"Gotta Catch 'Em All" The Pokémon RPG OOC Thread.

I hope to get my reply up as well as create some sort of a roster-like picture with the trainer cards or something.

However, I'm not sure if everyone has made one. So if you have not, would you mind if I went ahead and made one for you? Or would you prefer to make one yourself sometime soon?
Here are the Trainer Cards I've worked on thus far. Changes are obviously possible. Once the Trainer Cards are done, I was gonna find a way to put them all together for a Roster sort of picture.






And these are the ones some of you have already made yourselves:







I was not sure if you wanted me to edit them and such, but I will not mind doing so.
I thought Pokemon ceased to exist after 1999, wow
Cool love the trainer cards and got my net back to a stable reliability, so just need Jinn to post .
Did you guys want me to make anymore customized Trainer Cards? After I know what the "final" versions are, I can come up with some sort of a Roster picture.
Did you guys want me to make anymore customized Trainer Cards? After I know what the "final" versions are, I can come up with some sort of a Roster picture.
Like I said before: if you could make a Generation 4 sprite for Blue and Giovanni, then be my guest. I suppose the Generation 3 sprites I use for Blue and Giovanni's trainer sprites could just be maximized ...

They'll just look alittle blocky :S
Okay so...anything you wanted me to contribute with the end of your post? Since Officer Jenny is gonna be looking for a kid in a lab coat after all.

I had an idea, but wasn't 100% sure.
Okay so...anything you wanted me to contribute with the end of your post? Since Officer Jenny is gonna be looking for a kid in a lab coat after all.

I had an idea, but wasn't 100% sure.
I left it open for you to decide. I wouldn't want for Officer Jenny to interrupt your Articuno chase TOO much.

If you want to get caught up with the Pokemon Center affairs, then feel free. I think it can only make things more interesting :cwink:
Ok. I hope to have my reply today after work and before I head out. The other two days I was literally dead tired and just dropped on my bed. Didn't want the bother of writing a post intelligently and stuff. :oldrazz:

But I am enjoying the story so far and I hope you will like how my character gets tied up in yours.
I firstly want to apologize for the jump on my signature. I created it, thinking I'd get the chance to apply that day. I did not, ... obviously, I ended up going out with a few friends then all this week I've been swamped. So here it is, although I feel its rushed. I like to take my time on these anyway here it is.

Characters Application:

Your Name: MinNoir

Name of Character(are they from the comics, show, or games??): Eileen Montague

Brief Description of Character (history, personality, etc):
Originally from Azalea Town, Johto her family moved recently to Pallet Town, Kanto. Eileen has just turned sixteen, her mother was a Beauty girl and her dad was a Bug guy. They traveled to the Kanto region to seek out a peaceful retirement, with both parents well into their sixties, Eileen is set to conquer the Kanto region and collect as many Pokemon as she can. You could call her a Pokemonologist, she loves to study and raise pokemon, as soon as she was able; she frequented the day care center on Route 34 and visited the professor in New Bark Town.

She got her first Pokemon when she was just fourteen years old, after proving she could care and raise a Pokemon after a summer with the Day Care Lady. She was lucky enough to get a cyndaquil, that had recently hatched, she named him “Rusch.” Eileen wanted to seek out Professor Elm, once she contacted him about her first Pokemon. Rusch, however was a hatchling at level one, so Eileen held back her trip for a year, until he was a level ten and ready to venture out! With the blessings of her parents, and some custom made pokéballs from Kurt she headed out!

Along Route 33 she quickly caught a flying pokemon, a level ten Spearow she named, “Zinda.” Healing Zinda back with some potion her father had given her, Eileen felt more confident about the trip to New Bark Town. She caught and studied many other pokemon as she came through to New Bark Town. After spending a year with Professor Elm, her parents decided to move, but before she moved Professor Elm gave her a Totodile, she named “Arthur.”

Once in Pallet Town, she set off and has been exploring the Kanto region ever since!

Font (be specific.): Here is my font.

Class (Gym Leader, Camper, PokéManiac, etc):
Pokemon Trainer

Where is your characters location at the moment?:
Viridian Forest

Starter Pokemon(chose three):




If you have more in storage what are they (Max three to start):


Why have you chosen this character?:
I wanted to have a trainer who likes to stay in towns for a while doesn't actually get badges, she does when she has to, or when challeged. She's someone who likes to spend time with her pokemon so her battling is to save money to buy her own land and house to raise all the pokemon she catches and so that they can roam without being cramped up in a ball or a storage box.

Please provide a small sample post:

When we last left Eileen, she had just come through the Viridian Forest! Here she found herself locked in battle with Bug Catcher Charles! ...

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]GO Rusch!” She shouted as she tossed the pokeball in front of her, the level twelve cyndaquil came forth from his small home.[/FONT]

She stood yards across her opponent, “EMBER ATTACK!” She shouted, as cyndaquil leaped forward turning his back to the caterpie in front of him, unleashing embers if fire upon the small worm.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Within moments the caterpie was on its back eyes in a daze, from being K.O'd. [/FONT] “[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]NO!” Charles yelled, “caterpie come back! GO WEEDLE!”[/FONT]

“Rusch, c'mon its Zinda's turn!” Exclaimed the young girl from Johto, the cyndaquil obeyed returning to his pokeball, as a fiesty Spearow, level eleven emerged from her pokeball, a custom made ball just for birds thanks to Kurt.

“Spearow!” [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Shouted the bird, who faced a now terrified weedle.

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Weedle poison sting attack!” Bug Catcher Charles shouted, hoping this would do some damage to the bird, it hit and poisoned poor Zinda!.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Eileen quickly searched her pouch for antidote, as she ordered,[/FONT] “Zinda, use your peck attack!”

“SPEAROW!” The wounded bird shouted in rage, as she ran full force toward the worm who began to run away. But it could only go away so fast, Zinda came fast with her beak hitting the worm over the head.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The worm turned and fell on his back, “... wee...dle...”[/FONT]

“Zinda, c'mere I have your antidote.” [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Finally, she thought, as the bird waddled over as Charles looked for other pokemon, if he had any. [/FONT]

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Shoot, out of pokemon, you win.” Charles stated, “if I had more...”[/FONT]

“It's okay, you did a good job,”[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] she said with a smile, all though she was pretty sure having level twelve, and elevens pokemon had something to do with it too. Zinda came back to her pokeball, after some antidote and potion. [/FONT]

After receiving her prize money, Eileen traveled onward, the Forest was peaceful filled with wild pokemon, she walked for another thirty minutes turning at a few bushes, and found a tree and some grass. Grumble, grumble grumble. Her stomach roared, looking around to see if anyone was there she set her bag down, “alright guys you can come out.”

Rusch, Zinda and Arthur emerged from their pokeballs, finding their trainer had opened her khaki bag and was throwing out a blanket from home on the grass, she smiled at them as she sat down, “time to have snacks,” she told them smiling, as she poured out their favorite snacks.

“Toto, totodile,” Arthur ran to her giving her a hug, “totodile!”

“Awww, Arthur, I guess that means you want your sushi first,” she stated, that little gator just loved his fish, Zinda wasn't much for fish but she loved peaches and pears, Rusch ate whatever he was given.

As the trainer and her pocket monsters began to eat, they heard rustling in the grass around them, “cyndaquil...?” Rusch who was plopped firmly on his bum looked around his fire growing higher.

Do you know how to pictures on Hype?:


p.s. it is a sample post XD so i don't plan on slapping her there when I meet up with her again in story.
Man Viridian Forest sure is popular :wow:

I know I'm not a GM, but I can already tell that you need to use your character's font for when she's speaking.

Also wanted you to know that thats a lot of Pokemon in storage. I think as long as you only use six Pokemon you should be fine (Blue has six others in his storage but doesn't use them). Then again, I'm not a GM, so you'll have to wait and see what JinnSato or someone else says about this.
Just so you know, MinNoir, we aren't going by levels. And your Pokémon can do any move they are able to learn, not including TMs and HMs though.
Oh I know, about the font and the speaking part. I was in a rush this morning, I was running late for work, will fix that. Oh? Well, it wouldn't hurt if I did use them would it? I really want to stick to that, and the four moves, any thing more is hard for me to do I mean yes I can easily write it no doubt, just something I'm not use to. :D
You know what I find surprising? There have actually been a lot of characters applied for in this RPG:

Brock - Mr. Marko
Tube - Mr. Marko
Kyran Burrows - Climperoonie
Giovanni - NamesAreUseless
Elliot - ScarletVenom25
Lt. Surge - NowufaceDoom
Vincent Rivers - trustyside-kick
Red - Eddie Brock Jr.
Koga - SuperFerret
Draco - simonz43
Jinn - JinnSato
Jared Arms - Climperoonie
Blue - NamesAreUseless
Lawson - Scarab
Lupe - kang604
Black - Lord Doom
Tyson - Blacklight
Sean - Carnage27
Shane Stevens - Eddie Brock Jr.
Misty - Lord Doom

Where are all the IC posts for those characters then? :cwink:

This RPG should be thriving with how many characters that have been applied for, but it is only being pushed by few of us. :csad:
Sorry I haven't been posting. I've been really busy lately, but I'll definitely be free to go nuts in a few weeks.
You know what I find surprising? There have actually been a lot of characters applied for in this RPG:

Brock - Mr. Marko
Tube - Mr. Marko
Kyran Burrows - Climperoonie
Giovanni - NamesAreUseless
Elliot - ScarletVenom25
Lt. Surge - NowufaceDoom
Vincent Rivers - trustyside-kick

Red - Eddie Brock Jr.
Koga - SuperFerret
Draco - simonz43
Jinn - JinnSato
Jared Arms - Climperoonie
Blue - NamesAreUseless
Lawson - Scarab

Lupe - kang604
Black - Lord Doom
Tyson - Blacklight
Sean - Carnage27
Shane Stevens - Eddie Brock Jr.
Misty - Lord Doom

Where are all the IC posts for those characters then? :cwink:

This RPG should be thriving with how many characters that have been applied for, but it is only being pushed by few of us. :csad:
And only about 2/3 of those characters (bolded) aren't characters that haven't officially been dropped. Heck, some of those bolded members (SuperFerret) haven't been in the OOC in months.

A few of those characters also have it hard for the fact that all the RPG action is taking place on Cinnabar Island Viridian City, and Viridian Forest. Some started out in areas with no other PC characters.

I do agree for some of those characters though, but I've been seeing a recent lack of activity in most of the RPGs in this forum (Pokemon RPG is doing fairly well compared to some of the others). I know that Finals week for me officially starts next week, so I'm sure others are pretty busy as well.
Alright I'm tired of waiting for Jinn to post to finish that scene. Is it cool with everyone if I build a second char to help keep this thing going and is Jinn and Lawson ever finish that battle I can just play both of them.
With the other 2 AGMs gone AWOL...and Jinn starting to get there? I think it would be appropriate to appoint someone as Temporary-AGM or something, so that new applications can receive approval.

I do not think it would stir too much trouble either, because that was what we did over in CAH.

Also, 2 characters are allowed so I think you should be fine with applying for a second to help move things along. That just runs into the problem I address above about needing someone to approve applications. MinNoir for example is waiting on an approval.
I see. Well to appoint a new AGM do we just want to nominate someone and see if they want to do it. Or just see who is interested in it? Still relatively new to the rp's on the boards here so not sure how this is supposed to work when this happens.
CAH is the only RPG I recall has done this before. All we did was throw in nominations for the new Temporary-AGM (Although EBJ eventually became a Full-time-AGM when the RPG's GM returned).

Since Jinn made the thread on his account, the roster will be a small problem. I suppose we can resort to what the Ultimate Marvel RPG did last Season when their GM went AWOL and could not edit the first post because they too made it on their account rather a shared account. What they did was simply post on the latest page the roster every-time it was updated.

I nominate NamesAreUseless if he will accept it as Temporary-AGM. That's my vote.
CAH is the only RPG I recall has done this before. All we did was throw in nominations for the new Temporary-AGM (Although EBJ eventually became a Full-time-AGM when the RPG's GM returned).

Since Jinn made the thread on his account, the roster will be a small problem. I suppose we can resort to what the Ultimate Marvel RPG did last Season when their GM went AWOL and could not edit the first post because they too made it on their account rather a shared account. What they did was simply post on the latest page the roster every-time it was updated.

I nominate NamesAreUseless if he will accept it as Temporary-AGM. That's my vote.
Hey thanks for the AGM nomination, I would be glad to take the position! :woot:

Oh and Scarab, I would suggest you pick a named character like Red or Brock. Picking Brock will definitely get you involved with the Black plot thats going on, and Red will have a large part to play with Giovanni and Team Rocket alittle down the road :cwink:

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