The Official Superman Fan Art & Manips Thread - Part 4

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It really doesn't look like the Superman symbol the whole world knows and that is where the problem lies. If you took that S to the average person and asked them if they recognized it, they probably wouldn't. They might put two and two together because of the diamond shape and color but it's not immediately recognizable. I challenge someone to change the color of that to black and white and see if anyone knows what it is.
He should be so lucky to have pixar make a movie with him.

....but what makes you think the poster is pixar-esque anyway?
because it does, like the sequal to the Incredibles
because it does, like the sequal to the Incredibles
How so? The design? The incredibles logo was all round shapes and didn't look anything like that. Is it the glowing lines jumping out at you....cause the Dark Knight logo did that too.

If you took that S to the average person and asked them if they recognized it, they probably wouldn't. They might put two and two together because of the diamond shape and color but it's not immediately recognizable. I challenge someone to change the color of that to black and white and see if anyone knows what it is.



I bet you can show that to almost anyone off the street and the first thing they'll think of is Superman. I'll go even further. If you put an S of nearly any font into the center of a diamond pattern, the first thing almost everyone will think of is Superman.
Look, to you people that don't like the classic shield, I absolutely have to ask, WHAT kind of Superman fans are you? If you don't like it, there's something wrong with you, because that's the logo by which Superman is MOST recognized around the world.

If someone came and saw this poster, what would they say?

"Oh look, it's... Wait, what movie is that.... Oh, The Man of Steel.
Is that really what the new Superman logo's gonna look like?
I liked the old logo much better.."

And what if they saw THIS poster?

"OMG! IT'S the new Superman Movie! I can't wait!"

See the difference? They would know just by looking at it that it's a Superman movie, when it doesn't even say "The Man of Steel" on the bottom.

Look, whoever did that sharp design at the top did a good job, I admit it. It just doesn't yell "Superman" though. If we have a new logo, not everyone will be happy. However, with the classic logo, everyone's happy. And if there are people that are not happy with the classic, they are obviously not true Superman fans. Stick to the classic :super:. That's all I have to say.

- M&DC
Look, to you people that don't like the classic shield, I absolutely have to ask, WHAT kind of Superman fans are you?
A superman fan who wants the character dragged, kicking and screaming if necessary, into the modern age dammit. I don't like the classic symbol because it's outdated and downright cheesy looking today.
I am NOT, however, against the Superman returns Redesign. It's pretty close to the classic symbol, but it's also been sharpened up a bit here and there to where it can make almost everybody happy, both classic and new fans.

That said....the fan one is just so much pure awesome that I can't help but wish it was official.

marvelanddcfan said:
If someone came and saw this poster, what would they say?
"Oh look, it's... Wait, what movie is that.... Oh, The Man of Steel.
Is that really what the new Superman logo's gonna look like?
I liked the old logo much better.."

And what if they saw THIS poster?
"OMG! IT'S the new Superman Movie! I can't wait!"

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you spoke for everyone.

Look, whoever did that sharp design at the top did a good job, I admit it. It just doesn't yell "Superman" though. If we have a new logo, not everyone will be happy. However, with the classic logo, everyone's happy. And if there are people that are not happy with the classic, they are obviously not true Superman fans. Stick to the classic :super:. That's all I have to say.
.....sigh......I guess I better turn in all my movies, action figures, comics, and other superman memorabilia cause I'm not a "true" fan...whatever that even means.
I don't personally think that most people, that are open to a change, hate the Classic \S/. I think that it has had it's run over the last 7 decades, and it's time to update/move on to something that's still recognizable as Superman, but updated. I, for one, still love the Classic but I am also to the point that I feel that it's time to be updated. For me the symbol below/above is immediately recognized as Superman, but with a needed update for a new generation of fans. Just imagine if the roles were reversed. What if, for example, we all grew up on the \S/ above/below, and then a change was made to what we know now as the Classic? Would there be such an uprising over it? Would there still be screams of "If it isn't broke, don't fix it"? All I am saying is that the new generation of Superman fans deserve to have their own version of Superman, and if that means changing the Classic to something new, yet still recognizable as Superman, then I am all for it.
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I have a feeling that the people who want the \S/ and suit so radically redesigned are first and foremost Marvel fans.

Here's where I get that theory: Marvel has a long history of changing their characters' suits on a whim (i.e., stunts) and so to a Marvel fan, of course you think a suit isn't that important.

But in the DCU, costume changes are rare and while sometimes significant, they more often than not revert to the classic look. This is mostly the case with The Batman and, of course, Superman.

This does not need to be "updated:"


Simply use new, modern fabrics to make the suit, and you have a winner:


And people, even the "GA," WILL accept this.

The rest of you who don't like this can go create your own character with that crappy looking "S-shield." You won't have any problems with copyright because while a vague sense of an S-shape is there, IT'S SO CRAPPY IT WILL NOT BE CONFUSED WITH SUPERMAN.

Let me know when you release your character to the world so I can make sure to stick around and see if it lasts seventy-three years.
I have a feeling that the people who want the \S/ and suit so radically redesigned are first and foremost Marvel fans.

Here's where I get that theory: Marvel has a long history of changing their characters' suits on a whim (i.e., stunts) and so to a Marvel fan, of course you think a suit isn't that important.

But in the DCU, costume changes are rare and while sometimes significant, they more often than not revert to the classic look. This is mostly the case with The Batman and, of course, Superman.

This does not need to be "updated:"


Simply use new, modern fabrics to make the suit, and you have a winner:


And people, even the "GA," WILL accept this.

The rest of you who don't like this can go create your own character with that crappy looking "S-shield." You won't have any problems with copyright because while a vague sense of an S-shape is there, IT'S SO CRAPPY IT WILL NOT BE CONFUSED WITH SUPERMAN.

Let me know when you release your character to the world so I can make sure to stick around and see if it lasts seventy-three years.

:applaud :super:
Ok, I just showed that S to my co-workers individually, none of which read Superhero comics, and they all said it looked like the Superman symbol with no prompting whatsoever.

I have a feeling that the people who want the \S/ and suit so radically redesigned are first and foremost Marvel fans.

Nope. I pick up some trades of Spider-man and Deadpool here and there, and I occasionally dabble in some of the avengers characters, but I don't read Marvel as a regular thing.
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A superman fan who wants the character dragged, kicking and screaming if necessary, into the modern age dammit. I don't like the classic symbol because it's outdated and downright cheesy looking today.
Did you not read the part where I said they would recognize the logo without "Man of Steel" at the bottom IMMEDIATELY, as opposed to the fan made one, where they would look at it for a bit and take a guess that it was Superman.

And you're plainly just being a smartass and annoying now:
.....sigh......I guess I better turn in all my movies, action figures, comics, and other superman memorabilia cause I'm not a "true" fan...whatever that even means.
Did you not read the part where I said they would recognize the logo without "Man of Steel" at the bottom IMMEDIATELY, as opposed to the fan made one, where they would look at it for a bit and take a guess that it was Superman.
Would you classify .5 seconds as "a bit"? Because that's how long it took my co-workers to recognize it. If they recognize it that fast....what exactly is your point?!? It's the Superman Symbol. Anyone can tell almost instantly that's what it is. It's a non-issue.

marvelanddcfan said:
And you're plainly just being a smartass and annoying now:
Yup. Doesn't mean I'm not being honest.
It's the Superman Symbol.
It is NOT the Superman Symbol, no matter how much you want to believe it. THIS :super: is the Superman Symbol

Yup. Doesn't mean I'm not being honest.
Well, we're trying to have a logical and friendly discussion. Not bring sarcasm and smart-assery into this. If you can't be civil and friendly about, just stay out of it.
Hmmm..... War seems to be breaking out between the fundamentalists and extremists.

Exit stage Crowley *vanish*.
It is NOT the Superman Symbol, no matter how much you want to believe it. THIS :super: is the Superman Symbol
It's a new take. It's perfectly fine. Better than's awesome, and everyone can tell what it is.

Well, we're trying to have a logical and friendly discussion. Not bring sarcasm and smart-assery into this. If you can't be civil and friendly about, just stay out of it.
If you're going to accuse me of not being a "true" superman fan because I do not conform to your myopic view of what the character is supposed to be, and then write off my opinion as a result, I don't have much recourse except to point out how silly you're being.
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If you're going to accuse me of not being a "true" superman fan because I do not conform to your myopic view of what the character is supposed to be, and then write off my opinion as a result, I don't have much recourse expect to point out how silly you're being.

Fine. Let's rewind back for a minute here, and calm down. That's all I'm asking now. I'm not looking to start anymore arguments. Just straight up tell me exactly why you want this new shield? What is wrong with this? :super:
Give me your reason, and I'll give you mine.
This does not need to be "updated:"


THIS is Christopher Reeve. It's as simple as that.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Reeve films but seriously, as much as Gary Frank and Geoff Johns impressed me with Secret Origin all they did was provide a 2010 version of the Donnerverse.

I love the old suit, but I'd rather the film go with comic continuity and use the new suit just purely because the Donnerverse would more and more just envelope everything Superman is about in cinema and comics.
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Fine. Let's rewind back for a minute here, and calm down. That's all I'm asking now. I'm not looking to start anymore arguments. Just straight up tell me exactly why you want this new shield? What is wrong with this? :super:
Give me your reason, and I'll give you mine.

^I like it more than the classic shield. It has the design-sense of the Kingdom Come shield.....but does not have the problem of not really looking like an S ultimately. I dislike the classic because it's far too rounded and cartoony, while something like the Superman Returns shield has a more striking and sharp appearance, and is therefore more aesthetically pleasing to me. The fan S pushes that even further, so I enjoy it that much more.


I still think SuperMed's design is better as a whole pentagon:


That the username of the guy who made it? I need to PM him for permission on something....which I really hope he gives because I'm kind of locked into it now....LOL :D .
I have a feeling that the people who want the \S/ and suit so radically redesigned are first and foremost Marvel fans.

Here's where I get that theory: Marvel has a long history of changing their characters' suits on a whim (i.e., stunts) and so to a Marvel fan, of course you think a suit isn't that important.

But in the DCU, costume changes are rare and while sometimes significant, they more often than not revert to the classic look. This is mostly the case with The Batman and, of course, Superman.

This does not need to be "updated:"


Simply use new, modern fabrics to make the suit, and you have a winner:


And people, even the "GA," WILL accept this.

The rest of you who don't like this can go create your own character with that crappy looking "S-shield." You won't have any problems with copyright because while a vague sense of an S-shape is there, IT'S SO CRAPPY IT WILL NOT BE CONFUSED WITH SUPERMAN.

Let me know when you release your character to the world so I can make sure to stick around and see if it lasts seventy-three years.

This is fine by me.
That one is definitely well done. I think Apart from the obvious issues with the groin area and boots, it's pretty decent.
THIS is Christopher Reeve. It's as simple as that.

I posted that image because of the way the suit is drawn, NOT because of the Reeve likeness.

How about this, then? Proof that the suit needs only modern materials, not a "redesign"

I like it.

There's nothing wrong with the old suit, except for the fact that it's now been changed to a new suit in the comics. Let's follow continuity instead of not.
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