting and desperate and awesome - and we've never done that before, and it's really exhilarating.
I love the new trailer, especially that tender moment between Kanan and Hera. I can't wait to see that.

Love Kallus' new look as well. #hotkallus is fitting. :funny:

I saw this on reddit from someone who says they got to watch half of the first episode. No idea if it's true as I haven't done much research but it's interesting.

-Episode opens on Mandalore, with Sabine, Ezra, Kanan, Chopper, and the other Mandos preparing an assault on a prison complex to rescue Sabine's dad.
-Sabine gets out of a trench, raises her Darksaber to signal the assault.
-Ezra fumbles around with his jetpack.
-Kanan uses airborne enemies as stepping stones.
-Sabine kicks ass until she gets stunned.
-Imperial Mandos call for surrender, everyone stops fighting.
-Reinforcements arrive to free Sabine.
The Rebels/Mandos free the compound only to find that Sabine's dad isn't there.
-Governor Saxon (not Gar) has ordered his immediate public execution.
-Bo Katan, who led the reinforcements, formally introduces herself.
-Sabine offers to let BK rulers the rightful heir; she declines.
-Kanan gives Hera a status report; exchange has romantic undertones.
-Ezra asks Sabine about Mandalore; she laments the planet being ruined by constant warfare.
-Sabine's bro and mom arrive and let her know about where her dad is headed.
-The Rebels/Mandos intercept the convoy.
-Sabine paint-bombs the front of the convoy where her dad is being held for ID purposes; she also uses a moving speeder bike as cover before she hijacks it.
-Ezra gets under a transport and slices through it.
-Kanan jumps into another on and Force-Throws everyone out.
-Chopper straight-up pistol-whips an Imperial while jetting forward.
-BK does some cool stuff that I don't remember with the main group, while Sabine's family is leading an assault elsewhere.
-Ezra jets in to rescue Sabine's dad, gives him the jetpack so he can get out.
-Convoy careens off of cliff while Ezra uses his ability to jump good to make it there; Sabine saves him when his grip slips.
-Sabine and her dad reunite, have a conversation about artistic technobabble.
-Gov. Saxon orders a retreat, but the Duchess of Mandalore (Rook Kast?) offers a single reinforcement inside an AT-DP; Sabine immediately recognizes what this is and warns Tristan and Ursa to get out of there.
-Sabine's family and the troops they were leading die in a tactical explosion that disentigrates flesh and armor alike after the Duchess sends her regards.
-Everyone reacts in horror as Sabine discovers what has happened, mourning the loss of her family and their allies alike.
-Sabine's father recognizes the blast as being a result of one of the weapons Sabine built; a cruel insult from the Duchess.
I love the new trailer, especially that tender moment between Kanan and Hera. I can't wait to see that.

Love Kallus' new look as well. #hotkallus is fitting. :funny:

I saw this on reddit from someone who says they got to watch half of the first episode. No idea if it's true as I haven't done much research but it's interesting.

-Episode opens on Mandalore, with Sabine, Ezra, Kanan, Chopper, and the other Mandos preparing an assault on a prison complex to rescue Sabine's dad.
-Sabine gets out of a trench, raises her Darksaber to signal the assault.
-Ezra fumbles around with his jetpack.
-Kanan uses airborne enemies as stepping stones.
-Sabine kicks ass until she gets stunned.
-Imperial Mandos call for surrender, everyone stops fighting.
-Reinforcements arrive to free Sabine.
The Rebels/Mandos free the compound only to find that Sabine's dad isn't there.
-Governor Saxon (not Gar) has ordered his immediate public execution.
-Bo Katan, who led the reinforcements, formally introduces herself.
-Sabine offers to let BK rulers the rightful heir; she declines.
-Kanan gives Hera a status report; exchange has romantic undertones.
-Ezra asks Sabine about Mandalore; she laments the planet being ruined by constant warfare.
-Sabine's bro and mom arrive and let her know about where her dad is headed.
-The Rebels/Mandos intercept the convoy.
-Sabine paint-bombs the front of the convoy where her dad is being held for ID purposes; she also uses a moving speeder bike as cover before she hijacks it.
-Ezra gets under a transport and slices through it.
-Kanan jumps into another on and Force-Throws everyone out.
-Chopper straight-up pistol-whips an Imperial while jetting forward.
-BK does some cool stuff that I don't remember with the main group, while Sabine's family is leading an assault elsewhere.
-Ezra jets in to rescue Sabine's dad, gives him the jetpack so he can get out.
-Convoy careens off of cliff while Ezra uses his ability to jump good to make it there; Sabine saves him when his grip slips.
-Sabine and her dad reunite, have a conversation about artistic technobabble.
-Gov. Saxon orders a retreat, but the Duchess of Mandalore (Rook Kast?) offers a single reinforcement inside an AT-DP; Sabine immediately recognizes what this is and warns Tristan and Ursa to get out of there.
-Sabine's family and the troops they were leading die in a tactical explosion that disentigrates flesh and armor alike after the Duchess sends her regards.
-Everyone reacts in horror as Sabine discovers what has happened, mourning the loss of her family and their allies alike.
-Sabine's father recognizes the blast as being a result of one of the weapons Sabine built; a cruel insult from the Duchess.

Sounds legit

IGN has posted a spoiler free review on their site but it does seem to align with the Reddit post
Filoni on Rebels ending with Scariff

I like how it's come down to debating the in-universe legitimacy of a "reformed" Galactic Empire and the longstanding Old Republic :D .

My only thought of Thrawn playing this long game of "I'm going to outlive Emperor Palpatine and reform the Empire so it's just" or some such business...yeah not really into it.

Do you not like the Legends Thrawn books? Cause thats pretty much what Thrawn did in the Legends. He took control of the Imperial Remnant after Endor and made a point of saying that the Empire wasnt a completely evil thing.
Do you not like the Legends Thrawn books? Cause thats pretty much what Thrawn did in the Legends. He took control of the Imperial Remnant after Endor and made a point of saying that the Empire wasnt a completely evil thing.

I don't like the Heir to the Empire trilogy especially.
Sounds legit

IGN has posted a spoiler free review on their site but it does seem to align with the Reddit post

Thanks for the heads up on that. It does seem to allign.

Dark way to start the season.
Yeah, I'm real bummed to hear that this'll be the final season. I would've loved to see the Ghost crew's adventures during and after the Battle of Yavin.

At the same time though, it sounds like they're ending it on their own terms, and that's much better than being cancelled. I guess in the end, it's a good thing I'm sad the show ending will mean we won't get to see as much of these characters anymore as opposed to being sad that their story won't get finished.
So, they're bringing in Rukh this season...

I wonder if he will do what he did in the Thrawn trilogy also in Rebels? Maybe they're just trying to get older EU fans to think that. It's interesting.
I just hope they make the most of their 15 eps and don't have filler like last season.
I just hope they make the most of their 15 eps and don't have filler like last season.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but Filoni's comment about how this season is more serialized and intense could be a subtle way of saying they'll be less filler without actually dissing his own work live on air.
I don't like the Heir to the Empire trilogy especially.

What about the rest of the Legends books? Because that's what happened in those as well? The Empire is reformed and then united with the New Republic in a Galactic Alliance.
I wonder if we'll see Thrawn try to reform the Empire again in canon, especially since we have the First Order.

Maybe Thrawn even gets involved with the First Order at some point...?
I think Ruhk's inclusion does mean at some point, whether it happens in this season or in Filoni's next show, or in a future novel, we will see the "artistically done" death scene. The general view that they seem to have at Lucasfilm is that if you bring a character over from Legends, then you need to honour that character and be able to do them justice to how they were depicted in those original stories. So I think Rukh and the Noghri aren't going to be drastically different from their original depiction.

I think it's interesting with the implications it brings, because if you introduce the Noghri then you bring up all this backstory with Vader that is very important to the characters. This season could bring Vader back (it's established that he and Thrawn respect each other a lot in canon) and have Vader use his Death Commandos against the Rebels as a means to prove their worth for Thrawn to fully adopt them as his own force.
I am starting to think we will get some post-RotJ Thrawn, and it will be against the big 3. That could be where the next series is going.
Which makes sense, because the Noghri are massively connected to the Skywalkers through Vader. So their introduction kind of implies that we'll see Luke and Leia go on that journey of redeeming the Noghri.
Which makes sense, because the Noghri are massively connected to the Skywalkers through Vader. So their introduction kind of implies that we'll see Luke and Leia go on that journey of redeeming the Noghri.
I am rather okay with this... as long as we don't get a clone Luke.
One of the Noghri killing Kanan would be something.
Or C'baoth.
I feel like a character like him is inevitable because they will want Luke to have a Force challenge, and Snoke wouldn't be used right off the bat imo. But a different take would be nice.

Though if Rey ends up being Luke's, can't wait to meet her mom. Unless we already have...

I am starting to think we will get some post-RotJ Thrawn, and it will be against the big 3. That could be where the next series is going.

Is that even possible with what's happened in the Aftermath trilogy? In the Legends Thrawn books Thrawn had the Imperial Remnant as his navy and army. But in the new canon the Imperial Remnant fled to the Unknown Regions after the Battle of Jakku. Unless Thraw brings the Imperial Remnant back from the Unknown Regions to fight the New Republic what navy would he be commanding? The Chiss military? And if he brings the Imperial Remnant back after it fled to the Unknown Regions how would the First Order form from the Imperial Remnant in the Unknown Regions? Im just not sure of him being able to convince Sloane or Hux to do a u-turn and return the Imperial Remnant to a fight they fled not long ago.

But if he does manage to bring the IR back, at some point, it has to go back to the Unknown Regions for Hux and others to form the First Order in the UR. Which seems a bit repetitive.
I am rather okay with this... as long as we don't get a clone Luke.

Yeah I think even Zahn has recently reflected that it was a silly idea. I could see C'Baoth being used, for the reasons you've said. An insane former Jedi is probably less messy with the canon rather than them trying to create a Sith character or bring in Snoke so early.

Is that even possible with what's happened in the Aftermath trilogy? In the Legends Thrawn books Thrawn had the Imperial Remnant as his navy and army. But in the new canon the Imperial Remnant fled to the Unknown Regions after the Battle of Jakku. Unless Thraw brings the Imperial Remnant back from the Unknown Regions to fight the New Republic what navy would he be commanding? The Chiss military? And if he brings the Imperial Remnant back after it fled to the Unknown Regions how would the First Order form from the Imperial Remnant in the Unknown Regions? Im just not sure of him being able to convince Sloane or Hux to do a u-turn and return the Imperial Remnant to a fight they fled not long ago.

But if he does manage to bring the IR back, at some point, it has to go back to the Unknown Regions for Hux and others to form the First Order in the UR. Which seems a bit repetitive.

It's important to remember there were Imperial holdouts that didn't follow Sloane into the UR and didn't accept the Galactic Concordance. But mostly, you have the Chiss Ascendancy with a more proactive role in canon than they were in Legends, and with someone like [blackout] Vanto [/blackout] operating out there and Voss Parck being canon, it leaves the potential for the Empire of the Hand.
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Is that even possible with what's happened in the Aftermath trilogy? In the Legends Thrawn books Thrawn had the Imperial Remnant as his navy and army. But in the new canon the Imperial Remnant fled to the Unknown Regions after the Battle of Jakku. Unless Thraw brings the Imperial Remnant back from the Unknown Regions to fight the New Republic what navy would he be commanding? The Chiss military? And if he brings the Imperial Remnant back after it fled to the Unknown Regions how would the First Order form from the Imperial Remnant in the Unknown Regions? Im just not sure of him being able to convince Sloane or Hux to do a u-turn and return the Imperial Remnant to a fight they fled not long ago.

But if he does manage to bring the IR back, at some point, it has to go back to the Unknown Regions for Hux and others to form the First Order in the UR. Which seems a bit repetitive.
I don't know the full time period of the Aftermath books but I am sure they can find an army for Thrawn to command. Luke, Leia and Han aren't going to have stopped fight for a long period.

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