The Me Too Movement: The Sexual Harassment and Assault Thread

The show had Robert Knepper, who always struck me as having "creepo" vibes whenever I see him in a movie or TV series.
Sometimes that's just a sign of good acting. I went to cons for over 30 years, met hundreds of celebs. A couple of the nicest friendliest ones were the ones who played creeps.
Didn’t Knepper get accused of like a ton of misconduct though? I don’t know if anything came up of it all.

"Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!" was to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017 but it was shelved at the height of the .MeToo movement when Spurlock came forward to detail his own history of sexual misconduct.

He confessed that he had been accused of rape while in college and had settled a sexual harassment case with a female assistant. He also admitted to cheating on numerous partners. "I am part of the problem," he wrote.

Vince McMahon Accuser Agrees to Delay Suit at Request of US Justice Department

Oh he is so done.
That has to end with him in Jail.
You love to see how the sling closes more and more around his neck.
Oh he is so done.
That has to end with him in Jail.
You love to see how the sling closes more and more around his neck.
I hope this ends with him in jail, but you never know. The rich have a habit of never really paying for their crimes. :(

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