I was about to pick it up when i read this. They seriously did that? That is so disrespectful to the character and her fans throughout the years.
Yeah, they completely did. Last issue, 612, they had one of the Gods bluntly say that Diana couldn't have sufficient 'human' compassion and love being raised on Paradise Island. I mentioned this earlier and detailed how it was pretty a much a bum critique, especially considering Wonder Woman's
entire existence is kind of centered around the idea of love as a guiding force.
Whether or not Hester and/or JMS really sit down and meant that as a critique of the Wonder Woman concept is obviously something we don't know for sure, but that's exactly what's being presented to us since last issue. It's like I said before, it's basically like taking Superman and having a story in which he's taken away from his raising in Smallville because his moral code isn't up to snuff. It wasn't as blunt this latest issue, but the implication is still slopping around, I felt.
Can someone give me a rundown of the most recent WW arc? The solicits for her title come relaunch make it sound like they aren't going with a new origin or re-telling the same origin so I assume it is somewhat continuing from this run?
Long story short: Wonder Woman was defeated and essence taken by a God trio called The Morrigan, ran by Nemesis. Before that happened, one of the fates split Diana's thread so that it created an alternate universe where Paradise Island was destroyed, and Diana ushered off to live in hiding with a small group of Amazons who got off the ship. The story has basically been her trying to figure this out and Nemesis wanting to corrupt this part of Diana, or something, to completely have her essence. That's it in a nutshell.
But as far as it continuing in the relaunch, it's fairly doubtful. Hester, the current writer, said not too long ago that Odyssey wouldn't really fit into the post-
Flashpoint plans (though, to be fair, he also said they weren't really sure what their plans actually were at that point, either). It's possible that changed, but considering how, even under JMS, this story would have been 'fixed' and its lack of rousing success that DC surely hoped from it, I'm guessing we probably won't get a whole of direct continuation of this storyline come September.