The Dark Knight The Rachel Dawes thread

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I understand your point. I'm just a little desperate because every single one of these comic book movies have not featured a strong, respectable woman. Please if ther are let me know. Rachel is the only one that comes sort of close to a strong female presence. But even she has been turned into nothing more than a catalyst. It just dissapoints me that, for some reason, there cannot be a female character that is more than the love interest and a catalyst.

Except maybe in Grindhouse (I know that's not a comic book movie).
You're right. In the case of this movie, Maggie made a poor choice by completely redefining an already established character, but your point is well taken.

Sadly, lets look at the source material...comic books feature very few women that are anything more than window dressing. Its a shame. I look at Mary jane as a great example. Her super powered husband gets violent with her, and she forgets it ever happens...she loses her baby...and makes no mention of it again. You didnt have to write a story where Peter makes a deal with mephisto that ends his marriage, you could have just written mary jane as a real human being and she might have left him...

Even so called "strong" women in comics are more boobs than brains.

This is a problem with our movie adaptations and the medium itself.

I would love a Strangers In Paradise movie, which is full of strong women. Or a respectable Wonder Woman film.

More than anything, I would like for the comics themselves to show women as human beings, since I care more about the medium than the movie adaptations of the product.
Regarding the "Jim Gordon, he's a friend. Try to be nice" line. It wasn't the line that bothered me, but the delivery. In context with the way she speaks throughout the rest of the movie, I would dump a girl long before she had a chance to dump me.

I have said it before (in this very thread) that that is one line that took me out of the movie, so I'll give you that.

Regarding her standing up to The Joker, I'm not surprised that she did, she spent the entire movie standing up to everyone, even when they werent being combative at all. I cant see how you can watch the movie and not see that she takes on most of her conversations with an "Im in charge of this" attitude.

I don't see it like that, really. And that's not too different from BB Rachel. In fact, I'd say BB Rachel was way more combative, especially with Bruce. What do you mean by combative, anyway? She's sure of herself. But she probably needs to be in order to survive as an assistant DA in a place like Gotham. Just like BB Rachel.

Regarding her knowing the case...I actually believe she says "briefs", as in court briefs...thats really just which one of us heard the wrong word, and not worth debating.

OK :hehe:

I've already laid this out...but Maggies Rachel takes virtually every scene she is in and attempts to argue with those around her, or in some way manipulate them, including when her best friend gave a public speech praising her boyfriend.

But my complaint isn't that she does it, it's that that isnt how the character was established.

See below.

I will say that there are a few points in begins where it can be argued that Katies rachel acted like maggies. That being when she slapped Bruce, when she stood up to the bad guys at the end, and when she told Bruce off about it being what he does that defines him. She wants to help save Gotham, but her actions (and Katies portrayal) show a girl that is pretty sure that she isnt capable of doing it. Katie may very well be a horrible actress, but it fits the character because the character is unsure of herself when she says what she thinks should be said.

I disagree. I think BB Rachel is very self assured. Probably more than she should be, considering how f**** Gotham was during BB. She questions people, "takes charge" as you put it, of situations in which she probably shouldn't (the whole Arkham Asylum sequence) and is way more scolding of Bruce than TDK Rachel, but she means well. established prior to the start of The Dark Knight:

She dates every boss she has in the films. Why? Because she subconsciously needs that power. She wants to be that strong, but isnt.

OK. I think you're reaching there. There could be a number of reasons why she dated Finch at some point (even though BB doesn't really clarifies this. She says "We've been through all that" but that could mean anything. That could mean he has the hots for her but she's already told him she's not interested and he should drop it).

And dating Harvey is a covenient thing for the Nolans to ultimately use against Dent and Bruce.

Has an inferiority complex. She is well established as being a talented member of the department, yet when the DA position comes available, and she seems to be the person to inheret the job, she doesnt even try to get it. She simply endorses another person. She knows that she isnt talented enough or strong willed enough to handle the job. Thats what people do when they subconsciously feel that they arent good enough for a promotion.

None of this is ever even hinted at. Like I said, she always comes off as being a rather strong woman. Obviously the Nolans wanted Dent to be the DA in TDK. As should be. They would not have made her the DA. It's just a plot thing.

Acts tough, but isnt. She slaps Bruce in the car, she stands up to the crooks at the end of Begins. However, in both cases, we all felt that the character was just going through the motions...and in fact, she is. She knows she isnt that strong. We get that in the portrayal, yet many here dismiss that as bad acting (when in fact it is showing levels of a character without even speaking).

Sure, she cries after she slaps Bruce, but that has more to do with her feelings towards him. And I always felt that it wasn't the bad acting in particular, but the fact that Homes looked way out of place in Nolan's universe. I thought she did well enough, myself.

She has very conflicted feelings for Bruce, and cant quite sort them out.

Overall, up until the moment TDK starts, the character is basically a little girl playing a grown ups game, and is well aware that is out of her league. This is even evident in Maggies campaign virals.

Well, I didn't follow the virals...Oh, and if BB Rachel looked like a little girl playing a grown up game...Maybe it's because she looked like one? The script has her being 2 years older than Bale, yet Holmes could've played his younger sister.

Now...lets start TDK:

Maggie mouths off about how well she knows the case. Well, she should know the case...shes still an ASSISTANT who does a lot of the drudge work. Whats with the attitude? If you were good enough to be DA, then you would be.

Or maybe the Nolans would rather have Gotham's White Knight be the actual DA. As should be. One other thing. This scene reminded me terribly of Katie Holmes. But without the Holmeness, if you know what I mean.

Maggie mouths off about how to treat Gordon. What was with that delivery? Gordon isnt a friend...he's one of the few allies you have on earth. Instead of the delivery conveying that, it instead talks down to harvey like a child.

I agree. The delivery was off. But you could argue that Gordon is a friend. We don't really know what has been going on between the movies. So if she says he's a friend, he's a friend.

She talked tough to Lau, but went to Harvey for backup. This is actually what katie would have done, except the delivery of the lines is not in keeping with the character. For all that tough talk, she didnt think of RICO (and I did and know virtually nothing about law).

She wasn't particularly though. Just self assured, as Rachel has always been. The RICO thing was probably the way Nolan showed that Harvey and Rachel work together and "complement each other."

When eating dinner with harvey and Bruce...she did what katie would have done...she kept her mouth shut and let the two talented people talk. This was due to the script, and Maggie had little effect over the scene. She ven became subservient to the prima ballerina, for what reasons? Its obvious why Katies character would...but its completely out of character for Maggies...this scene flies in the face of Maggies portrayal.

She kept mostly silent because it was a touchy subject for her. Maybe she didn't feel like being hypocritical (like Wayne has to be in order to protect his identity) and saying that Batman should be put in Arkham. On the one hand, she respects what Bruce is doing for the city, on the other, she more or less disapproves of Batman for personal reasons (Bruce's well being, I'd assume) and ethical reasons.

She argues with Bruce over the fact that he praised harvey. Um, he praised your boyfriend and raised millions of dollars for his next campaign. Shut up!

Sure, but there is a degree of mockery there. During the dinner scene Bruce seems to subtly mock Dent over the ballet thing ("so, you're into ballet?) and even though it's the facade Bruce doing it, you know there's some truth to it. Bruce is obviously jealous of Dent having Rachel. Dent is what Bruce wants to be, but can never be, and why he can never be with Rachel. And we know he loves Rachel.

Her answer for Harvey is "no answer". This comes off as does her later manipulation of Bruce. She was angry when he says hes going to turn himself in, then shes angry when he doesnt. She goes to harvey and starts complaining to him about his decision. There is a good long stretch in the movie where she does nothing but complain about not having her way, even contradicting herself in the process. This is mostly due to her delievery.

She has no answer because she loves Bruce. She can't committ to Harvey yet. Up to that point, she still believes Bruce will stop being Batman at some point (as does Bruce).

She's not angry, but concerned, when Bruce says he will turn himself in. Do you think she would be happy if her best friend went to jail? No, of course not. Plus she realizes that it's not gonna solve anything in the long run. She's actually angry at Bruce later, when he lets Dent go to jail, instead of stepping up and admitting he was The Batman. I don't see the problem here. She tries to talk Harvey out of it because again she believes nothing good will come of it (as we soon see) Again, I don't see what the big deal is. She was perfectly reasonable.

Even during the scene where her and Harvey are trapped...she takes control and starts telling Harvey what to do. Um...hows that work out for her?

Um, she wants to HELP him. She says "talk me through what's going on with you" so they can find a way out of it together.

In most cases I dont think that Rachel is written too terribly different from how Katie established the character, but the delivery of the lines completely altered the character. Katies rachel has unspoken depth, whereas Maggies Rachel has no depth, because all of her lines and actions are delivered in a very one dimensional way. Katie Holmes is not a good actress, but I feel that given the exact same script, she would have given the character the nuassance of being unsure of herself, where maggies rachel is completely sure of herself, even when she changes her opinion on a dime.

I don't find the character drastically different. With that said, BB Rachel is more of a character than TDK Rachel is.
Well, yeah. I suppose thats the point. I am by no means defending the incredible artistry that is Katie Holmes acting skill. I do think that throughout Begins, each time she steps up to the plate, she has an aura of "I shouldnt be the one doing this, I'm not good enough". A lot of your responses deal with "because Nolans script wanted Harvey in that position". Well, yeah...but in order for Harvey to be in that position we have to assume a few things about Rachel, one of them being that she was either told by the city bigwigs that they wouldnt support her candidacy because she wasnt good enoough, or that she herself knew that harvey would be better at the job. Every time Ive watched Begins its clear to me that Rachel is trying to convince herself as well as everyone around her that shes a big girl. In TDK, she doesnt bother with any of that and is just completely sure of herself.

And from what we gathered in Begins, Rachel and her former DA did have some sort of prior relationship. She kissed him on the cheek, which is not something i do with my female employees.

There are cetainly times when BB rachel takes charge...but yes...she means TDK rachel takes charge of every situation...well...just because she wants to be in charge. I think that Katies unsure-of-herself delivery would have toned down a lot of the hamminess of the role.
Anyone else find themselves watching Batman Begins trying to imagine what it would've been like with Gylenhall as Rachel?

Or watch TDK and imagine what it would've been like with Katie Holmes? lol
I thought katie was good as far as her acting in BB. Maggie was different yet also good in what she did.
Well, Maggie was better, but Rachel can be pretty unlikable at times, and then other times pretty rootable. Of course her scenes with Lau and The joker I really liked her, but the scene where Bruce was toasting harvey, she was definately on the wrong side. You know this man your whole damn life, and you can't tell he's being sincere? She sent very mixed signals, but I guess that made her a little more interesting than the old fashioned damsel in distress.
Well, yeah. I suppose thats the point. I am by no means defending the incredible artistry that is Katie Holmes acting skill.

That made me laugh.

But I think in the end, we can complain about the actors but in reality, I think the writing of this character is lacking. I do think they tried to make her into a woman with a spine but in terms of character development they didn't give Maggie or Katie much to work with. I find this with a lot of female characters these days. Writers try to make them seem smart, sexy, and strong but in the end they are used for nothing more than a love interest. In no way does the character move the plot forward and in fact the character hardly has an arc in the first place. She's the same in the beginning as she is in the end. No change. And that makes for a boring character.
I am one of the few who liked Mary Jane in the Spidey movies. To me, that chupacabra that played her made her seem very real, with all the selfishness and poor judgement that goes with it. But I agree for the most part. Even in The Dark Knight, Gordon, Joker, Batman and Dent all felt like "the star" of the movie at some point...but never Rachel.
But my complaint isn't that she does it, it's that that isnt how the character was established.

But...isn't it concievable that after having her boss murdered, surviving an assassination attempt on herself, fighting off psychos who intended to do the most grievous things to her during a city wide riot, being almost killed by an overdose of fear gas, finding out that your oldest best friend who returns from being presumed dead for many years is a masked vigilante, and having to break off their budding romance because she realizes she can not handle that.....that she might act a little differently than she did in the first movie?
I get the feeling that there are a lot of Dawson's Creek fans in here
Chupacabra? HA!

I don't have a problem with Mary Jane because the movie wasn't really an ensemble piece and therefore she didn't have to be the definitive strong female character of comic book characters. The Dark Knight is very much an ensemble piece and with that comes a certain responsibility to flesh out the characters so that they all at least contribute to the movement of the storyline. Rachel did "contribute" but only for the sake of Batman and Dent's story arcs and not her own (not to mention she had no control over her situation). The only real conflict they gave her was Bruce or Harvey and it was pretty clear who she would eventually choose.

I just wish they would give female characters something to DO other than to be conflicted with relationships. Gotham's soul was at stake here and that's all they could come up with for the only predominate female character in this series.

I'm not ripping the movie, I LOVED it, and it's not the only movie with this flaw. I just get mad because of all the progress we've made we still can't get a decent character that's more than just a love interest.
But...isn't it concievable that after having her boss murdered, surviving an assassination attempt on herself, fighting off psychos who intended to do the most grievous things to her during a city wide riot, being almost killed by an overdose of fear gas, finding out that your oldest best friend who returns from being presumed dead for many years is a masked vigilante, and having to break off their budding romance because she realizes she can not handle that.....that she might act a little differently than she did in the first movie?

Maybe...who knows? My assumption would be that it would amplify her insecurities, and if you believe that the amplification would include her trying harder to overcompensate and being more forceful than before...well...thats pretty valid. My opinion would be that if that were the case then she would have some sort of bitterness against Harvey, because "Darn it! I deserve that DA job and no one would back me!" but that seems to instead have been switched to dating him, to somehow have his power by association, while hardening her stance with Batman/Bruce.

Makes plenty of since, and its possible a human being would react that way.
I get the feeling that there are a lot of Dawson's Creek fans in here

Im probably "defending" Katie Holmes as much as anybody...and Ive never seen Dawson's Creek.
well, you offense to chupacabras everywhere...
Heretic, are you actually saying that Maggie should have imitated Katie Holmes? That is the last thing she should have done. It a good thing she made the character her own.
Heretic, are you actually saying that Maggie should have imitated Katie Holmes? That is the last thing she should have done. It a good thing she made the character her own.

I'm saying that, like them or not, Katie Holmes gave the character of Rachel Dawes certain qualities...and those qualities should have been adhered to.

The Dark Knight takes place in the same world as Batman Begins, apparently only a short time later (though Gordons son sure aged quick). I believe that since this is supposed to be the same character as from Begins, then she should have the same traits.

People are saying that drafting a new character and just tossing aside what was done before with that character is perfectly acceptable, and even preferred...but just try that with any other character in any other movie and people would be up in arms. What if in part 3 Bruce Wayne is suddenly a wise-cracking "Hey Freeze, I'm Batman" type character? What? Its okay to throw away a characters history if its good changes, but bad if you dont like them? Maggie had a set of cards, and instead of playing with what she was dealt, she reached into her sleeve and grabbed new cards. That does more than deny katies Holmes performance, it denies the entire last movie. As far as I'm concerned, Batman Begins "happened" and you cant "un-happen" something, so maggie should have evolved the character without completely altering who she is.
yea but bruv isn't it possible that rachel has evolved from her experiances in begins? surely going through the sorta **** that she went through would change her personality slightly?
haha yea cheerz geeze. wanted to try summin different!!:woot:

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I'm saying that, like them or not, Katie Holmes gave the character of Rachel Dawes certain qualities...and those qualities should have been adhered to.

The Dark Knight takes place in the same world as Batman Begins, apparently only a short time later (though Gordons son sure aged quick). I believe that since this is supposed to be the same character as from Begins, then she should have the same traits.

People are saying that drafting a new character and just tossing aside what was done before with that character is perfectly acceptable, and even preferred...but just try that with any other character in any other movie and people would be up in arms. What if in part 3 Bruce Wayne is suddenly a wise-cracking "Hey Freeze, I'm Batman" type character? What? Its okay to throw away a characters history if its good changes, but bad if you dont like them? Maggie had a set of cards, and instead of playing with what she was dealt, she reached into her sleeve and grabbed new cards. That does more than deny katies Holmes performance, it denies the entire last movie. As far as I'm concerned, Batman Begins "happened" and you cant "un-happen" something, so maggie should have evolved the character without completely altering who she is.
All these traits Katie had was the reason why her performance was so bad. Maggie makes it believable that its the same character. She looks pretty much the same, but she does what Katie tried or wanted to do but failed. Which is being believable.

Robert De Niro did Vito Corleone NOTHING like Brando did. He did the character his own, he didnt imitate Brando, and I admire him because of that. And therefor and partly for that reason, his performance was praised. If he imitaded Brando he wouldnt end up with the Academy Award.
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