the look of venom


Aug 9, 2005
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how do you want venom to look like in the new movie
No symbol, but a lot like the licker on the resident evil movies .
No symbol pah!,

Venom should look just like Venom.
i really dont mind if he had the symbol or not id want it but if he doesnt thats not the most important thing id look out for.
The symbol is unrealistic, the symbiote is an alien not a costume.
Lord Siva said:
The symbol is unrealistic, the symbiote is an alien not a costume.
yeah your right the symbol probably shouldnt be there
The symbol should be there. This belongs in the sequels forum.
Tangled Web said:
The symbol should be there. This belongs in the sequels forum.

I think it shouldnt be a solid costume, it should be a sludge that drips:spidey:

venom is in spiderman 3 so it belongs in this forum
i think it should have a solid/wet texture. something like what we saw in spawn.

here's one: what about his mouth? CG? animatronic? none?
Is the fact that Venom is in 3 a spoiler? Should this be in the spolier forum?

Anyway. Yes the symbiote is an alien, but it's also a costume. It mimics clothing and works with the host to change it's appearence for what the host wants. I always wondered why when they origioanlly created the character they kept the symbol. I mean you would think with the hatred Brock and the symbiote both shared for spidey they would of changed it. But if you think about it there are few good explinations for this.

one the artist wanted to make him the anti spider-man. The ultimate anti-hero to spiderman. To keep that in the readers mind he needed to look like spidey with differences.

two it could be argued that because of the obsession Brock had for getting revenge on Spider-man that is why his mind kept the look when he got the symbiote.

third it makes for a good story telling element. A character tha tlooks like spider-man going around doing evil. The inital thought by the public is Spidey went bad.

fourth it could also be argued the symbiote liked the look of the symbol on itself.

And finally a character that is all black is not visually appealing in a comic or on the big screen.

I think we will get the symbol in the movie, because if Rami uses him, he'll want to do the anti-spider-man type story for him.
This is not the comic book people, most of the people that will watch this movie have never read a venom comic in there life .

"And finally a character that is all black is not visually appealing in a comic or on the big screen. "

They had no problem with the monster on alien now did they ?
Don't compare Venom to H.R. Giger's Alien design for Gods sake. The design for Alien was one of the most masterful concepts in sci-fi and cinema history. There will never be a design as widely accepted and original for an Alien creature as long as we're all alive. The craft and complexity that went into the design of the creature was far beyond that of a simple, uninspired, black, carbon copy of an already existing design. Venom would be a cool thing to see onscreen, but daveswb has a point in saying an all black character isn't very visually exciting. There going to need to find a compromise that doesn't involve a contrived spider symbol emblazoned across Venoms chest but at the same time keep the rest of the design elements intact. I wouldn't be at all dissapointed with an all Black Venom as long as he has the menacing white eyes and that long slobbery tongue. As long as he is visually an imposing advisary to Spider-man the spirit of the character is there. That's just me though.
i agree. though i would really hate for him to be complete cgi, what if they use the technique they did with lord of the rings for gollum, or the robots in I Robot where they let a man where a skin tight green costume and they animate the body later, at least the actors will be able to interact with one another properly.

ps. i'd also like him to have a wettish texture.
I say no symbol. If I really hate somebody I'm not gonna wear their symbol on my chest.
I say no symbol, and no tongue. I'd actually rather see the symbol than the tongue. That freakin' tongue is just, well, weird. If they do tongue, maybe it should evolve. I'd like to see a Venom that goes from plain, like a shadow, taking over Brock, to the big hulking thing of the McFarlane years. Maybe. Then we can have an imposing stature and some drool and fangs.
Bicranial said:
I say no symbol, and no tongue. I'd actually rather see the symbol than the tongue. That freakin' tongue is just, well, weird. If they do tongue, maybe it should evolve. I'd like to see a Venom that goes from plain, like a shadow, taking over Brock, to the big hulking thing of the McFarlane years. Maybe. Then we can have an imposing stature and some drool and fangs.

It's an alien for god's sake of coarse it's supposed to look weird!
I don't care how he looks as long as he has the tongue. He just has to do the tongue thing.
I say that Venom should start out with no symbol. But then maybe he'd defeat Spidey in a battle and claim to be the better of them. Thus he'd claim to be a better spider-man than spidey...So the symbol would appear. Then he'd just keep it the rest of the movie.

As for texture...Well it's a living suit. So it should look organic and look like it can move and stuff. In the comic he often has tendrils and stuff...So he has to look wet and slippery.

Venom has to look like Venom, or else it's not. If he has a texture like Spawn, and no spider...then why bother calling it Venom? Just call it Bob the builder and don't get our hopes up.

With Doc Ock, they kept the glasses/goggles...they kept the hair pretty similar...he looked like Doc Ock..Sandman in that picture looks like Sandman. So if Venom appears he should be Venom-tastic.

No ultimate Venom either. I've thought about it. I think they should keep with classic. Ultimate is sometimes disappointing.
Venom should look like the way he's always looked. That way, people cant argue that its not him or that sony/raimi got another thing wrong yet again.
I hope he looks like he did during the comics,a muscular being,built with graphics to be similar to the Hulk.
Lord Siva said:
It's an alien for god's sake of coarse it's supposed to look weird!

That's assuming Raimi uses the alien origin. And I don't mind weird, I just want believable. It doesn't have to make scientific sense, Raimi just has to make us believe it! And the tongue, ah, I don't really care. Let it whip out like a frog's and catch helicopters. Wicked.

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