In light of what happened, I'd like to explain myself and resolve this before this reaches page 41 and turns into a new thread, in case in 10 years my employer(s) can check my posts, not only on social media, but also on forums. Also as I've been requested to stop talking, I removed the post ID and the poster's username so this post won't pop up in said poster's inbox.
It's not wrong to think of children in a sexual setting. It is creepy, and it is certainly not normal, but it isn't wrong. People who actually molest children deserve to rot in jail. People who TALK about molesting children have to apologize at the very least. But people who THINK about molesting children don't deserve criticism for THINKING about molesting children. This isn't 1984 (yet), so we don't need the police knocking on people's door for THINKING of something. I've thought of things much worse than child molestation, things that if I actually did it I would be executed. But I didn't do it, I didn't even voice it out. And I don't think I deserve punishment for merely THINKING about it.
It's important to call out ACTUAL actions (and words) with consequences; criticizing people just for thinking of something is absurd, because not everyone can control their thought and feelings. And in my experience, the more not-absolutely-necessary criticism I aim at someone, the more I'm called "Feminazi", "SJW" (I don't even know why "SJW" is an insult but whatever), anti-white, etc.