"Gotta Catch 'Em All" The Pokémon RPG IC Thread.

"Jinn." He says as he kneels down to the Houndour. "Wow. I never thought I would see a Houndour out here."

He looks towards Lawson and says, "I take it you're a trainer?"

Actually I'm a Ranger. Just got out of school and heading home for a bit. Kinda surprised you know what a houndour is. As I chuckle slightly. I take it you've been to Johto Region.

Shadow watches Jinn as he kneels he's moves towards him. Houn....dour dour..... As he sits in front of him.

He seems to like you well enough Jinn. I'm not supposed to strictly speaking but if you're interested I wouldn't mind a battle.
Actually I'm a Ranger. Just got out of school and heading home for a bit. Kinda surprised you know what a houndour is. As I chuckle slightly. I take it you've been to Johto Region.

Shadow watches Jinn as he kneels he's moves towards him. Houn....dour dour..... As he sits in front of him.

He seems to like you well enough Jinn. I'm not supposed to strictly speaking but if you're interested I wouldn't mind a battle.

"Have I been to Johto? Ha! I was born, raised, and began my career as a trainer there. In fact."

He opens the side of his jacket revealing all eight badges of the Johto League. "And a battle sounds great... But I'm actually kinda lost. I was on my way to Pallet Town so before we begin you mind pointing me in the right direction?"
"Have I been to Johto? Ha! I was born, raised, and began my career as a trainer there. In fact."

He opens the side of his jacket revealing all eight badges of the Johto League. "And a battle sounds great... But I'm actually kinda lost. I was on my way to Pallet Town so before we begin you mind pointing me in the right direction?"

I look at the badges and nod letting out a small whistle. I can see that well I might be a little outclassed here, but I'll do my best. I back from him some as houndour automatically comes to me looking more then ready a small glint in his eye as he turns towards Jinn.

Palet Town is simple just head south into Viridian City and south into Pallet. I can take you there I was on my way to Viridian City myself, if you wouldn't mind a couple days of travel company.

After a few weeks of inactivity, I begin to question the Professor's theory about this egg. He said that if I carried it around, it would speed up the hatching process. But so far there has been nothing - not even a slight shake. The egg has been as motionless as a rock, and half the time I forget that it's even there.

I'm outside having a catch when I see a Youngster approaching me. I glance at him briefly and see that he has a lone PokéBall on his belt. He's a new trainer, but I think nothing of it. Instead, I continue to toss the baseball effortlessly to the sky before catching it again. Finally, the Youngster comes to a stop next to me. I can't ignore him anymore.

"You're Red, aren't you?" he asks eagerly. I spin the baseball in my hand while smirking. Can this be a fan?

I puff out my chest slightly before replying, "Yes, that's me."

I catch him glimpsing at the badges pinned beneath my vest. I puff out my chest a little more to give him a better view. Finally, after a moment of silence, he states boldly, "I bet that I can beat you!"

My shoulders slump back down. He's not a fan - he's another challenger. Whatever...I haven't had a battle in some time. I bet that Charizard, Ivysaur, and Squirtle are itching for a good fight.

"Go Oddish!" the Youngster announces as he tosses his lone PokéBall.


Oddish, huh? I smile to myself as I spin my baseball cap around. This is going to be too easy. "Charizard, I choose you!"

My PokéBall erupts into a massive Fire-Type Pokémon.


"Charizard, use Flamethrower!" I command. My trusty Pokémon obliges by breathing a blast of fire at the challenging Pokémon.

Oddish's weakness to fire is easily exploited, and the attack is super-effective. Oddish faints while being burned. "No!" the Youngster cries out as he watches his ally fall. "How could this happen?!"

I kneel down next to the Youngster as Oddish returns to his PokéBall. "You have to learn about type differences if you want to go anywhere," I instruct. "If I had used my Squirtle, you would have won that battle. It's all a matter of knowing where the strengths of your Pokémon lie."

The Youngster merely frowns at his PokéBall. I reach into my backpack and retrieve a Max Revive. I hand it to the novice trainer.

"Use that on your Oddish, and he'll be as good as new," I explain with a smile. The Youngster smiles back feebly before running off. I stand back up and put my hands on my hips. Was I so different when I was as inexperienced?
"Did you have to crush him like that?"Daisy asks with a laugh. I instantly blush as I realize that she was standing there, but I try to play it off.

"Sometimes it's the only way to learn," I admit.

Daisy winks. "And you're sure it wasn't just a part of you that wanted to win?"

I shrug before smiling back. "Maybe...a little bit."
I look at the badges and nod letting out a small whistle. I can see that well I might be a little outclassed here, but I'll do my best. I back from him some as houndour automatically comes to me looking more then ready a small glint in his eye as he turns towards Jinn.

Palet Town is simple just head south into Viridian City and south into Pallet. I can take you there I was on my way to Viridian City myself, if you wouldn't mind a couple days of travel company.

"Sounds good to me. Now lets do this!"

Jinn Jumped back so to give there Pokemon room. As he went for one of his balls strategies began to develop in his head. He knew Thplosion wouldn't last long. He was tired, but it was all he had.
"Show 'em what ya got Ty!!"

The sun began to rise over the white beaches of Cinnabar. Underneath the boardwalk lied a knock out prison escapee. The storm the night before was a terrible one, as pieces of boards were strewn across the coastal sands. Three cloaked figures spotted the inanimate corpse and ran over towards it.

“Boss man, wake up!” advised one the cloaked men, shaking the body.

Giovanni began to awake from his stupor. “Damn … my leg …” He tried to pick himself up, only to fall back down on the ground.

“Come on, let’s get him up.”

The hooded forms picked him upwards, two of them carrying him by his arms. The female among the three looked down at his pants. "Check out near his right hip! There's blood bleeding through!"

“It’s probably a gun wound from last night. We sure as hell can't take him to the hospital though!"

“Anyone got a potion?"

“A potion on a HUMAN wound!?"

“Hey, I read it in a mag' once! Y'all got any bright ideas?"

"It’s worth a shot." The woman took out a Super Potion from her pouch
"So which of you guys is pulling down his pants?"

The two male Rockets stood their, stunned in silence for a few seconds. “Hell no! I don't roll that way!" [FONT=&quot]“[/FONT]Ugh ...[FONT=&quot]"[/FONT]

'Incompetent lackeys.'
The Team leader grabbed the Super Potion from the female Rocket. “Do I need to do everything!?” He unzipped his pants and saw the large bullet wound. He began to spray it, and screamed from the burning sensation it gave. Oh it was painful!

“Ssssh! Quiet down Boss Man.”

Giovanni, with as much strength as possible, punched the grunt in the stomach. “Don’t you dare tell me what to do again.” The burning was beginning to settle, but he could still feel the pain. He wouldn’t dare scream again.

The sound of a dune buggy could be heard far down the empty beach. “Sounds like a patrol.”

“Hide, quick!” The three picked up their leader, ducking behind a large crate far beneath the pier. The sound of the approaching ATV got louder, and from the sides they could see a lifeguard driving it. He drove beneath the pier and didn’t notice the criminals.

“That was close.”

“Too close ...”

Giovanni could feel the healing effects of the potion come into play, and began to bend his leg. He stammered upwards, trying to practice walking with his right leg.

“Told ya it’d work!”

“Wait until the after effects before we judge.” The Rocket pulled out a spare cloak from his bag and handed it to the crime master. “Take this sir.” He took it with reluctance.

“Now we just need to catch a ship outta here ...”

“No, we’re not leaving yet. I have ‘work’ that needs done here first.” He had it all planned out, and began to think of the first place they'd be heading off to on the island. 'It's been years since I've last been there. Hopefully it's in the same shape since all those years ago.'
Daisy invites me back to her house, and I oblige.

"I could use the rest," I explain as I plop down on her couch.

She places her hands on her hips. "Oh really? And what, exactly, have you been doing that has you so exhausted?" she inquires while smiling and arching an eyebrow.

"Nothing really," I admit, "But I'm making up for lost time. When I was off getting badges, I hardly had time to catch my breath - between training and stopping those Team Rocket losers."

Daisy rolls her eyes before laughing. "Oh, here we go. Mr. Sixteen Badges is going to brag about his many achievements," she jokes.

I shake my head as I stare at the ceiling. "I'm not bragging," I swear truthfully. I can see how it comes across as that, but I honestly am not.

Daisy walks over and pushes my legs aside to make room on the couch. "It's okay - you have room to brag."

I look at her and smile weakly.

"Yeah...I kind of miss it, though," I admit. I sit up straight and look at Daisy. "As nice as it is being home, that battle today just reminded me of what I really love doing."

"Well, you're good at it," Daisy concedes. She then looks down at her feet. "But it might be a little selfish to say that I don't want to you to go running off again."

I tilt my head slightly.

"I like having you around, and I missed you when you were off becoming a Pokémon Master," she continues.

"Really?" I ask disbelievingly. She nods her head. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you have a crush on me," I joke.

Daisy shrugs while turning a faint shade of red.

"Woah...do you?"

Daisy looks me in the eyes. No more words are necessary.

But that doesn't stop me.

"Seriously? Woah..."

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. It's very different being on the other side. Though part of me is screaming that this is my chance, the other side is way too timid to do anything.

"Ok, I should probably get home," I blurt out. I instantly regret that this was my choice for a response. "You know how my Mom can get."

Daisy nods disappointedly. I get up awkwardly and walk out of Daisy and Blue's house.

Real smooth, Mr. Sixteen Badges.
"Sounds good to me. Now lets do this!"

Jinn Jumped back so to give there Pokemon room. As he went for one of his balls strategies began to develop in his head. He knew Thplosion wouldn't last long. He was tired, but it was all he had.
"Show 'em what ya got Ty!!"

I take a step back as i slide the jacket from my shoulders. A flick of my wrist sends it to land on a rock a few feet away. I roll my neck as the 2 pokeballs glint in the sunlight on my belt. Other pouches rest on my belt with various other supplies and goods. I step back another step as Houndour steps in front of me. His eyes set on the Typhlosion as his claws dig into the ground getting some extra traction.

Alright Shadow it's our first battle outside of class lets see what we got.

Houndour....... He watches the Typhlosion closely simply awaiting my word for him to go.

Let's GO!!!!! Houndour tackle attack now.

Houndour rushes forward dirt, twigs and leaves flying out from underneath his feet. He was faster then most Houndours leaner and quicker but hit just as hard any other. Typholsion seemed tired and not as fast as would normally be expected as Houndour slammed into them.
OOC: Previously...

Vincent Rivers - Pokémon Aide Extraordinaire

"Vincent, Articuno is a myth. There is no scientific proof that such a Pok
émon exists. Where is such a hypothesis even coming from, Vince? You're smarter than that."

"Professor Campbell, believe me...this is more than just childhood memories of people talking about Articuno, and that one article on the island paper where this man even claimed to take a picture of it. All the clues are there, and what other Pok
émon could do such a thing? It is apparent whatever Pokémon it is? Is an Ice-Type. Add the fact of just how fast it has to travel to come up with the readings and data we have compiled?...it has to be; just has to."

Professor Campbell shakes his head. Every bit of knowledge and theory tells him there is no way Vincent can be onto something. But his gut and his heart contradict him. Vincent has proven to be such a prodigy in this line of work. Could he be correct?

"Fine. I'll tell you what. We'll check out a few of the sightings our readings have picked up, and we will investigate. We will collect data, compare diagnosis of the situation of how everything occurred before we go off with some theory of a Legendary Bird Pok
émon playing tricks for fun and games. Okay?"

"Yea. I understand. But perhaps it would be best if we split up. Maybe we can even fool Seth into helping. Shouldn't be too hard. That way, we can move around more of the map and playing area, and gather more evidence. If it isn't Articuno, then whatever is causing these anamolies to occur at sea, is something we need to figure out right away."

Professor Campbell nods in compliance, and the two start to walk away from the shore, and back into one of the Professor Campbell's laboratories to prepare. As Vincent and Professor Campbell start to grab all the equipment they will need as they part ways, something comes to Professor Campbell's mind.

"I don't mean to put any high hopes...or give into your...theory, about Articuno. But it would be most wise if we are prepared should we encounter the Legendary Bird Pokémon. I think both parties can agree, yes?"

"Yea...what are you getting at?"

Professor Campbell reaches into his bag, digging through a few Pokéballs searching to find the correct one. He smiles as he finds what he is looking for, and pulls the Pokéball out of his bag, handing it over to Vince.

"Torkoal is a Fire-Type Pokémon. He may not be able to go toe-to-toe with a Pokémon as powerful as I'd presume Articuno is...but at least his ember attack will be able to give you a chance to run should things get too chilly."

"I thought I wasn't going to receive Torkoal for another--"

"Yea, I know. So take it as a compliment with this whole Articuno suspicion. While all of my logic goes against such an idea...I've seen a lot of things in this field I never thought made sense. Things that could not be proven with an equation or stream of data...I just hope your theory is proven wrong."

Pokemon: Black

Dr. Cobalt cautiously opened the door to his small apartment in Viridian City. He peared outside to see the face of his old colleague, Dr. Black. Openeing the door just wide enough for his old friend to enter, he motioned for the black-clothed scientist to come in.

"I must admit," Cobalt replied nervously.

"When I first contacted you, I was a little worried that it might not be the real you... I was worried that it would be one of Giovanni's thugs come to take me away. You have no idea what the Mewtwo project did to me... The nightmares..." Cobalt trailed off.

"I really don't care," Black replied indignantly.

"I only came to see the footage you promised me. Nothing more."

Cobalt chuckled.

"Of course, of course."

He walked over to a TV screen and pushed a button on a VCR. The image of Mewtwo, flying off into the distance, was displayed across the screen.

"This is all I was able to get my hands on. And I was lucky I could get THAT much."

Something had caught Black's eye and he motioned for Cobalt to rewind the tape.

"THERE!" he shouted and Cobalt paused the tape. The blurry image revealed three figures standing to the eastern side of the building Mewtwo had flown out of. Black pointed at the figures.

"Who the hell is that?"

Cobalt shrugged.

"Just some kids. Probablly trainers trying to get a badge."

But Black knew better. There was more to this than met the eye. He wanted names... Addresses... He wanted to find these "kids" and learn what they knew... One way or another.
Vincent Rivers - Pokémon Aide Extraordinaire

Vincent walks across the island, at the local island Pokémon training Gym where is brother Seth is bound to be found. His brother and father opened it up their grandfather passed away. It is practically the local hot spot. So when Vincent pushes open the two large doors, the crowd inside doesn't surprise him.

Kids of all ages, each with the same dream in mind: becoming a Pokémon master. Was a phase Vincent went through too, until he found his passion in the scientific studies of Pokémon. And now? As he looks back at how his life went? Yea, part of him wishes he took the path his brother went. He runs the local Gym, and everyone loves him for what he does for the kids. But the other part of him snaps him back to reality. He's possibly tracked down Articuno! What could be better than that?

With that in mind, he remembers why he stopped by in the first place. He walks down the center of the Gym, where is brother Seth remains at the end of the Gym, helping twin boys.

"Woah woah woah, Billy. If you and Max want to be the first dual fighting Pokémon Masters and open your own Gym some day? You gotta work together."

"But I'm older. Max should be listening to me!"

"Only by a few minutes."

Vincent chuckles as he walks up to the pair of kids and kneels down beside Max.

"Big brothers are a drag, huh? But, you can try your whole life trying to convince them that you know what you're doing? You'll be getting no where. In their eyes you'll always be there little bro..."

Vincent gets up, and crosses his arms at Seth smirking.

"Unless you come to them with an offer they cannot refuse."

Seth raises his eyebrow in confusion, and tells the two boys to go practice their battling techniques some more. He then too crosses his arms at Vincent who continues to look at him with a smirk across his face.

"What you getting at, little bro?"

"Professor Campbell and I were running a few tests and--"

Immediately Seth uncrosses his arms, and throws them up in the air as he scoffs, walking away from Vincent.

"I don't want to hear about your little science experiments, Vinny. Somebody here has the family name and reputation to hold up on the island."

"Even if it involves Articuno?"

Seth freezes, and turns around. His eyes go wide and his mouth practically drops at the mention of the Legendary Bird Pokémon's name.

"...you for real?"

Pokemon: BLACK

Black looked through the list of names his old colleague, Dr. Cobalt, had given him. The names "Ash", "Brock", and "Misty" were underlined.

"These are them?" Black asked without looking up from the list.

"Yes. Ash is the one in the hat, Misty's the girl, and Brock's the spiky-headed one."

Black nodded with satisfaction.

"Out of sheer curiousity," Cobalt asked, leaning against a nearby bookstand.

"Why are you so intent on finding Mewtwo? I mean, the project failed. Cinnibar Island'll tell you that."

Black shook his head.

"I don't think so... You see, I think the project was a success."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I volunteered for the Mewtwo project simply because I wanted to create the ultimate pokemon. A pokemon who didn't need a master. A pokemon who could think like a human. Which is why I infused my OWN DNA into Mewtwo."

Cobalt stared in shock.

"Wha... What?"

Black nodded and stood up.

"And now, my old friend, you have outlived your usefullness to me..."

Cobalt gasped and booked for the door...
Only to be countered by a tall, red, white, and yellow figure.

"Blaziken..." it remarked. It placed its hands on either side of Cobalt's face and the scientist's head burst into flames. The now-burning corpse fell to the ground.

"Let's go," Black replied as he put on his baseball cap and sun-glasses, used to conceal his identity, and exited the building with his Blaziken.
I take a step back as i slide the jacket from my shoulders. A flick of my wrist sends it to land on a rock a few feet away. I roll my neck as the 2 pokeballs glint in the sunlight on my belt. Other pouches rest on my belt with various other supplies and goods. I step back another step as Houndour steps in front of me. His eyes set on the Typhlosion as his claws dig into the ground getting some extra traction.

Alright Shadow it's our first battle outside of class lets see what we got.

Houndour....... He watches the Typhlosion closely simply awaiting my word for him to go.

Let's GO!!!!! Houndour tackle attack now.

Houndour rushes forward dirt, twigs and leaves flying out from underneath his feet. He was faster then most Houndours leaner and quicker but hit just as hard any other. Typholsion seemed tired and not as fast as would normally be expected as Houndour slammed into them.

Houndour slams into Ty with great force. Despite Typholsion's fatigue he's able to handle Houndour's attack. "Good Ty! Now grab 'em!"

Typholsion wraps his arms around his opponent; Houndour pushes on trying to inflict some damage, but it is unable to move. "FLAMETHROWER!!" Instantly a large, continued burst of flame shoots out of his mouth. It sends the dog-like Pokémon flying into the tree.

It may be strong but Houndour is a fire type too. So the only real damage was the tree.

The Pallet trainer walked up a large mound, and found himself looking over Viridian City. ‘Finally made it. I better head for my Gym.’He continued down the hill, the buildings getting larger and larger the closer he approached it. A sign near the entrance read:

Viridian City
The Eternally Green Paradise

‘Paradise. What a joke.’

* * * * * *

As he walked through the city streets, he found a few people glaring at him. It seemed some of them weren’t too happy to see their “official” Gym Leader back. There was one man in general that irked the trainer.

[FONT=&quot]“What are you looking at!?” [/FONT]he asked boldly. The man walked away with a newspaper in his face. Others began to look to see what all the commotion was about. “What’s your problem!?” he asked the people. The crowd began to back away from him.

Just then, he heard sirens coming down the street. One of the police cars contained speakers, which began to ring out to the people. “Attention, citizens of Viridian City! There’s been a murder in the streets! Look out for a man with a violent Blaziken!”

‘Blaziken?’ he’d heard of the Pokémon before, but he couldn’t remember where. From his pocket, he opened up his Pokédex and tried looking up the name. Nothing. ‘Could it be … could it be them?’ Blue wasn’t exactly the type to be chasing down criminals (considering he had made a deal with Team Rocket in the past), but if it was who he thought it was ...

‘I gotta find him!’ He whistled out for a cab. One quickly drove up to the illustrious trainer.

“Where to … wait, aren’t you the guy that ditched our city’s Gym?”

Blue was getting really tired of hearing it. “Look, no time! Just follow those cop cars!”

“I don’t think you’d want to go to wh-”


The driver hit the gas pedal, and the taxi went speeding off. The car would have a hard time keeping up with the police.

‘I know I remember hearing about a Blaziken ... not that it’ll help anyways.’ Blue figured it wasn’t much use, considering that the trainer probably called his Pokémon back into its ball.

Looking out his window into an alley, it seemed lady luck may have been on the young boy’s side. He saw a man in sunglasses and a baseball hat, with a large firey-looking chicken at his side. [FONT=&quot]‘Isn’t that ...?’ [/FONT]Suddenly it was coming back to him. He remember hearing, and seeing, a few Hoenn Pokémon, and this was one of them. He looked over at the door handle and opened the car door.

“What the hell are you doing kid!?”

“I’m getting out, what’s it look like?” He put his arms against his chest and rolled out of the vehicle. The lethal asphalt and cement tore up his sleeveless arms, bruises and scrapes lining about. ‘**** it hurts!’ The experienced trainer picked himself up as best he could. There was little time left, or he could loose the killer!

* * * * * *

He sprinted to the alley he had seen, with the man still there. He grabbed out his grandfather’s Pokédex and pointed it at the unknown Fire type from the corner. The dex reported with the following information:


‘A Fire/Fighting type, and it’s the final of the Torchic evolution line!’ He looked down at his belt, with three Pokéballs at his side. ‘Larvitar would be okay ... but he’s just too weak to handle a Pokémon like that.’ He breathed in, and was ready to make his move.

“Freeze right there, punk! You’ve been tracked down by Viridian City’s Gym Leader and former League Champion.” Blue took out one of his Pokéballs from his belt and pointed it at the scientist. “Surrender now and I won’t have to humiliate you.”
Pokemon: Black

Black looked up from beneath his cap and glimpsed the young man addressing him. He sighed a bit.

"I don't know who the hell you are, kid, but if you want a battle, find someone else. I'm not interested."
Pokemon: Black

Black looked up from beneath his cap and glimpsed the young man addressing him. He sighed a bit.

"I don't know who the hell you are, kid, but if you want a battle, find someone else. I'm not interested."

"I wasn't giving you a choice, Rocket Grunt." Blue swung his arm back and threw his Pokéball towards the opponent's Blaziken. "Go Jolteon!"

"Jjjjolt!" The Electric-type said as it sprang forward.

"How about a nice JOLT of electricity to wake you up. Jolteon, Thunderbolt!"

"JOOOOOOLT!" The Lightning Pomon conducted electricity from its quills and shot forth a large bolt towards the Blaziken.

"Your chicken's fried!"
Houndour slams into Ty with great force. Despite Typholsion's fatigue he's able to handle Houndour's attack. "Good Ty! Now grab 'em!"

Typholsion wraps his arms around his opponent; Houndour pushes on trying to inflict some damage, but it is unable to move. "FLAMETHROWER!!" Instantly a large, continued burst of flame shoots out of his mouth. It sends the dog-like Pokémon flying into the tree.

It may be strong but Houndour is a fire type too. So the only real damage was the tree.

Houndour flips in mid air as he strikes the tree the damage easily taken in stride as he rols to his feet and the tree bursts into flames around him. His teeth barred as he snarls. Dou dour.....

Good hit Shadow, now lets do it again give him a crunch attack NOW!!!

As I shift my stance watching closer to the burning tree then most would choose to be. The sweat beading on my forehead and dripping along my jaw as I stand there.

Houndour rushed forward dipping through some scrub as he came out to Typhlosions left his jaws closing onto it's chest. The sheer force taking them both to the ground as he bit down a crack being heard as his attack found full purchase. He was still relatively young but his opponent was tired and it was obvious if he wasn't this battle would have been very different.

"I wasn't giving you a choice, Rocket Grunt." Blue swung his arm back and threw his Pokéball towards the opponent's Blaziken. "Go Jolteon!"

"Jjjjolt!" The Electric-type said as it sprang forward.

"How about a nice JOLT of electricity to wake you up. Jolteon, Thunderbolt!"

"JOOOOOOLT!" The Lightning Pomon conducted electricity from its quills and shot forth a large bolt towards the Blaziken.

"Your chicken's fried!"
The bolt hit Blaziken square in the chest, sending the pokemon into a nearby wall. Black sneered at his pokemon.

"I can't believe you were caught off gaurd like that. You're worthless."

He tossed a master-ball and a black and yellow creature emerged from the device in a beam of red light.

"Umbreon," Black replied to his pokemon.


Black noticed his opponent's Jolteon tense in anticipation of the attack. Clearly this boy had trained his pokemon well.

It was a shame Umbreon's attack was directed towards the boy, not the pokemon.
The bolt hit Blaziken square in the chest, sending the pokemon into a nearby wall. Black sneered at his pokemon.

"I can't believe you were caught off gaurd like that. You're worthless."

He tossed a master-ball and a black and yellow creature emerged from the device in a beam of red light.

"Umbreon," Black replied to his pokemon.


Black noticed his opponent's Jolteon tense in anticipation of the attack. Clearly this boy had trained his pokemon well.

It was a shame Umbreon's attack was directed towards the boy, not the pokemon.

For a split second, the boy remembered his opponent sending out an Umbreon, and the next ... nothing.

In the eyes of Blue, the world was turning about him, his enemy was too blurry to make out. And so he only began to assume what he had been earlier, only now to a much larger extent.

"Just like ... a Rocket ... I know that you're after ... you're after ..." He could feel his mind throbbing, as if it was about to explode. Where was he? Who was he!? All simple questions were too hard for his mind to handle. Bright flashes everywhere; he began to scream from the torment.

"Jolt jolt jolt!" Blue's Jolteon was deeply concerned to see it's master wailing as he was. Ever since it was an Eevee, it was disciplined strictly to the core. It had never needed to improvise in a battle, ever.

But the
Pokémon took a hard look over to the Umbreon that attacked it's master. Jolteon growled under its breath.

"EON!" The Electric-type screamed, as it began to perform an unorganized Quick Attack at the opposing Eevee evolution.

For a split second, the boy remembered his opponent sending out an Umbreon, and the next ... nothing.​

In the eyes of Blue, the world was turning about him, his enemy was too blurry to make out. And so he only began to assume what he had been earlier, only now to a much larger extent.​

"Just like ... a Rocket ... I know that you're after ... you're after ..." He could feel his mind throbbing, as if it was about to explode. Where was he? Who was he!? All simple questions were too hard for his mind to handle. Bright flashes everywhere; he began to scream from the torment.

"Jolt jolt jolt!" Blue's Jolteon was deeply concerned to see it's master wailing as he was. Ever since it was an Eevee, it was disciplined strictly to the core. It had never needed to improvise in a battle, ever.

But the
Pokémon took a hard look over to the Umbreon that attacked it's master. Jolteon growled under its breath.

"EON!" The Electric-type screamed, as it began to perform an unorganized Quick Attack at the opposing Eevee evolution.
Umbreon easily evaded the sloppy assualt but DID, however, recieve a slight scratch. This young man had indeed taught his pokemon well.

"Umbreon, Bite, then leap away," Black commanded and his pokemon obeyed accordingly.

"I'm not sure what has possessed you to believe that I am an agent of those fools, Team Rocket. I've only met their leader once but have never directly worked for the man. I am a man on a mission of my own design. Master of my OWN destiny."

After popping a berry into its mouth, Blaziken leaped up and charged at the confused young man. It lifted its firey leg, preparing a powerful Double Kick.
Houndour flips in mid air as he strikes the tree the damage easily taken in stride as he rols to his feet and the tree bursts into flames around him. His teeth barred as he snarls. Dou dour.....

Good hit Shadow, now lets do it again give him a crunch attack NOW!!!

As I shift my stance watching closer to the burning tree then most would choose to be. The sweat beading on my forehead and dripping along my jaw as I stand there.

Houndour rushed forward dipping through some scrub as he came out to Typhlosions left his jaws closing onto it's chest. The sheer force taking them both to the ground as he bit down a crack being heard as his attack found full purchase. He was still relatively young but his opponent was tired and it was obvious if he wasn't this battle would have been very different.

"Ah! Ty us Fire Punch!"

Typhlosion's hand was engulfed in a strong flame. WHAM!! He hit the Houndour in the side. Sending the little beast flying. But he recovered landing on all fours ready for the next attack. Jinn hated to admit it but with his Poke'mon in the shape they where in he knew it wasn't going to turn out good.

"Hang in there buddy! Brace yourself!"

Umbreon easily evaded the sloppy assualt but DID, however, recieve a slight scratch. This young man had indeed taught his pokemon well.

"Umbreon, Bite, then leap away," Black commanded and his pokemon obeyed accordingly.

"I'm not sure what has possessed you to believe that I am an agent of those fools, Team Rocket. I've only met their leader once but have never directly worked for the man. I am a man on a mission of my own design. Master of my OWN destiny."

After popping a berry into its mouth, Blaziken leaped up and charged at the confused young man. It lifted its firey leg, preparing a powerful Double Kick.

The confused trainer took a massive beating to the chest from the Blaziken. The pain, the confusion ... his body began to go into overdrive. It was las if a switch was hit inside him.

As the Pokémon stood over Blue, he grabbed out a Great ball from his side

The Rock Skin
Pokémon appeared abruptly, creating a spiraling tornado of sand around him. With the Fire-type distracted, the former League Champion looked over to his Jolteon and the enemy's Umbreon.

"Time to show why you're the superior Eevee evolution Jolt'. Pin Missle!" The Electric Pokémon shot some of it's pointy spines at the Umbreon. The Bug-type attack would be super effective against the Dark-type.

"You can throw all the cheap shots you want, but it'll do you no good."
"Ah! Ty us Fire Punch!"

Typhlosion's hand was engulfed in a strong flame. WHAM!! He hit the Houndour in the side. Sending the little beast flying. But he recovered landing on all fours ready for the next attack. Jinn hated to admit it but with his Poke'mon in the shape they where in he knew it wasn't going to turn out good.

"Hang in there buddy! Brace yourself!"

Houndour rolled with the force of the punch, once he hit the ground. Rolling swiftly to his feet his head went back stretching his neck. A ghostly sound eminating from his mouth as he let out a howl that could curdle the blood.

That was good houndour stay on your guard. Give him another crunch attack now!!

Houndour rounded on Typhlosion rushing at him again dipping along the ground making himself look smaller as his jaws opened. He hit Typhlosion in the chest again this time the attack driving him to the ground. The force of the blow driving Typhlosion into the round so hard he was partially forced into it as ripples seemed to run out from under him. Houndour releasing his grip and rolling to stand on the otherside of Typhlosion waiting for him to rise.
Vincent Rivers - Pokémon Aide Extraordinaire

Within the next 35 minutes, Vincent's older brother Seth is already at his destination. Professor Campbell is just a few miles off the East coast of Seafoam Islands, whereas Vincent is West and Seth is South of it. There have been multiple sitings of the strange anomalies, but the most frequent seem to be those 3 regions. Some stretch only a few meters away from where each person looks, while other areas sighted with anomalies are miles from one of their locations.

Vincent finds himself without luck, and goes further and further West as his data readings show him a unique trail of
anomalies, just a few miles away from the coast of Cinnabar Island. He wears one of his brother's Pokéball belts, with his left hand ever so ready to unleash the Torkoal Professor Campbell gave him should he encounter any "icy endeavors" he will surely have to evade and escape.

"Dang, nothing. The readings...the signals are barely even strong anymore. No way Articuno is or was near this part of the island for at least the last 45 minutes I'm guessing. Hmm..."

After about 25 minutes of roaming Cinnabar Island's East Coast, Vincent goes inland to travel across the island, an easier route to its Northern and Western Coasts.

Just South of Seafoam Islands, Vincent's brother Seth searches, finally getting a hand of the devices at his disposal as he rides his Walrein around the sighted anomaly locations. His Golduck is somewhere around the general area, with a camera on its neck should it find anything unusual and pertaning to these anomalies

"Man...this is boring as hell. Vincent doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. What do you think, Walrein?"

Seth's Walrein just looks up at him for a moment, and just yawns.

"Yea, I know what you mean. I'm tired too. And the fact of how boring this science experiment is sure as hell isn't helping. Wanna head back into town and see if Mom's finished dinner?"

His Walrein nods in compliance, and Seth starts to rub his stomach.

"I feel you, Walrein. Now, let's go find Golduck."

Seth Walrein turns its direction, swimming towards where it last recalled Golduck heading towards.

On Cinnabar Island, Vincent stops by a small cafe in town. He isn't exactly taking a break...more like trying to find the exact locations of the other readings of the anomalies on the Northern and Western Coast. He only hopes that his brother and Professor Campbell are having better luck than he is.

The confused trainer took a massive beating to the chest from the Blaziken. The pain, the confusion ... his body began to go into overdrive. It was las if a switch was hit inside him.

As the Pokémon stood over Blue, he grabbed out a Great ball from his side

The Rock Skin
Pokémon appeared abruptly, creating a spiraling tornado of sand around him. With the Fire-type distracted, the former League Champion looked over to his Jolteon and the enemy's Umbreon.

"Time to show why you're the superior Eevee evolution Jolt'. Pin Missle!" The Electric Pokémon shot some of it's pointy spines at the Umbreon. The Bug-type attack would be super effective against the Dark-type.

"You can throw all the cheap shots you want, but it'll do you no good."
Umbreon managed to leap away from several of the projectiles, but a few hit their mark. The creature cried out in pain.

"Umbreon, recover."

A strange glow appeared around Umbreon and the pokemon seemed fairly back to normal strength. But Black was running out of Pokemon as well as options. Suddenly, he was hit in the side of his left arm by a small projectile. A bullet! He turned to see a several police officers commanded by a female officer with blue hair. Black recognized this woman as one of the various Officer Jenny's that seemed to be stationed all over the place.

"Black, you are under arrest! Call back your pokemon and put your hands on the ground, now!"

Black sneered and pulled an Ultra Ball from his belt.

"Blaziken," he began as he threw the ball.

Officer Jenny noticed something a bit... Odd about the ball. By this time, the sandstorm had subsided and she could see a trainer and a larvitar standing a few feet from the criminal she had come to apprehend. She'd have to thank that young man later. Suddenly, the ball reached Blaziken and the creature kicked it, sending the projectile hurtling towards the young trainer. That's when Jenny realized that it was not an Ultra Ball at all...
It was a bomb.

"LOOK OUT!" she cried as she leaped in front of the boy in an attempt to shield him from the pending explosion.

The bomb hit her square in the chest and, sure enough, exploded with enough force to tear the young police-woman to pieces.
In all the confusion, Black had called back all his Pokemon and was now well away from the scene.

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