The Daily Planet - Superman News and Speculation Thread

Near perfection. If Gunn gave people something closer to this, the majority of fans would be overjoyed instead of the polarizing reaction we're seeing now. You'll never please everyone, but why go so hard down the different route when they make these style choices blows my mind.

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Because they’re not making fan service, which is what that entire godawful crossover was. They’re making James Gunn’s vision, which should be unique to him imo. If any of us had predicted exactly what the suit would be, THAT would be hugely disappointing honestly.
Well I knew it was a suit reveal when I saw how many pages had been added. I like the suit, I can live with it, and the first reveal of TH in Supergirl was dreadful, but better when we saw him outside and standing. So.

I didn't know who David was before coming to this site, and others did. No one who has played Superman was not good looking, but HOLY MOLY does David look incredible, and a major win with the hair. He does look like Superman, off of the comics. I really want to see pictures from them outside, and soon. And of him as Clark, and and and. But thanks for this Mr Gunn
So his eyebrows aren't lightened here?
I honestly can’t tell with the lighting tbh. But they don’t look unnatural like they did in the set pics. Like, I can see some brown there at least. Not sure now that I’ve zoomed in though.
Obviously anything can happen at this point, but...
The thing is that Gunn has talked quite a bit about how the reason he didn't do Superman initially is because he didn't have a way to "present a new version" of the character yet which to me kinda implied that he doesn't want to do just like, a by the numbers completely classic Superman movie in the way that everybody seems to have been expecting after MoS. And even now he's talked about putting his own spin and doing something new while respecting what came before and between that and the fact that he kept talking about the trunks as this complicated design element does lead me to think he's doing something very idiosyncratic.

If he was dead set on "we're just going the classic route, a total throwback" I think the trunks would've been there day one.

And , if you think about the Superman costumes that came before, we already had a homemade-looking straight from the comics look with Reeve, then a version of that more padded and with rougher textures with Brandon, then just the alien bodysuit look with Cavill and Hoechlin, and the Golden Age take with Hoechlin as well. So the only way you can really do something to put your stamp on it at this point is to do something radically different. Maybe it'll be one design element that's very different than what's come before, maybe it'll be the whole thing, but the way he's talked about it makes me think there'll be /something/ that'll make it very clear this is Gunn's Superman. Not the Golden Age Superman, not the Christopher Reeve one, not the mainline comics Superman, not Rebirth, not New 52, but Gunn's Superman.

He's talked a lot about presenting something new while honoring the past and being true to the character. Well, the casting has already honored the past and been true to the character. The "something new" shoe has to drop at some point. And it wouldn't surprise me if the suit is the reflection of it.
I definitely think it'll at least have the very basic elements intact. Like you said it's definitely gonna be blue, have a S symbol on the chest, have a red cape and probably have boots. I don't think he'd ever do something that'd be straight up unrecognizable as a Superman suit. But beyond that anything's fair game, and there are a ton of things he could do to make it very distinct. What those things are I have no idea though. I'm just saying people, especially in this forum, have seemingly been expecting something mega classical and I don't think that's guaranteed. At all.

I mean, for as many comic accurate designs he's done, he also changed Adam Warlock's design from this:


To this:


So he's not afraid to make big changes if he sees a reason to do so or if he thinks something looks cooler. I doubt the change for the Superman suit would be as radical, but you get the idea.
I was definitely right on the general philosophy of what I thought he was gonna do. I really think people took the "hyper classical" thing for granted.
Speaking of Supergirl, I almost forgot that her movie is being developed AND she'll appear in "Superman".

Now I can imagine her suit looking similar to Clark's, but with some minor tweaks and maybe more form-fitting.
I just love how the basic concept of this image is one we couldn’t have gotten with the Snyder suit. I adore that, because it says so much about this approach. This is a guy in his apartment getting dressed for work, which it looks like it’s gonna be a stressful day of. :hrt:
Yup. It's "my mom made it" vibes which I think will be an essential thematic element. People online aren't looking at the bigger picture, imo.
I just love how the basic concept of this image is one we couldn’t have gotten with the Snyder suit. I adore that, because it says so much about this approach. This is a guy in his apartment getting dressed for work, which it looks like it’s gonna be a stressful day of. :hrt:
Unfortunatley you have people on Twitter saying he’s lazily taking time while destruction goes on in the background.
I don't think this has a "My Mom made this" feel at all, look Kryptonian based on the detail, but that's just me. I like everything but the collar. If the yellow symbol is on the back of the cape, even better!
I don't think she made it. Those lines, etc, would be highly complicated to make, unless you owned a factory.
I think it either comes from the fos, or star labs made it for him under his instructions.
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I hate myself for using this comp, but it does register as an MCU type of costume. Backpack-looking fabric, unnecessary and distracting seams and design elements. If you look at the cuffs, the fabric also looks oddly thick. The creasing around the chest and shoulder area is not pleasing to look at.

The collar absolutely blows, but I'm so happy the trunks are back that I'll consider this a wash.

If I'm being perfectly candid, first word to come to mind is "cheap." It looks cheap.

Funny enough, it kinda looks like if Superman showed up in a GOTG movie

Over the past year, I really got the impression that Gunn was hinting that he might “reinvent” himself a bit for this job, especially visually.
But since the reveal of the logo on the chest, I was totally expecting the look to be in the same vein as pretty much every superhero costume for the past 15 years or so.
I mean, it really looks like it was made by the same designer as MCU, The Boys, etc... and I've never really been a fan of that direction.

I was hoping for something new because I think the genre desperately needs to renew itself in all areas, (and I think this big reboot can't afford any marketing missteps) but oh well.
At least Corenswet really looks like Superman. He's got the looks, and the haircut really works!
To say a few positive things, I do like the colors but I'm especially really happy about the return of the trunk and a real belt!

Damn, I feel like I'm one of the few that digs the material fo the suit. It's thin, and can bend and wrinkle.

I also like the wrinkles, but in this photo in particular, I'm having trouble judging whether it's really thin all over.
While it looks loose on the tummy, the suit also looks padded to me on the chest and forearm.

It's probably a combination of the two to get the best possible silhouette/feel, which makes sense to me...
At least from a strategic point of view because I'm really not sure about the design and its rendition... yet.

I dig it. Looks very 'my mom made it for me'. I think I love more the vibe of the photolf lol. Can't wait

I'm not trying to convince anyone, but yeah, despite the stitches and tall that, it's way too “clean” for me to register as “homemade”.
It just looks like a generic TV or movie superhero costume...

So yeah, I can't say I'm super happy with what I see but I'll try to be wise and give it the benefit of the doubt.
But to be totally honest, I think I'm most annoyed by what the overall picture suggests in terms of artistic direction (that background... oof...) than by the costume specifically.
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So that shield is pretty round huh? 😉

Not going to bother to complain untill I see it in action, the suit in Superman and Lois isn't perfect but when he is being supes I feel it so it's really just about the character for me.
The suit looks pretty good to me, aside from the fact that the S is just a diamond with a diagonal like through it. It's so baffling to me that that's the part most people actually liked, while complaining about the suit itself. I guess I'm just on an inverse wavelength from you guys.
I'm glad people see trunks because I sure dont. I want trunks but just dont see them.
I'm glad people see trunks because I sure dont. I want trunks but just dont see them.
I can kinda make out red, but who knows. It could just be straight up new 52 Superman... **** Gunn if it is.
One think I haven't seen mentioned is that the fabric seem supe thick, like 1/4 of an inch thick. That's new for movie Superman, and a bit MCU-ish .

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